JJ Hutson Updates

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JJ Hutson Updates Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present.

Friday May 24JJ has asked that we take a break from posting updates for the summer so this will be the last one for a wh...

Friday May 24
JJ has asked that we take a break from posting updates for the summer so this will be the last one for a while. He plans to work hard on his recovery and share his progress with you all at the end of summer.
He will continue to have PT & OT 3-4 times a week, do workouts at home and spend a week back at Craig Hospital for out patient therapy and a reevaluation. We are excited to see how much he will accomplish in the next few months.
Everytime PT or OT does his measurements he is showing improvement. His core is getting stronger, he has some movement in both legs, his neck muscles are getting stronger and we’ve seen one thumb and one finger have some movement.
God is continuing to work in JJ’s recovery and we are all very grateful! This tragedy has brought our family closer and made all of us realize what really matters in life.
If you see JJ out and about this summer, say hello. He loves to talk with people, weather he knows you or not.

Thursday May 16For all of you medical peeps… 😁🩻 JJ had his follow up with the surgeon last week and things look good. Th...

Thursday May 16
For all of you medical peeps… 😁🩻
JJ had his follow up with the surgeon last week and things look good. The surgeon is very happy with how everything is healing and holding up.

Monday May 13JJ hasn’t felt great the last few days but after some medicine and lots of rest, he is back at PT/OT today ...

Monday May 13
JJ hasn’t felt great the last few days but after some medicine and lots of rest, he is back at PT/OT today and headed to school. His dog, Cooper, is patiently waiting on the ramp out front for him to come home… the cat has joined him today. 😻
JJ is continuing to work hard to stay in school everyday and get all of his therapies done.
We received news about getting some equipment at home for him. Hopefully, in the next few weeks we should have an FES bike at home for him. This unit will help JJ gain more strength in his legs. He has been able to move his legs some in PT, but they fatigue very quickly.
God is still healing JJ’s body and we are so thankful for the continued support and prayer.

We’d like to introduce all of you to this guy! Pastor Andy has been leading our family for a couple years now and he’s t...

We’d like to introduce all of you to this guy! Pastor Andy has been leading our family for a couple years now and he’s the real deal!!! But… he doesn’t know much about racing! 😆 Please go to the original post and like and share it. This will help Andy get to the front of the lineup for this race. Thanks!

Voting Ends Thursday night at 6:52pm right before around the track.

Race fans and congregation, this Saturday, May 18th, is the Ralph Legan Memorial, with a special race at the end, the Faster Pastor race!!!

Local Pastors will strap into the Bramble Springs Bakery Crown Vic’s and race for a trophy and the rights to be named the Faster Pastor.

How cool would it be if the fans and congregations could help set the starting line ups?

Well, you will be able to!

A picture will be posted of each pastor. Whoever has the most likes on the original post will be on the pole; 2nd most likes on the outside of row 1, 3rd; most likes inside of row 2, 4th; most likes outside of row 3, and so on and so forth.

Saturday May 18th
Gates Open at 4
11up $10
10&under Free
Or $50 a carload.

Kids Bike races!!!

Racing starts at 6pm
Late Models
Douglas Tire & Auto Street Stocks
Bramble Springs Bakery Crown Vic’s
Faster Pastor Autograph Session
Faster Pastor Driver Introduction and which congregation can be the loudest!!! (Loudest church will get a trophy)
Faster Pastor race will be at the end of the night.

Andy (All Aboard) Rains First Freewill Baptist Church Lebanon Missouri


Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Lebanon is a town that rallies around a team. “Football is huge here,” said Mindy Hutson. The Hutson family knows that Yellowjacket passion well. “Our older son also played and he

Saturday April 20JJ has been working hard trying to do bench press again! His fingers won’t grip so a good old ace banda...

Saturday April 20
JJ has been working hard trying to do bench press again! His fingers won’t grip so a good old ace bandage does the trick.
KY3 will be airing an update on him tomorrow at 9 and 10pm. Thanks for the continued support!


Wednesday April 10
We would like to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone that helped out with some of JJ’s ongoing medical supplies! It is a huge blessing!
JJ is doing good at school and still attending PT and OT 3 times a week.
KY3 came to visit with him yesterday and get an update. When we know when they will air his story we will let everyone know.

Wednesday March 27JJ is enjoying a quiet spring break... besides getting up early for PT and OT. lol! We have had a few ...

Wednesday March 27
JJ is enjoying a quiet spring break... besides getting up early for PT and OT. lol! We have had a few people ask about things that we still need for JJ so we created an Amazon wish list. We greatly appreciate all of the love and support! And please know that your monetary gifts have been put to good use to aid with JJ's care and general needs! We are truly blessed to have such great friends and people in our community!


Monday March 18
JJ is doing much better today. He came home Sunday afternoon and got a great night of sleep. He went to PT and OT this morning and then headed to school. The pneumonia came on really fast, but it seems to be clearing up pretty quickly too. That’s the power of prayer! 🙌❤️

**Sunday - He’s home and feeling much better! Thank you all for the prayers! Saturday March 16JJ’s been hanging out in t...

