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Howdy folks! It's a Monday so that can only mean one thing,    's TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures POLL 16 (that's TWO M...

Howdy folks! It's a Monday so that can only mean one thing, 's TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures POLL 16 (that's TWO Mondays in a row, so it at least kind of feels pre-meditated now, right?):

With 2025 very much now in full effect, and happening RIGHT NOW! We figured it might be logical to get another poll in motion putting some thought toward expansion into the Saturday Morning Adventures realm from (which they started teasing us with all the way back at last year's NYCC and have a feeling we may be seeing even MORE during this con).

if you haven't checked out this epic series yet by there has never been a better time.

There are LOTS of fantastic potential options to consider having the toy treatment that we've never seen in quite this fashion and many we've NEVER seen in toy form before.

So get those voting fingers at the ready and comment like you mean it as we dig into our series of polls to see who else folks are most excited about potentially getting from the world of TMNT's Saturday Morning Adventures.

This will be the 16th poll of many, if you have other TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures characters not shown that are some of YOUR favorites, be sure to list them in the comments below for folks to upvote, but there is also a good chance they might turn up in one of our future polls or videos as well.

Options below, left to right: Scratch, Teenage Figment Creepy Eddie Turtle, Ace Duck, All of the above

We at   have been following all the toy reveal hijinx coming out of   2025 and have compiled a TON of the exciting revea...

We at have been following all the toy reveal hijinx coming out of 2025 and have compiled a TON of the exciting reveals for folks, here is batch THREE (of many) coming from

New reveals from NECA's 2012 TMNT (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/Rl5srajZB_8?si=eO9d293YrOK74gJg ) (and IN BIO)

New Fred Wolf TMNT reveals from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/AX_SkmrB9FM?si=TNsZSujptrAaHwua ) (and IN BIO)

New Archie TMNT from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/icAKvHXn3Ck?si=yNIHGPIFldAzJ4Yi ) (and IN BIO)

New Universal Movie Monsters TMNT from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/1ngrStKtFjg?si=wZFKSWJqxvxhEDFA ) (and IN BIO)

New Sesame Street reveals from Super7, NECA, BLOKEES (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/C95OML6CZ8s?si=LDpfYD6czgJYdk67 ) (and IN BIO)

New MOTU/ Thundercats Reveals from Mattel (you can see our deep dive series on Thundercats here: https://youtu.be/u17yniXy2PM?si=8dQ-mG8xgPfwLdCh ) (and IN BIO)

We at   have been following all the toy reveal hijinx coming out of   2025 and have compiled a TON of the exciting revea...

We at have been following all the toy reveal hijinx coming out of 2025 and have compiled a TON of the exciting reveals for folks, here is batch TWO (of many) coming from

New reveals from NECA's 2012 TMNT (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/Rl5srajZB_8?si=eO9d293YrOK74gJg ) (and IN BIO)

New Fred Wolf TMNT reveals from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/AX_SkmrB9FM?si=TNsZSujptrAaHwua ) (and IN BIO)

New Archie TMNT from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/icAKvHXn3Ck?si=yNIHGPIFldAzJ4Yi ) (and IN BIO)

New Universal Movie Monsters TMNT from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/1ngrStKtFjg?si=wZFKSWJqxvxhEDFA ) (and IN BIO)

New Sesame Street reveals from Super7, NECA, BLOKEES (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/C95OML6CZ8s?si=LDpfYD6czgJYdk67 ) (and IN BIO)

New MOTU/ Thundercats Reveals from Mattel (you can see our deep dive series on Thundercats here: https://youtu.be/u17yniXy2PM?si=8dQ-mG8xgPfwLdCh ) (and IN BIO)

We at  have been following all the toy reveal hijinx coming out of  2025 and have compiled a TON of the exciting reveals...

