Earth Roaming Mama

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Earth Roaming Mama Building an online business to create freedom for my family - on a mission to help you do the same

my strategy ⤵️get really aware of what you’re doing in the little pockets of free time then… use these wisely! 🌀nap time...

my strategy ⤵️

get really aware of what you’re doing in the little pockets of free time then… use these wisely! 🌀

nap times are a fab way to get a big block of free time to really focus! ⚡️

self-care is a non negotiable.. if we aren’t feeling good we won’t be putting that positive energy into our business ☀️

comparison is the thief of joy.. so stop it! 🙈

celebrate the small victories! your journey is individual to you and each of these small wins is a step in the right direction 💛

was this post useful? let me know in the comments!

GROWTH MINDSET ⤵️embrace the journey - all of it! obstacles, failures, setbacks, stumbling blocks included..obstacles se...


embrace the journey - all of it! obstacles, failures, setbacks, stumbling blocks included..

obstacles serve to grow us into the next level version of ourselves - the one that’s resilient, the one who problem solves, the one that shows up with focus and dedication to the vision 💛

I’ve been in a place of defeat when I hit stumbling blocks but it feels SO much better to switch my mindset and view these as opportunities for growth 🌱

yet another golden nugget I’ve picked up on my journey - the level of business training and resources provided for personal development is second to none.. truly the best community I’ve come across

are you looking to start out on a journey that not only supports you to start your online business but also empowers you to step into your next level self? you’re in the right place - drop me a DM and I’ll be in touch with more info ⚡️☀️

you’re not alone! ⤵️it happens to all of us, especially during times of upheaval and change! it’s so important to be awa...

you’re not alone! ⤵️

it happens to all of us, especially during times of upheaval and change!

it’s so important to be aware, then we can help ourselves with exactly what we need to come back to alignment ✨

here are four ways I help my body + mind when I’m feeling anxious and stressed 💆

what would you add here? give me some inspiration in the comments! ☀️

woo woo.. or not?⤵️terms like ‘energy field’ and ‘raising your vibration’ can sound a bit out there - but we are energet...

woo woo.. or not?⤵️

terms like ‘energy field’ and ‘raising your vibration’ can sound a bit out there - but we are energetic beings and it’s important to pay attention to the thoughts and actions that affect our energy 🌀

these are just a few 💛 there are so many more - music, spending time with loved ones, laughing.. the list goes on

what are your favourite ways to raise your vibration? let me know in the comments! ☀️

this is for you if⤵️you’re feeling confused and stuck..knowing you’re meant for more but not sure what! • asking ourselv...

this is for you if⤵️

you’re feeling confused and stuck..knowing you’re meant for more but not sure what!

• asking ourselves questions to gain an awareness around where we’ve been, where we are and where we want to go is 🔑

• then gaining an understanding around what’s important to us - what we want to live in alignment WITH!

• developing awareness around the thoughts and habits that have been holding us back, and how we can stop these in their tracks going forward ✋

• getting really clear on our ‘why’ and how we want our lives to look so we can remain consistent and dedicated to our dreams!


I get it, Mama ⤵️It can feel HARD to prioritise our health when we’re wearing all the hats - looking after a family, a h...

I get it, Mama ⤵️

It can feel HARD to prioritise our health when we’re wearing all the hats - looking after a family, a home, running a business, perhaps dashing out the door to work 🏃‍♀️

Here are a few of my main areas of focus when it comes to my health.. basically food, water, limiting toxins, routine and moving my body 💧🍎☀️

Are there any you would add to the list? Let me know in the comments! 🙌

HEAR ME OUT⤵️I’ve BEEN where you are. I KNOW what it’s like - watching on from the sidelines, wanting to make a move but...


I’ve BEEN where you are. I KNOW what it’s like - watching on from the sidelines, wanting to make a move but feeling frozen with fear. I’m here to tell you: JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP 👣

Learn more. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. An indepth look at how our business (and other options out there!) works, a deep dive into the products and the different options available to you to get started ☀️

If, at the end of the 14 days you decide it’s not for you - cool! We don’t want anyone coming into this that doesn’t fully want it, and you’ll go away with a full refund and having learned a lot about the online world and the different options available to you. On the other hand, if, like me, you come away thinking.. this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.. it’s time to get excited ☺️

I try not to have regrets in life, but if I could go back to when I initially wanted to get involved I would JUMP at this opportunity. I wonder now where my business would be if I hadn’t spent those 9 months running though the same thoughts over and over in my head.. instead of just taking the first step and learning more!

