Satanic Models

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Satanic Models The "Satanic Models" magazine is for all Satanists and the Satanic Minded. Plus, features our Satanic Models! Contact:

George A.

Model Photo-shoot Rates:

Non-n**e $100
Semi-n**e $500
Full n**e $1000

Photographer: George A. Hart Photography and Video

Do you want to model for this magazine or place an ad.? Hart Publishing
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Media and Silence

There is Media, and there is Silence! Media or sound, light, outward, and Silence is inward. These are forms of meditation. When they are speaking or chatter, then there is distraction from the inner higher spiritual thought.

Outward meditation, media, symbolizes the lower physical material method or path of spiritual enlightenment.

It can also be used solely for material physical gains. This can be called the physical material method or path of de-enlightenment of the primitive.

Inward meditation, including Silence, symbolizes the higher mental spiritual path of spiritual enlightenment.

We choose our paths and we choose our weapons!


The Satanic Dream

The Satanic Dream is to manifest wealth, power, and s*xual fulfillment for every Satanic Member of our Temple. We create programs that educate and develop our Satanic Members' ability to build their personal and collective wealth. This becomes the great power through which every Satanic Member can fulfill their s*xual desires!


The Meaning of Satanic

The meaning of Satanic has been defined already for our Temple. Each Satanic Group, Temple, or Church will define their own meaning. Our concept of Satanic simply means to be adversarial or opposed to Judeo-Christian beliefs and moral-values. Our Temple has defined our own moral-values within our own moral-value system. Our moral-value system is known as the Satanic Moral-Value System.


The Temple of 9 and The Oracle Men

The Oracle Men and Women wear black hooded robes. They are lower level Priests and Priestesses. It's $100 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.

The Archons or Magistrates are the head Priests and Priestesses and wear red-black hooded robes. They are the Councils of Nine members. Each new Archon over 9, begins a new Council and new Den. Dens are new chapters or temple branch. It's $1000 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.

The Oracle Men Guards wear the Guard Uniforms. They are the lower level Security Forces. They wear black and silver hoods and masks. It's $100 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.

The Oracle Men Guard Commanders wear the Guard Uniforms. They are the higher level Security Forces. They wear black and gold hoods and masks. It's $1000 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.


Hail the Dark Forces! Hail Wealth, Power, and S*x! Hail The Oracle! Hail the Archons!


The Temple of 9 and The Oracle Men

The Oracle Men and Women wear black hoods. They are lower level Priests and Priestesses. It's $100 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.

The Archons or head Priests and Priestesses wear red hoods. They are the Councils of Nine members. Each new Archon over 9, begins a new Council and new Den. Dens are new chapters. It's $1000 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.

The Oracle Men Guards wear the Guard Uniforms. They are the lower level Security Forces. They wear black and silver hoods and masks. It's $100 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.

The Oracle Men Guard Commanders wear the Guard Uniforms. They are the higher level Security Forces. They wear black and gold hoods and masks. It's $1000 per year. Nick Names are posted on the website and store and each member gets a Membership Card and Satanic Dollar Crypto Salary.


Hail the Dark Forces! Hail Wealth, Power, and S*x! Hail The Oracle!


The Science of Immortality

One of the main goals of my Temple has always been to eventually achieve a state of long youthful life. This is also known as immortality! Any state similar or close to it, we still can call immortality. Science is steadily moving forward in these fields developing the anti-aging and reverse aging technologies. We struggle against the non-believers who have no vision for humanities great future zenith of a utopian world, and we struggle against religious fanatics that will try and block, ban, and outlaw the technologies, and finally we will struggle against rich class greed as they try to horde, control, and limit such technologies for their elite groups. Many often wondered why we will need such secret militias and the answers are there. Science is moving closer to achieving technologies that I have no doubt we will achieve very soon, but maybe not fully master for a long time. New theories on aging are bringing us closer to full reverse aging technologies!