**Sunday - He’s home and feeling much better! Thank you all for the prayers!

Saturday March 16
JJ’s been hanging out in the hospital for the last few days. He started feeling bad on Wednesday, by Thursday morning we had him in the ER and they admitted him with a pretty bad case of pneumonia. He was transferred to Columbia and they are doing their best to get him better. Today he’s been awake more and has had no oxygen on this afternoon. Please join us in prayer that tonight goes well and he’ll be able to head home tomorrow.

JJ was able to balance sitting up for about 3 minutes on his own today! His core is getting stronger. Please continue to...

JJ was able to balance sitting up for about 3 minutes on his own today! His core is getting stronger. Please continue to pray for strength, healing and mobility! God is good!

Wednesday Feb 28JJ is still going to PT and OT 3 times a week and doing great! Pretty regularly he has movement in his l...

Wednesday Feb 28
JJ is still going to PT and OT 3 times a week and doing great! Pretty regularly he has movement in his legs now but they fatigue very quickly. He has been working on core and upper body strength. It is a slow process, but he is getting there. Please continue to pray for God to heal and strengthen him every day. 

Saturday Feb 24JJ had a great day with family and friends at the bowling alley today!

Saturday Feb 24
JJ had a great day with family and friends
at the bowling alley today!

Here’s our new beautiful bathroom! This makes it so much easier for JJ to get showers. Thanks so much to everyone that m...

Here’s our new beautiful bathroom! This makes it so much easier for JJ to get showers. Thanks so much to everyone that made this happen! We had great friends and contractors that took care of everything. Thank you all who gave monetarily to help out!
JJ is still doing great and getting stronger all the time. We are in awe that it’s only been 5 months since his accident and he’s come so far. We look forward to seeing how much more God has in store for him.

Monday February 5thJJ has had a lot of good days! Last week and today he’s been working on core strength and he’s been a...

Monday February 5th
JJ has had a lot of good days! Last week and today he’s been working on core strength and he’s been able to move his legs a little in PT!
Went to Springfield and visited with some of his nurses , did some shopping and ate lunch at Texas Roadhouse.
He’s been feeding himself more but still likes when someone helps! Pic is him and his cousin, Marilyn feeding him.

Monday Jan 29JJ got a real haircut and he’s looking good! No more haircuts from mom! lol! We have a handicap van of our ...

Monday Jan 29
JJ got a real haircut and he’s looking good! No more haircuts from mom! lol!
We have a handicap van of our own! It’s a fixer upper but it’s ours!
JJ’s PT and OT appointments are going really good! He continues to get stronger and stronger each week and his therapist are awesome!
Huge shoutout to LHS teachers and staff! They have been a tremendous help with the transition back to school. JJ has an area in weights class that he can get some extra work in and he’s loving being back around his friends.
The crazy weather last week set us back a little on the bathroom remodel but we are hopeful that they’ll be able to finish this week.
We are so thankful for our community and the continued support for our family! We see God moving everyday and we know, without a doubt, it is because of your faithfulness and prayers!

Sunday Jan 21JJ has been home for a month now and he’s doing great! Friday he was able to visit with a couple ladies fro...

Sunday Jan 21
JJ has been home for a month now and he’s doing great! Friday he was able to visit with a couple ladies from Mercy EMS that were on the scene the night of the crash. We are so thankful for all of the people on duty that night!
School is going good when he’s there but he’s had a lot of appointments and snow days lately.
The bathroom renevation should wrap up the end of this week and we’re excited to have somewhere comfortable for JJ to shower. We haven’t figured out a permanent solution to transportation yet but we know God is working on this too.
JJ has seen some muscle movement in his left leg and we are still praying for complete healing! God has been so good to all of us through this and we are extremely grateful!
Thank you all again for your love and support!


Wednesday Jan 10
Today was JJ’s first day back to school and it was a success! The plan was to go Monday but he started feeling bad Sunday morning and we found of he has pneumonia and a UTI. His doctor got him on some meds and he started feeling better shortly after.
He had his PT & OT evaluations today and they both went well! He’s already made some improvements since getting home.
Transportation issues are still present but we are continuing to pray for the right answer. Handicap accessible vehicles that are large enough for him to fit in are not easy to find, and they are not cheap. We are using one currently that someone generously offered us to try out. It has been wonderful having something he can easily get in and out of. Just praying, we can figure out something permanent soon! 

Wednesday January 3Happy New Year! 🥳🎉 We have been adjusting well to being home and working out the little bumps in the ...

Wednesday January 3
Happy New Year! 🥳🎉 We have been adjusting well to being home and working out the little bumps in the road. We continue to be so grateful for all the love and support!
JJ visited LHS today and had a few of his buddies join him. Their support is much appreciated! JJ talked with administration, the nurse, tech guys, teachers and helpers to work out the details of returning to school. He’s excited to see all of his friends but like any other 16 year old, he’s not thrilled about school work.
Please continue to pray for better transportation and a smooth transition back to school.

