KaijuKid Comics

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KaijuKid Comics KaijuKid Comics is the comic studio created by Sam Aaron Messerly to publish his comic work. KaijuKid Comics has been creating comics since 2002.

KaijuKid Comics has been creating comics since 2002, though Sam has been creating comics since the 1990's.

Did this up for fun because I'd heard that Disney was planning to make a Rocketeer animated series, only with a little g...

Did this up for fun because I'd heard that Disney was planning to make a Rocketeer animated series, only with a little girl playing the hero instead. I would have liked to see Disney translate the comics with the original character but I guess they want to appeal more to a young demographic. I'll still check it out though.

Started a series which I intend to make a monthly exercise for fun, movie style posters of Godzilla films. Basically jus...

Started a series which I intend to make a monthly exercise for fun, movie style posters of Godzilla films. Basically just taking favorite moments and putting them in horizontal poster form, but I'm getting a kick out of it. Decided each one would be picked at random, so these three were the results of that system. Will have another ready to go by the end of the month.

I'm not a good toy customizer by any stretch, nor do I really have the tools, but it's fun to dabble in once in a while,...

I'm not a good toy customizer by any stretch, nor do I really have the tools, but it's fun to dabble in once in a while, especially when they're your own comic book superheroes. Found two figures in just the right scale to each other to be The Looker and Teeny from my Miss Adventures Of The Gallant Girls comic, and I get a kick out of having them to hold like my super girls really did have their own line of toys.

I swear I'm not a weird man, but to me there's just something kind of adorable about a sweet girl who also happens to be...

I swear I'm not a weird man, but to me there's just something kind of adorable about a sweet girl who also happens to be kinda huge, the gentle giant syndrome as it were. But legitimately I adore Teeny, she's one of the characters I'm most proud of in the whole history of work I've committed to the page.

I promise I'm going to stop neglecting this page! :P  I just usually find it easier to post to other formats and leave i...

I promise I'm going to stop neglecting this page! :P I just usually find it easier to post to other formats and leave it at those, but since Kaijukid Comics on Facebook does get views from time to time I think I should stop forgetting it exists.
Progress still going strong on the Miss Adventures Of The Gallant Girls comic, along with the Patreon webcomic Lady Knight Of The Goffren. Regular Toho/Godzilla related art still being regularly submitted to Deviant art, so I'm gonna make sure to remember to share all those updates here as well from now on.
Lady Knights Of The Goffren: https://www.kaijukidcomics.com/goffrencomic/2017/7/25/cover-page

Deviantart: https://kaijukid.deviantart.com/

Patreon for Lady Knights of the Goffren and Gallant Girls: www.patreon.com/kaijukidcomics

Kaijukid Comics Twitter: twitter.com/KaijukidComics

July 25, 2017 Cover Page July 25, 2017/ Sam Messerly July 25, 2017/ Sam Messerly/ Comment webcomic webcomic, comic, goffren Sam Messerly


I know that in the great scheme of other things I tend to overlook this page, but it's mostly just because of keeping so busy in other areas. However since it directly relates, I figure it appropriate to make sure there's an update here. Kaijukid comics now has a proper website on Squarespace, and a Patreon for the latest production, a fantasy graphic novel titled "Lady Knights of the Goffren". Any support is of course vastly appreciated, but otherwise we really hope it will be a step up in the overall quality and of our work and will be enjoyed.
Kaijukid Comics Squarespace: www.kaijukidcomics.com/goffren…
Lady Knights of the Goffren Patreon: www.patreon.com/kaijukidcomics

Being really attached to celebrities you've never met is kind of a silly thing, but it happens anyway.  You like certain...

Being really attached to celebrities you've never met is kind of a silly thing, but it happens anyway. You like certain actors because they have a presence or play parts that resonate with you, and make you become attached to them in some personal way. I've loved Christopher Lee ever since I first saw him in 2001 playing the wizard Saruman, and sought him out afterwards because I just loved the guy's presence, vocal power, strange charm and unique look. He was one of the best parts of the Star Wars prequels, he made campy Dracula and horror movies entertaining and everything he was in seemed better for it. I regularly have SONGS he sang on my MP3 player, it's just a blast to hear him belt.
I enjoyed him so much I cast him in a role. He has a small but very poignant role in my Jia Li graphic novel, playing an old man who consoles and gives wise words to the heroine in her troubled times, because to me that's what I always fantasized I'd love Chris Lee to be if I knew him, sort of a loving, charming grandfatherly figure. I never knew my paternal grand-dad so maybe that's why I liked to think about casting the part with someone like Mr. Lee. But for my small, tiny part in honoring his legacy, he will always have a part in my fiction, which I would like to think he'd be proud to know he was loved enough for people to think of him that way.
Rest with God, sir, you will be missed.

