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● Must-watch... Learn how to fight back. Learn why you must.

● Must-watch... Learn how to fight back. Learn why you must.

This video was made in collaboration with Academy of Ideas. They create videos explaining the ideas of history's great thinkers in order to help supply the w...

▬ Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin Celebrates Demographic Decline of White Americans as “Fabulous News” ▬CLICK LINK HERE...

▬ Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin Celebrates Demographic Decline of White Americans as “Fabulous News” ▬
• Washington Post journalist Jennifer Rubin celebrated the fact that the white population in America has fallen for the first time since 1790 as “fabulous news.”

“New U.S. census data released on Thursday show the white population declined for the first time in history last decade, with significant increases among people who identify as multi-racial, Hispanic and Asian driving much of the population growth between 2010 and 2020,” reports Reuters.

Non-Hispanic whites in America have shrunk by 8.6% over the last decade alone and now account for 57.8% of the U.S. population – the lowest share ever.

According to Rubin, this is marvelous.

“A more diverse, more inclusive society,” Rubin remarked on Twitter. “This is fabulous news.” •
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▬ Winning! Underage S*x Changes Labeled “Child Abuse” In Texas ▬CLICK LINK HERE ►

▬ Winning! Underage S*x Changes Labeled “Child Abuse” In Texas ▬
• The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) announced Wednesday that any ge***al mutilation of a child for the purposes of gender transitioning through reassignment surgery is now illegal.

Parents, state agencies or medical practitioners caught engaging in the now-illegal activity can be investigated by DFPS and those who fail to report such abuses could be subject to misdemeanor or felony charges. •
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● Biden prefers foreign OPEC oil...▬ Laid-off Keystone worker: 'Something totally wrong with this admin' ▬CLICK LINK HER...

● Biden prefers foreign OPEC oil...
▬ Laid-off Keystone worker: 'Something totally wrong with this admin' ▬
• Laid-off Keystone Pipeline worker Bugsy Allen joins ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss Biden pleading with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) •

▬ YouTube Suspended Rand Paul For Mask Comments Almost Identical to Those Made by Biden’s Former COVID Adviser ▬CLICK LI...

▬ YouTube Suspended Rand Paul For Mask Comments Almost Identical to Those Made by Biden’s Former COVID Adviser ▬
• “Why can you say this on CNN or PBS but not YouTube?”

YouTube suspended Rand Paul for questioning the efficacy of face masks despite the fact that the Senator’s comments were virtually identical to those made by Biden’s former COVID adviser Dr. Michael Osterholm on CNN just a week ago.

Paul has been blocked from uploading to YouTube for a week and his entire channel faces possible deletion after the Google-owned company claimed the Senator had again violated its “COVID misinformation” policy.

The Senator’s speech crime was to cite two scientific studies that prove cloth masks have no substantial effect on halting the spread of coronaviruses.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald points out that Joe Biden’s former COVID adviser, the epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, told CNN virtually the same thing just last week.

Speaking about cloth masks, Osterholm said, “They actually only have very little impact in reducing the amount of virus that you inhale or exhale out.” •
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▬ Study Finds Most Highly Educated Americans Are Also the Most Vaccine Hesitant ▬CLICK LINK HERE ►

▬ Study Finds Most Highly Educated Americans Are Also the Most Vaccine Hesitant ▬
• A new report by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh has found that the most highly educated Americans are also the most vaccine hesitant.

The researchers canvassed no fewer than 5 million Americans who responded to surveys on whether they were “probably” or “definitely not planning on getting a COVID vaccine.

The results will shock many.

“More surprising is the breakdown in vaccine hesitancy by level of education,” reports UnHerd. “It finds that the association between hesitancy and education level follows a U-shaped curve with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated. People a master’s degree had the least hesitancy, and the highest hesitancy was among those holding a PhD.”

In addition, while the lowest educated saw the largest drop in vaccine hesitancy for the first five months of 2021, those with PhD’s were the most likely to not change their minds. •
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I saw this comment on a forum where people were remorseful about moving to Costa Rica.

I saw this comment on a forum where people were remorseful about moving to Costa Rica.

● No kidding...  Expect food prices to rise sharply before the end of September as well.

