
Prompttimes Prompt Times is a monthly news magazine and is publishing in Hindi Language.

250 lions killed over past 5 years in GujaratAHMEDABAD: Is the world's only abode of Asiatic lions in Gujarat under thre...

250 lions killed over past 5 years in Gujarat
AHMEDABAD: Is the world's only abode of Asiatic lions in Gujarat under threat? The Gir wildlife sanctuary and its periphery have witnessed no less than 250 deaths of lions in the last five years. This has raised concerns over the safety of the big cats.

According to the May 2010 census, there are 411 lions in the state spread in the area of 10,000 sqkm. But according to 2013 statistics, lions are now spread in an area of 20,000 sqkm. Experts feel that the death of 250-odd lions is alarming. In 2012-13, the number of deaths was 48, which increased to 53 in 2013-14. Also, in the first three months, approximately 20 lions have died, including eight in accidents. Of these eight, six were run over by trains.

Experts feel that the increase in number of such cases is mainly in the category of unnatural death. This includes electrocution or falling in wells. Officials said that the death of 20-odd lions — over 40% — were because of unnatural deaths in the state.

India was on Thursday grappling with the task of establishing contact with those responsible for the abduction of 40 Ind...

India was on Thursday grappling with the task of establishing contact with those responsible for the abduction of 40 Indian construction workers in the war- torn Iraqi city of Mosul, which has become the first foreign policy challenge of the new NDA government.

People from Iraqi Shiite Turkmen families who have fled the violence in Iraqi city of Tal Afar.
The Iraq government has traced the location of the kidnapped men, who mostly belong to Punjab and other parts of northern India, but there was little clarity on who was holding them. In an indirect expression of concern about the well- being of the men, the External Affairs Ministry spokesperson said there was " no safety in captivity". Crisis management group formed by the foreign ministry met twice on Thursday - with both meetings personally chaired by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj - to take stock of the options and to assess the safety and security of all the Indians in Iraq.

As more details emerged from Iraq, it became apparent that the Indian workers, employed by the Baghdad- based Tariq Noor Al- Huda Construction Company, were abducted on Sunday. This was a full three days before the government confirmed the kidnappings.

Sources said the men were captured while they were apparently being moved out of the second largest city of Mosul, overrun by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria ( ISIS) last week.

The families of several kidnapped men from Punjab, too, have said that their last contact with them was on Sunday. Though media reports claimed the abducted men were safe and would even be handed over to any representative of the Indian government, the foreign ministry said the Iraqi government had confirmed they were in custody.

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The hike, which was slammed by the Congress, the Left and others, came days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned of...

The hike, which was slammed by the Congress, the Left and others, came days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned of tough measures saying such steps had been rendered inevitable by the poor condition of the economy. It is also seen as a pointer to the nature of the budget, strengthening the impression that it may not be a populist one.

The railways is facing a severe cash crunch with the subsidy on passenger fares touching Rs 26,000 crore annually and the transporter losing Rs 30 crore every day after it chose to withhold the May 16 hike. Successive railway ministers in the last decade have shied away from raising passenger fares in their budgets, placing a huge strain on railways' finances.

prompttimes team vizag trip rocks at CMR central,R K BEACH & streets of vizag made a loud voice welcome prompttimes

prompttimes team vizag trip rocks at CMR central,R K BEACH & streets of vizag made a loud voice welcome prompttimes

Now, a water bottle that you can eatLondon:  Finished drinking your bottle of water? Now eat it!A design student in UK h...

Now, a water bottle that you can eat

London: Finished drinking your bottle of water? Now eat it!

A design student in UK has developed an edible 'bottle' of water that could rid the world of excess plastic waste.

Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez along with fellow Imperial College London students has been working on the Ooho water bottle for the past few years.

The bottle is made out of edible materials, looks like a jellyfish, and has the potential to put an end to the bottled water industry, '' reported.

Inspired by the juice-filled pearls added to bubble tea and the creations of legendary Spanish chef Ferran Adria, who uses a technique of encasing liquid into edible membranes known as sheperification.

Gonzalez and his team first took a frozen ball of water and dipped it into a calcium chloride solution, which formed a gelatinous layer.