We at have been following all the toy reveal hijinx coming out of 2025 and have compiled a TON of the exciting reveals for folks, here is batch ONE (of many) coming from

New reveals from NECA's 2012 TMNT (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/Rl5srajZB_8?si=eO9d293YrOK74gJg ) (and IN BIO)

New Fred Wolf TMNT reveals from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/AX_SkmrB9FM?si=TNsZSujptrAaHwua ) (and IN BIO)

New Archie TMNT from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/icAKvHXn3Ck?si=yNIHGPIFldAzJ4Yi ) (and IN BIO)

New Universal Movie Monsters TMNT from NECA (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/1ngrStKtFjg?si=wZFKSWJqxvxhEDFA ) (and IN BIO)

New Sesame Street reveals from Super7, NECA, BLOKEES (you can see our deep dive series on these characters here: https://youtu.be/C95OML6CZ8s?si=LDpfYD6czgJYdk67 ) (and IN BIO)

New MOTU/ Thundercats Reveals from Mattel (you can see our deep dive series on Thundercats here: https://youtu.be/u17yniXy2PM?si=8dQ-mG8xgPfwLdCh ) (and IN BIO)

Well HOLY SHELL this new wave looks absolutely incredible!  coming out the gate swinging with their latest 2003  wave! U...

Well HOLY SHELL this new wave looks absolutely incredible! coming out the gate swinging with their latest 2003 wave! Unclear if we'll be able to fit Ch'rell into Shredder's belly (22 year old spoiler alert btw) but hot dang these all look stunning, more more MORE please and thank you! Absolute chef's kiss here

This wave comes with Shredder (and Ch'rell), Foot Soldier, Casey Jones, Splinter and the baby Turtles, a rad bonus pack comes exclusively for folks preordering from the Super7 website as well.

Looks like the   Turtle fig news is out of the bag!  characters are coming in articulated 5-inch form via the Page Punch...

Looks like the Turtle fig news is out of the bag! characters are coming in articulated 5-inch form via the Page Puncher line! Thanks to for the heads up on this! So far we have only seen Leonardo, but we imagine quite a bit more information will be coming out around these rad figs this weekend during , so stay TOON'ed!

Is ALREADY working on a new deep dive for these figures? Maaaaybe:)

Howdy Folks!    2025 is almost upon us, so we thought it might be fun to lay out our HOPES for who we might see revealed...

Howdy Folks! 2025 is almost upon us, so we thought it might be fun to lay out our HOPES for who we might see revealed at the con this year.

From we'll do our top 3 HOPES from the TMNT Line and from our top 3 HOPES for the Thundercats Ultimates line. For even more geeky expanded love into your favorite series, be sure to check out our latest deep dives on the YouTube channel as well (LINK IN BIO).

And stay tooned for even more TMNT fun over on this Wednesday, where we'll likely be discussing all these selections even further, in an all-new Grippin and Rippin! (And Hopefully an all new TURTLE TALK just around the corner)

Scroll through to see all our guesses (or at least before we hit our image number limit)

We realize you probably have some guesses of your OWN, so be sure to let us know who you think we'll see revealed at ToyFair in the comments as well.

Rad art featured here from a variety of bodacious human artists including .studio1810

ART options: 1. Shredder (2012 TMNT) 2. Merdude (Fred wolf TMNT) 3. Null (Archie TMNT Adventures) 5. Ram Bam (Thundercats) 5. Frog Man (Thundercats). 6. Demolisher & Dirge (Thundercats)

Howdy Howdy folks! If you haven't seen the latest episode of GRIPPIN AND RIPPIN with  's Mr. Geek-E (HEY, that's ME!)   ...

Howdy Howdy folks! If you haven't seen the latest episode of GRIPPIN AND RIPPIN with 's Mr. Geek-E (HEY, that's ME!) .chase and very special guests discussing all things new with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, MOTU we'll conveniently plop the link for you riiiiight here: https://www.youtube.com/live/BYbLhYJQtJU?si=8F0MKi3D6-1WWwOx

And THIS week (tonight) at 8PM CST over on Dave Wonder's YouTube channel we dig into not JUST toys, but also our guesses and hopes for what we think we'll see from the upcoming (at least Mr. Geek-E plans to, whether others join in on the guessing fun, remains a mystery)

And if that wasn't enough excitement to fill an entire sewer lair, we also dive headfirst into all the latest toy goodness from as well!

OHHHHH and if you haven't yet taken advantage of our exclusive collaboration with the radical puppet company (our latest bodacious Pubbet addition shown in the last image here), you can head on over to www.Pubbets.Net and add in the code: SPEEKYGEEKY to get 10% off your entire order!)

Happy    folks! We have a special treat for all our   geeks! We thought you might appreciate our newest classic read-alo...

