I think that the debate over "climate change" misses the point a little bit. Our planet appears to be self-regulating. Meaning that it is able to maintain a kind of balance over time, and to REBALANCE after various catostrophic events. Humans are indisputably messing up the balance that the PLANET, as an integrated entity, maintains. Many humans don't understand their role. They refuse to accept that they are the cause, instead of say a meteor that slams into the planet and temporarily ruins the planet's balance and kills off many living things. Humans may not be intelligent enough to alter the path they are on. If not, their actions will cause the planet to become uninhabitable for some living things - leading to extinction. Humans may be among the creatures that become extinct. The fascinating thing about this process is that in all likelihood humans will become extinct because the planet will not "tolerate" an imbalance for very long. A severe imbalance leads to a do-over. The good news is that when the cause of the "unbalancing" abates, the planet will then "rebalance" itself and the evolutionary process will start over. Amazing? Yes. So when humans argue and yell and carry on about pollution and climate and the environment, in the short run, they are correct that we will not destroy the planet in the next 20 years. But the eventual outcome is clear.