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Zed Komboni Reports Strange but true stories coming out of our communities. Let's share


President Edgar Lungu writes:

Fellow Citizens,
Zambia has recorded Zero COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours.
While the numbers look promising, the ferocious war is still on. My Government continues to heighten surveillance. I ask all of you to adhere to the measures I announced in my address to the nation.
Let me once again recognise and thank our hardworkinghealth workers. You remain our heroes and I am proud of you all as your President.
God bless Zambia.



POLICE in Mazabuka have arrested three (03) people in connection with the murder of Choongo Sitali aged 27 years of Zambia compound who was dragged out of his hospital bed and burnt to death by a mob at Mazabuka General Hospital premises on suspicion that he was among criminals spraying poisonous chemical substances.
Police Spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo has told Mwebantu that the three suspects have been identified as female Nchimunya Hamanenga Siasokwe aged 42 years, male Chizunga Halwiindi aged 36 years of Hospital Compound and Fraser Kaira aged 32 years.
She added that the suspects have been charged with murder and are currently in police custody. Investigations have continued with a view of arresting more suspects.


Ndola Man Admits Defiling 3-Year-Old Girl.
A 23-year-old Ndola man has pleaded guilty to one count of defiling a three-year-old girl. However, Shadreck Phiri has denied defiling a five-year-old girl.
In this matter, Phiri stands charged with two counts of defilement contrary to the Laws of Zambia.
It is alleged in the first count that Phiri, on January 16, 2020 in Ndola, did have unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 16.
In count two, it is alleged that Phiri, on the same dates, did have unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 16.
When the matter came up before Ndola Magistrate Arnold Kasongamulilo, Phiri pleaded guilty to the first count.
"Yes, I understand the charge. I admit sleeping with her (3 year-old-girl). I was drunk," Phiri said.
In the second count, Phiri denied defiling the five-year-old girl.
Magistrate Kasongamulilo then adjourned the matter to March 4, 2020 for written facts in count one and possible trial in count two.


Southern Province Minister, Dr. Edify Hamukale has registered his first ‘buzz’ statement of 2020 Saturday afternoon when he told a gathering he lost his virginity in Mazabuka after completing secondary school.
Hamukale happily shared his intimate past with residents at the commissioning of Mazabuka Bus Station, also attended by Germany Ambassador to Zambia Achim Burkhart among other dignitaries.
The Provincial Minister recalls his fond secondary school days with Mazabuka Mayor Vincent Lilanda and narrated that he was, until Grade 12 a virgin, but “misbehaved” after completing school in Mazabuka.
"Upto to G12 I was still a virgin...And then (when) I came to Mazabuka, I misbehaved, for the first time.So, it's a place so dear to my heart," revealed Hamukale.
Meanwhile, Hamukale says Mazabuka is always at heart because his mother hails from Chief Mwanachingwala and his career journey started from the sweet town.
He has since pledged commitment to facilitating for the development of the district.


Court cages Ndola farmer for turning 8-year-old granddaughter into "small wife"
A NDOLA farmer who turned his 8-year-old granddaughter into a "small wife" and then infected her with ge***al warts will now spend 20 years in prison as punishment.
Before his sentence, Samson Ngosa begged for liniency telling the Ndola Hight Court that he was advanced in age and a first offender who was entitled to leniency pointing out that he was also remorseful.
This is in a matter where Ngosa stood charged with defilement contrary to the laws of Zambia.
It was alleged that in March last year, according to prosecution evidence, Ngosa inserted his manhood into the 8-year-old victim’s private part.
According to testimony also by the victim’s 12-year-old sister who had been sleeping next to her the time of the encounter, testified that her grandfather used to abuse her and sister and would refer to her sister as small wife.
The court heard that the incident happened whilst their grandmother had gone out to a funeral.
Upon her return, she heard the news and started to fight with her husband, Ngosa.
When the matter came up before Ndola High Court Judge Derrick Mulenga, Ngosa was found guilty of defilement and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
In his defence, Ngosa opted to remain silent, but had a witness who was his wife and she testified that she had on the material day gone for a funeral.
In her testimony, Ngosa's wife admitted that her husband was the only man who had been left with the other children.
According to medical examination, upon visiting the hospital after getting sick, the victim was found to have contracted ge***al warts.
In mitigation through his advocate, Ngosa stated that he was advanced in age and a first offender who was entitled to leniency also stating that he was remorseful.
However, Judge Mulenga said that he had heard the mitigation and also taken note that Ngosa was advanced in age.
“But at the same time being advanced works against him. Being a grandfather gives you responsibility to be a protector of grandchildren, to nurture them and give them the best of life and his conduct was contrary.
Defiling a child to an extent of giving her a sexually transmitted disease is very bad,” he said
He then sentenced Ngosa to 20 years imprisonment with hard labour.


