Less than two weeks ago, after having funding applications rejected by RISE, the Australia Council for the Arts along with one we were attached to with Create NSW, we set up a GoFundMe campaign and turned to our community for help to see five collections of Australian poetry into the world and to keep us publishing.
The supporters listed below are giving us that chance. Thanks to Bret Walker for catapulting us into the homestretch a couple days ago and to every single supporter of the poets, the books and the press.
We worked with the poets over the last two weeks, in what was a really enjoyable and easy process, and we're happy to say all five books are now typeset and ready to head to our printers on Jan 3. We're very close to reaching our goal, and very close to pushing print.
We're grateful to be looking at surviving another year and hope we'll be celebrating the release of new work by Emilie Collyer, Peter Boyle, Misbah Wolf, Suzanne Verrall and Luke Fischer in the new year.
Anon, Rose Cavanagh, Anon, Elaine Minor, D Burbrook, Taish Shaw, Anon, H F Jones, Vanessa Bates, Alice Bishop, Oliver Coleman, Camilla A Hannan, Kieran Carroll, Madeleine Flynn, Vanessa Chapple, Vikki Petraitis, Darry Fraser, Peta Murray, Tony Messenger, Brenton Carey, Anon, Anon, Michele Lee, Cat Hope, Vicki Packer, Raimondo Cortese, Anon, Emilie Baker, Amanda Buckley, Kevin Hopkins, Ahmarnya Price, Anon, Anon, Wahibe Moussa, Catherine Traicos, Jane Rawson, Anon, Romy Ash, Anon, Anon, JM Green, Ben Ellis, Alana Kelsall, Andy Jackson, Amra Pajalic, Anon, Kiran Bhat, Anon, Mish Leber, Angela Costi, Kate Hood, Deborah Lee, Tamara Saulwick, Anne Wilson, Alison Croggon, Brigid Connor, Bridget Balodis, Jessica Griffiths, Thunder Verrall, Vrasidas Karalis, Tamryn Bennett, Bronywn Sharpe, Ravi Shankar, Sonya Suares, Anon, Folke Tersman, Martin Duwell, Anon, Emma Hall, Danielle Celermajer, Nathaniel Williams, Anne M Carson, Dan Giovannoni, Anon, Maryla Rose, Judith Beveridge, Damian Callinan, Stephen Edgar, Michael Havir, Jacqui Malins, Lab Kelpie, Josiah Lulham, Sam Shpall, Bridgette Burton, Goetz Richter, Clinton Green, Michele Seminara, Patricia Cornelius, Toby Davidson, Prudence Clark, Angela Meyer, Alice Allan, Sandra Renew, Alice Ansara, Jeanette Tong, Fran Ponsonby, Simeon Kronenberg, Anon, Anon, Claudine Lebrun, Telia Nevile, Judith Bishop, Anon, Andrew Baldwin, Bronwyn Blaiklock, Daniel Schlusser, Michelle Cahill, Josh Cake, Miriam Mani, Liz Allen, Anon, Toni Jordan, Marco Cher, Hilary Bell, Anon, Anon, Wendy Fleming, Marion Schwarzrock, William McBride, Demet Divaroren, Imbi Neeme, Gabriella Munoz, Katherine Tonkin, Tricky Walsh, Mukesh V, Anon, Anon, Gerard Lewis-Fitzgerald, Kym Bagley, Morgan Aldrich, Anon, Anon, Anon, M Lewis, Terri-ann White, Adam Ford, Mal McKimmie, Laura Brinson, Bryony Wilson, Anon, Helena Spyrou, Georgia Symons, Ian McCloud, Ann Shenfield, Anon, Anon, Louise Carter, D E Killian, Anon, Vicki Bennett, Pompei Ranaldo, Ruth Fogarty, Erin Shiel, Jenny Toune, Helen Snyders, Tricia Dearborn, Anon, Ali Wurm, JF Knight, Danielle Dona, Christopher (Kit) Kelen, Georgina Capper, Adam May, Anon, Prithvi Varatharajan, Bret Walker, Anon, Anon, Anon, Anon, Anders Villani, Jacqueline McEvoy, Mark Reid, Jean Kent, Georgina Mercer, Mark Mahemoff, Bernadette Trench-Thiedeman, Alex Skovron, David Adès.
Especial thanks to major donors Bret Walker, D Burbrook, Vrasidas Karalis, Danielle Celermajer, Kym Bagley and four anonymous friends of the press and poets.
All we want to do is make books We're a small literary press ba… Vagabond Press needs your support for New work: Collyer, Boyle, Wolf, Verrall, Fischer