Off the Chain Ent. Co.

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Off the Chain Ent. Co. Off the Chain Ent. Co. is a record label based in Milwaukee, WI founded by Tiki Da Soulful Poet in 2015.

"You were what I thought I needed"Originally Written & Produced By: Sharon Monique McGloneThere was a time when I believ...

"You were what I thought I needed"
Originally Written & Produced By:
Sharon Monique McGlone

There was a time when I believed that you were all I needed.
You told me you loved me,
Blinded from love shaded by dreams of forever.
Your reflection is everywhere, Haunting me whether awake or asleep.
Damn why did I believe your twisted fantasies?
The lies of togetherness in eternity!
I finally realized that I never needed you at all,
You stood there and watched me as I lost myself falling into the abyss.
Sacrificing everything to feel one last kiss,
You were what I thought I needed.
When I just needed to love me without conditions
All those dreams and hopes you were not worthy of.
I just wanted your love,
Everything I invested into you was as worthless as the value of a penny.
You were no good for me,
Pitiful full of hate & toxicity.

~©Lady New York™
Monday May 09, 2023


Heyyyyyyyyy Wanna come through and chat with yours truly???
Next Week's Topic will be Jealousy & Envy!!! There is so much ground to cover with this topic!! Let's get started 😀😀😀
PSA: Please be mindful and respectful to all sexes on my platform or you will be removed promptly!!


"I Am" (In Honor Of Black History)
Originally Written & Produced By: Sharon Monique McGlone

I am a baby, yet I grew up and became a lady.
I am black I may be different yet we all shed the same tears wearing cuts and bruises left by brutality so many years ago it seems like it is invisible.
I am Alice Coachman.
I am Althea Gibson.
I am Tommie Smith.
I am Lisa Leslie.
I am Venus and Serena Williams.
I am Colin Kapernick.
I am the first black family of the White House.
I am also part of a history that is ever changing this world to become bigger, better than it ever was before.
A world where police brutality is no more,
The killing of ourselves has stopped and we are no longer going after each other in war.
We are strong,
We are pride,
We are all the strength in your son's and daughter's eyes.

~©Lady New York™
Sunday 02/07/2021


"Rona's Bad News"
Originally Written & Produced By:
Sharon Monique McGlone

Rona came with bad news,
This bitch killing people worse than all the versions of the flu.
Rona taking them old, young, left and right.
How many more compromised people will it take tonight?
Makeshift hospitals with popup morgues,
Another version of genocide settling the governments score.
Could this be exactly what I see? I foresaw this crazy s**t way back in 1993.
Be mindful and conscious of everything that you do protect yourself and the ones you love too.
Man-made/spiritual warfare in a petri-dish to boot,
Why do you think you are invincible like death is not able to touch you?
Rona is bad news creating panic was what it was supposed to do.
Marshal Law in full effect,
On the worlds stage in a space near you. Refrigerated trucks with dead bodies infections galore,
Stay your ass at home.
What the f**k you being hard headed for?
©Lady NY™
Friday 03/27/2020


Gotta Love Wu


" Ohhhh My Dammmnnnn"
Originally Written & Produced By: Sharon Monique McGlone
(Lady New York)

Ohhhh my dammmnnnn I need some of that chocolate you have been withholding from me,
You already know at the end of the day you still my king babyyy.
Kiss me now take me away send me to oblivion cause I am so ready to go,
Touching you teasing you lay me out like you have done many,
many times before.
So I could wake up again begging for some mo'
That candy only responds to me my voice and moans make your heart race transporting you to another place.
Hmmmh yeah I heard when your breath hitched every time I went deep then stopped,
When your attempts to stay calm don't work your body give in to my sexy/sassy demands every single time.
I am still yours,
You have always been mine!!!!!
I can't help how I feel when you are next to me,
My heart skips often just thinking of what we were meant to be,
Destined for true unconditional love eternally!!!!!!!!

©Lady New York 01/07/2020


"I Saw Your Heart"
Originally Written & Produced
By: Sharon Monique McGlone

I saw your heart you are still not ready to be fully present with me,
Even though I love you it isn't fair having to wait eternally.
I am grateful for the lil moments we got to share,
Just know I will always care.
I saw your heart you feel like someone else is worthy of you,
I understand that it is okay.
I am and will always be your number one cheerleader,
I am going to graciously bow out walking away.
I saw your heart,
She has you caught up.
I hope she really treats you well giving you all that you need.
I want the best for you,
I always wanted you to be happy even if it could not be me.
You are a King may she hold your heart as dearly as I still do,
I am happy for you.
Your best friend to ride and die,
No matter what happens between us two.
May she give you all the joy that you once gave to me,
I will always love you cause you mean that much can't you see?
Hold onto her tightly don't let go,
My heart is your safe haven and home.