Three Classes of Women and the Satanic Class of Women

1. Class One Women are mainstream Women that knowingly or unknowingly follow the mainstream Judeo-Christian moral-value system, which is mainstream because Christians and Jews are still the majority at this time. This means Class One Women do not engage in much s*xuality beyond mainstream Judeo-Christian values and ideals. Class One Women do not usually have s*x on dates, before marriage, or outside of monogamous marriage. Class One Women are purely Christian, etc., and mostly conservatives.

2. Class Two Women are less mainstream and open to some s*xual promiscuity, bis*xuality, lesbianism, etc. Class Two Women still have a hard time accepting or embracing our Anti-Christian Satanic moral-values, the concept of the Holy W***e, etc. Class Two Women still mainly only have s*x with those they have a long term relationship with or are married to. Class Two Women usually do not embrace s*xuality outside of their committed relationships and marriages. Class Two Women are a mix of semi-Christians, etc., conservatives, and some liberals.

3. Class Three Women are completely opposed to the Judeo-Christian moral-value system and open to accepting and embracing our Anti-Christian Satanic moral-value system. Class Three Women embrace the full blown s*xual Holy W***e concept and lifestyle, total promiscuity, bis*xuality, lesbianism, polyamoty, polyandry, polygamy, prostitution, pandering, ta***ic s*x, free love, etc. Also, Class Three Women are fully open to becoming Satanic Ta***ic Holy W***e Priestesses! Class Three Women I also call our Satanic Women. These are the Women I seek for my Ta***ic Satanic Temple. We do not want or recruit Class One or Class Two Women. Class Three Women are the Satanic Class of Women and mostly liberals!


Women Priestesses, Spiritual Ta***ic Rebirth, and Warrior Strength

Becoming a Satanic Kali Priestess or High Priestess begins with your devotion and dedication to the foundational belief system of Spiritual Satanism 999. This is one of the basic names of this system. This system was created by a mystic with the pen name, Rev. Caesar 999. High Priest Caesar 999 has spent years developing his mystical and spiritual system. This system evolves and gets better over time like everything should. The one thing it is lacking is a Woman's touch and supporting perspective. There's room in this temple for more improvements and positive developments. This is where the Priestesses and High Priestess come into the picture. Women who have studied this system and find they resonate with it, are welcome to join our temple, and help to improve upon our beliefs and goals.

It seems that every Woman in today’s world wants to start their own temple and that’s great, but do not forget there are still places where Women can fit in with Men on an equal footing and take part in their development. The Temple of Satanic Kali is one of those temples which allows Women who accept the majority of the foundational beliefs and goals, to build upon them with improvements and modifications. Here Women are equal to Men in every way and maybe even more entitled within the framework of the core system of beliefs and goals. Afterall, our system is more matriarchal and our main deity is a form of the goddess Kali, which is one face among many goddesses, such as Isis, etc.!

Our system is Satanic, not Satan worshiping. This means we are adversarial toward Judeo-Christian beliefs, values, and deity. This does not mean we believe in the Christian deity, Christian devil, nor do we worship Satan! Our system is mystical, spiritual, and Ta***ic! We work to develop our spirituality, and physical health through our spiritual evolution and our physical-technological evolution. We work to restore the ancient Ta***ic s*xual healing arts for spiritual and physical healing.

We recognize the Holy W***e Ta***ic Priestess as a glorified, dignified, respectable, and honorable career! We also recognize the Warrior-Priest as a glorified, dignified, respectable, and honorable career! These paths are not gender locked and are open to all. It’s encouraged to follow both paths but many only will follow one. The Healer Priestesses and Priests will learn many types of healing arts, besides specializing in the Ta***ic s*xual healing arts. We fully expect our Priestesses and Priests to practice left-hand Ta**ra arts and truly s*xually heal our people. S*xual healing is a very powerful art form and we believe that humans need s*xual healing on a regular basis to maintain great mental and physical health. The Warrior-Priests will practice Martial Arts, which also are very healthy healing arts and for the defense of our people and temple!