● No kidding... Expect food prices to rise sharply before the end of September as well.

Grocery shoppers in Georgia told Fox News that prices are "ridiculous" and "outrageous," during a segment on Fox News' "Your World with Neil Cavuto" with Nei...


● I prefer to refer to them as "$cientists" and "researchstitutes"...

● Short story: Since 2019, the Bolivian government has been letting Amazon forests burn (then blaming it on "global warm...

● Short story: Since 2019, the Bolivian government has been letting Amazon forests burn (then blaming it on "global warming") in order to create more grazing land to supply more beef to China. In numerous ways, China has been destroying the Amazon, free of blame.

It's no secret that Bolivia wants to sell more of its beef in China. In 2019, the government signed a deal with China that aimed to sell 40,000 tons of beef ...

▬ Federal Court Blocks Biden Policy That Would Have Forced Christian Doctors to Do Abortions ▬• A federal court has bloc...

▬ Federal Court Blocks Biden Policy That Would Have Forced Christian Doctors to Do Abortions ▬

• A federal court has blocked a harmful Biden administration policy that would force Christian doctors and hospitals to kill babies in abortions.

In June 2020, President Donald Trump issued a pro-life rule to protect pro-life Americans and help save babies from abortion. His administration implemented a rule to block the effects of a dangerous Obamacare provision that could be used to compel doctors to participate in abortions.

In May, Joe Biden reversed it.

But late Monday, a federal court in Texas just blocked the policy, which would also force religious doctors and hospitals to perform gender transition procedures on their patients—including children. The Biden administration will have 60 days to decide whether to appeal the court’s ruling.

The case of Franciscan Alliance v. Becerra was brought by a religious hospital, an association of over 20,000 healthcare professionals, and nine states, and it is now the second court ruling blocking the Biden administration from enforcing the policy. •
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A federal court has blocked a harmful Biden administration policy that would force Christian doctors and hospitals to kill babies in abortions. In June 2020, President Donald Trump issued a pro-life rule to protect pro-life Americans and help save babies from abortion. His administration implemented...

▬ Ice Doesn’t Lie, But Climate Scientists Do ▬• According to NASA, ice melts when it is cold and freezes when temperatur...

▬ Ice Doesn’t Lie, But Climate Scientists Do ▬
• According to NASA, ice melts when it is cold and freezes when temperatures are hot.

According to NASA, ice melts when it is cold and freezes when temperatures are hot.

▬ Texas House authorizes arrests of AWOL Democrats after state Supreme Court intervenes ▬• The Texas House of Representa...

▬ Texas House authorizes arrests of AWOL Democrats after state Supreme Court intervenes ▬

• The Texas House of Representatives voted 89-12 on Tuesday evening to authorize state law enforcement to corral and potentially arrest AWOL Democratic members who fled Austin to stop passage of election integrity legislation

The vote allowed the House sergeant-at-arms to send law enforcement officers to force the attendance of missing Democrats “under warrant of arrest, if necessary.”

House Speaker Dade Phelan subsequently signed arrest warrants Tuesday that were to be served on Wednesday morning.

Phelan spokesman Enrique Marquez said the warrants targeted 52 Democrats who failed to return during the fifth day of the House’s second special session, leaving the chamber eight members short of a quorum.

The dramatic escalation occurred hours after the Texas Supreme Court handed Gov. Greg Abbott a win, temporarily suspending a court order that had prevented the arrest of state legislators who fled the state.

The ruling created a 48-hour window for the Democrats to respond, meaning lawmakers who returned to Texas but continue to break quorum in a new special legislative session could be arrested.

"Relators' emergency motion for temporary relief granted, stay order issued, response requested due by 4:00 p.m., August 12, 2021," the court wrote in a brief order that issued a stay of Travis County District Judge Brad Urrutia's order.

Urrutia's ruling Sunday barred Abbott and Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan from "issuing any warrant or other instrument" and "detaining, confining, or otherwise restricting a Texas House Democrat's movement without his or her consent."

The justices still must decide the broader issue. Their stay came less than 24 hours after they handed Abbott another win, upholding his veto of funding for the Legislature to punish the Democrats who fled the state to avoid doing their job.