The ball was then soaked in another solution made from brown algae extract, which encapsulated the ice in a second squishy membrane to reinforce the structure.

Keeping the water in the algae solution for long periods of time allows the mold to become thicker and stronger.

"The main point in manipulating the water as solid ice during the encapsulation is to make it possible to get bigger spheres and allow the calcium and algae to stay exclusively in the membrane," Gonzalez said.

Ooho has been tested in some European cities, but the researchers need to perfect it, as their edible bottles still don't hold large amounts of water and can't be resealed.

Tips for Communicating Better With Your KidsOur kids trick us, don’t they? They pop into the world with an insatiable ap...

Tips for Communicating Better With Your Kids

Our kids trick us, don’t they? They pop into the world with an insatiable appetite to hear our voices. They train us to talk, sing and read to them, over and over until we become oh-so-well trained.

But then, somewhere along the parenting journey, they change the rules. No longer do they delight in our babbling or celebrate our singing. They tune us out just when we so desperately want to tune in.

Welcome to the ever-changing world of parenting.

What the Heck is Going On?

What’s happening is natural. Our kids are maturing and taking important steps to begin the process of establishing a healthy amount of independence. The problem is that they are still kids that need our guidance and input. But they don’t think they do, so they don’t listen. And what do we do in return?

We lecture – at lengths, because we think if we go on and on, eventually some of our words will sink in.

The reality? We become like the cartoon character’s dialogue of “blah, blah, blah, blah and blah.”

We lecture, and no one listens, but worst of all, our important lines of communication with our children begin to break down.

Listen More, Lecture Less

Every child expert I’ve spoken to has said that as children get older, we need to listen more and lecture less. “Listen 80 percent of the time,” is the advice I’ve heard many times.

Ask questions, for sure, but be careful not to turn every conversation into a game of 20 Questions. Just listen, absorb and occasionally respond with a sincere, “I love hearing what you think about things.” Children and teenagers will value that, even if they don’t tell you so.

Keep This Rule in Your Back Pocket

My personal technique for communicating with older kids is something I refer to as the “30 Second Rule,” and in all honesty, I think it’s been one of the most effective communication tools I use – when I feel the need to lecture, I limit it to 30 seconds.

I make my point, and then I ask them to think about it and circle back with me. Sound crazy? Here’s my step-by-step process:

Step 1: Introduction

When I feel the need to preach to my kids, I introduce the talk with, “I need 30 seconds to share something with you that’s been on my mind. Is your head in a good place to listen?”

The interesting thing is that my kids almost always want me to keep talking when I introduce a topic like this. I’m showing them respect and telling them that their participation in this is important. It works.

Step 2: The 30-Second Lecture

I make my point (being sure to have practiced it or thought it through ahead of time). Is 30 seconds the magic number? Of course not. Just be brief, and close by saying, “Okay, that’s what I wanted you to know. I want to hear your thoughts later today when you’re ready to talk.”

Step 3: Follow Up

Your kids may surprise you by wanting to continue the discussion immediately. If not, then honor your promise to keep it brief, then change the subject. But circle back later in the day to give them a chance to share their thoughts. And remember to listen 80 percent of the time! The key is to find a path to start a conversation. If you’re successful with that, you’re well on your way to opening strong lines of communication.

दिमाग में चोट लगने के बाद बन गया मैथ्‍स जीनियसआपने हिंदी फिल्‍मों अकसर देखा होगा कि किसी हादसे में सिर पर चोट लगने के बा...

दिमाग में चोट लगने के बाद बन गया मैथ्‍स जीनियस

आपने हिंदी फिल्‍मों अकसर देखा होगा कि किसी हादसे में सिर पर चोट लगने के बाद जब हीरो को होश आता है तो उसकी याद्दाश्‍त खो चुकी होती है. उसे कुछ याद नहीं रहता और होश में आने पर वह सबसे पहला पूछता है, 'मैं कहां हूं'. लेकिन क्‍या आपने असल जिंदगी में ऐसे शख्‍स को देखा है जिसका दिमाग एक हादसे में बुरी तरह चोटिल हो जाता है, लेकिन फिर वह मैथ्‍स का जीनियस बन जाता है. जी हां, यह सच है.
यह कहानी है कॉलेज ड्रॉपआउट जैसन पैजेट की जो आज से 12 साल पहले 31 साल के थे और अपने पिता के फर्नीचर स्‍टोर में काम करते थे, लेकिन वॉशिंगटन में एक रात उनके साथ हुई मारपीट की वारदात ने हमेशा के लिए उनकी पूरी जिंदगी को बदल कर रख दिया.