The Religious Cold War

The Christians have spent over 20 centuries recruiting, proselytizing, donating, tithing, pillaging, warring, and massacring their way to power and authority! This is how they managed to build so many churches, raise generation after generation of loyal faithful followers, control banks, kingdoms, governments, laws, etc. Turning the tide against them in these modern times is not just a matter of opposing them, disliking or hating them, becoming an atheist, devil worshiper, or any type of Satanist or Satanic person or god! Turning the tide against them and finally bringing an end to their power and control requires our own full dedication, devotion, loyalty, and faith to unite together and build our own united Satanic Order. This also requires many levels of financing to bring about a more sophisticated and motivated generation of Satanic Brothers and Sisters. This means we will need to do our own recruiting, proselytizing, donating, tithing, etc. in this modern age cold war of opposing religions and values! Without this level of development, we simply will never achieve any higher form of dominion, control, authority, or religious freedom as they run every rebellious group back into the ground and continue business as usual as the dominant Christian rulers. The same is true for other religions, etc. However, our focus here on Christianity is meant to give you an idea of the main opponent who will continue to oppose our rights and values. Becoming a majority group in a capitalist system means more financing, more children, more organization, more dedication, devotion, and faith in our own beliefs, and temples, even if we have a multitude of different beliefs. To create real dedication, devotion, and faith, requires something special and is the inception of spirituality into our Satanic belief systems! We must flip the entire foundation of Satanic ideas over. Instead of the individual or the Self as the highest being in our systems, we must begin to realize there is something greater than ourselves, and greater causes than our own selfish goals!


The Gods

The Gods are responsible for deciphering Language!

The Gods of Language!

Every Word - Symbol - Sound - Pronunciation is attributed to specific Deities!

Isis - Aphrodite - Venus - Kali

(Life) Magick - Love - S*x - Mother

Love is the same as S*x!

(Two sides of the same coin!)

Isis - Thoth (Kali - Shiva)

Magick - Knowledge

Magick is the same as Knowledge!

S*x Magick Knowledge! Love Isis - Thoth!

The Account of Judgement!

You must have Good Judgement!

The Reckoning!

There were two sets of Gods!

This is the Scale!

There were two sets of Scales!

Nuit - Geb - Maat - Osiris - Ra!

From the Sky to Earth comes Judgement and brings Death and Re-Birth!

The Great House - High Column - Osiris - Ra!

The Upper House - Lower House!

The Scale is a Circle!

One Scale is Crooked and one Scale is Accurate!

This is Right and Wrong!

This is Honesty and Dishonesty!

This is Good and Evil!

Kings and the Gods are the same!

Kings and the Gods weigh the same!

The Balance - Law - Judgement - Pharoah!

Osiris - Ra was the Pharoah!

Five Royal names of Pharoahs!

Five Kingdoms!

The Upper Kingdom and the Lower Kingdom!

Five Famlies - Tribes!

Five Sections - Dungeons!

Judgement comes down out of the Sky like a Bird and brings Death and Resurrection!

The Phoenix!

Breath of Life!


Water of Life!


Lord of the Day!

Lady of the Night!

Osiris - Isis!

Fire of Death!



The Body and the Blood

The most desired foods are the sweetest, the candy!
The most desired human interaction is the sweetest, the s*x!
S*x is the candy of human interaction!

It's the completed formula. You have heard, Blood is the life? But this is vague or encrypted. The completed formula is, "Blood is the perfect life!" Perfect life means flawless, immortal, deathless, fulfilled. This comes from the blood that heals wounds and births life. The transformation. It begins in the blood. There within the blood we find the substances and DNA code. Immortality is a switch in the DNA! Meditate on the switch and turn it on! This is the natural way. Meditating on the Switch code is the scientific way. Both paths lead to immortality. The natural way is the hard way. But you know humans are always trying to take the easy way out. And though they are both hard paths, the children of the science path will reap the free rewards. Meditation is focus! Once they decode the DNA completely, they will know everything the human is capable of doing! And how to change the code to do it! Once they change the code and turn on the switch, all children of the switched on or enlightened gods will be born immortal!

The ancients had blood sacrifices to appease the gods and knew the secret of life and death was in the blood. This starts the vampire legends, myths, and religions long before christianity! Each victim of Dracula or a Vampire is a blood sacrifice to him or her, the god / goddess of night / darkness, which feeds him/her forever! And when christianity grew this god / goddess became their devil! This is the god / goddess of Life and Death, and Immortality!

