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Crescent International Crescent International, Newsmagazine of the Islamic Movement - a publication of the INSTITUTE OF CON Former editor Iqbal Siddiqui is now a columnist.

Crescent International is an international news magazine of the global Islamic movement that is affiliated with the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought. It is published in Canada, South Africa and Pakistan, and also distributed from London and Nigeria. Primarily based in Toronto, Canada, it also has offices in London, Pretoria and Karachi. Crescent International was originally a local Pakist

ani community paper in Toronto, founded in the early 1970s by Lateef Owaisi and his wife Zahida. In 1980, after the Iranian Revolution, it was converted to an international news magazine by Dr Kalim Siddiqui, director of the Muslim Institute and Zafar Bangash, a member of the Muslim Institute who had been editor of Crescent since 1975 and remained editor until 1998. Under Zafar Bangash, it became one of the most respected publications in the Islamic movement. An Arabic edition, called Al-Hilal Al-Dawli, was published from 1986–89, before being closed for financial reasons. Between 1998 and 2008, Crescent International was edited by Iqbal Siddiqui. It is now managed by an editorial board consisting of Zafar Bangash, Afeef Khan and Imam Muhammad al-Asi. Crescent analyses and comments on current affairs from an Islamic perspective. It also discusses issues concerning the Islamic movement, its institutions, work and its activists. After Dr Kalim Siddiqui's death in 1996, Zafar Bangash became assistant director of the Muslim Institute, London, and then Director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought in 1998. Other major contributors include Imam Muhammad al-Asi of Washington DC, whose tafseer of the Quran is presently being serialised, M A Shaikh in London, and Perwez Shafi in Pakistan. Crescent also has correspondents all over the world, many of whom prefer to remain anonymous. Crescent International is also published on the Internet, under the name Muslimedia. On January 4, 2010, Crescent International launched a new service on its webpage titled Daily News Analysis. The Daily News Analysis which is available on provides news analysis from the perspective of the global Islamic movement on world events.

Why a new translation of the Quran when we already have so many?

Why a new translation of the Quran when we already have so many?

Assalaam Alaykum,This is Session 1 of my Readings of "The Ascendant Quran" an Advanced English Translation of The Quran, by Imam Muhammad Al Asi. A Monumen...

Although Fatah militia, posing as a “Palestinian Security Force” is a western creation, its members are Palestinians, wh...

Although Fatah militia, posing as a “Palestinian Security Force” is a western creation, its members are Palestinians, whose brethren are being regularly killed, tortured and imprisoned by Israel before their eyes.

There are thousands of members of this force with access to weapons and some basic military training.

It is simply a matter of time before a clandestine network of Palestinians working in the so-called security force begin turning against Fatah collaborators and start using their limited resources to fight back against Israeli perpetrated genocide.

Some self-styled pundits, taking a superficial view, considered the killing as another routine violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and Israel’s ongoing assassination policy.

The vast majority of Muslims came to Germany, as to other parts of Europe, for economic reasons.Germany, like most other...

The vast majority of Muslims came to Germany, as to other parts of Europe, for economic reasons.

Germany, like most other European countries, had its industries and other infrastructure destroyed during the Second World War.

By politicizing immigrant presence in Germany, especially Muslim immigrants, the Berlin regime has set in motion a process which historians will likely assess as a strategic failure.

The German regime’s mouthpiece reported on August 29 that Berlin was expelling Sheikh Mohammad Hadi Mofatteh, from the country.

The 1500th birth anniversary of the Prophet (pbuh) needs to be celebrated in a grand manner.

The 1500th birth anniversary of the Prophet (pbuh) needs to be celebrated in a grand manner.

Every year Muslims celebrate the Mawlid (birthday) of the Prophet (pbuh) with great reverence and zeal. Next year, there will be a special occasion: the 1500th birth anniversary of the noble Messenger (pbuh). Will Muslims and their governments celebrate this event properly?

Due to its history, Britain represents an aura of western imperialist dominance.Destabilizing socio-political processes ...

Due to its history, Britain represents an aura of western imperialist dominance.

Destabilizing socio-political processes in the UK cannot be brushed away as simple domestic disturbances. This applies particularly at a time when western hegemony is facing multiple obstacles in several spheres, from geopolitical to demographic.

Racist riots in Britain targeting especially Muslims are symptomatic of a much deeper malaise afflicting western societies. Many western commentators have realized this but the apathy of the masses prevents meaningful change.


The monthly edition (September 2024) of Crescent International is available on our website with cutting-edge analysis on the key current affairs issues.

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How the myth of the "strongest army" crumbled and the pathetic PR campaign used to restore the unsustainable narrative. ...

How the myth of the "strongest army" crumbled and the pathetic PR campaign used to restore the unsustainable narrative.