Solwezi woman burns boyfriend as revenge for HIV infection
A 24-YEAR-OLD woman of Solwezi has burnt her boyfriend aged 53 as punishment for infecting her with the HIV.
Evelyn Simwinga is said to have poured kerosene on her lover of two years Samuel Mumba before tossing a lit match stick on him.
Police found an empty two litre container, used match stick and a partially burnt door mat on the scene.
Mumba sustained multiple superficial burns on both shoulders and back part of the neck and is currently admitted at Solwezi General Hospital.
Northwestern Province Commissioner of Police, Hudson Namachila has confirmed the incident which he happened last night between 22:00 and 22: 30 hours at house number 12959 Mulomba Street in Kabitaka.
Namachila said Simwinga who is in police custody told police officers that her actions were meant as revenge on Mumba for infecting with HIV.
Last month, another man Sowlezi died after his jilted lover poured petrol on him and set him ablaze.



Police on the Copperbelt are appealing to residents not to fall prey to false alarms of ritual killings and snatching of school children.
Copperbelt Province Police Commissioner, Charity Katanga says spreading false and alarming information is criminal and such individuals may be prosecuted.
Mrs. Katanga says police has since engaged the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) to control the spread of such videos and audios.
Copperbelt has witnessed a number of riots by residents over alleged ritual killings in their communities.
This morning, sporadic protests have erupted in Chimwemwe, Race-Course and Wusakile where residents have demanded that police intensify patrols owing to word going round that suspected ritual killers have invaded Kitwe.


Lungu hints at presence of ritual killers in Chingola
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has hinted that there may be ritual killers on the loose in Chingola on the Copperbelt.
Fear and unrest sparked by brutal murders of residents have recently gripped the mining town.
Although police say two people have been murdered so far, some residents have put the number slightly higher.
Home Affairs minister Steven Kampyongo along with his defense counterpart Davies Chama are in Chingola to check the security operations being supervised by lnspector General of police, Kakoma Kanganja.
Yesterday, Kampyongo announced movement restrictions after 22:00 hours for security reasons.
In a Facebook posting early this morning, President Lungu said he was concerned with the insecurity in Chingola.
"I want to assure Chingola residents that all suspected ritual killers will be caught and brought to book," President Lungu wrote.
The Head of State said he had despatched senior security government officials to Chingola "following a spate of suspected ritual killings in mining town."
President Lungu also advised Chingola residents not to take the law into their own hands by burning and killing people suspected to be connected to the crimes.
"Work with the Police and ensure you give them all the necessary information concerning suspected ritual killers," urged President Lungu.


A 21-YEAR-OLD youth of Chongwe has become a hero after diving into a well to retrieve a 15-month-old baby who had fallen in as it’s mother attended to laundry.
Misheck Njomwa retrieved the baby alive and has been hailed by Chongwe District Commissioner Robster Mwanza as a “gold medal-deserving young man.”
According Mwanza’s narration in a Facebook posting, the baby, unnoticed by its mother who was busy washing strayed and crawled to the mouth of the well and eventually plunged in.
“It took the passersby to noticed that baby's crying voice was coming out of the well, he also noticed that the baby got inside without the knowledge of the mother,” Mwanza narrated.
“Neighbours came to render help but failed. It took 21-year-old Misheck Njomwa's courage to dive into the dark well to rescue the baby, the fire brigade failed to reach the destination due to poor location,” added Mwanza.
He said Chongwe Central Ward Councilor Juvenelis Mulimbika rushed to the scene and quickly took the baby to the hospital after Njomwa’s heroic rescue operation.
“I Robster Mwanza on behalf of the Chongwe District do take this opportunity to applaud the young man who saved a life and may l encourage all the people out there to be vigilant to our Children all the time.”


