Do you hold the devils hand? Driving in a small city recently, I noticed a tattered and worn young woman. She did not look a day over sixty. Years of sin showed on her body. Beside her walked an evil man. He walked with disdain as he held her hand, she with delight. The two walked but with different purpose. The woman was deceived.
How many of us hold the devil’s hand? Do we hold his hand when we gossip? Do we hold his hand when we want one more bowl of ice cream? Do we hold his hand when we want our neighbor’s car or husband? Do not be deceived. As a man think so he is. We must think on pure lovely thoughts. We must choose life in our daily walk. The little foxes spoil the vine. The devil comes to steal kill and destroy. He has no good plan for you. When we hold hands with the devil we are choosing death.… death to our lives, our relationships, our finances, and our future. I am sure that woman walking that day never planned on not having teeth, a car or selfish love from a man when she was a child.
We must choose life in our hearts daily. Give that person the benefit of the doubt that just cut you off in heavy traffic. Read God’s Word at work. Be kind to someone that has used you. We must travel this earthly road with victory. We must hold hands with Jesus.