Dear internet,
It is with great sadness that I announce after 6 issues, 227 pages of content, 13000 copies, 1000’s of beers, and even a few tears, SODA Magazine has shut down production as of our SUMMER edition.
I would like to sincerely thank everyone who ever read, wrote for, photographed for, illustrated for, sponsored, advertised with, modelled for, styled for, saw us in a shop window, wondered what all the SODA stickers were around town, loved us, hated us, picked a copy up off a coffee table and flicked through, used SODA to start a fire, used SODA as a roach (guilty), used SODA boxes to sneak booze into falls (guilty), mentioned us in the griffith review HA, followed us on facebook, sent us n**e photos (I wish), bought our merch and prayed for us.
I hope it was as good for you as it was for me. Stay in school, don’t do drugs (too often) and keep an eye out for updates because creativity never dies.
Daniel Butcher
SODA Magazine Editor-In-Chief / Big boss man.