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Haute Couture summer 2023

Haute Couture summer 2023


Age goals! She’s 76 👏👏👏

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My name is Quilla Long, the sister of Shanquella Robinson. My beautiful sister … Quilla Long needs your support for Shanquella Robinson Family


Arm liposuction shown



Not sure what to buy or wear right after your mommy makeover, breast lift, augmentation, breast reduction or arm lift? Don't risk messing up your results! In...

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Spice says she suffered a ruptured hernia, sepsis

Dancehall Queen Spice broke her silence about her illness a short while ago in an Instagram post. Going into details, the Queen of the Dancehall told her 'Besties', as her fans are called, that she suffered a ruptured hernia and that her body went...

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"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."
—Tupac Shakur

You know you're doing something right when it's hard to tell the difference between dreams and reality ✨

Featuring the beautiful , I absolutely love how your photos came out ❤️

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In a world of normalised filters, cosmetic surgery and beauty tweaks, “beauty overstimulation” is now a thing. But what’s it doing to our brains?


We can’t get enough of these amazing underwater portraits. What an amazing way to celebrate a new body and beginning!

The recent death of a NYC Doll RIP Dr. Cabral.  Dominican Republic

The recent death of a NYC Doll RIP
Dr. Cabral. Dominican Republic

Tandra Bowser-Williams promised her husband he would love the results of her procedure before she jetted off to Santo Domingo to go under the knife on May 13.


For some patients, getting a BBL isn't about keeping up with the latest trend. But, as others realized after their procedures, shelling out for a curvier silhouette can be complicated.

Walking straight after a tummy tuck and recovery Dr Williams explains

Walking straight after a tummy tuck and recovery

Dr Williams explains

After a tummy tuck standing up can be a challenge, and that is a normal part of the recovery process. In this video, Dr. William goes in-depth in how a tumm...


Having reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery is a big decision.


Provided to YouTube by TSNMI / Atlantic Intro · Kehlani SweetSexySavage ℗ 2017 TSNMI / Atlantic Recording Corporation Auto-generated by YouTube.

Understanding Pre Surgery Anxiety The feeling of anxiety before going to surgery, also known as preoperative or preopera...

Understanding Pre Surgery Anxiety

The feeling of anxiety before going to surgery, also known as preoperative or preoperational anxiety, is extremely common. Patients who know they will have surgery will start to experience it. Anxiety before surgery is essentially described as unpleasant stress, uneasiness, or tension that results from the fears and doubts.

Causes in Fear of Plastic Surgery

There are many reasons someone may be scared of surgery. The most common reasons are:

* Fear of the unknown
* Worrying about the surgery not producing the wanted results
* Fear of the anesthetic
* Losing personal identity
* Having to recover around strangers or not in your home
* Losing control
* Pain
* Not being able to recover fast enough
* Being in an unfamiliar environment
* Death

It is perfectly normal to experience a degree of surgery anxiety. The intensity of this fear will depend on a range of factors, including:

* The experiences people have had in hospitals in the past
* Their demographic background
* Their personal psychology
* Their gender

Levels of Anxiety before Surgery

According to specialists, everyone experiences a degree of anxiety before going into surgery. However, there are three separate levels of that anxiety according doctors:

1. Low level, which happens in those people who are inclined to ignore any signs of impending danger. This can be anyone from the eternal optimist to someone with a schizoid personality disorder.

2. Moderate anxiety, which is seen in people who tend to respond directly to any information they are given. This means that the information provided about the potential complications of surgery is likely to make them scared of surgery, but this can rapidly be resolved by providing them with information on the rarity of these complications occurring.

3. High anxiety, found in people who have a neurotic predisposition or those who have an almost irrational fear of surgery and bodily harm.

Pre Surgery Anxiety and its Impact

Being afraid of going into surgery has an impact on people in a variety of different ways. These include:

1. Psychological effects, including cognitive and behavioral changes such as aggression, nervousness, apprehension, and tension. Sometimes, this makes the patient finding it impossible to follow instructions and others becoming so aggressive that they may pose a danger to others.

