Dorothy Philbin | CNBNews Columnist GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (May 27, 2024): This is just a reminder that every year for the past several decades, the City of Gloucester City has hired several city "kids" for summer employment at minimum wage. Traditionally, "kids" meant boys, and minimum wage decades ago was in the $7.00 to $8.50 per hour range. CNBNews graphic file Last summer, 2023, the minimum wage had increased to $14.13 per hour. Kids still meant boys, but instead of the jobs going to those whose families could benefit from the jobs and salaries, everyone hired had a relative in...
Dorothy Philbin | CNBNews Columnist GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ (May 27, 2024): This is just a reminder that every year for the past several decades, the City of Gloucester City has hired several city "kids" for summer employment at minimum wage. Traditionally, "kids" meant boys, and minimum wage decades ag...