tyranny at its best
As of late there have been a number of films and TV shows on First Nations People causing cultural upset in the demographic areas of filming locations and referencing to historic content and local community members. Original Stories being modified for screen and white appreciation audiences that compromises the original story so much that its authenticity has depleted into mainstream glossy templates that pleases actors, producers and directors but leaving the community voice long time forgotten.
Any cultural outcry is quickly dismissed as “Lateral Violence” whilst the exploitation for the appreciative middle class has been so ongoing the practice is now being deemed as normal procedure.
The cultural upsets breach the funding bodies and TV stations cultural protocols for Arts Practices yet with the breaching continuing to occur under a ‘black umbrella’.
What seems to be consistent with ongoing upsets is that these ‘black umbrella’s’ are controlled by middle class blackfella’s who are willing to earn brownie points for the Abott - Liberal Agenda.
First Contact by Blackfella Films in conjunction with SBS caused a massive social media outcry which will be dismissed as ratings for further dollars and brownie points for Tony Abott for free promotion of the controversial Liberal invented ‘Recognition’ Campaign.
Around the country Indigenous funding has been axed causing the end of bulk Aboriginal Organisations over the next 12 months. Hundreds of Aboriginal Communities are being shut down with thousands upon thousands more to be dispossesd and left homeless.
Meanwhile Legislations have been regularly been amended sucking the life out of Land Rights and disabling Aboriginal Heritage into a null piece of writing.
Whilst mobs around the country bury children and battle to keep water running these middle class blackfella’s will insist we be included on the very Constitution that authorises our peoples demise.
Don’t let the glossy middle class speak for you!
It’s time for Sovereignty to be respected Middle Class brownie scorers!
Sovereignty Never Ceded!
No To Constitutional Change!
nb: Warning! R for Recognition will destroy Aboriginal Title by finishing Aboriginal Sovereignty and joining our people to the Australian Sovereignty!