The state’s highest court ruled Monday that Democratic lawmakers who sued to protest the veto could have taken action to overrule it had they not skipped town. •
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Vote came after justices issued a temporary stay allowing Democrats to be arrested if they refused a new order to return to the Legislature.

● In case you missed it...FLASHBACK: ▬ Unvaccinated students ‘branded’ at New Hampshire prom ▬• A New Hampshire high sch...

● In case you missed it...
FLASHBACK: ▬ Unvaccinated students ‘branded’ at New Hampshire prom ▬

• A New Hampshire high school is facing the heat for “branding” unvaccinated students at the prom.

Exeter High School officials wrote in marker on the hands of students who didn’t have a coronavirus vaccine or didn’t have a second shot. The school said it was for contact tracing, prompting a social-media outcry.

“Students who were unable to provide a vaccination card because they did not have or share a card or had not completed the full vaccination process had a number written on their hand,” read a statement from the high school that outlined safety protocols for the prom.

The event was held outside on school grounds last Friday and students were notified about the contact tracing system via a special website prior to the prom, according to the school.

However, the website doesn’t mention appear to mention the marker system.

Under the “contract tracing” section of the site, it reads, “Because we are allowing students to dance, it is not the expectation that students will social distance while dancing. There are three dance floors and students who are on each floor will be recorded at regular intervals. It is suggested that students rotate dance floors in order to avoid close contact with other students.”

The prom attendee list did not include the numbers assigned to the students, and only one set of cards with that information exists for tracking purposes. The school said the cards will be destroyed “in the next few days.” •
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A New Hampshire high school is facing the heat for “branding” unvaccinated students at the prom.

So not shocked what this has become...

So not shocked what this has become...

▬ CDC Director Admits Claim That Over 99% of In-Hospital Covid Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated People Was Junk ▬CLICK LIN...

▬ CDC Director Admits Claim That Over 99% of In-Hospital Covid Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated People Was Junk ▬
• CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted during a press briefing last week that her claim that over 99% of covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was a load of crap.

The claim, which was also echoed by Anthony Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy and other top officials, was shown to be a lie by the CDC's own data released by the Washington Post on July 29. The CDC's data showed the number of covid patient in-hospital deaths in May were 15% among the vaccinated, not 0.5% as they all claimed -- which is 30x higher than they stated.

The CDC and White House officials didn't tell the public that because they were in overdrive trying to scare everyone into taking Big Pharma's experimental mRNA "vaccines" despite their rapidly waning protection.

After being questioned Thursday on the 99% number by a CNN reporter, Walensky said that "those data were data that were from analyses in several states from January through June and didn't reflect the data that we have now from the Delta variant."

In other words, to get the 99% number they not only cherry-picked data from what ever states they wanted but they included data from January when covid deaths were at their peak and less than 10 percent of Americans had even taken the vaccine. Additionally, they excluded the most recent data showing the vaccines' protection was waning!

What an astonishing act of fraud! •
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▬ Kansas City Hospital Counters Media's False Narrative That They're Overwhelmed With Child Covid Cases ▬CLICK LINK HERE...

▬ Kansas City Hospital Counters Media's False Narrative That They're Overwhelmed With Child Covid Cases ▬
• Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City pushed back against the media's hysterical narrative that their hospital had "hit capacity" due to child covid cases by pointing out that most of their child patients have respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), not covid, and they have "plenty of capacity" to see kids in outpatient settings.

"Children's Mercy hits capacity as COVID cases continue rising in KC Metro," blared a headline from the Kansas City Star on July 27.

"As you may have heard, we are currently experiencing high patient volumes in the hospital, but we continue to be able to meet the needs of our patients requiring hospitalization," Children's Mercy responded in a statement posted to Facebook on July 28. "We also want to emphasize we have plenty of capacity to see your child in all of our outpatient settings."

"While we continue to see COVID-19 cases increase in our community and in our hospital, the increase in children we are treating as in-patients is mainly due to respiratory illnesses, like RSV," Children's Mercy continued. "We encourage all families to keep their scheduled clinic appointments."

Children's Mercy, which has 367-beds, said Thursday that they had 19 hospitalized child covid patients in total.