उस रात जैसन के दिमाग में गंभीर चोटें आईं थीं और इलाज के बाद वो दुनिया को एक अलग ही नजरिए से देखने लगे. किसी जमाने में जिस लड़के को कॉलेज से निकाल दिया गया था अब उसे गणित और फिजिक्‍स से प्‍यार हो चुका था. मेडिकल जांच के दौरान पता चला कि उन्‍हें सेवेंट सिंड्रोम हो गया है. अब तक पूरी दुनिया में केवल 40 लोग ही ऐसे हैं जिन्‍हें यह सिंड्रोम है और जैसन उनमें से एक हैं. आपको बता दें कि इस सिंड्रोम की बदौलत कभी बेहद आम रहा कोई शख्‍स ब्रेन इंजरी के बाद गणित, कला या संगीत का विद्वान बन जाता है.

जैसन ने अब 'स्‍ट्रक बाई जीनियस: हाउ ए ब्रेन इंजरी मेड मी ए मैथमेटिकल मार्वल' नाम की कीताब में अपने जीवन के अनुभवों को लिखा है.

13 सितंबर 2002 की रात जैसेन की जिंदगी उस वक्‍त पूरी तरह बदल गई जब उनके घर के पास के एक बार में उनके साथ लूटपाट की गई. दो बदमाशों ने पीछे से उन पर हमला किया और उनके सिर के पिछले हिस्‍से पर घूसा मारा. जैसन बेहोश हो गए. उन्‍हें अस्‍पताल ले जाया गया, जहां चोट की वजह से उनके सिर पर निकल आए गुमटे का इलाज किया गया. उसी रात उन्‍हें अस्‍पताल से छुट्टी भी दे दी गई.

अगली सुबह जब जैसन उठे तो उन्‍होंने देखा कि चीजों को देखने का उनका नजरिया बदल चुका है. अब वे उन चीजों पर भी गौर कर रहे थे, जिन पर पहले उन्‍होंने जरा भी ध्‍यान नहीं दिया था. उन्‍होंने बाथरूम में नल खोला और देखा कि पानी की धार तेज थी और जमीन पर गिरने के बाद वह ऊपर की ओर लौट रही थी. जैसन कहते हैं, 'पहले तो मैं भौचक्‍का रह गया. मुझे खुद की फिक्र होने लगी, लेकिन वह नजारा इतना खूबसूरत था कि मैं उसे देखता रहा'.

अब जैसन ने काम पर जाना छोड़ दिया और वह अपना सारा वक्‍त गणित और फिजिक्‍स पढ़ने में बिताने लगे. हादसे से पहले चित्रकारी के प्रति उनकी कोई दिलचस्‍पी नहीं थी, लेकिन अब वह ज्‍यामितिय पैटर्न बनाने लगे और कभी-कभी तो उन्‍हें अपना काम खत्‍म करने में हफ्तों लग जाते थे.

लेकिन इस टैलेंट का एक खराब पहलू भी था और वह यह कि जिस जैसन को घूमना-फिरना और दोस्‍तों के साथ मौज-मस्‍ती करना अच्‍छा लगता था वह अब अंर्तमुखी हो गया था. अब वह हर वक्‍त घर पर ही रहते. उन्‍होंने अपने घर की खिड़कियों को कंबल से ढक दिया और किसी से मिलना-जुलना पूरी तरह से बंद कर दिया. कीटाणुओं को लेकर जैसन कुछ ज्‍यादा ही सजग हो गए और वे तब तक हाथ धोते रहते जब तक कि वे लाल न हो जाएं. और यही नहीं अगर उनकी बेटी हाथ नहीं धोती थी तो वह उसे भी गले नहीं लगाते थे.