For a while now the rule of my life has been pulling overtime and finding life a little too hectic for really getting an...

For a while now the rule of my life has been pulling overtime and finding life a little too hectic for really getting any quantity of art done to my satisfaction, but thankfully that seems to be settling down. Kicking off things with commission work mostly, though I'm happy to say comic pages are getting back on track at last. Some of my most personally loved story plans are getting off the ground, and while it's always a long road with such things, it's coming along. In the meantime, Godzilla art still seems to be what the Deviants want from me the most ;)

I remember a line from one of the old Star Trek movies that went along the lines of "We leave so many things unfinished ...

I remember a line from one of the old Star Trek movies that went along the lines of "We leave so many things unfinished in our lives....time is a predator, it's stalking you." Thirteen years later today I'm happy to look back and say that even though it took over a decade to get into any sort of form I'm semi happy with, Jia Li is done and it's one of those little things I did finish, and am still building upon, actually. May 25th, 2002 for some reason was just a special day for me. I started the book, I officially made a tradition out of watching one of my all time favorite movies (totally a trait I stole from Dad, but whatever), and to the best of my knowledge and memory the sun has always shone on this day every year. Oh maybe a little overcast here and there, but it's still shone at least a little, which to me remains a good omen.
Happy birthday, Jia.

Also BIG THANKS to everyone for getting the page to 600 likes!

Finished our last Mighty Morphin Power Ranger related commission for the Kaiju Assault card game series, and none other ...

Finished our last Mighty Morphin Power Ranger related commission for the Kaiju Assault card game series, and none other than personal favorite ranger Green! Go Green Ranger and Jason David Frank forever!

If you have any die hard Batman fans who love collecting the comics and have some coin to spare, lead them to little ol'...

If you have any die hard Batman fans who love collecting the comics and have some coin to spare, lead them to little ol' Kaijukid's new auction. I'm selling off 103 Batman and Bat-Family comics from the New 52 line, the new continuity after 2011. I'm tired of it, like the old stuff better and will be content with it, so if you or they want some comics in good condition, here's a good place to load up! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Large-Lot-Batman-Family-New-52-Comics-103-Comics-Batgirl-Detective-Comics-/231546708348?

This listing is for 103 issues of NEW 52 comics including issues of Batman Main Series, Detective Comics, Batgirl and Batman and Robin.

One of my oldest and most beloved projects was Scarecrow Girl, which for whatever seemed to also be one of my most liked...

One of my oldest and most beloved projects was Scarecrow Girl, which for whatever seemed to also be one of my most liked with the people who were actually reading my comics at the time as well. It's been long, long overdue for an upgrade and a little rewriting though. It always seems like I'm trying to juggle too much with projects at any given time, but it's just hard to not want to produce a ton of things. This one will definitely happen, it's just a matter of when in the grand scheme.

Wanted to say thanks to everyone, I know I don't check this page as often as I should but I'm going to be changing that....

Wanted to say thanks to everyone, I know I don't check this page as often as I should but I'm going to be changing that. 500+ likes kind of makes me realize I need to update :P So for starters, been working on developing the superheroine team idea into something more solidified and trying to plan a release schedule/method. More when available, but thanks again to all of you who have liked the page and supported the art!
I present the Gallant Girls! We have The Looker (blindfolded girl), Doki Doki (the little one), Teeny (the BIG one!) and Puddy the cat girl ;)

With Jia Li finalized and finally out on the market, I am hoping before too long to get the prequel comic cleaned up as ...

With Jia Li finalized and finally out on the market, I am hoping before too long to get the prequel comic cleaned up as much as possible and also made available at some future date. It's a TON shorter, and frankly it's probably pretty boring as it's merely a character set-up for people in Jia, but honestly to this day it's still one of the comics that's nearest and dearest to my heart. More when it's available.

A fun commission for an upcoming convention!

A fun commission for an upcoming convention!

I've kind of avoided selling my own comics for years, at least the ones I made myself with my own stories and characters...