2. Physical effects, which include things such as heightened senses, nervous diarrhea before surgery, a fever, hypertension, and tachycardia. Peripheral vasoconstriction is also common.

Behavioral Strategies

In the past, patients would simply be provided with pre surgery anxiety medication for their anxiety. Today, it is known that other techniques are far more appropriate. It is important that surgeons and patients work together to determine how nervous patients are, what they experience as a result of that, and how to resolve the problems.
For example, pre surgery anxiety medication could be beneficial for those who experience an irregular heartbeat as a result of their fear. Those who experience nervous diarrhea before surgery may need to take electrolytes to retain their strength.

Patients often don’t admit just how nervous they feel. This means physicians have to become more adept at recognizing the signs and symptoms of anxiety. Symptoms include appearing almost too calm and relaxed, which could be seen in someone who experiences low level anxiety.

Effects of Anxiety on Surgery

Anxiety is a natural response and should therefore not be completely ignored either. When patients experience it before surgery, it can help them prepare and have realistic expectations. True, the right amount of anxiety can help psychologically prepare someone for the experience of pain.

Too much, and they will become over-sensitive to it and the experience will be far less pleasant and even increase future anxiety. Research has shown that highly anxious individuals are more likely to experience postoperative pain, prolonged hospital stays, and greater requirements for pain medication.

Tips to Stay Calm Before Surgery

There are numerous things that you can do in order to remain calm, and experience a healthy level of anxiety before a surgery.

1. Develop trust in your medical team.
If you want to reduce your overall fear and anxiety, it is hugely important that you trust the practitioners involved in your care. Trust and anxiety are opposites. If you feel that you can trust your nurses and doctors who are trying to help you, then you will immediately start to feel in control again.
By knowing beforehand that you have this trust, you will enter the situation more put together and in control as well. Trusting your medical team comes down to looking into their credentials, having pre-operative consultations, and simply accepting that they are trained to do their job.

2. Trust yourself and the process. When you feel anxious, you become fearful of others. Psychologically speaking, this actually translates into paranoia against yourself. You need to trust the fact that you know your own body and that you can listen to it and understand what it needs. Based on the messages that your body sends you, you are capable of making decisions and you must trust in your ability to do so. You should trust in the fact that the decisions you make today will give you the greatest chance of recovering as well. You must look after your body as well by eating properly, following the guidelines from your physicians, give yourself positive affirmations, thanking yourself for the decisions you have made. Guided imagery, were you visualize yourself recovered and doing well after surgery, and look great can be of benefit.

3. Allow yourself to help yourself. By requesting plastic surgery, you have accepted that you want to correct something about your body . Meditation, for instance, is a really good way to help you with the anxiety; positive affirmations and visualization techniques are really good. You should also allow yourself to do other things that give you more trust and belief in yourself. That could be anything from sitting by the beach and watching the waves, to painting a picture or going for a long walk, to cleaning your house or volunteering.

4. Educate yourself. Once you know what you want to correct with your body, you should research it properly. This can help you to overcome the fear of the surgery, the hospital, and the surgery itself. At the same time, be aware of the fact that doing research about your medical condition can also increase anxiety.

A Google search for what could go wrong, for instance, will list a wealth of possibilities that you would rather not have known about. This is why you should only use trusted sources and why you should also get to know yourself. If you have a tendency to think the worst of any given situation, then it is perhaps best not to do any research other than read the information that your physician gives you.

5. Plan properly in advance. Have a plan in place for after your surgery. This means that you keep your mind occupied on the healing process even before it has begun.
Find out what will be expected of you, who will help you, what they will have to do, how long your recovery will take, what you can do to fill your days during recovery, what to do about work and childcare, and so on. You need to make sure that everything is ready for you to focus all your energy on healing itself.

