Having a big stomach is not a cr*me
Having pimples is okay...
Crøøked teeth aren't forbidd*n
Small bø*bs are okay
Big head/forehead is cool
Stretch marks aren't from h*ll
Big lips are cute
Big eyes are se*y
Flat a*s isn't bād
Being fat is not a dis*ase
Being slim is not a dis*ase
Stop making people feel bād for the things they can't change
Marrying late is better than marrying wrong
Dont ask stup*d questions when someone is yet to have a child
Most of us are the reason behind some s**cide attempts
You all can't shut up and let people be who they are
Some people are not given the privilege to be in school
Some can't speak good English...... and so what
Stop h*rting people 'cause your life turned out great (not perfect though)
Things can change anytime
Stay in your lane and respect other people