S*x is another secret behind the blood!


The Quad Commune
The rich class, uses their primitive capitalist system to break the population down into individual units which they can exploit to the greatest possible extent. This is one reason they work to undermine communes, and communal systems. When the people begin to work collectively, we can undermine the hurdles and barriers placed around each one of us as individuals. We can eliminate many bills, burdens, taxes, and career blockades. We also can eliminate housing problems, transportation problems, education and skills access, etc. We need to work harder at rebuilding the communes of the 60's and 70's. Smaller ones will be more manageable for developing quantity. The quad 4 person commune is an example of a minimal social structure which spiritually evolving humans can use to learn how to work and live together, while being mass produced or repeatedly cloned across the country and world. The expansion of New Age Communalism must begin with our spiritual development. We can fast track this development with ma*****na, etc.


Restore Our Rights of Polygamy and Polyandry

Monogamy became part of the judeo-christian value system long ago and is still enforced fanatically to the point of making polygamy and polyandry illegal, and teaching against multiple partners, etc. Monogamy is spiritually inferior to Polyamory because it takes more spiritually evolved people to have complex polyamorous relationships. The majority of people opt for monogamy outwardly or no relationship because it is just easier socially or because of their religious beliefs. Monogamy isn't for many people, just like the judeo-christian moral-value system isn't for many people, and we must have our rights restored to live the kind of lives we truly believe in living!


Liberal Spiritual Advancement

After we defeat the primitive conservatives politically, we will need to bring all these criminal thug agents to justice, eliminate the electoral college, tear down a border wall, reopen immigration, tax the rich like never before, cut off funding to these agencies and the military, cut off funding to cops and reorganize them, create a liberal citizens army, fund the mail service, fully legalize ma*****na, shutdown many prisons, create a new federal job program, rebuild universal health care, remove all the former ceo's from the top agencies and increase all regulations for the environment, food, etc., cut off funding to churches and large corporations, and redirect funding to true small businesses and to the poorest people for jobs, training, housing, food, etc!


Remember, those that call themselves LaVeyan Satanists are real sheep and fakes that follow the teachings of a low life mercenary scumbag!


The Satanic Holy W***e Ta***ic Temple

The Holy W***e Satanic Priestess and Priest practices s*xual ta**ra, etc., and fulfills the s*xual desires of those Satanic supporters in need of s*xual fulfillment, without discrimination of age or beauty! S*xual desire fulfillment is a true need that humans, especially our Satanic people need because humans need to be s*xually fulfilled on a regular basis in order to become and remain healthy physically and mentally! This is why we fight for our rights to prostitution, etc. However, the Holy W***e Satanic Priestess and Priest is encouraged to give their s*xual healing for free, because not all can afford to pay for services and it's the duty of our Holy W***e Priestesses and Priests to fulfill the desires of our Satanic people and spread the Holy W***edom, which the Judeo-Christian religions have worked hard to suppress and destroy. The Holy W***e Temples must be restored around the world and the Satanic moral-value system spread! When I say for free, it means simply without exchange for monetary units. However, the true exchange should be the love of and support of our people whose duties are to support, defend, and work for our temple! There will be a time when money will no longer exist and as we spiritually evolve, we must learn to do our part for our temple and people without expecting a payment. The real payment will exist as citizen benefits which all loyal supporters will receive. These benefits include housing, food, clothing, transportation, medical, and s*xual healing. Spiritual evolution brings an end to selfishness, greed, jealousy, possessiveness, money, classes, etc. The enemy rich class has people so brainwashed into needing their money so they can control the people and live in luxury. Even this brainwashing will soon be burned away forever!


Become a Satanic Holy W***e Priestess and Priest! Those against Holy W***edom, Promiscuity, Prostitution, Ta**ra, S*xual Healing Arts, Polyamory, etc. are the enemy!


Satanic Priestess, Satanic Priest, Satanic Recruiter, Satanic Salesperson

These jobs are available to those who want to make extra money! Contact me if you want to make extra money promoting our memberships and products!