Happy folks! We have a special treat for all our geeks! We thought you might appreciate our newest classic read-along
SESAME STREET LIBRARY VOLUME THREE (yup, this is an extra length read along with several stories included like GROVER in THE EMPORER'S NEW CLOTHES, ERNIE & BERT in the latest installment of THE PERILS OF PENELOPE, COOKIE MONSTER in THE MONSTERS 3 WISHES, and MUCH More... then stay tuned because we'll be having a new story premiering every Sunday throughout the month of February and March!) Each story, as always has narration and voices by and 's Mr. Geek-E (HEY, that's ME!)

For convenience, we'll plop the link for the latest video right here, but take a look around, we've got tons of nostalgic stories you and your little geeklings are sure to love....and if there are some from your youth you WISH were on our playlist, well, let us know that as well and we'll do our best to make that happen! https://youtu.be/u4iYDsSE9Rs?si=BSctylsRcQUDW0f4

Howdy folks! It's a Monday so that can only mean one thing,   's TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures POLL 15 (at this point...

Howdy folks! It's a Monday so that can only mean one thing, 's TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures POLL 15 (at this point you might have sussed out we basically just do this on whatever day we remember, so let's just roll with it, eh?):

With 2025 very much now in full effect, and right around the corner we're gearing up to see a bit more expansion into the Saturday Morning Adventures realm from (which they started teasing us with all the way back at last year's NYCC with the Dark Leo and discussed there being MORE).

So we figured it prudent to dive into our ongoing poll for this iteration that 100% deserves to have a bigger spotlight cast upon it with all of its incredible stories and exciting new interpretations of classic characters by the always epic in their TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures series.

There are LOTS of fantastic potential options to consider having the toy treatment that we've never seen in quite this fashion and many we've NEVER seen in toy form before.

So get those voting fingers at the ready and comment like you mean it as we dig into our series of polls to see who else folks are most excited about potentially getting from the world of TMNT's Saturday Morning Adventures.

This will be the 15th poll of many, if you have other TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures characters not shown that are some of YOUR favorites, be sure to list them in the comments below for folks to upvote, but there is also a good chance they might turn up in one of our future polls or videos as well.

Options below, left to right: Wild West Dino-boys of Roar Mesa, Renet, Tiger Claw, All of the above

Howdy folks! It's a Wednesday so that can only mean one thing,  's TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures POLL 14 (we uhhh...w...

Howdy folks! It's a Wednesday so that can only mean one thing, 's TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures POLL 14 (we uhhh...we established that we were doing this on Thursday's before, right? NOO? Well okey dokie, let's just roll with it) :

Howdy folks, with 2025 now in full effect and already feels like 2029 at this point, we're mentally preparing to see a bit more expansion into the Saturday Morning Adventures realm from (which they started teasing us with all the way back at last year's NYCC with the Dark Leo and discussion of more). So we figured it prudent to dive into our ongoing poll for this iteration that 100% deserves to have a bigger spotlight cast upon it with all of its incredible stories and exciting new interpretations of classic characters by the always epic in their TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures series.

There are LOTS of fantastic potential options to consider having the toy treatment that we've never seen in quite this fashion and many we've NEVER seen in toy form before.

So get those voting fingers at the ready and comment like you mean it as we dig into our series of polls to see who else folks are most excited about potentially getting from the world of TMNT's Saturday Morning Adventures.

This will be the 14th poll of many, if you have other TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures characters not shown that are some of YOUR favorites, be sure to list them in the comments below for folks to upvote, but there is also a good chance they might turn up in one of our future polls or videos as well.

Options below, left to right: Shadow Warriors, Aka, Krang (Evil Scientist outfit), All of the above

Well HEY, would you look at THAT, we just put out our very FIRST  !Do we know what we're doing there yet? NOPE! Not in t...

Well HEY, would you look at THAT, we just put out our very FIRST !

Do we know what we're doing there yet? NOPE! Not in the slightest!

Do we already have some ideas on how to utilize this new platform to bring you even more exciting content from ? You bet your Geeky butt we do!

Now... if we're able to accomplish it remains to be seen, but we have high hopes to keep this dorky train chugging away to exciting new heights!

If you are over on substack be sure to follow us over there as well to get all the latest and (and ever so humbly we'd argue GREATEST) from our cartoon-addled brain!