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It should also be remembered that the only time Israel’s genocidal military formations fought a conventional style war in recent decades was against Hizbullah in 2006.


An important question is, what do the Saudis want to achieve with their current approach. More specifically, how the eve...

An important question is, what do the Saudis want to achieve with their current approach. More specifically, how the events in have impacted their regional schemes. Let us begin by looking at the Saudi scheme post-October 2023 events.

Since Hamas’ daring operation of October 2023 in Palestine, the medieval Saudi regime is largely absent from the headlines.

The Yemeni headache for Israel presents a very special challenge.  Read 👇 to understand why and how.

The Yemeni headache for Israel presents a very special challenge.

Read 👇 to understand why and how.

After ten months of slaughtering people in the open-air prison, otherwise known as Gaza, the region’s so-called “strongest” army is not only facing tank shortages, but it has added a permanent regional military problem for itself.

Zionist Israel has suffered a military defeat in Gaza. This has also led to political and geostrategic defeat for the se...

Zionist Israel has suffered a military defeat in Gaza. This has also led to political and geostrategic defeat for the settler colonial entity. Never before in its tortuous history has it faced such intrepid fighters as those comprising the Islamic resistance today. They have proved to be more than a match for the invading zionist army.

Israel has not only been defeated militarily but also suffered political and geostrategic defeat in Gaza. The mass slaughter of Palestinian civilians merely reflects its frustration.

As imperialist narratives collapse, it is equally important that those opposed to western imperialism do not construct t...

As imperialist narratives collapse, it is equally important that those opposed to western imperialism do not construct their own narratives on wishful thinking. Instead, they should take reality as their primary reference point.

There is heightened speculation about the BRICS bloc creating its own currency to replace the US dollar. While US sanctions have antagonized many countries, most of them BRICS members, much work needs to be done to create a viable currency.

Why was Biden’s withdrawal embarrassing?It proved that for the past two years the unhinged Trumpist camp was telling the...

Why was Biden’s withdrawal embarrassing?

It proved that for the past two years the unhinged Trumpist camp was telling the truth.

That truth was that Joe Biden was incapable of carrying out his duties as president.

Imagine a state or a political system where Donald Trump’s camp is considered “credible”.

Joe Biden’s humiliating withdrawal from the presidential selection process has exposed two things about the decaying US political system: one is positive, the other negative.

If the conflict in Ukraine raised doubts about western media reporting, the ongoing genocide in Palestine has buried all...

If the conflict in Ukraine raised doubts about western media reporting, the ongoing genocide in Palestine has buried all possibilities for western media’s return to dominance...

Blatant propaganda peddled by the likes of CNN or RT will no longer work.

CNN’s announcement is merely a symptom of the larger credibility problem western media outlets face which propagate narratives and interests of western regimes.

In all conflicts initiated by imperialist forces, the occupying powers have always tried to use local proxies.They provi...

In all conflicts initiated by imperialist forces, the occupying powers have always tried to use local proxies.

They provide the occupation forces with a native mask...

The presence of armed forces subservient to US-backed regional dictators in Gaza will turn Palestine into a hot domestic political issue.

It will propel the Palestinian issue onto the domestic political landscape in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Reports of a supposed Arab force presence in Gaza is likely an informational war tactic, but it is a goal desired by both Israel and the US.

Simply put, you can’t expect to conquer and enslave half the world and then complain when some of the descendants of the...

Simply put, you can’t expect to conquer and enslave half the world and then complain when some of the descendants of the enslaved and deprived decide to leave their plundered homelands and settle in the imperial core. Actions have consequences, and the continuous imperialist and neocolonial predations on the Third World have caused hundreds of millions of people to lead precarious existence.

The far-right’s rise in Europe is a worrying development. Centuries of colonialism devastating societies in Asia and Africa and in more recent years wars imposed on them under the pretext of fighting terrorism have forced millions of people to migrate. The Europeans don’t want them.

Islamic Iran has its distinct political culture. Current elections provide a glance into Iran's robust socio-political l...

Islamic Iran has its distinct political culture. Current elections provide a glance into Iran's robust socio-political landscape.

Iranians will go the polls again in a week’s time to vote in the second round of presidential election. The two front-runners, neither of whom secured the required 50% plus one vote, will face off each other on July 5.

Using Google Translate Chrome Extension - Articles of Crescent International can be read in several different languages....

Using Google Translate Chrome Extension - Articles of Crescent International can be read in several different languages. Inform your local communities.

Its nine-month genocidal war on Gaza has exposed zionist Israel’s true nature. It is the enemy of humanity and a terrori...

Its nine-month genocidal war on Gaza has exposed zionist Israel’s true nature. It is the enemy of humanity and a terrorist state. Islamic resistance movements that are struggling to secure their fundamental rights to freedom and dignity are not the villains projected by a scandalously biased media under direction from their regimes.

