Thats Right

Thats Right Inspirational Poetry about everyday life challenges Inspirational poetry about everyday life challenges. We all have problems and go through different trials.

Here is where I hope people can learn that they are not alone and that no matter there situation we have a God who loves us.


Joy From Pain

Being able to bring joy from pain
Comes from the depths of the soul
It is not an easy thing
Something few people know

It’s like with in tranquility
And there is the one thing
Of an inner sanctity
That can bring joy from pain

Something Mother's understand
When giving a child life
And all the birth pains at hand
Then baby catches Mommy’s eye

Fathers know it also
With their hearts open wide
As they watch their children grow
Into adults that bring them pride

This Is Your Life (Acrostics)Things are not always easyHere in this world where we liveIndescribable joy is God's giftSe...

This Is Your Life (Acrostics)

Things are not always easy
Here in this world where we live
Indescribable joy is God's gift
Seen when you give in to his will

Incredible is how much love
Shown in this life that is ours

You should never take it for granted
Opening up to hurt and pain
Understand one is all you get
Remembering life's not a game

Love truthfully always giving
In to a heart of joyfulness
For we can make a difference
Each and every single day

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Song of the Day

In the park on an autumn day
The greatest sounds are there
Children laughing you know the way
Like their joy is true and real

The wind I can hear
Through the leaves blowing
Falling with colors that appear
As if the creator painted each one

On this park bench I sit
As cars pass by
Honking horns mixed
With beat up engines rolling along

The chatter of friends
Talking as if no one else is there
And what they are saying has no end
All mixed in with everything else
Is the sound of the marry-go-round
And squeaky swings that need oils help

I think of this as a symphony
Playing the song of the day
As I listen to this song I am pleased
And think am I the only one that can hear


Dinner Time

She feeds those chickens everyday
And the rooster struts and crows
As the steam rolls from the pot
Plucking feathers for dinner she knows

Your wife sho taste good to me
Mister rooster chest puffs up
Sitting at the dinner table smiling
She fills up her drinking cup

Yall chillen leave those chicks lone
They might think their meal is a little pet
She keeps them away from the chickens
She is planning on wringing their neck

Bow yo head and thank the Laud
For this here chicken wez bout to eat
The children all obey their mother
To them the chicken is a real treat

Sitting at the dinner table
Smiles would shine from within
Now the children tell all their children
How everyday Granny fed them



My faith is much more real to me
Than anything you could do
What is wrong with me living by
The standard, having to love you

My faith says my God is love
Not something that he does
But that his very existence,
Came from unconditional Love

See Love has all experience
All knowledge, all hurt, and joy
Love is everywhere we are
In everything we enjoy

Love provides all things needed
Some things we don't need to
Love teachers all things imagined
And allows you to be you

The question often asked is
Why would God allow suffering
Suffering did not come from Love
It came from all human beings

When walking along life's journey
The mistakes we often make
Love forgives them all because
Love is often what it takes

I am not a perfect person
Always walking with God's spirit
But he is always with me
Teaching me how to live it

Because I'm a child of his
Love corrects me when I need it
Just like most parents discipline
It is for my benefit

Born with a sinful nature
Love sent all men a savior
Who paid the price for us to live
With Loves unmerited favor

He did not say we had to
Accept the gift he freely gave
Love is a perfect gentleman
He let us choose our own way

And because of who he is
He will never give up on you
His love is so unbinding
Each day is like starting new


God Not Through With Us Yet

Sometimes I have thoughts about
How some people get on my last nerve
So much so they make me want to shout
Knowing I am, put here to serve

Pray for me
God is not through with me yet

Some people I want to let them know
Just how I really feel about them
Sometimes I just let it go
My tongue sometimes condemns

Pray for me
God is not through with me yet

Sometimes I am around
People I know are no earthly good
Strongholds have their mind and they are bound
I know them that is understood

Pray for me
God is not through with me yet

Sometimes I dig down deep
To get on my knees and talk to God
Me, I ask him to hold on and keep
I know just how much I am flawed

Pray for me
God is not through with me yet

I really want to live right and
Be a better child of the Most High
Then I throw up my praying hands
Knowing it is really Gods fight