Epic thumbnail art featured here by .studio1810 and

Go check out and follow us at the latest post here: https://open.substack.com/pub/speekygeeky/p/what-the-actual-shell-pt-1?r=g58fb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true (and IN BIO)

HOLY "Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Homage" BATMAN! Sometimes we have nifty art to show off that goes hand in hand with an upco...

HOLY "Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Homage" BATMAN!

Sometimes we have nifty art to show off that goes hand in hand with an upcoming deep dive we've got brewing, and sometimes...well sometimes we just like to cast a much-needed spotlight on exceptionally talented creatives that have brought so much imagination, wonder and beauty into the lovingly geeky worlds we all love.

Though Batman doesn't get nearly as much attention on our channel as characters like TMNT, Thundercats, He-Man, Gargoyles, or Sesame Street, his colorful (though often mired in shadows) world has greatly impacted our sense of storytelling and has set the bar astronomically high for our expectation on what we desire to see from a quality rogues gallery and a quality allies gallery...a LEAGUE of JUSTICE as it were.

When we think back to some of our favorite stories growing up, we understand and value that these stories didn't develop on an island, it took a cavalcade of epic writers, Pencilers, illustrators, inkers, editors, letterer's working in tandem and each playing a significant role in creating the final tapestry that inevitably made its way into the real for readers to connect in with!

One creator in particular has left such a beautiful lasting impact on our psyche here over at that we felt inspired to throw a little something together with our very own astonishingly talented .studio1810 that would give a little well-deserved love to a creator who has made a significant impact on both of our lives as well as countless others throughout the generations, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.

We have zero idea if Jose is even on IG to see this homage, but we thank him for his incredible and continued contributions to the art form over the decades.

If any of our followers know a way for him to see this dedication, you have our blessing to pass along the tribute and you have our appreciation.

"HEY?!!" you might be thinking right about now..."What's the deal with having Bebop sporting a Ninja Outfit here Geek-E?...

"HEY?!!" you might be thinking right about now..."What's the deal with having Bebop sporting a Ninja Outfit here Geek-E?

DID YOU KNOW that verrrry early in the line, before we saw the version of Bebop donned in the punk gear that we'd come to know and love, there were depictions (even though he was never TECHNICALLY called BEBOP simply known as NINJA PIG) that featured an eerily similar warthog rocking ninja duds who kept popping up within much of the very early concept art?

It's TRUE, including a "blink and you'd miss it" cameo in the Erroll Mccarthy early concept of "Sewer God" (a precursor concept to the Turtle's Sewer Lair with enormous MMPR Zordon vibes)...HECK, he EVEN showed up AGAIN in the later iteration of the lair.

And YES, this COULD have been the concept that inspired Playmates eventual "Smash 'Em Bash 'Em Bebop" further down the toyline line and even his Ninja outfit within the Shibano Sama episode "Blast from the Past" of the Fred Wolf 1987 Series.

If you are thinking to yourself "well, wouldn't it be swell to learn more about some of those nifty characters we ALMOST got in toy form back in the day, but never did", then you're in LUCK, because we are hard at work on a new deep dive that might just be EXACTLY that!

It's the glorious return of 's "ALL STARS"! If you haven't already seen this series yet, be sure to check out our most recent "ALL STAR" TMNT episode (featuring character art by the epic , and featuring a short animation from .studio1810 with the voice of April O Neil reprising her role) riiiiight here: https://youtu.be/sKzpNUSYCTE?si=ceOaHdtD6DdulhAn

NINJA PIG original art featured here was illustrated by the astoundingly talented

WOWZA! We had an overwhelming response of folks asking if we could release the original art panels from the .studio1810 ...

WOWZA! We had an overwhelming response of folks asking if we could release the original art panels from the .studio1810 illustrated "Becoming Splinter" mini-comic within our latest TMNT 2012 Deep Dive, so here is a very small snapshot (because we can only post 10 images at one time) for a partial look at the story in it's deliciously creepy glory (along with a never before seen original cover).

For context and the larger part of this story, if you haven't already seen it, be sure to check out the latest deep dive focusing on our first batch of radical 2012 characters you may appreciate knowing a little bit more about. With additional bodacious art by

The full deep dive can be found here: https://youtu.be/Rl5srajZB_8?si=tZMOZe42kPBxLfWo (and IN BIO)

 is proud to Introduce  's GLUMBO! (with absolutely stunning original fan art by ). Who... or what... is GLUMBO's myster...

is proud to Introduce 's GLUMBO! (with absolutely stunning original fan art by ).

