His name is synonymous with controversy as the preeminent s**t stirrer in his chosen field with no other individual on radio or television daring to traverse the ground that he consistently parades upon. He stands as a one man beacon of light within the darkness that is the insidious force of the political correctness movement that has consumed all media on all levels -- while wrecking havoc and e
liminating independent voices both near and far. He tells the self appointed word police to change the channel if they don't like his views and opinions. However the last thing he's willing to do is to be silenced or have his SHOW watered down by dim-witted radio executives who are intimidated by his refusal to jump at their feeble commands, or their inability to recognize his brilliance through a microphone. Simply put Dino Costa does RADIO his way, the only way he knows how to, the way that he would want to hear radio if he were a listener instead of the polarizing and impossible to ignore radio provocateur that he is. A 17 year veteran of the radio & television industry that he holds in justifiable contempt, Dino Costa has broadcast his show with his original and improvisational radio style in a local, regional, and national setting. His previous most high profile role was with SiriusXM, where for a 5 year period he mesmerized the North American continent with one piece of memorable sports radio art after another, accruing a rabid and voluminous audience -- and engendering a loyalty in listeners that follow him and listen to him to this very day. While at SXM many loved him. probably even more hated him...but they ALL listened to him. In October of 2013 SiriusXM Radio made the shortsighted, albeit predictable decision, to fire Dino Costa, and in the process throw away all that he had built since joining that company in 2009. New York Daily News media columnist Bob Raissman opined on Dino's firing with this salvo: 'It was inevitable Sirius/XM suits would fire Dino (Mastermind) Costa, which they did Friday. It was an incredibly dumb move by people who have reduced some of their talkies to antidotes for insomnia. Whoever threw Costa off SXM’s Ship of Fools never understood they had a singularly unique personality, a yakker who built and maintained a cult following and more. Instead of building on that foundation, they tore down the house, burned it, then celebrated their own stupidity.'
While that door closed - another one opened up. Sick of the world of corporate radio, tired of the non-stop rules, the nagging voices trying to control his product, and vowing never to allow another entity to hold dominion over him, Dino Costa endeavored to go independent and chart his own path unencumbered by the shackles and chains applied to him by so many corporate weasels over the years. Now Dino Costa broadcasts, produces, and directs, his own radio excursion, on his own innovative and trailblazing online platform, providing his audience with fearlessly independent multi-level content each and every day. Actor and comedian Dennis Miller has referred to Dino Costa as; 'A radio genius'. Sports Illustrated named Dino Costa one of the best sports talkers in America. Talkers Magazine named Dino Costa as one of the top 100 sports based radio shows in the country. Men's Journal Magazine profiled Dino Costa in the October 2012 edition, referring to Costa as; 'an extraordinarily talented radio host – acerbically articulate, angrily funny, intense to the point of mental imbalance'
In the spring of 2013 Chesapeake Films, an independent operation based out of Las Vegas, Nevada, chronicled Dino Costa's life story with a film: DINO COSTA, Truth Unscripted. Dino Costa has made numerous appearances on national television outlets such as FOX News, The Fox Business Channel, and also hosted his own TV Show; Raw Sports With Dino Costa, which aired on Fox Sports Rocky Mountain. Dino has also served as commentator on Colorado Rockies telecasts and provided opinion and commentary on a number of stations/channels including WYNY-TV and The Madison Square Garden Network in New York. Dino is a staunch social and fiscal conservative, a vigorous defender of the 1st and 2nd amendment, an evangelical Christian, and an all too willing advocate to fight against anything representing liberalism -- or what he considers to be the moral and social breakdown of The American Way. Dino Costa broadcasts his SHOW from his self contained and state of the art studio located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where Dino Costa resides with his family.