I've kind of avoided selling my own comics for years, at least the ones I made myself with my own stories and characters. The main reason is that they were never meant to be seen by anybody but myself, my closest friends and my loved ones. They were hobby, and personal projects to heal my heart from old pains. Then Sarah came along and insisted I give others the chance to see the stories, no matter how bad they might be :P Well after a very successful Kickstarter to fund them and going through MANY clean up drafts, I think Jia Li, my favorite and most personal, is as good as it's going to get.
It's old now. I started this comic when I was 15. That was THIRTEEN years ago. So no, it's not up to my current professional standard, but it is my most deeply loved story. So I'm putting up the link for buyable copies on Indyplanet, and I must apologize for the cost. It's full color and almost 500 bloody pages long. Yeah, ridiculous. But even if no one buys a copy I've made good on my promise to her to put it out there. To anyone who looks into it, I bestow my absolute greatest appreciation and humblest apologies :P

Had a fun idea a while back for a web comic....yeah it's not gonna happen anytime soon (way too many projects on the pla...

Had a fun idea a while back for a web comic....yeah it's not gonna happen anytime soon (way too many projects on the plate already), but I loved the idea of a female superhero team made up of radically different girls who all met from being members of the same dating service website, and are all looking for Mr. Right while fighting crime. Well except for the little girl, obviously. It only sucks when you realize you have so many fun ideas but you just can't make the time to work on them all :P

After a lot of touching up, agonizing and butting heads with the printers, very happy and weirded out to say that the Ji...

After a lot of touching up, agonizing and butting heads with the printers, very happy and weirded out to say that the Jia Li graphic novel is all formatted and finished to updated specifications, including coloring more of the interiors, and that very shortly it will be available online. This is sort of a bittersweet affair for me, only because while there isn't any other work I've put more of my love and heart into, it's also OLD work, completed before I was more familiar and talented with digital coloring and other skills, so while it's not up to my modern art standards it's still the one story I put more of anything into, and still honestly love the best. More details when available, which should be shortly.

Wanted to shout out to everyone who has been giving likes to the page.  We've been pretty surprised and very grateful to...

Wanted to shout out to everyone who has been giving likes to the page. We've been pretty surprised and very grateful to see a sudden big increase in the number of likes, an it's been very much appreciated. On that note we'll be trying to keep updated as much as is possible, though work on comics for an amateur outfit is slow by necessity. In other news, though, the Godzilla fan comic "Kings and Brothers" we made for Deviantart is now completed and up to read, so for any kaiju fans out there we hope you enjoy it, and thanks again!


Coming.....someday :P  When?  I don't know, but I love this one too much to drop it.

Coming.....someday :P When? I don't know, but I love this one too much to drop it.

Well....nuts.  Thanks to "formatting issues" Jia has been delayed....again.  The printing outfit it reeaaaally strict ab...

Well....nuts. Thanks to "formatting issues" Jia has been delayed....again. The printing outfit it reeaaaally strict about borders and boundaries where things go, and they didn't like some minor issues that went beyond the outer edge of the pages, so we've gotta fix that up and erase some elements before it can be, again, "finalized" and ready for Amazon, not to mention just getting them to print me a copy for my own private shelf.
So in the meantime I just get to keep on with what I've been doing until we get all that hashed out, which is work on other in-progress graphic novels and art commissions. Got a gentleman paying me now to do his Godzilla fanfiction comic. Nothing like working with your hobbies to earn some money.

I love doing character concepts. Love it. It's so much fun to put together a personality in your head and then put a des...

I love doing character concepts. Love it. It's so much fun to put together a personality in your head and then put a design to it. However I also often cast real life people in my comics, a fantasy cast, and this set is especially meant to be so, actually keeping the names of the people involved since this project is my love letter to them in particular. This is another "down the road" project, but I never feel like it's too early to start putting pieces together. My unending thanks to Brad Halbersma for planting one of the biggest seeds that started this project going with a little movie called "Xanadu". Dean Messerly

Decided a new front cover was in order for The Strawman and the Blackbird.  I think simpler and brighter is the better c...

Decided a new front cover was in order for The Strawman and the Blackbird. I think simpler and brighter is the better choice in this case, but then again if I wasn't silly I wouldn't be advertising an in progress comic book that won't likely be done for another year. Oh art, why must you take so long....

It's gonna be a while before the project attached to this dedication page gets off the ground.  But it's one I feel I mu...