6. Listen to all the preoperative tips and instructions provided by your physician. Keeping your mind occupied is very important and even simple tasks can do that for you. Creating a to do list, based on the information provided to you by your physician, is a great way to keep occupied. When you are busy doing constructive and important things, you don’t have the time to give in to your anxiety and fear. Your physician should have provided you with information in terms of what to expect from your surgery, what you should do before it, what to expect during, and what to do afterwards.

Make sure that you get things ready, including your hospital bag. Set up a recovery room and make sure you will be able to move around in there with ease. Look at the little details such as healthy snacks, your telephone charger, water bottle, remote control, tissue, and so on.

7. Distract yourself. Sometimes, the simplest thing is to simply distract yourself from what is going on. If you feel yourself getting anxious, pick up a book or a puzzle, switch on the television, go for a walk, or do anything that puts your mind elsewhere. It will stop you from getting anxious

8. Play or listen to music. Music is a powerful healer and relaxant, which has been proven by numerous studies. In fact, listening to music just before surgery will make you far less anxious, not in the least because it will distract you and make you feel relaxed. Your personal taste in music will determine what type of music you need to listen to. Have a device with a playlist available that includes all the music that you like. Make sure that the device is properly charged and that you either have enough mobile data to listen to it, or that you have downloaded the music to listen offline.

9. Get access to professional support. If you know that you are an anxious person, tell your physician about this. He or she could put you in touch with volunteers, social workers, counselors, and others who are able to help and support you before your surgery. There are many different types of professional supporters available, ranging from psychiatrists to companions, and you need to make sure that you get the right one for you. Do make sure, therefore, that you also explain what you are anxious about. There is a lot of difference between being afraid of being in a hospital and being afraid of going under anesthesia, for instance.

10. Make use of relaxation techniques.
There are lots of good relaxation techniques you can use. Muscle relaxations, breathing exercises, meditations, are all excellent techniques. You can take part in classes before your surgery, or you can use YouTube videos or other pre-recorded courses to learn how to do it. Best of all, you can use these techniques whenever you start to feel anxious, and equally just before your surgery and in fact right up to the moment when you go under anesthesia.

11. Use alternative therapies.
You can also try various holistic and alternative therapies. For example , you can use hypnosis, aromatherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture, massages, and so on. Sometimes, hospitals can even offer these types of treatment to you. Most of the time, however, your insurance will not cover this, except in exceptional circumstances.

12. Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, you may feel that you need to smoke ci******es to help you relax. That is because, whenever the body craves ci******es, it feels stressed. It is certainly true that a cigarette will calm your nerves down, but it will only do that in the short term. The problem with smoking is that it significantly increases the chances of having complications during your recovery. Additionally, it makes the healing of your wounds much slower and increases the chance of the wounds becoming infected. If you know you will have surgery and you smoke, ask to be put forward for ni****ne replacement therapy so that you can stop smoking before you have the surgery, thereby reducing your chances of having complications.

13. Have compassionate support available.
During your recovery, your caregiver should know what you have just gone through and understand that you are likely to have been very anxious before your procedure, which you may still be feeling afterwards. Make sure they are aware of this and compassionate of your feelings. Do also tell them how they can help you, if you know and have clear communication.

14. When you return home after surgery have your home in order.
You should make sure that your home is ready to receive you when you . Find out how much time you will need to just rest and continue to recover in your home. You probably don’t want to have guests straightaway, no matter how good their intentions are. If you know beforehand that you won’t disturbed during your recovery, that is one less thing to feel anxious about.

15. Create a support system.
You need to build a support system as well. Make sure that it is made up of people whom you trust and like, and whom you know you can count on. Tell them about your anxiety and that you need someone to make you feel better every once in a while. Again, knowing that you will not be ridiculed or made to feel bad before or after your surgery for your anxiety is often enough to help you feel slightly better.

