Animation is everywhere around us. Almost all movies use animation tools, and all multimedia has animated visual communication. The number of animated blockbusters increases every year, and so do the numbers of amazing talents using animation as a form of self-expression, a unique visual language rarely seen in multiplexes. We are really interested in this phenomenon, and want to talk,
write and discuss it. Our passion is animation as a tool for expressing key messages, as a medium of special poetics, aesthetics, and storytelling. Homo Felix maps traditional media: feature length and short animated films, and television production. We are keen to explore crossover genres such as web-based animation, the game industry, and animated films for museum/galleries. Homo Felix is open to a wide range of contexts – industrial, political, historical, social and artistic. To feel the vibe of contemporary animation, we want to cover the whole scope of its performance. WHAT DOES HOMO FELIX MEAN? It is Latin for Happy Man. It also evokes a similarity with expressions from anthropology describing human evolution: homo habilis, homo erectus, homo sapiens, Homo Felix. The last is a very special kind: it is a human clone with an animated Felix the Cat icon, which is very happy with his life and adventures. PRINT & WEB
Homo Felix is both a printed journal and an internet platform. As a printed journal, it is published in English twice a year (March & September) and widely distributed across the European festival and academic scene. It has 80 full-colour pages about contemporary animation, written by acclaimed experts. Each issue focuses on a special topic, interview, profiles of artists and studios, theory, a chapter from history, reviews of new animated films, etc. We feature great visual material, including comic strips by animators and behind-the-scenes footage such as storyboards and production reportages. The internet platform features interviews, videos, blogs, promotions, comments and discussions about animation. Anyone interested is warmly welcome in the community!