Friday Dec 29The first week home has been good! JJ has really enjoyed seeing friends and family and it’s been nothing le...

Friday Dec 29
The first week home has been good! JJ has really enjoyed seeing friends and family and it’s been nothing less than chaos at the house!
He is enjoying the break but looking forward to going back to school and starting outpatient therapy. 
Our biggest struggle has been transportation. With JJ being so tall, he does not fit in the traditional handicap minivans with his chair. We are keeping our eye out for a full-size handicap van for a very reasonable price. Currently we are transferring him into our vehicle and hauling his chair with us. It makes things interesting when it’s really cold and snowy and you have to go to a doctors appointment. However, JJ still has a good attitude about all the things going on and is very grateful to be home! 

Merry Christmas! JJ is done opening presents and wore out! Taking a little nap before lunch. We are all so thankful to b...

Merry Christmas! JJ is done opening presents and wore out! Taking a little nap before lunch.
We are all so thankful to be together for Christmas and looking forward to celebrating with family this afternoon!


Friday Dec 22
We made it home yesterday and everyone slept great being under the same roof together! The welcoming home celebration at the airport and in town was amazing! JJ loved seeing everyone! Thank you all so much!
Today he’s already had a visit from KY3 and they’ll be airing his story tonight at 4pm and 5pm.


Thursday Dec 21
Last day in Colorado! Pray for safe travels home!


Tuesday Dec 19
JJ had a busy weekend with two outings! Saturday he and I were able to go thrift store shopping with some others from Craig. And on Sunday he went with the teenagers to a place called Meow Wolf. He said they had a great time!
Yesterday and today he was back to a full schedule of therapies and evaluations to prepare us for discharge.
His bed is still on back order, but the company will be bringing a replacement bed until his comes in. Things are falling into place for a smooth transition home.
Thank you all again for the love, prayers and support! 


Friday Dec 15
It’s been a great week! JJ is ready to come home and we have had our discharge conference with his team. They will be finishing up some final evaluation next week and we’ll be home for Christmas!
We are still waiting on a few things to come in but we are praying they will be there in time!
Thank you all so much for the prayers and support!


Wednesday Dec 13
JJ has movement in his thumb! This is the 1st time we’ve seen any fine motor function!
In Mark 2 Jesus healed a paralyzed man because of the faith of his friends.
He hears your prayers and He is healing JJ one day at a time!

Monday Dec 11Independent living trial over the weekend went really well! And we are one step closer to being ready to go...

Monday Dec 11
Independent living trial over the weekend went really well! And we are one step closer to being ready to go home!
Today, in one of JJ’s classes he did some band exercises and for the first time since his accident, he picked up a dumbbell! 1 pound was what he was able to pick up, he has come so far! When he got to Craig he couldn’t even pick up his own arm for more than a few seconds.
We recieved a call from the medical supply company and they believe they may have a bed frame available for JJ. The bed frame that was ordered for him was damaged in shipping but they said they normally have some back ups. She will be checking and letting me know in the next few days if they have an extra one for sure. Please pray that they do!

Friday Dec 8JJ had a great day of therapy classes and had some fun too! He played ladder ball, played Xbox and decorated...

Friday Dec 8
JJ had a great day of therapy classes and had some fun too! He played ladder ball, played Xbox and decorated sugar cookies! For dinner Craig provided a Hoilday Buffet and there was some awesome gingerbread houses to view and vote on. 
This weekend we will be doing our ‘independent living trial’. This is an opportunity for me to do all of JJ’s caregiving and still have nurses close by for any bumps in the road. I’m so thankful that the Craig team really has thought of everything to prepare us as well as they can for going home.


***Update - JJ’s procedure went great! He was starving when he got back to his room and he was able to eat a big dinner!
We have a couple leads on borrowing a hospital bed and lift! Thank you all!

Thursday Dec 7
Looks like we just about have the transportation issues resolved! JJ’s team is great at working to problem solve! We are still waiting to hear about his bed and a portable lift. We’re not sure if they’ll get delievered to the house before Christmas. **If anyone has a lift or a hospital bed that we can borrow until his arrive please let us know.**
We had a zoom call with some of the LHS school staff. JJ was excited to see them and start figuring out his school plan for when he gets home. He was extremely excited to see Coach Wade in the room! 
JJ has a procedure today at 2pm for a different catheter. It’s a pretty standard procedure, but please pray that everything goes smoothly.

Monday, December 4JJ had a great weekend! He practiced in a manual wheelchair on Saturday and Sunday. All of the staff t...

Monday, December 4
JJ had a great weekend! He practiced in a manual wheelchair on Saturday and Sunday. All of the staff that saw him in the hallway, were very encouraging!
He had a full schedule today with a little bit of fun… Went on an outing this morning to target and got Starbucks! This evening we watched the tree lighting in the circle drive. It was a little cold, so we watched it from inside on the bridge, but it was still pretty to see.
Please continue to pray for things to come together for JJ to be able to make it home before Christmas! There are a few things that we need that are on back order and we are having some issues figuring out the transportation home.




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