जैसन को लगने लगा था कि वह सनकी हो गए हैं, लेकिन एक दिन उन्‍होंने बीबीसी पर डेनियल टैम्‍मेट के ऊपर बनी एक डॉक्‍यूमेंट्री देखी. उस दिन को याद करते हुए जैसन कहते हैं, 'डॉक्‍यूमेंट्री देखकर मुझे पता लगा कि मेरे साथ क्‍या हो रहा है'.

डॉक्‍यूमेंट्री देखने के बाद उन्‍होंने फैसला किया कि वह सेवेंटिज्‍म विशेषज्ञ डॉक्‍टर डैरोल्‍ट ट्रेफर्ट से मिलेंगे, जिन्‍होंने बाद में जैसन को बताया कि उन्‍हें सेवेंट सिंड्रोम हैं. फिलहाल इस दुनिया में 40 ऐसे लोग हैं जिन्‍हें सेवेंट सिंड्रोम से प्रभावित पाया गया है. ये सभी लोग ब्रेन इंजरी के बाद पहले से कहीं ज्‍यादा स्‍मार्ट और तेज बन गए.

फिनलैंड के डॉक्‍टर ब्रोगार्ड ने एमआरआई मशीन से जैसन की जांच कर बताया कि उनके दिमाग का बांया हिस्‍सा चोट लगने के बाद ज्‍यादा सक्रिय हो गया है. यह वही हिस्‍सा है जो गणित से प्‍यार करता है.

अब 43 साल के जैसन पैजेट का मानना है कि वह तो बस एक उदाहरण हैं कि हर किसी में एक जीनियस छिपा है. उनके मुताबिक, 'मेरा मानना है कि ये शक्तियां हमारे अंदर ही छिपी हुईं हैं और मैं इस बात का जिंदा प्रमाण हूं. अगर यह मेरे साथ हो सकता है तो किसी के साथ भी हो सकता है'.

नशे में जमीन पर लोटते हाथीआमतौर पर हाथी को उसकी मस्त चाल के लिए जाना जाता है लेकिन क्या आपने सोचा है कि वही हाथी जब नशे ...

नशे में जमीन पर लोटते हाथी

आमतौर पर हाथी को उसकी मस्त चाल के लिए जाना जाता है लेकिन क्या आपने सोचा है कि वही हाथी जब नशे में टुन्न हो जाए तब उसकी चाल कैसी होगी. जी हां, कुछ ऐसा ही वाकया हुआ साउथ अफ्रीका के क्रुगर नेशनल पार्क में जब एक फील्ड गाइड रॉस कूपर ने कुछ हाथियों को जमीन पर लोटते देखा. पहले तो कूपर हाथियों के इस अजीबो-गरीब हरकत को समझ नहीं पा रहे थे लेकिन जल्द ही पता चला कि ये सारे हाथी नशे में हैं.
आपको बता दें कि साउथ अफ्रीका के जंगलों में 'मारूला' नाम का एक ऐसा फल पाया जाता है जिसमें नशा होता है. मीठे स्वाद वाले 'मारूला' को जानवर अक्सर खा जाया करते हैं. इसमें इतना नशा होता है कि अगर ज्‍यादा संख्‍या में इस फल को खा ले तो बड़े से बड़े जानवर का चलना मुश्किल हो जाता है और वो जमीन पर गिर कर लोटने लगते हैं.

ऐसा ही कुछ हाल इन हाथियों का भी हुआ और सारे हाथी नशे में जमीन पर लोटने लगे. हाथियों के इस हरकत से पार्क में आए सैलानियों का अच्छा मनोरंजन हो गया.

अन्य अपडेट लगातार हासिल करने के लिए हमें फेसबुक पर ज्वॉइन करें. आप दिल्ली आजतक को भी फॉलो कर सकते हैं.

18 साल पहले लिखे गए खत ने सुलझाई मर्डर मिस्ट्रीगोवा में हत्या की शिकार हुई एक महिला द्वारा 18 साल पहले लिखा गया एक खत उस...

18 साल पहले लिखे गए खत ने सुलझाई मर्डर मिस्ट्री

गोवा में हत्या की शिकार हुई एक महिला द्वारा 18 साल पहले लिखा गया एक खत उसकी हत्या की गुत्थी सुलझाने में बहुत मददगार साबित हुआ.
महिला ने खत में अंदेशा जाहिर किया था कि उसका पति उसकी हत्या की साजिश रच रहा है. महिला के डॉक्टर पति ने इसे खुदकुशी का मामला बताया था.

