Asking CSU students who’s someone they miss🥺 #sad #publicinterview #imissyou #lossofalovedone
Asking people what memory they’d go back to 🥹
#fyp #foryou #streetinterviews #liveinterviews #interview #callsomeone #publicinterview #seekrzn
Asking strangers their life changing stories…😢
#fyp #foryou #streetinterviews #liveinterviews #interview #callsomeone #publicinterview #seekrzn
Are college students at peace☮️
#fyp #foryou #streetinterviews #liveinterviews #interview #callsomeone #publicinterview #seekrzn
Asking strangers if they’re happy👀 #fyp #foryou #streetinterviews #liveinterviews #interview #callsomeone #publicinterview #seekrzn
Couple answers what true love feels like❤️ #publicinterview #grateful #TrueLove
Family shares a wholesome moment 🫶 #publicinterview #grateful #parentlove
Daring strangers to call someone they love❤️
#fyp #foryou #streetinterviews #liveinterviews #interview #callsomeone #publicinterview #seekrzn
We should all strive to put our phones down and lower our screen time 📲 - With One Sec App, you can do just that.
#fyp #foryou #streetinterviews #liveinterviews #interview #callsomeone #publicinterview #seekrzn
Wholesome questions at CU Boulder🥺 #fyp #interview #publicinterview #callsomeone #seekrzn
Daring strangers to call someone they appreciate🥺 #publicinterviews #wholesome #sibling
Asking college students if they’re happy😳 #publicinterview #areyouhappy #seekrzn
Asking strangers about the last time they cried😢 #publicinterview #itsoktocry #lossofalovedone
Truth or Dare with college students gets deep🥺 #fyp #interview #publicinterview #lossofalovedone #truthordare #seekrz
Wholesome call between fathers and their sons🥺 #wholesome #heartwarming #callsomeone
Asking moms their most LIFE CHANGING experience😢 #fyp #interview #publicinterview #lossofalovedone #seekrzn
Daring strangers to call someone they appreciate🫶 #publicinterview #callsomeone #seekrzn
Daring strangers to call someone they appreciate🥲 #publicinterview #wholesome #momandson
Call your mom & tell her you love her🫶 #publicinterview #wholesome #mommasboy
What song helps you get out of a sad place🎵 #fyp #interview #publicinterview #itsokaytocry #seekrzn