16. Join a support group.
There are lots of really good support groups out there waiting to welcome you. The reality is that you are not the first person to have experienced this type of anxiety, nor will you be the last one. And once your surgery is over, you will wonder what it was that you were feeling so bad about.

17. Try anxiety reducing herbs.
Ashwagandha and L-Theanine are two excellent anti-anxiety herbs that can be purchased online and from various health stores. Many people have used these to help them relax before surgery and generally calm their nerves.

- Dr. Helen Smith, Phd, Contributor Snatched V***n Magazine

5 tips for patients traveling for cosmetic surgeryIf you are considering international travel for your cosmetic procedur...

5 tips for patients traveling for cosmetic surgery

If you are considering international travel for your cosmetic procedure, we have some valuable tips to help maintain great results and ensure a good recovery.

1. Remain hydrated as you travel

Before you travel from your home country, you need to assess your hydration. Make sure you are well hydrated before you make the journey and during your cosmetic surgery procedure. This is equally as important as you make your journey home too.
Drinking water will help flush your system and aid the healing process including reducing swelling and discomfort.

2. Invest in a BBL pillow
If you’re undergoing a Brazilian Butt Lift, it’s important you purchase a BBL pillow before your treatment. This will help to take the pressure of your behind, which is especially important if you’re sitting for extended periods of time in a car or plane. During your post-operative care instructions, your medical team at will advise you on how to sit and for how long to minimise any complications.

3. Wear your compression garments

Wearing your compression garments is essential for your recovery and results regardless if you are traveling. Although they are not flattering clothing items, they help control the swelling and minimise the bruising. The compression garments are particularly important for treatments such as liposuction, BBL, Tummy Tuck, and Breast Reduction reduction.
You’ll want to wear them while travelling and for a period after your surgical procedure as advised by your doctor.

4. Purchase compression stockings
If you’re travelling a long distance and particularly by plane, you to should purchase compression stockings as part of your cosmetic surgery medical care kit. Compression stockings help reduce swelling and the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis occurring during your flight.
Compression stockings allow for optimal blood flow which makes it harder for blood clots to form. They will also help alleviate any discomfort you may experience while travelling, making your journey home much more comfortable. Compression stockings can be purchased online or at your local pharmacy.

5. Make sure you stay for the required period of time
While recovering in your own home can be more comfortable, it’s important you stay local for the advised period your doctor tells you so you can attend your follow-up appointments such as lymphatic drainage massage.

For those considering a BBL, most doctors suggest you stay for two weeks. You may be required to stay up to three weeks if you need it for optimal recovery.
For those embarking on medical travel for Liposuction your doctor may advise to stay local for two weeks.

More invasive surgical procedures such as Tummy Tuck or Breast augmentation including breast implants may require you to stay longer depending on the extent of the medical treatment and the follow-up care needed.

Other things to consider:

There are several other things you may want to consider before you commit to travelling for cosmetic surgery such as:

* Choosing appropriate accommodation
* Arranging adequate support
* Checking your health insurance cover
* Considering travel insurance (particularly relevant for those travelling from different countries)


Health and tourism departments in the Dominican Republic (DR) are said to be developing a long-term plan for medical tourism. If they have met their deadline, further details may be revealed soon. So far there is no evidence of a report being presented to politicians, meanwhile new cases of botched....

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​Liposuction is not a weight-loss method and not a treatment for obesity. Dr Terence Goh, Visiting Consultant, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital shares common misconceptions and risks of the procedure.

Brazilian Butt Lift BBLA Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the transfer of fat to help c...

Brazilian Butt Lift BBL

A Brazilian butt lift is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the transfer of fat to help create more fullness in your backside.

If you’ve heard of a Brazilian butt lift and are curious about more permanent results than exercise alone, read more about the procedure and how to find a reputable provider to make sure it’s done safely.