Trust yourself, you have everything inside of you that you need! 💛

Drop me a DM or fill in the form in my bio and I’ll be in touch for a chat ✨

hear me out⤵️the online space can feel HUGE and a bit daunting when we’re just setting out to find an opportunity there ...

hear me out⤵️

the online space can feel HUGE and a bit daunting when we’re just setting out to find an opportunity

there are so many possibilities we’re not sure where to begin 🤔 these are a few of the most important things that we should consider when deciding on a network marketing opportunity

I’m ready to help you get started if you’re ready to take the first step! 🌱

Hi! I’m Laura ☀️ I live in Belfast with my partner, two kids and two cats. I LOVE being outdoors in nature, spending tim...

Hi! I’m Laura ☀️

I live in Belfast with my partner, two kids and two cats. I LOVE being outdoors in nature, spending time with my family, cooking and yoga 🧘‍♀️

I work in finance admin and I’m currently off on my second maternity leave in just over two years (2 under 2 life) 🙃

I decided to start my online business as I knew I needed something that my part-time job alone couldn’t provide - the ability to work around my kids and earn an uncapped income ✨

I dream of being able to show my children the world and share with them my love of travel - building an online business with location freedom means this will be a reality for us 🌍

Once I started to learn more about this opportunity I knew it was for me - and so many other amazing shifts have happened in my life since then. My confidence has grown so much through consistently taking action, I’ve worked through my fears and limiting beliefs and my mindset around investing in myself and my future has completely changed. I also joined an amazing team of mums and a wider community of wonderful people who are passionate about creating freedom in their lives 🌀

I want to help other people who might be in the same situation as me - who feel stuck and know they want more from life. Who want to spend their days with their kids without missing a moment. Who want to live life on their terms 🙌

If this sounds like you, drop me a DM for a chat about how I can help you ☺️

I work in high ticket marketing.  I use the power of social media ads to bring me the exact person I want to connect wit...

I work in high ticket marketing.

I use the power of social media ads to bring me the exact person I want to connect with (and that wants to hear from me!). No cold calling, no hassling friends + family - a system that runs on automation while I spend time with my kids doing life 🌀

I used to spend HOURS scrolling.. now I’m choosing to use social media in a positive way - by creating, not consuming

I work with medical grade products that offer a solution to:
- Provide safe, clean and incredibly healthy drinking water
- Reduce the use of single use plastics
- Replace toxic cleaning chemicals in the home

I’m partnered with an organisation who have an incredible mission, they adopt a truly human-centred approach to business 🌍

The company’s mission is simple - to spread true health through the following three principles:

- True physical health: Through clean, pure and healthy drinking water. We are made of 70% water, we should be drinking high quality water that will hydrate us as effectively as possible💧

- True financial health: Through a wealth developing business opportunity. Can you imagine what your dream day would be if you weren’t held back by the restriction of money worries? Where would you be, and who with? What could you do, who could you help? This will be a reality if you’re willing to commit yourself long term, learn new skills and work on your mindset. This is an incredible opportunity but it’s not a ‘quick fix’ 🌍

- True mental health: Through personal growth and finding true contentment in life. Take away the stress of the 9-5, the commute to work, the sales targets, the soul destroying job, being stuck in a drab office all day. Feels like a weight has been lifted just reading that, right? More time to do life = more contentment and more happiness 🌀

Personal growth with a compensation plan.

If this mission resonates with you, I can offer you my support + mentorship as well as access to a training platform and the business model.

DM me for access to risk-free trial and I’ll be in touch with you 🌞✨

When I started my business, my vision was pretty simple - I wanted something that was gonna give me more freedom to be p...

