Life of Caesar Podcast

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Life of Caesar Podcast You can find us on all of the usual podcast places.

A serious-but-funny (and profane) podcast about the lives of Julius / Augustus / Tiberius / Caligula / Claudius / Nero Caesar / The Year of the Four Emperors & Ancient Rome.

The 12th and final episode of our series on Otho, the short-lived 7th Roman emperor. Despite having reinforcements on th...

The 12th and final episode of our series on Otho, the short-lived 7th Roman emperor.

Despite having reinforcements on the way, and the firm support of his remaining praetorians, Otho decides, with fortitude and firmness, what his own fate shall be.

The Praetorians push for a fast campaign because they didn't want to spend any more time away from the comforts of Rome than necessary. Unfortunately, in letting them drive the strategy, Otho sealed his doom.


I asked ChatGPT to compose a speech by Otho to his troops when he decided to commit su***de, in the style of Shakespeare.

Otho stands before his weary troops, the weight of defeat heavy upon him. The twilight hour casts long shadows across their faces, reflecting the somberness of the moment. With a resolute gaze, he raises his hand, bidding silence to the murmuring ranks.


Friends, Romans, valiant souls who’ve stood
'Gainst fortune's cruel tempest and fate's cruel jest,
List now, for Otho speaks his final word.
Not with sword or spear shall we press on,
For I do see the stars decree our rest.
The earth hath quaked, the heavens weep, yet I,
Shall cease to stain this soil with noble blood.

No more shall brother turn 'gainst brother’s breast,
Nor crimson streams the Roman streets doth flood.
This war, born of ambition’s venomous breath,
Hath seen too much of loss, too deep a wound.
I, who bore the crown not of right but strife,
Shall now forsake it, to bring Rome her peace.

For what is life, but fleeting shade, and death,
A gentle whisper calling to the brave?
If by my fall, the gods shall end this war,
Then let them take this life, unshaken, calm.
Better to leave with honor, dignity,
Than plunge my land into further despair.

So now, dear comrades, sheath your swords and know,
That in your hearts, a noble peace shall grow.
I leave this world, not out of coward’s fear,
But to protect what Rome holds ever dear.
Remember me not as a fallen king,
But as one who chose to end war’s bitter sting.

The morn shall rise, and with it, peace renewed,
Farewell, brave souls, my love in death pursued.
May Rome, in time, restore her former grace,
And I, in Hades, find my rightful place.

Now to the shades I go, with honor bright,
Otho, the emperor who chose the night.

(With a solemn nod, Otho bids his troops farewell, and exits to his fate, leaving the silence of the night to echo his final words.)

It's the middle of 1953, and the CIA is ready to execute their coup against the democratically elected government of Ira...

It's the middle of 1953, and the CIA is ready to execute their coup against the democratically elected government of Iran. The plan? Spend a bucket load of money hiring thugs to cause riots in the streets. Blame it on Mossadegh and then bribe a corrupt member of the Iranian military to go and arrest him. Unfortunately for the CIA, it didn't go to plan.

In early 1953, Churchill initiated a plan with the CIA to overthrow Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh, involving key figures like General Sahedi and the Rashidian brothers. Aided by disinformation c…

Otho's Generals squabble over the best strategy to march towards Caecina, but it's all for nothing when two Othonian Pra...

Otho's Generals squabble over the best strategy to march towards Caecina, but it's all for nothing when two Othonian Praetorian cohorts betray Otho's strategy to the enemy. And then it's on like Donkey Kong.

The Praetorians push for a fast campaign because they didn't want to spend any more time away from the comforts of Rome than necessary. Unfortunately, in letting them drive the strategy, Otho sealed his doom.

Just re-discovered this gem from nine years ago. Made my day.

Just re-discovered this gem from nine years ago. Made my day.


Very cool discovery!

Very cool discovery!

AIA News news from the AIA


If you're trying to listen to old episodes and they aren't working, I'm sorry about that. It’s a long story.

For years we hosted our media files with an Australian company called Whooshkaa. Two years ago, they were bought by Megaphone, a subsidiary of Spotify. Megaphone continued to support the old media file links… until late last week, when, all of a sudden, they all went dark. So I’ve spent the last few days trying to edit all of them, and I’m talking 500-1000 posts (haven’t actually counted them yet). It’s a slow and painful process but I’ll have them all back on line over the next few days.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

All the best,


The Praetorians push for a fast campaign because they didn't want to spend any more time away from the comforts of Rome than necessary. Unfortunately, in letting them drive the strategy, Otho sealed his doom.

This week on Futuristic, Cam, Steve, and Tony Kynaston of the QAV Podcast tackle the burning question: Will AI and human...

This week on Futuristic, Cam, Steve, and Tony Kynaston of the QAV Podcast tackle the burning question: Will AI and humanoid robots bring about a utopian future or massive unemployment? They dive into potential economic shifts, the state of media, Apple's antitrust issues, and whether competition will drive tech adoption. Tune in for a lively two hour debate on the future job market and the possibility of a global AI Cold War.

Build a (Roman) bridge and get over it.

