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In the right directions...


Hello everyone, its been a while and I really do miss you all out here, but its really committing that I could not refuse the request to help accompany our able president, General Muhammadu Buhari to the UK for medical treatment. We will surely return after "until further notice" is over and thereafter we will resume our usually communication here as I will give you in full details the stories and all that we encountered during our medical visit...
please bear with me with a pardon for me unavoidable absence...
PS. He is sick, I am am just a company *winks* Ok guys, take a time out friends and see this trending video on Instagram, all ...

Ok guys, take a time out friends and see this trending video on Instagram, all you need to do is double tap to "like" and support this hard working pretty lady, she's my personal pesin *winks* you know what I mean... Thanks

See this Instagram video by • 23 likes





SPONSORED POST⁠I Have Confirmed that ₦1,000 Naira ONLY Can Get Me Over 200,000 Naira within 30 DAYS!* No joke at all and...


⁠I Have Confirmed that ₦1,000 Naira ONLY Can Get Me Over 200,000 Naira within 30 DAYS!* No joke at all and if it works for me then it's Guaranteed to Work for You too.

It's Very Simple!

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Talking about E COOPERATIVE ...

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Level 1:
Here you register with just 1,000 naira and you will be automatically paired with a NIGERIAN member from any part of the country which you pay the 1,000 naira to.

Upon confirmation by the person, you will be automatically matched by the System to receive pay of 1,000 naira from 4 members, giving you a total of 4,000 naira.

Level 2:

After receiving your payment of 4,000 naira, you upgrade to level 2 by paying 2,500 naira (from the 4,000 naira you got from LEVEL 1) to a member in level 2 which the system will pair with you. When your payment is confirmed, you will be automatically matched to receive 2500 naira from 16 persons, which is 40,000 naira.

Here, you pay 5,000 naira (from the 40,000 naira you got from LEVEL 2) to a member matched with you. When your payment is confirmed,you will be automatically matched to receive 5000 naira from 64 persons, which is 320,000 naira.

Here, you pay 10,000 naira (from the 320,000 naira you got from LEVEL 3) to a member matched with you. When your payment is confirmed, you will be automatically matched to receive 10,000 naira from 256 persons, which is 2,560,000 naira.

With the help of our vibrant community, you will reach level 4 in couple of months. It occurs regularly now. Get in now and start climbing fast. Click the link to join our team.

make sure you have your ₦1,000 ready because you will be given some hours to pay the ₦1,000 for level 1 activation and there you go.

Follow this link to join


It was such an honour!


It's Either... Or...
My episode for today's "It's either... Or... goes to the ladies...
Ladies, the biggest wound you will ever incur in your relationship is putting yourself in the mercy of your man.
This is the point when you let your guards loose for him... Ones you tell a man you love him, prove it and he confirms it, then get ready to defend it, because at any moment from thence, whatever you do is most likely to be an offence. There was a time when you were free and these issues were nothing of any concerns, but the reason behind it all is, you changed and that worked for his advantage... you were suppose to give him a spoon, but you gave him the whole plate and now, he might have had enough (of you), or now in need of a little space (out of you) or painfully, looking for another plate (away from you).
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with telling your man you love him, but show maturity and independence when you do that. Never you too excited thinking your in with a boo, a baby as you girls call us or an angel, after all, Lucifer was once an angel, which means there is always a must for change...
Relationship is like a plate of Food to a hungry belly. However you handle this hunger depends of how it last, will you give it the whole plate and watch it walk away or will you make it "a spoon after another" and watch it keep begging for more?
Remember... It's Either a plate... Or a spoon!
Choice is yours! As for me, I'm just a writer...


please be warned that there are fake accounts of me on Facebook. Some ask for money and others too ask for phone s*x. pls be advised that this is my original page. if anyone asks for money or any item pls report them to Facebook authorities. thanks so much



The day is not far distant when the man who dies leaving behind him millions of available wealth, which was free for him to administer lifetime, will pass away "unwept, unhonored, and unsung," no matter to what uses he leave the dross which he cannot take with him. Of such as these the public verdict will then be: "The man who dies thus rich dies disgraced." Such, in my opinion, is the true gospel concerning wealth, obedience to which is destined some day to solve the problem of the rich and the poor"
Andrew Carnegie



The vision of love that emerges from the latest science requires a radical shift. I learned that I need to ask people to step back from their current views of love long enough to consider it from a different perspective: their body's perspective. Love is not romance. It's not intimate desire. It's not even that special bond you feel with family or significant others.