When I started my business, my vision was pretty simple - I wanted something that was gonna give me more freedom to be present with my kids, without giving up my financial independence

Since then my vision has grown a lot - I’ve seen first hand what this business can do for families, giving them the freedom to be who they want to be and to do what they want to do in this world 🌎

Here’s my vision right now.. although I know it will have grown even more in a few months 😍

- Create a reality where we are free to travel and explore when we want to. No restrictions around annual leave days or finances to hold us back ✈️

- Be 100% present for my kids growing up. I’ve seen how fast it goes with my first..I want to be around for every moment and create ALL the memories 🫶

- Live close to the forest or sea. Be surrounded by land where the kids have loads of space to run around and grow up close to nature 🌲

- Help other families spend more time in nature to instil a love of the great outdoors into our children and take advantage of the calming, grounding + happiness-inducing effects Mother Nature has on all of us 🤩

- Help mums reconnect with themselves through wellness practices like yoga, meditation and healthy cooking 💛

- Buy a camper van and travel around our beautiful island ☘️

- Grow my own fruits and veggies and have time to delve deeper into my passions 🧘‍♀️

- Grow my thriving team of aligned parents who want to create change in the lives of their families and bring their visions to reality 🙌

What’s your vision? Do you ever take time to think of what you want your future to look like?

If you’re interested in finding out more about how starting your own online business can help bring your vision into reality, DM me VISION to watch a free webclass ☺️

my top four tips ✨ to help you drop the people pleasing and go after your dreams fearlessly! want to learn more? drop me...

my top four tips ✨

to help you drop the people pleasing and go after your dreams fearlessly!

want to learn more? drop me a DM for a chat ☀️

SO… are you focusing on things you want to grow? Your goals, dreams, vision, the things you’ve been blessed with and are...

SO… are you focusing on things you want to grow? Your goals, dreams, vision, the things you’ve been blessed with and are grateful for? Or are you focusing on the things you’re not happy with or feel that you’re lacking in? 🌱

How we can redirect our focus:

- Mindfulness: Practising mindfulness can help us with focus. We become very aware of what we are sensing and feeling in the moment, without judgement. Noticing what’s happening in the moment allows us to become fully present 😌

- Breathwork: Practising breathwork allows us to concentrate on slow, deep breathing and helps us to break away from distracting thoughts. Research shows that paced breathing exercises can both focus attention and regulate the nervous system 🌀

- Affirmations: When we repeat affirmations, our brains begin to internalise them and they become part of our belief system. This can help to change negative thought patterns and replace them with empowering ones 🫶

- Visualisation: Visualise your goals every day. Spend a few minutes. Try to imagine them in detail - where you are, who you’re with, how you’re feeling at that very moment. Doing this every day will keep you connected with your goals and help you to stay focused 👁️

Do you have any to add? Let me know in the comments at below!

why outdoor time is ESSENTIAL for mums 🌿my girl’s first time in the sea! such a beautiful experience 🫶 life can get hect...

why outdoor time is ESSENTIAL for mums 🌿

my girl’s first time in the sea! such a beautiful experience 🫶 life can get hectic when we’re looking after young kids, it’s so important to take some time to get out into nature.. why?

• mental health boost: fresh air works wonders for our mood and mental wellbeing - a beach trip, a hike, or even a short walk/sitting outside can help reduce stress and anxiety, leaving us feeling refreshed and rejuvenated 🙌

• physical health: outdoor activities like walking, hiking or even running around after our little ones in the park help us stay active and vitamin D from the sunlight contributes to strong bones and a healthy immune system ☀️

• time to bond: spending time outdoors with our kids not only benefits us both mentally and physically, but it creates beautiful memories and strengthens our bond with them.. it’s a win-win-win!

this is your sign today.. get outside, breathe in some fresh air, marvel at the beauty around you - your body and mind will thank you for it 🌿🍄🌾🌞🌱

Do you find yourself getting overwhelmed and lost in a sea of never ending to-do lists? 📝 I WAS HERE TOO. Here are a few...

Do you find yourself getting overwhelmed and lost in a sea of never ending to-do lists? 📝


Here are a few tips I use to help overcome these feelings when they arrive ✨ Do you have any to add? please share below! 💛

Sometimes, when we’re going through a period of big change, we attach to the things that might not work out..the things ...