Pray for me
God is not through with me yet

See I'm a sinner born in the world
Of sinners that I pray for always
Whose life is in a constant swirl
Their eyes being covered in a haze

Pray for them
God is not through with them yet


A Child’s Prayer
Dear Lord
I am praying this special prayer to ask you
If you would consider letting Mommie come there too
I know that Grandma and Grandpa are happy in heaven
So is it ok if Mommie comes there and start living?
Lord I know that I didn’t eat my peas yesterday
And wouldn’t share my toys when I went out to play
When I shouldn’t in school I talked to my friend
I know these things have to end
Lord I take all of the blame
Will you Lord forgive me of these things?
I promise I’ll do better next time
But Mommie doesn’t have any crimes
Last night she tucked me in bed
Said good night then she kissed my forehead
This morning she came and kissed me to wake me
She had breakfast on the table so we could eat
I helped her clean the table of dishes
She said I was a good helper and called me a little Misses
She helped me get dressed as she sang a song
Then tickled me the time seemed long
Then she put me in the car and took me to school
She dropped me off then watching over her I gave that job to you
They say that the man was drinking and driving his car
I’m not mad at him deep in my heart
I know it was truly an accident
Hurting my Mommie wasn’t what he meant
I am just praying this special prayer to ask you
If Mommie can come and be one of your angles too?


Mad Man

On the corner where he stood
Close by to a shopping cart
Carrying all that it could
Possessions dear to his heart

Flashing in a sequence known
Red, yellow, and green lights
As the cars stop and go

Uncombed hair matted so tight
Hanging down almost hiding
Bloodshot eyes with deep crows feet
With a beard long and straggling

His bed was the sidewalk
Down the block from where he stood
His pillow was made from rock
Wearing a coat with a hood
And for warmth tattered blankets
Praising God he spent his nights
Judging eyes did not know this
For the cause of Christ he'd fight

Yelling out like a mad man
He would preach the Gospel
God himself taught him The Word
That corner was his chapel

No one paid attention
To what this man was saying
But his supplication
Really needed attention paying

I heard him call on the Lord
So I listened for a while
And as he spoke The Word
The people all in denial

I looked at him very close
Upon him plain in sight
The spirit of Highest Host
Rested as joy was his light
I could not believe my eyes
I stood and heard the truth
While watching people pass by
Thinking if they only knew
How hard that God had tried


Search Me Lord

Search me inside out Lord
Show me all my sin
And all things done wrong
Lord cleanse me within

Wash me through and through
With Thy Holy Word
Wash my sin away
Your statutes, I'll learn

Your way I will live
Your statutes guide me
From all that I've done
Your healing is the key

In all places of life
Jehovah Rapha
You are the God who heals
A promised life you seal

Jehovah Jireh
God you always provide
Keeping watch over me
Living on the inside

Not having to worry
You always make a way
All I have to do
Is walk by my faith

Jesus Christ came to us
God in the form of man
Only Begotten Son
Gave his life for our sin

He is the word of God
The Truth and the Life
One day he will return
To claim the church his wife

Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end
You are the Lamb of God
And to man you're a friend

You sent Holy Spirit
To guide and teach the way
He speaks what God says
And is with us today

I will praise you always
To your holy name sing
Lift my hands in worship
You are the King of kings

Author Notes
Jahovah Rapha, Exodus 15:26
Jahovah Jireth, Gen. 22:14
Jesus Christ, Rev. 1:5
Only Begotten Son, John 3:16
The Word John 1:1
The Truth, John 14:6
The Life, John 14:6
Alpha and Omega, Rev. 1:8
Beginning and the End, Rev. 1:8
Lamb of God, John 1:29
Holy Spirit, Matt. 3:16-17
Teacher, John 14:26
Guder, John 16:13
King of kings, I Timothy 6:15


Touching the Divine

On the hard cold floor I lay awake and pray
Silently, I cry out loud, 'Where are you Lord?"
If I could only find you deep in my mind
I search for that one sign, that you are near me
Listening to all of my innermost thoughts

