Rogue Men is a bi-annual hybrid of an Art book and a Fashion/Lifestyle magazine that will always stay true to its name and follow absolutely no rules! Each issue is approximately 450 pages of *uninterrupted visual Arts in all of its forms – photography, illustrations, paintings, and more. We call it an hybrid not just because of its double content feature, but also because all the editorial conten
t is only in our Digital Edition. Just like any other magazine, the Digital Edition covers different aspects of lifestyle and culture with a few select articles such as interviews, reviews, etc. However, most lifestyle sections such as Fashion, Travel, Culture, (or even Pets), are still unconventionally illustrated as a photographic series from an artist of that genre. We don't see the point of writing an article when an image is worth a 1,000 words. The Digital Edition also allowed us to create The ROGUE Men TV network - a platform for an essential part of the Visual Arts, Film and Video. On the other end, the limited, numbered and signed Print Edition comes out only once a year, and features selected Art series from that year without any editorial content or advertising, making it an Art book. So is ROGUE really an Art book that has an online magazine, or a magazine that once a year, selects the best artwork from its issues, and publishes a book? A Maga-book ? A Book-azine ? We have no idea. The smartest people in the office brainstormed for over a month trying to come up with the best way to describe it, but we couldn't even agree on whether it was an Art book or a Magazine gone Rogue ! So we don't have a label for it, and we're OK with that. We ultimately thought it did not need one. It's Rogue!
*100% Ad free