Sometimes, when we’re going through a period of big change, we attach to the things that might not work out..the things we’re leaving behind.. 💭

Instead of focusing on all the amazing ways life could be about to change! 🙌

This is when we get to change ourselves

Our mindset, our perspective, how open we are to new opportunities and new ways to grow 🌱


Let’s dive in, experience the joy in new-ness, grow, learn, build! And find ourselves along the way 💛

Finding joy in the ordinary moments ✨As I get older I’ve really come to realise that the big moments are the small momen...

Finding joy in the ordinary moments ✨

As I get older I’ve really come to realise that the big moments are the small moments - life’s simple joys

Watching my baby experience the beach for the first time, grabbing handfuls of sand (and trying to eat it), looking out at the waves in awe, happily eating her snacks in the sunshine ☀️

Seeing my toddler run excitedly towards the water and hearing him scream with happiness as he throws stones in. Collecting shells and comparing them to Moana’s 🐚

Getting chips on the way home

These little moments. The best.

Ask me again if I regret spending a few hours a day building an online business that will allow us to experience these moments whenever we choose in the near future?

Seeing my children experience things for the first time, and being there to actually witness it first hand is incredible. I don’t want to miss a thing 🥰

This is what keeps me committed to my vision

Are you feeling the same? Head to my bio, watch the free webclass and tell me if you can see what I see. Freedom, happiness, health, wealth, abundance, JOY 🙌

A little insight into my morning routine - this has improved my days in so many ways! My mood, my energy levels, my focu...

A little insight into my morning routine - this has improved my days in so many ways! My mood, my energy levels, my focus and productivity ☀️

Do you have any you would add?

Let me know in the comments! 💛

WOW this quote‘ collaboration with what’s showing up for you’So often when opportunities arise we worry, second g...

WOW this quote

‘ collaboration with what’s showing up for you’

So often when opportunities arise we worry, second guess our intuition, overthink, decide it’s ‘too good to be true’ or tell ourselves it’s not possible for us 🙃

Why stand in the way of the flow of the universe?

We can try to swim against the current and always ask ‘what if?’ or we can float with joy and ease, and allow the universe to conspire in our favour ☀️

I found an incredible business model that was rooted in health, community, happiness and prosperity. This door opened for me at an ideal time - I was pregnant with my second child and knew I wanted a fresh start, a new opportunity to change the direction of my life 🌱


I swam against the current, I allowed fear to take hold. For around 9 months.. but during those 9 months, I thought about it every single day, wondering ‘what if…’

Eventually I decided to flow with what was being offered to me, and it felt incredible. I do wonder where I would be now if I’d just taken that cue when it appeared 💛

Are you ready to find your flow? DM me FLOW, let’s connect ✨

Intuition ✨Do you trust yours? It might be a vibe you get from someone you meet for the first time, picking up on a cert...

Intuition ✨

Do you trust yours?

It might be a vibe you get from someone you meet for the first time, picking up on a certain energy in a room you walk into, or that gut feeling when you know something is going to happen 👁️

It’s your subconscious guiding you. Trust it - that little voice, it’s your sixth sense ✨

Strengthen your intuition by:

* Meditation - taking some time to quiet the chatter in your mind will allow your inner voice to be heard more clearly
* Trusting - try following your gut instinct and see what unfolds for you. Once you build up that trust you will be more confident to follow your intuition in future
* Journalling - start jotting down your thoughts. This is a great way to get them out of your mind and allow your inner voice to come to the fore
* Taking action - listen to your intuition and take action based on what it’s telling you. Often we overanalyse situations and talk ourselves out of things that we *know* are for us!

Before setting up my business last year, I intuitively KNEW that it was right for me. I knew that it was the vehicle that would get me where I wanted to go - a place in my life where I could experience freedom: time freedom, location freedom, financial freedom 🌱

I shut out my intuitive voice for months and allowed limiting beliefs to take hold - ‘you’re not confident enough’, ‘you don’t have enough time’ etc.

Well, my inner voice won in the end because I finally listened. I stopped thinking about the ‘how’ and placed all my focus on the ‘why’ - my family, our future. The best decision. So grateful for this inner compass we call intuition 🥰

What is your intuition telling you?

You’re a mum, you want to get involved and start your own online business, but WHERE will I find the time I hear you ask...