Build a (Roman) bridge and get over it.

Check out lifeofcaesarpodcast’s video.

As the Vitellians try to build a bridge and get over it, the Othonians try to burn their bridge down. Then Otho himself ...

As the Vitellians try to build a bridge and get over it, the Othonians try to burn their bridge down. Then Otho himself arrives on the scene and holds a council of war. The big question - should they wait a few days for reinforcements or attack now despite being massively outnumbered?

As the Vitellians try to build a bridge and get over it, the Othonians try to burn their bridge down. Then Otho himself arrives on the scene and holds a council of war. The big question - should they wait a few days for reinforcements or attack now despite being massively outnumbered?

You really shouldn't expose yourself too early.

You really shouldn't expose yourself too early.

Check out lifeofcaesarpodcast’s video.

This week Steve and I debate Apple Intelligence - the biggest flop ever? Or the the beginning of huge things for AI? Als...

This week Steve and I debate Apple Intelligence - the biggest flop ever? Or the the beginning of huge things for AI? Also - we talk about my timeline for the next five years, and how the world's economy is going to require complete re-engineering.

Futuristic #26 – Apple Intelligence? by Cameron Reilly | Jun 15, 2024 | Blog, Podcast | 0 comments This week Steve and Cam debate Apple Intelligence – the biggest flop ever? Or the the beginning of huge things for AI? Also – Cam talks about his timeline for the next five years, and how the wor...

Italy is having its first civil war in one hundred years - not since the bloody and fateful days of Octavius v Marcus An...

Italy is having its first civil war in one hundred years - not since the bloody and fateful days of Octavius v Marcus Antonius, the last days of Second Triumvirate and the Republic, have Italians seen war on their own lands, Roman v Roman. But now Otho orders troops into Northern Italy to block the approach of the armies of Vitellius. He followed them, taking with him many members of the Senate to make sure they don't replace him while he's away from Rome.

Italy is having its first civil war in one hundred years - not since the bloody and fateful days of Octavius v Marcus Antonius, the last days of Second Triumvirate and the Republic, have Italians seen war on their own lands, Roman v Roman. But now Otho orders troops into Northern Italy to block the....

In this episode of 'The Bu****it Filter,' we discuss the US's selective adherence to international laws, the complex US-...

In this episode of 'The Bu****it Filter,' we discuss the US's selective adherence to international laws, the complex US-Saudi relationship, and evolving power dynamics involving China. Discussions include potential ICC arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders, the US's opposition to ICC jurisdiction over Israel, and the historical context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Additionally, the conversation explores US energy policy, Chinese and Russian competition, Boris Johnson's alleged role in derailing a Russia-Ukraine peace deal, and China's dominance in green technology markets. The episode concludes with a speculative look at the upcoming US presidential election, highlighting the strategic interests and long-term consequences of these geopolitical maneuvers.

The controversies and hypocrisies clouding the US's dance with TikTok and its awkward stance at the UN over Palestine, the US's veto power against Palestine's UN bid and the complex support web for Israel, parallel discussions tear into Australia's online safety efforts and the biased battleground o...

A blast from the past.

A blast from the past.

When Ray’s away, the Cam doth play.

This week on Futuristic we're talking about the new ChatGPT-4o model, GPT officially passes the Turing Test, the OAI fou...

This week on Futuristic we're talking about the new ChatGPT-4o model, GPT officially passes the Turing Test, the OAI founder who thinks AGI is only 2-3 years away, Ilya has left OAI, Sam Altman doesn't think we are worried enough about how AI will impact the economy, Google's medical AI destroys GPT's benchmark and outperforms doctors and ChatGPT-4 beat 100% of all psychologists in a study of Social Intelligence.

with Steve Sammartino

Futuristic #25 – GPT4o and Free Therapy by Cameron Reilly | May 18, 2024 | Blog, Podcast | 0 comments This week on Futuristic we’re talking about the new ChatGPT-4o model, GPT officially passes the Turing Test, the OAI founder who thinks AGI is only 2-3 years away, Ilya has left OAI, Sam Altman ...

By March 69, Caecina's troops (part of Vitellius' forces) had arrived in northern Italy and crossed the river Po. They f...

By March 69, Caecina's troops (part of Vitellius' forces) had arrived in northern Italy and crossed the river Po. They first attacked Piacenza where Otho's commander, Spurinna, struggled to maintain discipline with his inexperienced but eager troops. Their Yo Momma Jokes didn't help.

By March 69, Caecina's troops (part of Vitellius' forces) had arrived in northern Italy and crossed the river Po. They first attacked Piacenza where Otho's commander, Spurinna, struggled to maintain discipline with his inexperienced but eager troops. Their Yo Momma Jokes didn't help.

Ten years after the death of Muhammad in 632, the political and religious map of the Mediterranean and the Near East had...

Ten years after the death of Muhammad in 632, the political and religious map of the Mediterranean and the Near East had been completely rewritten. The great prize was Jerusalem, captured in February of 638. For most of the next 450 years, the Muslims treated the Christians and Jews in their empire very well. So what lead to the First Crusade in the late 11th century?