Constable Edward Kabasiya has been sentenced to death after being found guilty of murdering his colleague Lennox Kapila at Lusaka’s Kaunda Square Police Post.
Kabasiya was sentenced to death around 14:30 hours.
According to the Penal Code in section 200, any person who with malice aforethought causes the death of another person by an unlawful act or omission is guilty of murder.
Kabasiya shot Kapila dead for refusing to arrest a technician who was repairing his television set.


ZNS captain found dead
POLICE in Lusaka have picked the body of a Lusaka-based Zambia National Service captain Josephat Shula who went missing on Tuesday.
Captain Shula's body was discovered this morning on Old Kanyama.
Police spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo said captain Shula's body was found with stab wounds to his chest and forehead.
Police say a 44-year-old member of the public discovered the body and reported to Kanyama Police Station.
She said no arrest had been met yet in the murder.
"A member of public aged 44, of Old Kanyama reported to have discovered a body of a male person lying along the road in a place famously known as Galaxy in old Kanyama. Scene visited and Police found a body of an adult male person aged between 30 and 35 years with stab wounds on the chest and forehead," Katongo said
Captain Shula leaves behind a wife of five years.


THE Juvenile alleged to have caused the death of Sebastian Lungu at Lusaka’s JCS Chinese market has been found guilty by High Court Judge Ennesie Banda Bobo
The court has however reserved its orders against the juvenile because even if he claims to be 17-years-old, the actual age has not been medically determined.
Judge Banda-Bobo has adjourned the matter to the 14th of January 2020 for the production of medical documents on the age, a social welfare report, mitigation and sentencing.
If the medical documents which will be produced will confirm the juvenile is below 19 years old, then he cannot be sentenced to death.
The Juvenile caused the death of Lungu by stabbing him in the neck.

Source: Diamond Tv


THE African Development Bank (AfDB) has lifted sanctions imposed on Zambia effective 15th December, 2019 following the payment of loan interest arreas of $1.4m.
In a letter to the Director of Public Debt Management at the Zambian Ministry of Finance, the AfDB stated the Bank had received payment of the Group's Bills and had lifted the sanctions accordingly.
Last week the AfDB placed Zambia on fiscal sanctions for failing to clear arrears on the Bank Group Bills.
The Ministry of Finance Public Relations Unit discloses that Zambia owed $1.4 million in bank group bills.
Government attributed the delay to the high dollar exchange rate which required more Kwacha to pay the loan.
According to the African Bank's Policy and Procedures for the Recovery of Arrears and Loans - the sanction applications, the bank disallows signing of any new loan on arrears of more 3months while arrears of more than six months attracts a suspension of payment to specific loans or total suspension if one of the loans to the borrower has been fully disbursed.
Sanction for arrears of more than nine months arrears calls for total suspension of disbursements and granting of new loans.


3 Zambians in Chinese jail ask government to facilitate prison swap
THREE Zambian women serving life sentences in the Chinese prison have appealed to President Edgar Lungu and the Home affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo facilitate prison swap.
The three women, two serving life sentences, and one due to be released in the next two years, urged government to facilitate prison swap so that they could be near their families in Zambia.
Speaking when Consul General in China Daniel Chisenga visited them at the Guangdong prison, the trio said they were ready to serve their sentences in Zambia.
This is according to a statement from Chisenga after he visited the Zambian prisoners as part of his festival season to remember the ‘unforgotten’ members of the citizenry.
Chisenga stated that he did so by scheduling a visit to Zambian women who have been imprisoned in Guangdong, China.
The prisoners were gifted with Zambian books, newspapers and goodwill messages from President Edgar Lungu, as well as from their families.
Chisenga sated that the prisoners were all in high spirit and prayed that their families should communicate with them more often as they miss them so much.
The trio also asked for their families' pictures.
He further said that the trio assured him that they were ready to serve their sentences in Zambia.
“They dropped to their knees and asked that President Lungu and home affairs minister facilitate prison swap. That way, they shall be close to their families. They highly expressed remorse for the shame they brought to the country and promised to change for the better and become more compliant citizens,” said Chisenga.