Brazilian Butt Lift, technically known as a gluteoplasty (a ‘BBL’) is a procedure designed to augment or modify the appearance of the buttocks, The procedure is an incredibly safe and straightforward way of adding volume and curve to a flat, unshapely or unproportioned derriere.

BBL surgery is performed under general anesthesia. We uses the lipomatic device for the quick and safe removal of fat cells, as well as for reshaping procedures. This system enables the surgeon to maneuver back and forth in small and rapid movements during the journey of the cannula in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. At the same time, it protects the blood vessels during these maneuvers.

The harvested fat is then centrifuged and enriched with stem cells and injected into the planned areas. The fat is transferred to the buttocks to create the desired shape. The amount of fat transfer depends on the patient’s wishes and the amount that we predicted during the planning process.

The small cannula ports are then closed. The patient is dressed in surgical compression garments. Patients are awakened in the postoperative suite under the supervision of the anesthesiologist and the anesthesiology nurse and once the patient is awake they are transferred to his or her room.

Ideal Candidates for Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift can be a great option for those looking to add more definition to their buttocks. People having a sufficient amount of regional fat deposits to reshape. Brazilian butt Lift operation won’t only solve the regional lipidosis problem but also provides you with the desired butt shape and size. Some edema may occur immediately after the operation. When the edema resolves, about 20% to 30% reduction in the volume and appearance of the reshaped buttock may develop. The transferred fat will undergo the same aging process as you; however, the patient is recommended to follow some instructions to maintain the amount of transferred fat.


Plastic Surgery 101:
The Beginner’s Guide

If you struggle with feeling that your body isn’t quite the way you want it to be, you’ve probably wondered about getting plastic surgery. But the process is not as simple and quick as the media makes it seem, it’s important to understand what goes into a successful plastic surgery. Here are some essential things you need to know to achieve the results you desire.

5 Essential Steps to a Fabulous Plastic Surgery “After” Photo

1. Do your homework—Google the procedures you are interested in. Clip pictures of celebrities out of magazines, etc. You can even search for plastic surgery procedures on Snapchat and YouTube to see exactly how these procedures are performed.

2. ONLY work with a board-certified plastic surgeon—Many doctors may bill themselves as plastic surgeons, but if you are going to entrust your body and your future to anyone, make sure you choose a a surgeon who has achieved and maintains the highest qualifications of training and standards in plastic surgery. Otherwise, you could suffer not only a botched plastic surgery, but potentially life-threatening infections and complications.

3. Get more than one consultation—Because plastic surgery is so personal, you need to pick a board-certified plastic surgeon that you feel comfortable with.

4. Check reviews and results—In addition to researching the procedure you’re interested in, make sure to look at online reviews for on review sites.

5. Listen to word-of-mouth recommendations—And don’t forget to talk with friends, family and others in your community who have had plastic surgery before. Ask them about their experience so you know how it works from someone who’s been there.

Once you’ve followed all of these steps to fully inform yourself, you are ready to make an intelligent, informed choice about your plastic surgery experience, which will make it far more likely that your “after” photos will be amazing.

Frequently-Requested Plastic Surgery Procedures

As part of your research process, it’s a good idea to read through the following and check the links to get a more in-depth idea of what to expect with our most common procedures:

Breast Augmentation: Where to Begin

Breast augmentation is by far the most frequently requested plastic surgery procedure in the United States, but there are a number of different ways to accomplish breast enhancement. After doing your research about the type of contours you would like to have, schedule a consultation with your surgeon to evaluate your history and discuss your needs and which options may be the best for you.

* Breast enlargement—Also called augmentation mammoplasty, your board-certified plastic surgeon uses fat or surgical implants to boost the volume and cup size of the breasts.

* Breast lift—A mastopexy lifts and tightens the tissues surrounding the breast to lift them up to a more youthful contour if they are sagging or the ni***es are too low along the chest.

* Combination breast augmentation and lift—Sometimes Dr. King might recommend both an augmentation and a lift at the same time. You will have to decide based on the discussion you have with your surgeon during your consultation.