~© Lady New York™
Saturday December 14, 2019


"I No Longer Care"
Originally Written & Produced
By: Sharon Monique McGlone

I no longer care about what you decide to do,
The one thing I never did was f**king betray you.
I no longer care about the guys or girls you hang with cause they don't intimidate me just so you know,
You are a bitch ass n***a and a undercover dirty hoe.
I no longer care what you told your family about why we not together,
You are an addict who loves drama. Your feelings are irrelevant and don't matter,
I no longer care about who you ran to marry.
I am glad I lost the twins you was expecting me to carry,
I no longer care about having your name it is worthless like you.
No one will ever love you unconditionally,
The way that I used to.

~©Lady New York™
Friday December 13, 2019


"I Can't Let Go"
Originally Written & Produced
By: Sharon Monique McGlone

I can't let go no matter how much time passes when we have to be apart,
You have and always been a gigantic piece of my heart.
When we first met you touched my soul in more ways than one.
Our romance has truly just begun,
I can't let go of the memories that we began to share.
Pictures tell a thousand words it was evident we both still care,
You always believed in us and I still do.
I can't imagine my world without you,
I can't let go of how it felt when your lips first touched mine.
Everything around me spun except the minutes of time,
I can't let go of the way you always made me feel.
Other's said they loved us yet we knew it wasn't real,
I can't let go of how my heart breaks being without you in this life.
Go figure I already knew I was never going to be your wife,
Staying alone was what was meant to be.
I never again have to worry about someone else,
Walking away abandoning the useless shell of what used to be me.

~©Lady New York™
Thursday December 12, 2019


"We Didn't Have A Chance"
(Because You Never Even Tried)
Originally Written & Produced
By: Sharon Monique McGlone

We didn't have a chance because you never even tried.
You took too long to claim me,
Now someone else is waiting for me to become their leading lady.
I might as well go cause you chose
time and decided to wait,
Now our time has passed it is officially too late.
Our friendship is tight as it will always be.
All I still want is for you to be happy even if it ain't with me,
You deserve someone who can give you what you need.
I always thought it was me,
Maybe the way of the universe no longer agrees.
We didn't have a chance
(Because you never even tried)
We will always love each other
We learned something new
You still changed my life,
I changed yours too.
Our friendship is solid that's what we do,
We are loyal to who we are
through & through.
You stand testament to our friendship,
I stand testament to our unconditional love.
We will always have each other's backs going beyond and above,
I can never be mad or hate you.
You did what you felt was best so did I ,
I will always love honor, respect, & support you for the rest of my life.

~©Lady New York™
Monday December 09, 2019


"Next Time"
Originally Written &
By:Sharon Monique McGlone

Next time I am in your loving presence,
There is something I need to say.
My vow to you is I have no intentions of ever walking away,
Next time I kiss you I want it to be as fiery as it was our very first time.
Next time I am cradled in your arms,
I want to hold you tightly for a long while without letting you go.
Getting lost in your gorgeous brown eyes as you look into mine & see my soul,
Next time I want to give you what you never had before.
Someone who will protect your heart, like you do even more.
Next time you are alone and you see a star shooting across the sky,
That is a sign to let you know I am always close by.

~©Lady New York™
Friday December
06, 2019


"I Thought"
Originally Written &
By:Sharon Monique McGlone

I thought we had something special,
Now I gotta wonder if it was the truth or a damn lie.
What good are we together if you don't trust me?
Had me second guessing myself
I am questioning trusting you too.
When you accuse someone of doing something it is usually the accuser doing the same just so we are extremely clear,
I thought we were getting closer yet that is a lie too.
I thought I knew you I see I don't so with that logic I am ending this now and walking away from you!