There has been a significant surge of RSV cases among children throughout our country since July.

"So we're all clear: when you read those worrying stories about a respiratory virus filling children's hospitals, you are reading about RSV," Alex Berenson said Saturday on Twitter. "And the likely reason this is happening now is because lockdowns prevented normal exposure, so 18 months of cases are happening at once." •

▬ Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Children and Adults ▬

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● This country is screwed...

● This country is screwed...

✱ RECOMMENDED READING ✱▬ What Will Segregated Society Look Like for the Unvaxxed? ▬CLICK LINK HERE ► www.blacklistednews...

▬ What Will Segregated Society Look Like for the Unvaxxed? ▬
• In 2020, the proposition that COVID-19 countermeasures would come to include forced vaccination and vaccine passports, resulting in a segregated society where only those participating in the COVID injection experiment have human rights, was labeled a wild conspiracy theory unworthy of discussion.

Fast-forward to August 2, 2021, and Forbes announces, “No Vax, No Service: Here’s Where Bars and Restaurants Across U.S. Are Requiring Proof of Vaccination.

No Jab, No Dining

According to Forbes, high-profile restaurant chains like Shake Shack and Union Square Hospitality are leading the way, requiring all staff and indoor diners in New York City and Washington D.C. to prove they’ve received the required doses of COVID-19 injections, starting September 7, 2021.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio hailed the decision, saying others will follow — and indeed, they did, with de Blasio himself announcing August 3, 2021, that proof of vaccination will be mandatory for all indoor dining, visiting gyms and going to movie theaters in the city.

Several New York City eateries were already checking vaccination status, and during the last week of July 2021, the San Francisco Bar Owners Alliance urged its 300 members to require proof of COVID-19 injection or a negative COVID test for patrons wanting to have a drink indoors.

Several Los Angeles restaurants, bars and comedy clubs are also following suit, as are more than 60 establishments in Seattle. Vaccinated-only restaurants have also popped up in Oakland, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, Boulder, St. Louis and New Orleans.

Since COVID countermeasures are a global lockstep operation, the same segregation trend is emerging in other countries as well. On the other hand, in Florida, where I live, businesses are prohibited by law from requiring customers to show proof of participation in the COVID jab experiment.

No Jab, No Job

A growing number of private companies are also requiring workers to participate in human medical experimentation or forfeit their job. As reported by Axios, this includes Facebook, Google, Twitter, Lyft, Uber, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Washington Post, BlackRock, Ascension Health, Netflix, Walmart, the Walt Disney Corporation and Morgan Stanley.

As mentioned, Florida prohibits businesses from requiring customers to provide proof of COVID “vaccination,” but it does not bar companies from mandating vaccination for its employees.

For now, Disney’s jab mandate only pertains to salaried and nonunion hourly employees, but according to Yahoo! News, Disney is in negotiations with union officials who represent theme park employees and members of its movie and TV production crews. The goal is to extend the vaccine mandate to union employees as well.

In May 2021, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission decreed that it is legal for companies to require employees to get the COVID shots. This despite the fact that the four available COVID injections are only authorized for emergency use and are as yet unlicensed. Testing is not expected to conclude for another two years.

No Jab, No Business

Private companies also have the right to not mandate COVID shots, of course, but standing up for workers’ right to choose could hamper their ability to conduct business at all, as PayPal is now vowing to block transactions and cancel accounts held by “extremists” and anyone endangering “at-risk communities,” which could include just about anything at this point.

Seeing how the White House is promoting the idea that people who question the safety and effectiveness of COVID shots are “killing people” and the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) labels anti-vaccine rhetoric as a form of hate speech, is it a stretch to suspect PayPal will start taking down the accounts of so-called “anti-vaxxers”?

Business owners and self-employed entrepreneurs who speak out against other official narratives probably face the same risk. •
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▬ NSA Awards Secret $10 Billion [taxpayer money] Contract to Amazon ▬CLICK LINK HERE ►

▬ NSA Awards Secret $10 Billion [taxpayer money] Contract to Amazon ▬
• The National Security Agency has awarded a secret cloud computing contract worth up to $10 billion to Amazon Web Services, Nextgov has learned.