And perhaps most challenging of all, love is neither lasting nor unconditional. The radical shift we need to make is this: Love, as your body experiences it, is a micro-moment of connection shared with another.
Barbara Fredrickson studies positive psychology.
Barbara Fredrickson studies positive psychology.

2. Love is not exclusive.

We tend to think of love in the same breath as loved ones. When you take these to be only your innermost circle of family and friends, you inadvertently and severely constrain your opportunities for health, growth and well-being.

In reality, you can experience micro-moments of connection with anyone -- whether your soul mate or a stranger. So long as you feel safe and can forge the right kind of connection, the conditions for experiencing the emotion of love are in place.

3. Love doesn't belong to one person.

We tend to think of emotions as private events, confined to one person's mind and skin. Upgrading our view of love defies this logic. Evidence suggests that when you really "click" with someone else, a discernible yet momentary synchrony emerges between the two of you, as your gestures and biochemistry, even your respective neural firings, come to mirror one another in a pattern I call positivity resonance. Love is a biological wave of good feeling and mutual care that rolls through two or more brains and bodies at once.

4. Making eye contact is a key gateway for love.

Your body has the built-in ability to "catch" the emotions of those around you, making your prospects for love -- defined as micro-moments of positivity resonance -- nearly limitless. As hopeful as this sounds, I also learned that you can thwart this natural ability if you don't make eye contact with the other person. Meeting eyes is a key gatekeeper to neural synchrony.

5. Love fortifies the connection between your brain and your heart, making you healthier.

Decades of research show that people who are more socially connected live longer and healthier lives. Yet precisely how social ties affect health has remained one of the great mysteries of science.

My research team and I recently learned that when we randomly assign one group of people to learn ways to create more micro-moments of love in daily live, we lastingly improve the function of the vagus nerve, a key conduit that connects your brain to your heart. This discovery provides a new window into how micro-moments of love serve as nutrients for your health.

6. Your immune cells reflect your past experiences of love.

Too often, you get the message that your future prospects hinge on your DNA. Yet the ways that your genes get expressed at the cellular level depends mightily on many factors, including whether you consider yourself to be socially connected or chronically lonely.

My team is now investigating the cellular effects of love, testing whether people who build more micro-moments of love in daily life also build healthier immune cells.

7. Small emotional moments can have disproportionately large biological effects.

It can seem surprising that an experience that lasts just a micro-moment can have any lasting effect on your health and longevity. Yet I learned that there's an important feedback loop at work here, an upward spiral between your social and your physical well-being.

That is, your micro-moments of love not only make you healthier, but being healthier builds your capacity for love. Little by little, love begets love by improving your health. And health begets health by improving your capacity for love.

8. Don't take a loving marriage for granted.

Writing this book has profoundly changed my personal view of love. I used to uphold love as that constant, steady force that all but defines my marriage. While that constant, steady force still exists, I now see our bond as a product of the many micro-moments of positivity resonance that my husband and I have shared over the years. This shakes me out of any complacency that tempts me to take our love for granted. Love is something we should re-cultivate every single day.

9. Love and compassion can be one and the same.

If we re-imagine love as micro-moments of shared positivity, it can seem like love requires that you always feel happy. I learned that this isn't true. You can experience a micro-moment of love even as you or the person with whom you connect suffers.

Love doesn't require that you ignore or suppress negativity. It simply requires that some element of kindness, empathy or appreciation be added to the mix. Compassion is the form love takes when suffering occurs.