You’re a mum, you want to get involved and start your own online business, but WHERE will I find the time I hear you ask - read on >>>

Ok first things first - the good news is that you’ll only need to put 2-3 hours into your business a day, so it’s totally doable 🌱

These tips have been game changers for me, particularly bringing an awareness to what I was actually doing with my spare time. I was always saying I had no time, but when I looked a bit deeper, I was spending hours a day scrolling and mindlessly watching tv 📺

Do you have any others to add? Let me know in the comments! ☀️

Hear me out..I speak to a lot of mums on here every day. Mums who have big dreams of travelling with their little ones, ...

Hear me out..

I speak to a lot of mums on here every day. Mums who have big dreams of travelling with their little ones, having the freedom to bring their children up closer to nature, having the time to homeschool - the list goes on. So many beautiful visions for the future 🌸

But… after having that intuitive pull towards starting, overthinking sets into motion, brain overrules heart and the decision that it’s not the right time arrives

I’m here to tell you that there is no right time. The time is now ☀️

This doesn’t come from a place of judgement at all - I was here too. I sat on the sidelines watching and waiting for 9 months. I thought that I’d wake up one day and magically feel confident enough or that the fear of investing in myself would dissipate, that I would suddenly have more time on my hands or that the fear of the opinions of others’ would disappear ⚡️

All of these stumbling blocks and fears are things we get to work through on the journey -

We are all here to create more time in our lives, not because we had an abundance of it

Most of us had to work on our money mindset to understand that investing into ourselves is a GOOD thing as we are our biggest asset and we are the driving force behind our future success

I had to learn that confidence is a skill that I get to work on and develop, something I’m still building on - but confidence comes through self belief, and self belief comes through taking ACTION

Once I got clear on my vision and understood what’s possible with this business model, the opinions of others didn’t really matter anymore. Also, look at this in a positive light - by showing up for ourselves fully and authentically we may inspire others to do the same!

Are you tired of waiting for the perfect moment? Head to my bio and click the link, fill out a short form and I’ll be in touch with some free training so you can learn more 🌈

Something I learned pretty early on in my journey - if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you...

Something I learned pretty early on in my journey - if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten 🙏

Makes sense right? We can’t do the same thing on a loop and expect to magically get a different outcome one day ✨

Except.. this is exactly what I was doing. Unconsciously for the most part. I just kept on in autopilot mode, and somewhere at the back of my mind, was a little voice telling me that some day everything would be different. I would somehow wake up one day being able to do all the things I dreamt of doing in this short life. Travelling the world, making incredible memories with my babies, living close to nature, owning a camper van 🚐

It seems a bit silly to say (type) it out loud

How could everything just turn around without me taking any action to put the wheels in motion? I am so glad I had a wakeup call

That call came from coming onto our insight platform and starting to learn about mindset, about goal setting, about the internal work that we get to do throughout this journey. About habits, limiting beliefs, fears. About continuous personal development and the importance of staying aligned with our values on the journey ☀️

And what a journey it’s been 🥰

Finally I can say that I’ve taken back my power and am now on track to receiving everything that I’ve dreamed of. THANK YOU UNIVERSE 🌎

Are you ready to learn how you can step into your power too?

DM me POWER for more info, let’s goooo! 🙌

p r o t e c t  y o u r  e n e r g y 5 ways to look after your peace and create balance ✨let me know in the comments if t...

p r o t e c t y o u r e n e r g y

5 ways to look after your peace and create balance ✨

let me know in the comments if these help, or if you have any others I can try! 💛

Do you..Look at other people and see them doing things you would love to do but then hear a little voice in the back of ...

Do you..

Look at other people and see them doing things you would love to do but then hear a little voice in the back of your mind saying ‘you can’t do that, you’re not _____ enough!’? 🫣

For me it’s always been ‘you’re not confident enough’.

I wanted to jump into this business opportunity for SO long before I finally took the leap. I watched on from the sidelines, I knew it resonated with me and was the perfect fit for the kind of life I want to create for us… but I allowed my limiting beliefs to take hold.