The contract is already being challenged. Tech giant Microsoft filed a bid protest on July 21 with the Government Accountability Office two weeks after being notified by the NSA that it had selected AWS for the contract.

The contract’s code name is “WildandStormy,” according to protest filings, and it represents the second multibillion-dollar cloud contract the U.S. intelligence community—made up of 17 agencies, including the NSA—has awarded in the past year.

In November, the CIA awarded its C2E contract, potentially worth tens of billions of dollars, to five companies—AWS, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and IBM—that will compete for specific task orders for certain intelligence needs.

Details on the NSA’s newly awarded cloud contract are sparse, but the acquisition appears to be part of the NSA’s attempt to modernize its primary classified data repository, the Intelligence Community GovCloud.

For the better part of a decade, the NSA has moved its data, including signals intelligence and other foreign surveillance and intelligence information it ingests from multiple repositories around the globe, into this internally operated data lake analysts from the NSA and other IC agencies can run queries and perform analytics against. •
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● Silence from the Left...▬ Paging Greta Thunberg - China Restarts Coal Mines To Keep Up With Power Demand ▬CLICK LINK H...

● Silence from the Left...
▬ Paging Greta Thunberg - China Restarts Coal Mines To Keep Up With Power Demand ▬
• Operations at 53 shuttered coal mines in China will once again come to life, as China struggles to keep up with increased power demand, according to a statement by the National Development Reform Commission in China.

Last week, China announced it would restart 38 coal mines in Inner Mongolia. Now, China has announced it will resume operations at 15 more coal mines, in the regions of Shanxi and Xinjiang. The mines will operate for a year and will produce as much as 44 million tons of coal, which China hopes will satisfy the growing calls for power amid an intense heatwave and tick up in industrial activity.

China has struggled to answer the calls for both increased power and decreased emissions.

Despite bringing a multitude of coal mines back online, China has warned that its power shortage situation is just beginning—in fact, it is expected to worsen.

This also means that its thermal coal prices are expected to stay high. In May, China’s thermal coal prices skyrocketed to new record levels.

Still, coal is a cheap power source that has given China a rather ironic advantage when it comes to manufacturing solar panels used in Western countries, the Wall Street Journal pointed out at the end of July.

One could view the push for solar power in the United States and Europe as triggering increased demand for coal power in China, even to the point of restarting its previously shuttered mines. •
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● Higher pork prices, thanks to labor...▬ Canadian Farmers Cull 130,000 Pigs After Pork Plant Strike Closes Processor ▬C...

● Higher pork prices, thanks to labor...
▬ Canadian Farmers Cull 130,000 Pigs After Pork Plant Strike Closes Processor ▬
• Bloomberg reports a labor strike at a Quebec pork-processing plant may have resulted in more than 130,000 culled pigs in eastern Canada.

A dangerous backlog of pigs ready for slaughter has built up after Olymel's processing facility in Vallee-Jonction, Quebec, experienced a labor strike and the resulting closure of the plant since April 28.

The company slaughters on average 36,000 hogs each week. But since the plant closed, backlogs are increasing, and pigs are being diverted to other U.S. and western Canada processors. About 15,000 pigs each week are being left behind, according to David Duval, the president of the Eleveurs de porcs du Quebec, which represents the province's farmers.

"Animals struggle through heat waves like this. If on top of that they're crammed, it's becoming extremely difficult," Duval said. "I heard several producers who told me 'I don't know where to put them next week."

Duval calls the situation "unprecedented" and says the pork industry in Quebec produces four times more than what's locally consumed.

"Olymel is taking special measures to limit this backlog, to control the backlog as much as we can," Richard Vigneault, a spokesman for Olymel, said.

Bloomberg estimates more than 130,000 pigs have been culled by local farmers.

Each pig can provide around 600 meals, and the waste is considered astronomical. •
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● Yes, and I'm hearing this from numerous people who depend on those events for their income, many of which haven't reco...

● Yes, and I'm hearing this from numerous people who depend on those events for their income, many of which haven't recovered from last year...
▬ Here We Go Again: Dozens Of Major Events Are Being Cancelled Across The Country Due To Covid ▬
• Here we go again.