It is not funny how I don't smile anymore
My laughter has been ripped, torn
With the one joy I had how can I find closure?
I try hard to move forward

How can I explain anguish inside of me
Without a list, why I need to be content?
Content with the worlds foot on my neck, no love
Dreaming dreams that are never reached, there's no love
The love that once consoled me, I can not touch

Desert flowers grow in the wild
There's no rain to quench their thirst
It's like a child's smile when doing wrong
And love pours out with a burst

I will never accept this is all there is
When inside of me I have so much to give
You are my sanctuary, I can go and hide
For so long the pain I fought, you take and heal
The pathway to truth, the real me, is revealed

I listen to all the sad songs on the radio
Now all the lyrics I know
I understand them so much more than yesterday
The meaning touches that way

Take what is wrong and make better what is right
Reaching out with my being, touching the divine
Knowing there is something inside, no doubt
Walking the walk that leads somewhere, there's no doubt
All the doubt has left me lying awake on the floor

Desert flowers grow in the wild
There's no rain to quench their thirst
It's like a child's smile when doing wrong
And love pours out with a burst


What Creation Sees
Sometimes I think about what Creation sees
Like the beauty of children playing in mud streets
There snow fakes, never fall where they run and play
Playgrounds are unknown, and the roads are not paved

The wisdom, in the face of the elderly
Their eyes, where knowledge is carried gracefully
Each line tells all of their life's untold stories
Gray hairs are given as a crown of glory

Or when ocean waves crash down on shorelines
The majesty of them, given by design
And the power in them, as they come rolling in
Yet there is life that finds safety therein

How from little tiny seedlings, big trees are grown tall
And new life is given when they die and fall
But birds, make a home in them as they grow up strong
Raising a family as if they belong

Or a couple getting married, all the love in their eyes
The wedding ceremonies meaning that's implied
How before everyone there they make their life decree
To love each other throughout eternity

So very much more than these things have come to be
Even me, all these things, given the chance to see


The sun smiles

As the sun comes up over the horizon
A new beginning is offered to all mankind
The same beginning that has been offered for eon's

Knowing, that tomorrow is not a promised time piece
And can only take into the next time of our life
What we have given and know is right
The love we have toward each other
How you chose to use the day is your decision
Being wise in the choices you make is always good
Taking time to think about your goals and vision

Why not ask the questions that are meant to be tougher?
Where are moral, intellectual, and responsible beings
Believing that dignity is freeing
And life's gift is for all human beings?

Remembering everyone falls, but is not done
And there is room for change, the path is not defined
Considering the things that define your action
How going forward is the thing that is the mystery
Knowing, we are always creating our own history
Of what we are, have been, and can be
To be better strive for and perceive
That when the morning comes it is a new day
It's like the sun smiles with a beautiful gift
And a new chance has been given for you to change


Just A Touch
On a long hot summer night
Firefly tails shone threw the darkness
Where the moon was the only light

As the dust- filled wind was blowing
Praying my prayers unto my God
He was there, close in my knowing

Feeling close to him as I do
There were questions I thought were ok
Some things you really don't know

And some things you don't want to know
I ask the Lord a simple question
Unsure if I would be told

"How are you tonight?" was asked
Now you would think this was not much
But the answer was not masked

I began to cry and hurt inside
The despair was overwhelming
A hurt I cannot describe

I asked, not sure what he would say,
"Lord why do you hurt so much?"
Crying uncontrollably away
"The pain I feel you could not bare,
This pain you feel is just a touch,
To let you know how much I care

Some of my children are lost
They can't seem to find their way
They don't understand the cost

That my son Jesus had to pay
I am glad that you pray to me
I want you to pray this very day

For them to come back to me
I love all my children so much
I want them to live and be free"

Then the pain was gone away
I felt refreshed and brand new
Form that day on I pray always

God's children would come to him
Not just the ones that are lost
Those gone astray on a whim

He loves them so much inside
I will never doubt that again
Because I felt just a touch
And could only stand there and cry


The Ultimate challenge

I often sit and contemplate and think
God in all his righteousness was right
He gave this earth to mankind as a sigh
Of his unmerited love from above
Saying have rule over all then the great fall