I was listening to an Ed Mylett podcast one day not long after having my daughter. I can’t remember exactly what he said but it lit a fire under me - I thought ‘why NOT me?’ and I immediately signed up for our Insight trial. SO grateful for this moment of clarity. For not letting my fears hold me back any longer.

Now I’m pushing through fears on a regular basis and I’m actually enjoying it - the amazing feeling I get after doing something that scares me far outweighs any worries that arise.

The key is to just take action - stop overthinking and don’t give yourself time to worry! Use your intuition to guide you - it’s your sixth sense.

So the question is… why not you? 🥰

If you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity and feel ready to embark on a journey of breaking limiting beliefs, pushing past fears and working on your mindset, click the link in my bio to fill in a short form and I’ll be in touch soon ☀️

quick reminder:FILL UP YOUR OWN CUP FIRSTme, yesterday, reading in the hammock. heaven. when’s the last time you did som...

quick reminder:


me, yesterday, reading in the hammock. heaven.

when’s the last time you did something just for you?

early yesterday morning I went for a walk - just me. through the park.. listening to the birds sing, feeling gratitude for all that I’ve been blessed with, saying my affirmations (in my head, I having reached that level of confidence..yet 😆) and breathing deeply. it was amazing ☀️ something I used to do most mornings

sometimes as mums we forget ourselves

we forget the things that used to light us up and bring us joy before our amazing little kiddos came along. we put our needs waaay down to the bottom of the priorities list 📝

but.. we can’t pour from an empty cup. we need to take time out to reenergise and focus on ourselves in order to be the best version of us.. for ourselves AND for our families 🌏

if it’s been a while since you took some time out for you, this is your sign.. do it. do it often - and don’t feel guilty about it

when you’re the best version of yourself, everyone benefits 💛

STEAL MY STRATEGY c o n f i d e n c e we all get niggling fears and limiting beliefs when it comes to new situations and...


c o n f i d e n c e

we all get niggling fears and limiting beliefs when it comes to new situations and opportunities, but if you find you are always doubting yourself and your abilities.. maybe even holding yourself back from new challenges - it might be time to work on building your confidence 🌱

this is something I allowed to hold me back in like for YEARS - until I learned that it’s a skill that can be learned and developed ✨

did you find this helpful? let me know in the comments if you found this helpful 💛

Life. It’s BEAUTIFUL.. and the fact that we get to be here on Earth to experience it is mind-blowing, considering the od...

Life. It’s BEAUTIFUL.. and the fact that we get to be here on Earth to experience it is mind-blowing, considering the odds of being born are 1 in 400 trillion

There is a Buddha quote that goes ‘we don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are’

Perspective is everything 👁️

When you look around you, do you see beauty? Do you look at all the things you have to be grateful for? Or do you see lack, and things that need to be improved?


here’s a little bit about what you can expect if you come and join me on this incredible journey! ⛰️ if you’re watching,...

here’s a little bit about what you can expect if you come and join me on this incredible journey! ⛰️

if you’re watching, unsure, want to learn more or have any questions - drop me a DM I am happy to help and would love to connect with you☀️✨

Oof guys, this was a biggie for me! When I found my now-mentor Nancy (shoutout  💛) and learned about this business oppor...

Oof guys, this was a biggie for me!

When I found my now-mentor Nancy (shoutout 💛) and learned about this business opportunity, I KNEW it was for me. Everything about it matched my values. The huge health benefits of the water, the positive impact the products have on our planet, the freedom the business allows us to bring into our lives in ALL the ways - BUT…

I held myself back for 8 months. I waited for the ‘perfect time’, I waited to ‘feel ready’.. in reality I was procrastinating on taking action due to fear, but that’s a story for another day 🫢

I’ve now learned that taking messy, consistent action is the way forward. With everything. When do we every know EXACTLY how to do things that are completely new to us? We have to actually DO the thing in order to get better at it:

- Learning to drive a car
- Enjoying a new hobby
- Starting a new job
- Becoming a mum for the first time
- Building a new BUSINESS!

I guess what I’m trying to say is.. let’s allow ourselves to be beginners, let’s allow ourselves to try and fail and try again! The perfect time does not exist. Life is happening now. Embrace the process and find joy in it, and celebrate EVERY small win ☀️



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