Ten years after the death of Muhammad in 632, the political and religious map of the Mediterranean and the Near East had been completely rewritten. The great prize was Jerusalem, captured in February of 638. For most of the next 450 years, the Muslims treated the Christians and Jews in their empire....

This is a pretty interesting five minute long animation by Ray Dalio on the rise and decline of empires https://www.tikt...

This is a pretty interesting five minute long animation by Ray Dalio on the rise and decline of empires

161.6K likes, 2503 comments. “I summarized my best-selling book “Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order” in this short 5 minute animation. The is changing in big ways that haven’t happened before in our lifetimes but have many times in history, so I studied past changes ...

Drunken soldiers storm the palace and threaten Otho, who they suspect is plotting something against the people. After he...

Drunken soldiers storm the palace and threaten Otho, who they suspect is plotting something against the people. After he puts down that rebellion, Otho hears that Valens and Caecina were on the way from Gaul and puts together his army to defend Italy. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have access to the best that Italy had to offer.

Drunken soldiers storm the palace and threaten Otho, who they suspect is plotting something against the people. After he puts down that rebellion, Otho hears that Valens and Caecina were on the way from Gaul and puts together his army to defend Italy. Unfortunately for him, he didn't have access to....

This month on The Bu****it Filter podcast we're looking (again) at the US' ban of TikTok, and their veto over Palestine'...

This month on The Bu****it Filter podcast we're looking (again) at the US' ban of TikTok, and their veto over Palestine's membership in the UN, as well as the Australian government trying to censor X and we ask if what Israel is doing is "genocide".

The controversies and hypocrisies clouding the US's dance with TikTok and its awkward stance at the UN over Palestine, the US's veto power against Palestine's UN bid and the complex support web for Israel, parallel discussions tear into Australia's online safety efforts and the biased battleground o...

A Sarmatian tribe from Southern Russia attacks some Roman cohorts and we learn about the Russian origins of the King Art...

A Sarmatian tribe from Southern Russia attacks some Roman cohorts and we learn about the Russian origins of the King Arthur myth. The governor of Corsica declares his support for Vitellius but it doesn’t end well for him, or for Tigellinus, but Calvia Crispinilla manages to escape.

A Sarmatian tribe from Southern Russia attacks some Roman cohorts and we learn about the Russian origins of the King Arthur myth. The governor of Corsica declares his support for Vitellius but it doesn’t end well for him, or for Tigellinus, but Calvia Crispinilla manages to escape.

This week on the Futuristic podcast - Neuralink patient playing chess, Claude Opus outperforms GPT4, Nvidia announces ro...

This week on the Futuristic podcast - Neuralink patient playing chess, Claude Opus outperforms GPT4, Nvidia announces robot framework “Project GR00T” and Blackwell platform, Microsoft and OpenAI plan supercomputer project worth $100 billion called 'Stargate’, Amazon audio books using AI, OpenAI Voice cloning tool, Apple is in talks to build Google’s Gemini AI engine into the iPhone, Stability AI and Inflection (Pi) CEO’s quit and join Microsoft, Altman / Jensen predict AGI in about five years, Currency is a technology, and we ask - what does the world look like with AGI?

Pagans and Christians continued to believe Nero would return, either as the Antichrist or as the precursor to the Antich...

Pagans and Christians continued to believe Nero would return, either as the Antichrist or as the precursor to the Antichrist. But is the number of the beast 666 or 616? And isn't Jesus technically the actual Antichrist?

Pagans and Christians continued to believe Nero would return, either as the Antichrist or as the precursor to the Antichrist. But is the number of the beast 666 or 616?

My weekly report on our demonstration stock portfolio. It's still doing double market since inception (5+ years). Anyone...

My weekly report on our demonstration stock portfolio. It's still doing double market since inception (5+ years). Anyone can learn to invest using Tony's QAV system. It's more of a mindset. We only invest in companies that have a good track record of generating cash, and we only buy them when they are at a discount to their intrinsic value.

One of the most important scholars that al-Mamun employed at the House of Wisdom was Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwari'zmi, th...

One of the most important scholars that al-Mamun employed at the House of Wisdom was Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwari'zmi, the most famous Arabic mathematician and scientist. He was instrumental in introducing the Arabs to the Hindu numerals, carried out important work in geography, but his greatest legacy, of course, is his extraordinary book on Algebra. The Latinized version of his name is Algorithm. It's hard to imagine advanced mathematics or science without algebra and algorithms.

One of the most important scholars that al-Mamun employed at the House of Wisdom was Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwari'zmi, the most famous Arabic mathematician and scientist. He was instrumental in introducing the Arabs to the Hindu numerals, carried out important work in geography, but his greatest lega...



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We started in 2014 with a 48-episode series on Julius Caesar.

Then... we did a 100 episodes on Augustus Caesar. Then 40 episodes on Tiberius Caesar. We are currently doing a new series on Caligula. We'll probably keep going at least until Nero... or one of us dies. Then... we'll play it by ear.

We also do shows on the Cold War, the Renaissance, and contemporary politics. Check out for the full scope of what we’re doing.