Siavonga man goes on the run after stealing nshima and chicken
AN 18-YEAR-old man of Siavonga has gone on the run after grabbing and bolting with plates of nshima and chicken from a friend's house.
The theft has shocked many in the Lower Zambezi area where it happened.
The suspect, only identified as Charles of Chalokwa village is now on the wanted list of the Police neighborhood watch committee.
Chalokwa village is one of the areas hardly hit by hunger effecting most parts of the country.
Many in the village are having to go hungry for days.
According to Senior headman Chalokwa who confirmed the development, Charles is said to have gone to his friend’s house around 17 :00 hours on Christmas day before running way with plates of Nshima and Chicken which was set on the table.
"He played a trick by disturbing a goat that was in the kraal. The wife to his friend then shifted attention to the goat and it was at this point that Charles picked nshima and ran away in the Bush," he narrated.
"As a village, we shocked that a person can go to his friend’s house on Christmas day and steal nshima. What Charles did is not only an embarrassment to the people of Chalokwa but also a taboo in the Tonga tradition," lamented headman
Credit: Siavonga News


A 35 year old Taxi driver of Ndola's Mwange compound stabbed in the neck by criminals.
Copperbelt Police Deputy Commissioner Wamunyima Wamunyima confirmed the development, identifying the man as Data Bista Singonde of house number 3592 Mushili Kansengu.
He said three robbers yesterday booked the taxi from Cairo Masala taxi rank around 20:00hrs to Mwange compound.
He said the criminals got K1,500, personal documents and an Itel phone.
Mr.Wamunyima said the criminals were armed with knives.
He said the victim was currently admitted at Ndola teaching hospital and was in stable condition.
The Coppperbelt Deputy Police boss also disclosed that a 10 month old child of a blind woman in Kapupulo, Luanshya farming area, drowned in a 20 litre water bucket.
He said the child was playing in the family yard when she fell in the water container.


TWO days after giving birth, a woman of Lusaka has been electrocuted when power was abruptly restored as she was fixing an electric cable for a fridge.
Mary Mwitwa was electrocuted on Friday around 10:00 hours at her house in Chawama Township.
A source at the University Teaching Hospitals (UTH) police post said the body of Ms Mwitwa was taken to hospital by her husband.
(Source: Zambia Daily Mail)


Kafubu Water and Sewerage says it has spent K11.2million($900,000) to relocate 3,200 remains of old graves in Ndola rural.
Company spokesperson Fales Mwanza says the remains have been relocated to a new site to pave way for Kafulafuta Dam project.
She says the graves affected were at Kasamba graveyard.
The dam is expected to service Ndola, Luanshya, Mpongwe, and Masaiti districts.
Source: Zambia Daily Mail


A 33 year old businessman of Lusaka’s Avondale township has pleaded innocent to offenses of accessing data without authority and theft contrary to the laws of Zambia.
Byta FM Court Beat Journalist reports that Bolick Mungaila appeared before Principal Resident Magistrate Exnobert Zulu Wednesday morning.
Mungaila is accused of unlawfully accessing data through a Personal Identification Number of Cornelius Chinkuli and obtaining K353, 989 after overcoming security measures designed to protect the bank account.
In the second count, Mungaila is accused of stealing the said amount using a Xapit transfer from Chinkuli, allegations that the defendant has denied.
Magistrate Zulu has since recorded a plea of not guilty while setting 18th December for mention and 30th December for trial.
Mungaila will remain in custody.


Body of late “HK” arrives in Kasama
The body of the late Journalist, Henry Kangwa fondly called HK has arrived in Kasama.
The remains of the former long serving Radio Mano Journalist and immediate past News Editor at Northern FM arrived today in Kasama around 04:00 hours.
The body has since been deposited in Kasama General Hospital mortuary awaiting for burial slated for tomorrow.
Mr. Kangwa worked for Radio Mano as a reporter from 2002-2017.
At the time of his death, Mr Kangwa served as news editor at Northern FM in Kasama.
On the burial date, the funeral programme of the late Mr. Kangwa will start with a Requiem church service at Saint John’s Catholic Church at 09:00 hours and later proceed for burial at Misamfu Grave yard in Kasama.
Mr. Kangwa passed away on Monday, 18th November 2019 at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka following an illness.
A cross section of society has since wished its deepest condolences to the bereaved family and the media profession at large following HK’s death.