Spiritual Satanism 999 was created by Rev. Caesar 999. The term Satanic is defined as adversarial toward Judeo-Christian beliefs and values!

There is no devil worship involved. However, there is a choice of deity worship if you become a Priestess or Priest. The main deity accepted within the Spiritual Satanism 999 system is Universal Creation Consciousness in the form of the goddess Kali-Shakti.

You can earn money through our freelance job positions. This means you will work for yourself and collect a 50% commission based upon the retail prices on our websites!

If you are sincerely interested in any of these job opportunities, then you can contact me!

Rev. Caesar 999

[email protected]


Happy Winter Solstice, Saturnalia, and Yule!


The Satanic Bible: 2012 - Second Edition has been edited again and re-formatted. This book contains the foundational belief system for the mystical religion of Spiritual Satanism 999.


Freelance Jobs, Recruiter, and Salesperson

Recruitment is the way of Spiritual Satanism 999. We must use every tool in our arsenal to defeat the judeo-christian, conservative, and rich class enemies! Those against recruitment are the enemy! Do you want to become a Recruiter or Salesperson for the Church Of The Antichrist 999 and Temple of Satanic Kali? You can signup at the link below.


The Great Divine Compromise and Union of the Mystical Ethical Spiritualist and the Scientist

The great divine compromise and union of the mystical ethical Spiritualist and the Scientist, leads to the superhuman Spiritual Scientist, who practices the great divine Spiritual Science! This is the ultimate balance between the supernatural mythical ethical Spirituality and the natural physical Sciences! This is the combined great path of the Spiritual Evolution and Physical Evolution of collective humanity and each individual!

It may take 1000 years to bring collective humanity to this higher state of evolution, but most certainly by 1 million years, if humanity does not destroy itself. It is the ultimate path to avoid the human extinction, because of our own primitive nature. It will take at least 1000 more years to raise the collective of humanity to its spiritual zenith, because the primitives will fight back and undermine our spiritual and physical advances at every stage!

All primitive cultures, religions, political branches, economic systems, etc., will be spiritually cleansed from humanity 1 step at a time. The true spiritual evolution of humanity will bring an end to the primitive masculinity of current times and an end to their primitive warlike nature. The future of humanity is a domination of human feminine nature, which will be paramount in achieving lasting peace and harmony.

Current political economic systems will be eradicated as humans spiritually advance. The concept of democracy will be recognized as part of the primitive systems which give too much liberty to primitive beings, which help to sustain the authority and power of the ruling primitives who keep billions in poverty slavery, keep perpetual wars going for profit and power. Human spiritual advancement places control in the hands of the most spiritually advanced masters of the supreme spiritual temple schools!

Spiritually advanced beings will give up major possessions, control of and the hording of resources, and accept social and economic equality for all of humanity. As humans spiritually advance, each primitive country or nation will give up its primitive status and join the spiritual collective temples. Primitive religions that cling to fanaticism and maintain perpetual spiritual stagnation, will also be eliminated as humans spiritually advance!


I had to remake my Church Page because somehow I no longer have an admin role on my original page! So, this page will be the substitute until facebook fixes the problem!

The mystical Temple or Church of The Antichrist 999 is an underground organization founded by High Priest Caesar 999. This Spiritual Satanic Temple teaches the religion of Spiritual Satanism 999 or Caesarean Satanism!


Six Meditational Steps to Improved Health and Spirituality Through a Spiritually Advanced Diet

The first step is recognizing that eating meat is extremely primitive and not eating it is more spiritually advanced. When it comes to diet and spirituality, that's a beginning step as part of our overall spiritual education that must be taught in our new spiritual schools.

A second step is realizing that these animals are as conscious and self-aware as humans, up to at least the age 6 mentally or even older. So, it's exactly the same as killing a human 6 year old child, who doesn't understand why they are being treated so horribly and cruelly, why they are being murdered, or even what life or death really is.

A third step is to begin reducing meat consumption, switching over to eating more plant based complete and partial proteins in combination. Also, to begin the switch to non-lethal non-inhumane engineered living protein sources!