The whole world now recognizes this fact despite continuous propaganda against the Islamic resistance. Student protests and encampments worldwide, especially in the US provide proof of this phenomenon.

Despite the indescribable suffering inflicted on the Palestinian people, Islam’s political power is re-emerging in the world. It is this rise that terrifies the zionists and imperialists. Committed Muslims are changing the political dynamics of the world.

It is, necessary to assess the steps the US is likely to take if the Lebanese front against Israeli-led genocide in Pale...

It is, necessary to assess the steps the US is likely to take if the Lebanese front against Israeli-led genocide in Palestine turns into an escalated war.

American politicians of all stripes are under the complete control of the zionist lobby. Will the US join Israel’s war on Lebanon? If so, what will be its consequences. If Russia is truly interes...

If Russia is truly interested in eliminating unnecessary geopolitical headaches for itself, it would be in Russia’s national interest to reign in its regional puppets like Rahmonov.

Currently Russian approach to developments in Central Asia is outdated: if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

Many Muslims worldwide were shocked to hear the news on June 19 that a Muslim-majority country like Tajikistan has banned the Islamic hijab (Islamic headdress).

Considering that the geography of the conflict in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria is quite small, losing air dominance will...

Considering that the geography of the conflict in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria is quite small, losing air dominance will cost Israeli and American ground forces dearly.

Until quite recently, significant technological limitations restricted the forces resisting zionism and US imperialism in pressuring their foes in the skies.

Today, in a broader sense, the technological playing field is heading towards a point of significant equilibrium...

What this means is that Hizbullah will achieve significant maneuverability on the ground.

The news that Hizbullah shot down the widely-hyped Israeli Hermes 900 drone carries a lot more significance than a tactical military achievement.

Over the past few weeks, several countries have recognized Palestine as a country within the US imposed two-state narrat...

Over the past few weeks, several countries have recognized Palestine as a country within the US imposed two-state narrative....

Prior to explaining the devious agenda behind this sensationalist ploy, let us briefly look at the background of the political charade underway...

Even if the two-state solution is implemented, it cannot address simple, on the ground realities..

Over the past few weeks, several countries have recognized Palestine as a country within the US imposed two-state narrative.

Islamic Iran’s system was able to accommodate politicians with such diverse outlooks as Mohammed Khatami, Ayatullah Hash...

Islamic Iran’s system was able to accommodate politicians with such diverse outlooks as Mohammed Khatami, Ayatullah Hashemi Rafsanjani and Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Contemporary western secular political narratives are simply too pedestrian to map-out Iran’s socio-political landscape accurately.

Following the untimely death of President Raeisi, western media outlets have been predicting doom and gloom in Iran. This is their default mode after each tragedy that strikes Iran. Their predictions have proved wrong in the past and will be proved wrong again.

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Beyond physical dislocations, the intellectual challenge has been even more devastating. This came from external as well...

Beyond physical dislocations, the intellectual challenge has been even more devastating. This came from external as well as internal sources. The first blow to the Islamic ethos was delivered by King Muawiya still wedded to Jahili notions but insisting on being addressed as ‘Khalifah’ or even ‘Amir al-Mumineen’!

Muslims faced two serious internal challenges in early Islamic history: one from the group called the munafiqeen and the other from the tulaqa (amnestied prisoners). They both caused immense damage to the body-politic of Islam. Muslims must understand this history properly.

Regardless of what the Turkish government may publicly say, the fact that such critical trade products are being exchang...

Regardless of what the Turkish government may publicly say, the fact that such critical trade products are being exchanged shows that Erdogan’s stance against Israel is not very genuine, notwithstanding his strident rhetoric.

Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan is an eloquent speaker. Listening to his speeches about Israeli crimes, one would think he is a staunch supporter of the Palestinians. His policies belie his rhetoric. Turkiye under Erdogan continues to do brisk business with zionist Israel.

There is no well-organized and widely popular anti-Russian political force in the Caucasus at the moment.No group or for...

There is no well-organized and widely popular anti-Russian political force in the Caucasus at the moment.

No group or force in Georgia and the wider Caucasus can mobilize the masses against Russia to any significant level.

It requires NGOs, media organizations, and trade unions that receive more than 20% of their income from foreign sources to register as organizations serving the interests of a foreign power.

While such headlines attempt to frame the presence of Hamas in Qatar as the sheikhdom’s independent decision, closer ana...

While such headlines attempt to frame the presence of Hamas in Qatar as the sheikhdom’s independent decision, closer analysis reveals a different story.

It is not in Washington’s interest to have Hamas expelled from Doha.

Why this is the case requires an understanding of Qatar’s role in the US-imposed regional order.

Over the past few weeks, Israeli propaganda outlets have reported that the US is putting pressure on Qatar to expel Hamas’s political leadership from Doha.



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