Dr Aaron Mujajati writes...
If you have a va**na, your knowledge about the h***n most likely starts and ends with something about virginity.
I can almost certainly guess that you have been told that an intact h***n means that one is a virgin. Am also sure they told you that an absent or torn h***n means you are not a virgin. Is that true? Let us consider the following information together and see if that is the
, what is a h***n? A h***n is a membrane or tissue that is similar to the va**nal lining in structure. It is part of the female ge***alia in human females. It covers the entrance to the va**na as it is part of the l***a. It has no known physiological function in humans. However, in some cultures it is revered as the gold standard for determining virginity.
the absence of the h***n mean that one is not a virgin? The simple answer is NO. Sexual in*******se is not the only means through which the h***n can be broken or lost. You must understand that physical activities such as riding a bike or playing active sports can result in loss or damage of the h***n. In fact some people are born without a h***n. Would that mean that they were not virgins at birth?
Imagine a two weeks old baby who is not a virgin. Now you see how ridiculous that sounds?
: The presence of an intact h***n shows that one is a virgin
BUT its absence or damage does not mean that one is not a virgin. Your have heard.


Celebrated Kasama Journalist and former Radio Mano employee, Henry Kangwa popularly known as HK has died.
Mr Kangwa who worked for the community broadcaster for close to 15 years died at Lusaka’s UTH yesterday after an illness.
And Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba has sent his deepest condolences to Mr Kangwa’s wife, friends and employees who worked with him at Radio Mano.

Ambassador Mwamba posted on his page that he was saddened to learn of the demise of HK.
Meanwhile, across section of media practitioners and residents say they have received with deep shock and sorrow, the death of Mr Kangwa.
A number of scribes who have posted on Mr Kangwa’s page say they are short of words to describe the pain of losing such a dedicated and hard working journalist at the climax of his journalism career.


The Anti-Corruption Commission in Chirundu has arrested two Revenue Collectors at the Chirundu Town Council for corruption involving theft by public servant and fraudulent accounting.
Kabuswe Mwansa, 30, of Mandenga Village in Chirundu, who was working as a general worker at the time of the offense, has been charged with one count of theft by public servant contrary to section 272 of the Penal Code cap 87 of the laws of Zambia and one count of Fraudulent False accounting contrary to section 326(b) of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia.
Details of the Offence in the first count are that on 21st December 2017 in Chirundu, Lusaka, Mwansa, being a public servant namely a General worker at Chirundu Town Council attached to the accounts department as a cashier stole money in the sum of K 1, 480 property of the Chirundu Town Council a public body. In count two, Mwansa is charged with fraudulent false accounting, and details are that on 21st December 2017, Mwansa made a false entry on a duplicate receipt to the Chirundu Town Council, a matter or transaction that concerns the Chirundu Town Council a public body.
Meanwhile, the Commission has also arrested Clever Habukali, 44, of Mission Area in Chirundu, also a revenue collector at Chirundu Town Council, and charged him with three counts of theft by public servant contrary to section 272 of the penal code cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia and three counts of fraudulent false accounting contrary to section 326(b) of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia.
Details in count one are that Habukali, on 29th January 2018 in Chirundu, being a public servant stole K480 property of the Chirundu Town Council, while in count two, Habukali, on 26th January 2018 in Chirundu, being a public servant stole K480, property of the Chirundu Town Council. In the third Count, details are that he stole another K 480 on 29th January 2019, being property of the Chirundu Town Council.
Habukali has further been charged with three counts of fraudulent false accounting contrary to section 326(b) of the penal code Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia.
In Count one, particulars of the offence are that on 22nd January 2018, in Chirundu, Habukali, being a public servant namely revenue Collector did make a false entry on a duplicate copy of a receipt dated 22nd January 2018 a matter or transaction that concerns Chirundu Town Council a Public Body. In the second count, Habukali, on 26th January 2018, with intent to defraud made a false entry on duplicate copy of a receipt dated 26th January 2018, while in count three, on 29th January 2018, Habukali made another false entry on a duplicate receipt dated 29th January 2018, a matter or transaction which concerns Chirundu Town Council a public body.
Both Mwansa and Habukali have been released on bond and will appear in court on 5th December 2019