Who... or what... is GLUMBO's mysterious origin?

What dreadful secrets does he harbor??

Find out more about the horrifyingly delightful homunculus taking the internet (and our collective nightmares) by storm over on "Grippin and Rippin" latest episode riiight here: https://www.youtube.com/live/jY2J85tqTP0?si=LOAX9wqavuFMrfde

But wait, you best believe there's MORE! That's RIGHT! We team up with a fleet of RAD toytubers to dig into all the latest from and that's just the TIP of the plastic iceberg!

Continue scrolling to see Mr. Geek-E, HEY, that's ME! Geek ALLLL the way out about the latest absurdly cool Pubbet named ZOOMER who happens to look an awful lot like if TMNT's Donatello ended up in a gene splicer with the short-lived 90s cartoon "Widget" (SPOILERS, it looks AWESOME!)
..psst it's ALSO worth mentioning that if you head over to PUBBETS.NET/SPEEKYGEEKYOFFICIAL you'll get a nifty extra 10% off your order, which is BANANAS considering they already have some of the best prices on top-of-the-line quality puppets in the biz!

Plus, all the latest from Simpsons, Bendy and the Dark Revival, TMNT's Archie line, Super7's THUNDERCATS and much much more!

For perhaps the first time ever  and 's Mr. Geek-E is without words. We've lost one of our biggest sources of inspiratio...

For perhaps the first time ever and 's Mr. Geek-E is without words. We've lost one of our biggest sources of inspiration and one of our most steadfast cheerleaders.

Just a few days ago my father passed away after an intense year of fighting to spend every last second with his family and friends that his body would allow. If not for his presence and guidance there would never have been a Mr. Geek-E to bring forward a SpeekyGeeky or a Geekyjr.

Our father took such pride in watching this beautiful community and channel grow, his life was cut short, but his thirst for knowledge, storytelling, humor, and bringing rad folks together around their special interests lives on through the passion and joy brought from learning from each other and celebrating one another.

I am appreciative for all of you, for this incredible community we've built and continue to build together, and know he'd be proud of all that's to come! Thanks to everyone for your continued support and for being a part of this meaningful Geeky journey!

Thanks also to .studio1810 for this beautiful dedication to my father. It captures his playful spirit and speaks lovingly to his ability to find joy anywhere life brought him.

I'll miss you dad, you were an inspiration and forever will be my superhero! Good Journey!

Haven't scoped out our latest     2012   Deep Dive yet?? Stop on by, but be careful, this episode packs a real BITE!We'l...

Haven't scoped out our latest 2012 Deep Dive yet?? Stop on by, but be careful, this episode packs a real BITE!

We'll conveniently plop the link for you riiiight here: https://youtu.be/Rl5srajZB_8?si=7ZdM8UmA5EJxpOL8 (and IN BIO)

We dig into some incredibly bodacious options in this very special oversized first episode focusing on the sprawling world of 2012 characters, including a handful of incarnations of CHRIS BRADFORD we've never seen in plastic before (original art shown here and in video by rad TMNT Saturday Morning Adventures cover artist .studio1810 ), with LEATHERHEAD, RAT KING, and quite a few other surprises by as well!

If you want to watch the full episodes of all of the tongue-in-cheek world-within-a-world adventures of Chris Bradford's 2 Ruff Krew, be sure to head over to as well.

The Shellraiser is fully loaded and in full swing to a sewer near you, so hop on by, we'll save ya' a slice!



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Tarshish Creative is an all encompassing field of entertainment-based creative agency that offers personalized, innovative work catering to the client’s needs. We offer diverse copywriters, provide campaign copy & direction, B2C commercials, ad copy, tag lines, ghost writing, email blasts, copywriting, press kit copy, cross-platform copy, and client facing materials. Some of our recent clients consist of NBC Universal, SyFy Channel, SyFy Wire, Chiller Network, and the WWE Network.

Ethan Tarshish (Creative Director of Tarshish Creative, LLC) acts as lead copy writer and is responsible for the planning, internal talent acquisition, development and creation of new content. Tarshish Creative, has also produced numerous comic series, the most well received being “Woe is Oz” which was recently inducted into the L. Frank Baum All Things Oz Museum’s Hall of fame.

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