Just when we thought life would be returning back to "normal", that vaccines were going to bring us back to the way things were in 2019 and that the government overreach and hysteria would finally come to a close, events are being cancelled left and right heading into the fall in what is looking like a carbon copy of 2020...all over again.

It was announced yesterday that the famous New Orleans Jazz Festival for 2021 would be cancelled due to "rising cases" of Covid in the state, according to CNN.

"We now look forward to next spring, when we will present the Festival during its traditional timeframe. Next year's dates are April 29 -- May 8, 2022," the festival said on its website.

Sure. We'll see about that. •
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▬ Oregon Suspends Need For High School Graduates To Be Proficient In Reading, Writing, & Math ▬CLICK LINK HERE ► www.zer...

▬ Oregon Suspends Need For High School Graduates To Be Proficient In Reading, Writing, & Math ▬
• Many of us have long objected to the chronic failure of public schools in major cities like New York, Detroit, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore to achieve bare proficiency for many students in reading, writing, and math. The response in many districts is for some to declare standardized testing or meritocracy as racist while other district eliminate special programs or schools for gifted students. Oregon has found a simpler approach.

Gov. Kate Brown (D) just signed a bill last month that drops any proficiency requirement in reading, writing or math, before graduation. Problem solved. •
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▬ Ohio Judge Orders Man Convicted Of Fentanyl Possession To Get Vaccine Or Face Jail Time ▬CLICK LINK HERE ► www.zerohed...

▬ Ohio Judge Orders Man Convicted Of Fentanyl Possession To Get Vaccine Or Face Jail Time ▬
• How's this for judicial overreach?

An Ohio attorney is speaking out after a judge ordered one of his clients to get vaccinated as a condition of his release.

21-year-old Brandon Rutherford was given a suspended sentence last week for possession of the deadly drug fentanyl by Hamilton County Judge Christopher Wagner. But in addition to the typical requirements - that Rutherford stay clean, and get a job, stay away from guns, - the judge also gave him 60 days to get vaccinated, or be sent to prison to serve out a term as lengthy as 18 months.

Rutherford's lawyer decided to take the case to the press, speaking to multiple media outlets on Monday about the unfairness of the judge's order regarding his client. The lawyer says he intends to challenge the order, but that he wants to wait and see if Judge Wagner "violates" his client once the deadline is up. •
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● Expect competitors to also raise prices... and they'll never come back down...▬ Tyson Foods CEO Says Costs Rising Fast...

● Expect competitors to also raise prices... and they'll never come back down...
▬ Tyson Foods CEO Says Costs Rising Faster Than It Can Hike Prices ▬
• Tyson's CEO Donnie King said higher costs are hitting the firm faster than the company can lift prices, and retail prices are set to rise on Sept. 5.

Everything from fuel to labor to raw materials (corn and soybeans) to shipping to other inputs critical for livestock farming has exponentially risen over the last year.

None of this should be a surprise as we've referenced two BofA reports that suggested "transitory" hyperinflation is not just ahead but has arrived. King must have had a mental lapse during the earnings call because the word "transitory" was not part of the conversation.

In May, BofA said, "Buckle up! Inflation is here," and showed a chart of the number of mentions of "inflation" during earnings calls which exploded, more than tripling YoY per company so far, and the most significant jump in history since BofA started keeping records in 2004. •
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▬ Democrat Arizona Senator Charged With Child Molestation Resigns After Six Days of Outcry ▬CLICK LINK HERE ► https://na...

▬ Democrat Arizona Senator Charged With Child Molestation Resigns After Six Days of Outcry ▬
• Arizona Democrat State Senator Tony Navarrete has resigned, following 6 days of outcry after he was arrested on charges of repeatedly molesting two teenage boys.

Navarrete, who was considered a rising star within the Arizona Democrat party and founded his party’s LGBTQ Caucus, resigned his position within the Arizona legislature on Tuesday afternoon in an email to Senate President Karen Fann. Fann and Democrat Senate Leader Rebecca Rios announced his resignation in a joint statement, saying that it was the “right thing to do” giving the serious nature of the allegations. “We know that the Arizona Judicial Branch will deliver justice and pray for healing and support for all victims,” the statement read. •
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