सीबीआई सूत्रों ने बताया कि एजेंसी ने अपनी पत्नी अर्चना देसाई की हत्या की साजिश रचने और हत्या को अंजाम देने के आरोप में डॉ. विजयराज देसाई को गिरफ्तार किया है. अर्चना 5 दिसंबर, 2010 से अपने घर से लापता थी. अर्चना का शव उसके घर से 100 किलोमीटर दूर महाराष्ट्र के सावंतवाड़ी में एक सुनसान जगह से बरामद किया गया.

सूत्रों ने बताया कि कानून की भी पढ़ाई कर चुके विजयराज को उस वक्त गिरफ्तार किया गया, जब एजेंसी ने कथित हत्या के सभी सबूत जुटा लिए. सीबीआई सूत्रों ने बताया कि अर्चना ने अपनी शादीशुदा जिंदगी के दौरान कई खत लिखे थे, जिसमें उसके पति द्वारा उसे दी जा रही यातना का भी जिक्र था. सीबीआई ने जांच के दौरान उन खतों को जब्त किया था.

18 सितंबर, 1996 को लिखे गए एक खत में अर्चना ने दावा किया था कि उसके पति ने उसे धमकी दी है. सीबीआई द्वारा जब्त खत में लिखा था कि अर्चना का पति हत्या के कई ऐसे तरीके जानता था, जिससे लोगों को पता भी नहीं चलेगा कि उसने उसकी हत्या की है.

सीबीआई ने कहा कि जांच के दौरान उसने विभिन्न पहलुओं पर गौर किया, जिसमें एक पहलु यह भी था कि विजयराज ने अर्चना के घर से लापता होने के नौ दिन बाद पुलिस को इसकी सूचना दी थी.

The story behind Sachin Tendulkar's shadowAmong the flurry of people at Bandra station is an equally inconspicuous gentl...

The story behind Sachin Tendulkar's shadow

Among the flurry of people at Bandra station is an equally inconspicuous gentleman looking around trying to hail a rickshaw. He's dressed in a Team India Practice jersey, carrying a bag which is likely a hand-me-down from the official merchandise of the Indian Cricket team, matching blue shoes and a cap, letting out unkempt scraggly strands of hair.

Sudhir Kumar Gautam, the gentleman usually seen layered in saffron, white and green paint from head to waist, waving the flag with pride and blowing his conch in support of Sachin Tendulkar in every match, is en route the legendary cricketer's Bandra bungalow before he hops on the evening train to Kochi to resume his career as the unofficial mascot for the Indian cricket team.

Gautam, who grew up in the Damodar village in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, lived a regular life. He studied in the local school, lived with his mother, father and three siblings and eventually graduated, to be admitted into a college where he studied History Honours. He too, was a promising cricketer, training to be a teacher and a strong hope for financial support from his poverty stricken family. All this changed, when he cycled to Mumbai to meet the man he says is the Ram to his Hanuman.

"I've left three jobs," he says. "I could've been a teacher in Bihar Shikshamitra, but my training was in February 2006 and in January I cycled to Pakistan to watch Sachin play in the 5 ODI series." Prior to this, he worked at a Dairy, a job he had to quit in order to gain access
to his Provident Fund to incur the costs involved in getting a passport for his aforementioned jaunt. "I also had an interview to become a TC(ticket collector) in 2005, but there was a match to watch: the 6th one day between India and Pakistan. So I skipped the interview to cycle to
Delhi," he said as he donned a test match jersey to pose for a few pictures on the steps of the Mount Saint Mary Church, a little distance away from Tendulkar's home.

Sudhir Gautam
Sudhir Gautam. Photo By - Mandar Deodhar
His passion and dedication towards the Indian cricket team is an admirable feat, and a rare spectacle in the world today. It takes courage and resilience to chase a passing revelry with so much fervour and see it through to a point where you're the talk of the entire nation. And let's face it, he makes for great television.