~©Lady New York™
Thursday December
05, 2019


"Why Do You?"
Originally Written &
By:Sharon Monique McGlone

Why do you affect me the way that you do?
Constantly falling harder and harder deeper in love with you,
I know I shouldn't feel this way and I can't hide the most obvious truth.
The world looks different to me than the way it used to,
Your eyes got me hooked.
Your smile has me blushing like a school girl and shook,
My heart beats overtime whenever you are near.
Your words of encouragement and love I hold so dear,
Why do you have me open like a book with empty pages?
Ready to be filled with my fantasies, dreams of you & I.
Damn it I keep trying to shake it off yet my heart refuses to comply,
All I can say is I am your ride or die in more ways than you will ever truly know.
My heart has always been open waiting for my true love to come back home,
You shouldn't be alone.
You know this too.
Why do you keep fighting the inevitable of the universe giving us the clues?
I want to listen to your heart as your beats begin to match mine,
We were always meant to be together.
We can spend even more time,
I can't stop thinking about you.
I have tried it's no use,
Why do you affect me the way that you do?
I want to wrap you up in my arms and hold you tight,
I want to be your confidant, best friend, as well as your lover for life.

~©Lady New York™
Thursday December
05, 2019


"Only Your Love"
Originally Written &
By:Sharon Monique McGlone

Only your love has shown me things I never thought existed,
I fell head over heels for you no matter how hard I tried & resisted.
Only your love has become my lifesaver that kept me from drowning in the abyss of sadness deep down I stay in.
I smile to hide the hurt and pain,
Only your love for me showered me cleaning my heart with the rain.
Only your love allowed me to breathe,
Fresh air as the tides hit the shore.
I can't even begin to tell you,
All the reasons that I love you.
I just know that I do,
You changed so many things walking into my life.
My heart no longer hurts,
The bleeding has started to subside.
I always believed true love was out there for me somewhere, someway,
Everything became clear during that stormy February day.
Only your love makes me smile when I think of you,
Being in your arms is exactly where I long to be.
It is only your love that can truly save me!

~©Lady New York™
Thursday December 05, 2019


"Who I Am"
Originally Written & Produced
By: Sharon Monique McGlone

I am a woman with a strong will to live,
I am a young lady willing to give.
Who I am is very important to know.
If you don't know who you are,
Are you willing to give up your soul?
behind your daughter's eyes.

©Lady New York™
December 03, 2019


"You Changed My Life"
Originally Written & Produced By:
Sharon Monique McGlone

The whirlwind you started coming into my life,
You heard my heart scream when no one else bothered to listen.
I can feel your presence as each one of my tears fell and dried.
You became the pep in my step,
You became the smile that is worth waking up to as you flood my dreams during the night.
I never thought I would see the day that my mirror image existed for real in this thing we call life,
You saw my beauty & flaws.
I saw yours too,
That would never change how much I absolutely adore you.
There are some that lost the meaning of what a soulmate really is,
We can speak volumes to each other without saying a word,
There is a deeper understanding you hear the very things that I heard.
You became the air that I needed to help me breathe,
I became the water that you never knew you needed to drink.
What we do for each other there are no words to describe our feelings cause we know what it is!
Your eyes hypnotize me whenever I look into them,
Your smile melted my heart.
You slowly repaired each broken piece,
One by one as the brick walls
encasing it started to disappear.
The greatest wordsmith have nothing on you,
You are an amazing person and great at what you do.
Yes I kiss the ground you walk on,
That is what you deserve.
I want to love you unconditionally for the rest of my days on this Earth!!

~©Lady New York™
November 26, 2019


"I Still Can't Believe You Are Gone"
Originally Written & Produced
By: Sharon Monique McGlone

I still can't believe you are gone,
Daughter's angels are not supposed to leave them alone.
I knew the time would come,
It wasn't possible to be ready,
How do you explain that you not coming back.
The tears don't seem to stop,
They keep overflowing and time runs off track.
You needed to still be here to watch your daughter,
your grand, great grands, all grow up.
Get blessed with all their kisses & humongous hugs,
You were meant to see their report cards and watch them continue to get A's.
See them get dressed up for graduations, last but not least their wedding days.
This wasn't fair even though you both are here with me in a whole other sense,
I can't hear your voices or get feedback when I tell you how my day went.
Birthdays come and go the holidays are hard too,
I wish we all had much more time with both of you.
They say time heals all wounds it is a ploy,
Time makes you forget some of the simpler things that made them smile or when they came home from work and surprised you with your brand new toy.

~©Lady New York ™
Thursday November 21, 2019


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00




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