A fourth step is to become completely vegetarian and consume only plant based proteins and non-lethal living proteins.
A fifth step is to recognize that a vegetarian diet is far healthier than a meat diet!

A sixth step will be to become completely vegan, consuming no animal products whatsoever!

If a person can make it only to step one, they have begun to spiritually evolve to a higher level. Everything begins with mental recognition of higher levels of spiritual advancement and development. This is the most important step at this stage of collective human spiritual evolution!


The Importance of True Spiritual Schools

These ancients became so highly skilled in these healing arts and martial arts systems because they advanced their minds so far ahead through spirituality or spiritual enlightenment, from meditation, etc. Modern science lacks this spiritual component and rejects it which is a fatal setback for humanity.

The ancients were completely absorbed in their spiritual mystical world and therefore all of their knowledge and skills were taught and explained through mystical and spiritual terminologies, which are extremely difficult to understand by modern people who have very little understanding or spiritual knowledge which is by design of the controlling primitive anti-spiritual powers that exist and dominate in our contemporary age, which is actually a spiritual dark age.

There's a huge difference between spiritual enlightenment and religious fanaticism. That's something people must never forget! Most Christians today are not spiritually enlightened and are religious fanatics. These Christians today are not even the same ones that originally existed. The original teachings were totally different and they were mainly killed off.

These ancient civilizations reached the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment which we can only dream of achieving today. However, over the centuries they have lost their high levels of spiritual enlightenment through religious fanaticism and primitives who undermined and conquered or controlled such advanced systems.

Today, we are surrounded by primitives in a primitive capitalist system which is designed for profit and maintaining a class system which oppresses billions to keep the few living perpetually in luxury.

So, they don't focus upon healing arts without a profit, which means many diseases are not cured, just treated to maintain endless profit. Poverty is not eliminated, to maintain endless wealth and power. War is not eliminated, to maintain endless profit and domination.

As more people turn to spirituality and fight to achieve enlightenment and freedom from suffering, those people who will lose the most if people become enlightened are ditching out more poisons in the food, more toxic chemicals in the environment, attacking more spiritual leaders to bring down their efforts to enlighten and turn people against their primitive capitalist barbarism.

As the spiritual movements grow, disease and death grows alongside as the anti-spiritual forces attack and spread their plagues to kill as many people that oppose their ability to profit and maintain their power as they can!

Conservatives, religious fanatics, homophobes, racists, egomaniacs, rich class, greed driven capitalists, environment destroyers, corrupt farmers, etc., are all trying to fight back progressive spiritual movements that create equality, clean the environment, create peace, and redistribute resources to the many, rather than the few!

Without spirituality and spiritual enlightenment spread through our true spiritual schools, we are facing endless suffering, and ultimately nuclear war as the fanatics ruthlessly try to cling to power and rich class luxury.

The Satanic Bible: 2020 (@ Barns & Noble)You can now buy the new hardcover 15 year anniversary edition of, The Satanic B...

The Satanic Bible: 2020 (@ Barns & Noble)

You can now buy the new hardcover 15 year anniversary edition of, The Satanic Bible: 2020 at Barns & Noble online or order in stores! Get it in time for Halloween, Samhain, Winter Solstice, Yule, and the Saturnalia, etc.!

The Hardcover of the The Satanic Bible: 2020 by Rev. Caesar 999 at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $35.0 or more!



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Satanic Models

The Satanic Models Website was created by George A. Hart, aka Rev. Caesar 999. I hire models that have a Satanic Nature for various work and projects! Our models will do photo shoots or video shoots for books, magazines, clothing, and websites! Are you Satanic? Are you Beautiful and S*xy? Do you enjoy Modeling and don't feel that you fit into the mainstream? Then you have found the right Modeling Home! Go to the Sign-up form and sign up now!

Satanic Models is a Satanic, Gothic, and Dark themed amateur adult modeling site, with full nudity, p**n, etc. Satanic Models will also model t-shirts, and be featured in books, and magazines! Satanic Models will also be branching out to do adult webcamming! Those interested can contact me by email.

[email protected]

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