Court jails 2 Chinese for corruption
THE Lusaka Magistrates' Court has sentenced two Chinese to 18 months imprisonment with labour for corrupt practices involving K 5, 000.
Magistrate Honourable Chabala found Quin Yun Lin, 29 of Plot No. 1386 Mungwi road, Lusaka, and Xiang Li, 31, of Plot no. 664 Nationalist road Parklands, Kitwe, both employees of Zhong Guo Construction Limited guilty on one (1) count of Corrupt Practices by private persons contrary to section 19(2) of the Anti- Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012.
Details of the offence are that on dates unknown but between August 1, 2016 and August 5, 2016 in Lusaka, Zambia, being private persons namely Director and Secretary of Zhong Guo Construction Limited respectively, whilst acting together, corruptly offered and actually gave K 5,000 cash as gratification to Lawrence Banda and Joseph Mfula who are public officers employed by the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) as an inducement or reward in order for them to produce a good TA report, a matter or transaction that concerns Zambia Revenue Authority, a public body.
The sentences are with effect from November 12 2019. The duo was arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission in August 2016.


Buseko accident driver appears in court
THE Driver who last month ploughed into Buseko Market in Lusaka with his truck and left 12 people dead has appeared in the Lusaka Magistrate's Court on 12 charges of causing death by dangerous driving.
Elias Sikwenda, a driver of Kabwe is accused of causing the death of Michael Mulenga, Charles K***a, Fredrick Mwana, Jack Phiri, Sam Mbewe, Chileshe Bwalya, Given Simovwa, Silota Mwanagombe, Steven Zimba, Brian Chabala, Frank Jere and Aswell Banda on October 25, 2019.
Sikwenda had the charges explained to him by Lusaka Magistrate Felix Kaoma to which he said he understood but could not take plea because the case was beyond the jurisdiction of the court.
Magistrate Kaoma told the accused that he would continue appearing before court for mention until the Director of Public Prosecutions issues a certificate of commital to the High Court.
Sikwenda at this point applied for bail pending trial to which the State did not object, but magistrate Kaoma denied to grant him bail on grounds that it was risky to grant him bail without verification from the state if he was a flight risk owing to the number of counts and that he was not a Lusaka resident.
“Bail pending trial is granted to an accused because he is innocent until proven guilty. However the decision is to ensure that the accused attends court when called upon. In this matter, it is taking a risk to grant the accused bail without the state verifying if he is a flight risk owing to the number of counts and knowing that you are not from Lusaka. I will not grant you bail,” said magistrate Kaoma.
According to a statement issued by Deputy Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga, the incident happened after a truck belonging to BHL driven by Sikwenda lost control due to excess speed as he was trying to avoid a truck that was reversing into Lumumba road at Puma filling near Buseko market.
The 34 year old hit into a parked Corolla, a Zesco Pole and finally into a bar, 30 meters away from the road where the seven had gatherwd to watch a football match.
"The incident is alleged to have happened when Sikwenda was driving a motor vehicle namely Howo Truck and Trailer bearing Registration Number AlB 3214 and 23323 BW on a public road namely Lumumba Road.”
"He was allegedly driving in a manner, which was dangerous to the public and other road users having regard to all the circumstances the case, including the nature, condition and use the road and the amount of traffic which was actually at the time on the road which might reasonably be expected to be on the said road" Hamoonga said.
The matter comes up on November 27, 2019 for a mention.


Muvi Television Proprietor Steven Nyirenda is the new opposition National Restoration Party Leader.
Frank Mutubila’s Ex-wife Evelyn has been evicted from her apartment after the court ordered that it be sold and the proceeds be shared between the two broadcasters Frank and Evelyn Mutubila.
A third year female student at Kwame Nkrumah University Given Kapolyo has opposed calls by the Human Rights Commission to abolish the death penalty.
State House Spokesmen Amos Chanda has been granted police bond after he was formally arrested by Drug Enforcement Commission.
President Donald Trump directly asked about a Ukrainian investigation into his Democratic rival Joe Biden, a top US diplomat has unveiled.
Fashion Sakala’s 2019 U23 AFCON is over after just one game.




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