When will I ever feel set free
Will you be the first to relive me

Your approval is my master
Chaining me with silent laughter
Making forgiveness my greatest enemy
While my guilt grows stronger in me
There is refection of success
All the while striving endlessly without any rest
Knowing inside what could of been
The realization of my sin
I see myself true refection in the mirror
And I ask myself once again
Today will I see myself win

Something I an proud to say
I choose to no longer live that way

It's the ultimate challenge that I had to face
Finding a life of balance I fought hard to gain
I learned to live a new way, finding the real me
And I love my life today living life as free

I still sit and contemplate and think
How God in all his righteousness, yes, was right
Giving earth to mankind as a sign
Of his unconditional love from above
Saying in the earth have rule over all
Then took the time to forgive us for the fall


Only One Gift

If you could give only one thing?
Most people would say they choose love.
Love is like a day in spring,
when the birds soar high up above,

from the south to the north fly,
also waking form sleep creation,
telling the winter's cold good bye,
and the earth starts resurrection.

If love was the chosen one
this simple gift how would you give?
Would there be attached conditions,
with self serving motives,

or could you give it freely,
not expecting a reward?
Would that be hard or easy,
needs to be consider before.

Some would choose to give money,
thinking that would solve some needs.
I think this thought is funny
their character can be seen.

Not that this is a bad thing,
we all can use some money,
but the gift of love is lacking,
and can fill all needs completely.

So what gift is in need of more
is something to think about,
digging deep in ones core
choosing right without a doubt?

Remember one gift can be passed,
that is all you have to give.
Want it to forever last,
or for a moment let it live?



In a golden desert field sparrows played.
The sun beamed down from heaven, there was little shade
While the ravens circled over keeping watch
The sparrows kept right on playing, they didn't stop
Along came some chipmunks to join in the game
Two squirrels in the distance wanted the same
So they came over and started a fun chase
Four brown bunnies set up to investigate
While the wind softly blowing carried the voice
Of the robins singing their song of choice
I sat there and watched in amazement
Thinking have I died and to heaven went



I will hold on to my peace
When everything is falling apart
All my happiness has ceased
And I am hurting in my heart

I will keep my peace strong
At times when alone I am facing trials
When everyone has turned and gone
My peace will be my survival

I will let my peace guide me
In the chaos of a decaying society
Stripped of being truly free
Dictated to by economics bounty

I will hear my peace call
When all around me is war
And in battle men die and fall
On mothers' hearts battle scars are bore

My peace I will walk with
Looking to God in my heart
My spirit His love will lift
Knowing He’s the master of this art

I will hear my peace call
When anger wells up inside
And I feel like I am in a freefall
Because of all injustice applied

I will let my peace guide me
When life's journey becomes unclear
I question my moral quality
Due to lack it causes fear.

I will keep my peace strong
Standing up for what I believe
When my differences seem wrong
Stay the course and just be me

I will hold on to my peace
This is my heart’s desire
This is how we all should be
Peace makes us so much kinder


Holiday Tradition
After a year of ups and downs
Everyone with each other
It's something they look forward to
Together no matter the weather

Children's laughter filling the air
While babies cry over it all
Generations of family
Share traditions that are not small

Mother and Father love it so
Wouldn’t have any other way
As they look at their children
Together on Christmas day

Father in his rocking chair
With all his sons, their sons too
Is proud of the men he raised
Praying their trials are few

Mother is in the kitchen
Teaching her daughters to cook
Telling them to trust the Lord
Always keep reading His Good Book

Everyone at the table
For the year the toast was great
Blessing the Christmas dinner
The warm feeling resonates

After dinner is over
The table cleared of dishes
Storytelling gets started
To hear favorite story wishes

Now that everyone is gone
Mother and Father feel blessed
Sitting , talking, and laughing
How their children have progressed

Well the book was released to day and my picture is on the cover along with the other poets

Well the book was released to day and my picture is on the cover along with the other poets

This collection of poems will be the work of a group of poets connected through the global professional networking websites such as, and in particular, but not exclusively, the LinkedIn group called, “Poetry, Review and Discuss.”




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