* Types of breast implants: You can choose between shells containing a sterile saline solution, or shells filled with silicone gel. There are differences in texture and long-term aftercare that you will need to be aware of, your surgeon will discuss these with you during your consultation.

* Types of Incisions for breast augmentations— inserting breast implants for breast enlargement: under the arm (transaxillary), beneath the breast (inframammary), and around the edge of the ni**le or ar**la (ar**lar or periar**lar). Your surgeon can recommend the best choice depending on your anatomy and desired results.

The surgery itself is an outpatient procedure. Generally, after surgery, you will spend a couple of hours in recovery and then be taken home by your chaperone (This is true of all plastic surgery procedures, not just breast augmentation).

Recovery time for breast augmentation surgery varies depending on the type of incision and how well you adhere to your post-surgical recovery regimen as outlined by Your surgeon.

You should be prepared to rest and relax for about 48 hours after you go home and keep a light schedule that includes a lot of rest over the next couple of weeks. Use our helpful

Mommy Makeovers: What to Expect

Mommy Makeovers also extremely popular and encompass several different plastic surgery procedures to help moms feel fantastic about their figures, especially when diet and exercise doesn’t quite bring about the desired return to a pre-baby figure. Typically, a Mommy Makeover includes the following procedures:

* Tummy Tuck— this surgery can restore a trim tummy after diet and exercise have proven insufficient.

* Liposuction—Liposuction is often a great option for moms who have stubborn, exercise-resistant pockets of fat around the back, thighs, waist and even knees.

* Breast Lift, Augmentation or Both—Pregnancy and breastfeeding causes enormous changes to the breasts. They may enlarge wonderfully during pregnancy to prepare for feeding the baby, but after a few months of breast feeding, they can sag and droop.

Consult with your surgeon about whether a breast lift, augmentation or a combination of both might be recommended for your mommy makeover.

Body Procedures for Every Body

Regardless of which body procedure you are interested in, Your surgeon should be able to provide expert consulting and the high quality plastic surgery results you desire to give you the body of your dreams:

* Liposuction—Removes stubborn pockets of fat that cannot be reduced by diet and exercise alone.

* Tummy Tuck—Abdominoplasty achieves a tighter, flatter tummy by removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightening the abdominal muscles.

* Panniculectomy—Removal of the large, overhanging flap of skin and fat in the lower abdominal region; more extensive than a tummy tuck as it involves removing more tissue in order to create a flatter tummy.

* Arm Lift—Upper arm skin and fat can be stubborn to remove, particularly for people who have lost a lot of weight in that area. This operation removes the excess skin and fat, tightening the contours of the upper arm.

* Thigh Lift—Again, when a person loses a lot of weight, the stretched skin on the inner thighs can sag and look unappealing. Thigh lift surgeries that remove the excess skin and tighten the thigh muscles will give your legs a toned, youthful appearance.

* Body Lift—A procedure that removes and tightens the hanging, excess skin often left over for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight. This usually includes arm lifts, a tummy tuck or panniculectomy, and thigh lifts.

Face Procedures that Generate Smiles

If there is a part of your face that you’d like to improve:

* Rhinoplasty—This procedure can change the size and shape of the nose, and even improve breathing function.

* Brow Lift—This operation can smooth and refine the often furrowed look of the forehead, giving it a younger, more wakeful appearance.

* Eyelid Surgery—The area around the eyes is often the first to age, making even young people look older than they are; a surgeon can lift and shape the area around the eyes to make it look more taut, young and vibrant.

* Ear Surgery—This cosmetic procedure can correct over-large, misshapen ears, a surgeon can streamline the appearance of ears that stick out too much, pulling them in closer to the head.

* Facelift—facelift procedures can be tailored to each individual, whether they want a smoother, younger looking complexion, a tighter neck and chin, or any of the aforementioned facial improvements as well.




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