It's gonna be a while before the project attached to this dedication page gets off the ground. But it's one I feel I must do before I die. Most of the people listed here are long forgotten by the general public, but through the magic of technology every person here continues to live on this side of Glory, and they have provided me with special joy during my darkest hours....the joy of purest, deepest laughter and finding a welcome place in my heart. That's why I intend to make a comic in their honor. No bad guys, no monsters, just a love letter to these amazing, wonderful human beings. To borrow a phrase from Marian Jordon at the top of the list, they have all provided me with many "heavenly days".

There's two schools of thought on whether or not written fiction should include songs and music in a visual medium.  Gra...

There's two schools of thought on whether or not written fiction should include songs and music in a visual medium. Granted it's not a guarantee that everyone will know the songs or enjoy "reading" music, but I've always thought songs gave a very special depth to literature. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings especially were wonderful examples of this. So regardless of the popular opinion, I have always liked putting songs in my comics, because at the end of the day I just think they're richer for having those moments.

There's a reason a lot of comic writers/artists do what we do.  For some it's a job, others just enjoy the art side of i...

There's a reason a lot of comic writers/artists do what we do. For some it's a job, others just enjoy the art side of it, or creating new characters to speak through, or a mix of them all. There's another side of that, though. For some of us our art and our stories are the best place we know. The world the most alluring, the characters the most appealing, and the most comfortable place we can be in life is creating these books and enjoying time with these characters.
It's why even if no one but a handful of people ever read my books I have to keep making them. The world I love best is the one that flows from my pen. I would stroll through the woods of my own design and happily take my last breath there, and invite everyone I love to share in it. That's why some of us create, we wish to make a world alive. To us our characters aren't just lines on a page, but hearts and souls we love.

Anybody who has followed my work for a long time knows a simple fact.....I just find girls more interesting as main char...

Anybody who has followed my work for a long time knows a simple fact.....I just find girls more interesting as main characters. My own gender is boring to write for, mostly because I know we're pretty straightforward. Girls are fascinating to dig into from a storytelling perspective, though that's not to say I haven't enjoyed writing male characters, but young girls just more engaging stories seem to make, at least in the contexts I write them in. I need to finish this little one shot I made celebrating my main female characters from all the assorted stories either already done or forthcoming. From L to R Tasha Barker, Jia Li Morgan, Faith Hudson, Alice Barker and representing the shorties, Robin Redd.


After yesterday's kind of disheartening discoveries, I'm back on track and have established a timeframe for releases to keep work steady and put something "real" out there for people, because I do NOT want to waste the gracious gifts bestowed on us with the funding of our books, and I want to at least get them out there on Amazon. So basically, here's the schedule of planned releases, since some of these projects are currently in development:

May 2014: Jia Li

Summer 2015: The Show Stops At Midnight

Christmas 2015: The Strawman and the Blackbird

Post 2015 (Release unknown???): Scarecrow Girl, redone

This is roughly how I want to get them out there and online for sale, so with some discipline and dedication we'll make it happen, and my thanks as always to our friends who helped us get those ISBNs.

Thanks to my bottomless stupidity, the release of my graphic novel Jia Li is going to be delayed yet again.  I had hoped...

Thanks to my bottomless stupidity, the release of my graphic novel Jia Li is going to be delayed yet again. I had hoped that my final editing run to fix up some of the amateur art and the word bubbles would be done by the end of the year. However it turns out I've been editing the wrong files....a LOT of wrong files, which means I have to start over again from scratch. I...am....so...stupid. But we live and we learn, don't we?

Ok, admittedly I don't do Halloween.  I get why kids and certain types enjoy it so much, but it's not my holiday.  Howev...

Ok, admittedly I don't do Halloween. I get why kids and certain types enjoy it so much, but it's not my holiday. However, I do seem to watch more monster movies and scary flicks around this time like most people do, and while this has NOTHING to do with my comic work, I just felt like drawing up a little tribute to one of my favorite but very, very forgotten movie monsters, the "Trickster" from the 1994 movie Brainscan. Yeah I know, this dude looks more like a renegade from mid-80s metal bands than a 90s monster, but so it goes.

One of the problems of having an active imagination and wanting to put out a LOT of comic stories is that you just can't...

One of the problems of having an active imagination and wanting to put out a LOT of comic stories is that you just can't do them all at once. You have to do it one at a time, or at the most, two. You simply have to put some things on the back burners. This is one of those that, hopefully, will see the light of day someday. A combination of two things I love, a British comedy series called Mulberry, and the ever-loveable Derpy Hooves. Oh, and she has a small fish creature pet on her shoulder, I thought it looked cool, seriously need to find out what it's called.....



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