10. Simply upgrading your view of love changes your capacity for it.

The latest science offers new lenses through which to see your every interaction. The people I interviewed for the book shared incredibly moving stories about how they used micro-moments of connection to make dramatic turnarounds in their personal and work lives.

One of the most hopeful things I learned is that when people take just a minute or so each day to think about whether they felt connected and attuned to others, they initiate a cascade of benefits. And this is something you could start doing today, having learned even just this much more about how love works.


By Chidiebere

Men achieve or**sm through a series of steps during s*x involving a number of organs, hormones, blood vessels, and nerves working together. The end result is ej*******on of s***m through strong muscle contractions. low testosterone
The fuel for the process leading to or**sm is testosterone, a hormone produced in steady supply by the testicles. The testicles also make millions of s***m each day, which mature and then are mixed with whitish, protein-rich fluids. These fluids nourish and support the s***m so they can live after ej*******on for a limited time. This mixture of fluid and s***m, known as semen, is what is moved through the urethra and out the p***s during or**sm.
The testosterone flowing through a man's body, along with psychological factors, determines the strength of his desire for s*x. This s*xual desire, or libido, is key in kicking off the process that will lead to or**sm. If a man has no s*x drive — for example, if he has low testosterone or is suffering from depression — his body will not respond to s*xual stimuli and he will not be able to achieve or**sm.

The steps that lead a man to successful or**sm include:
Arousal. The man perceives something or someone that prompts s*xual interest. That perception prompts the brain to send a signal down the spinal cord to the s*x organs, causing an er****on. The p***s becomes erect when blood fills spongy tissue inside its shaft, brought by arteries that have expanded to allow blood to race in at up to 50 times its normal speed. The veins in the p***s that normally drain blood out squeeze shut so that more blood remains inside, producing a firm er****on. The sc***um pulls towards the body, and muscles throughout the body increase in tension. Plateau. The male body prepares for or**sm in this phase, which can last from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Muscle tension increases even more and involuntary body movements, particularly in the pelvis, begin to take over. The man's heart rate increases to between 150 and 175 beats per minute. A clear fluid may begin to flow from the urethra. This pre-ejaculatory fluid is meant to change the pH balance of the urethra, to improve the chances of s***m survival. Or**sm. The or**sm itself occurs in two phases, emission and ej*******on. In emission, the man reaches ejaculatory inevitability, the "point of no return." Semen is deposited near the top of the urethra, ready for ej*******on. Ej*******on occurs in a series of rapid-fire contractions of the pe**le muscles and around the base of the a**s. Involuntary pelvic thrusting may also occur. The nerves causing the muscle contractions send messages of pleasure to the man's brain. Resolution and refraction. After ej*******on, the p***s begins to lose its er****on. About half of the er****on is lost immediately, and the rest fades soon after. Muscle tension fades, and the man may feel relaxed or drowsy. Men usually must undergo a refractory period, or recovery phase, during which they cannot achieve another er****on. This usually lasts for about a half hour. Men differ from women in that men usually are satiated after one or**sm. Women can experience more than one or**sm with no loss of s*xual arousal, and do not have to undergo a refractory period.

Some men can have problems achieving or**sm. These most often stem from psychological factors, for example, they are still affected by a traumatic event or a religious upbringing, or they have fallen into ma********on patterns that have conditioned the body to take longer to reach or**sm. However, the problem also can be caused by taking certain medications or by having a neurological disease.
A short-term way to address problems with or**sm involves stimulation of the p***s with a vi****or or some other type of s*x toy. However, to really make meaningful changes, a man often will probably need to go through some sort of s*x therapy. Therapy usually involves "homework" in which a couple engages in s*xual activities that reduce performance pressure and focus on pleasure.
If you are consistently experiencing problems achieving or**sm and ej*******on, contact your doctor. A thorough medical exam and history may reveal the reason why.


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We are the One, Th Children, To make a better place, so start giving. make this valentine a memorably positive one for you and your loved ones ... Reach out to someone out there... Peace...

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