His family, however, presently lives in resentment and dire conditions. "My brother is married with three kinds and he is a teacher, but he makes around Rs. 7,000-8,000 a month and can't support my parents," he said. His old father, who had once dreamed that Gautam, his middle child would take care of him financially, is having to work as a shopkeeper despite his age. "Whenever I visit them I eat a meal with them and leave, they abuse me and get angry, but I just listen and get on my way again," he says.

Gautam who in spite of an education most people in rural India crave and are denied, is now taking up odd jobs handing out cold drinks or ice cream at events to gather up enough money to afford a general train ticket to watch his next match. The debate of whether passion trumps responsibility here is tricky, whether this is a man we as a nation should glorify wholeheartedly is questionable, especially when juxtaposed with the fact of his idol, Tendulkar, being the bastion of humility, achievement and the ability to remarkably, yet sensibly realise his dream.

However, Gautam lives on as a vagabond undeterred by what goes on back home. He continues to hand pick a thousand litchees each year to deliver in crates to both Harbhajan Singh and Sachin Tendulkar, and more recently MS Dhoni and bangles for "Anjali Madam". He still trades in his education and ambitions to be the super fan of Indian cricket, which is rather an expensive affair as he says.

Aside from travel expenditure, Gautam also sees it necessary to pay the painters who spend anywhere between four and six hours to paint his body. "They do it for free, but I feel like I should pay them a little so they don't refuse me the next time I go to them," he said.

This leads him to arrive at match venues a day prior to scheduled matches. "This way I can hide my conch and the staff of my flag in the stadium so I can use it the following day."

As people near the church hand over their phone cameras for a picture with him, tossing aside their prayer candles and explaining to their children who he is, Gautam remembers how the crowds at a stadiums often bother him and lead the security process to go haywire. "In Vadodara, outside the boundary line there is a Neem Tree," he recalls.

"When the spectators bother me I climb that tree and it's a different feeling. No one disturbs me, I wave the flag and blow the conch in peace."

While Gautam begins to pack his things and get ready to hopefully stop at a barber shop before proceeding to meet the master blaster, he confirms that he will never get married because he has submitted to his current way of living, in which there is no room for a relationship. "Jab tak suraj chaand rahega, Sahin ji ka naam rahega," he says as he slings his backpack over one shoulder.

"Till I have the privilege of being on this earth, I will support Sachin sir and now that he has retired I will write the words 'Miss U' in the empty space above my chest where I write his name." He smiles and calls out to a rickshaw which rattles along to take him to Tendulkar's home, leaving those with their newly clicked photos with him, looking on with envy, but also an unassuming sense of admiration.

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WIFI ON AIR INDIA AIRCRAFTAir India finally did something to make us sit up and take notice. They announced that they wo...


Air India finally did something to make us sit up and take notice. They announced that they would provide wi-fi facilities to people on board their aircraft. This is great, but we don't think they've thought through some of the funnier consequences of their decision. Here are some examples:

1. Neighbours will become less irritating: That old aunty who talks about her back problem, that fat man who takes over half your seat in addition to his own - all of them can be vanquished by one simple medicine - WhatsApp.

2. The lack of in-flight entertainment won't matter: Air India has everything except on-demand movies on seats, but with WiFi, it won't matter any more. Everyone will just switch on their torrents together.

3. Corporate workers will be even more harassed: Conference calls. Urgent emails. Powerpoint slides. Excel models. All these were once not expected from an employee on a flight. No more. With WiFi, Air India has essentially transported your boss on the seat next to you.

4. There will be no more queues once the flight stops: In India, we queue up in the aisles 10 minutes before the flight doors open, so that we can feel that our normal life, with smartphones and Facebook and Twitter, is closer to us. After internet on planes, our life will be in our hands the whole time. The in-flight attendants will have to pull people out of seats.

5. People will start flying for the free WiFi: We in India do crazy things to get free WiFi. We sit in coffeeshops for hours, buying coffees that we don’t need or want. We sit in public places and try desperately to crack the insecure passwords. Basically, WiFi is, for us, a red rag to a bull, and we will do anything to get it. Even if it involves paying thousands of rupees for a flight ticket.

suspense bearked out of magazine may Edition cover page ...........!!!

suspense bearked out of magazine may Edition cover page ...........!!!



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