In this article, Dr. Jane Wright chose Symetri™ Clear brackets by Ormco to treat this patient’s clinical and esthetic issues.
“A 49-year-old female presented for an initial orthodontic exam with the chief complaint of bruxing and excessive wear on her teeth, especially the anterior. She was aware of the loss of tooth height and discussed restoration plans with her dentist. She had no history of previous orthodontic treatment and was wearing a maxillary flat-plane occlusal guard from her dentist. She was aware of daytime clenching and grinding but did not report any TMJ pain, clicking, or popping. Maximum opening and range of motion were within normal limits. Cephalometric analysis showed that she had a brachycephalic skeletal pattern, but ANB and inter-incisal angles were normal. Occlusal wear in and of itself does not affect patient quality of life, but some patients are self-conscious about the appearance of their short, worn teeth, which is the category that this patient fits into. Her chief concern was to improve her dental esthetics.
The patient reported chronic life stress and was unaware that her teeth were not supposed to be in constant contact during the day. We discussed self-care management of the TMJs, practicing lip seal and nasal breathing while keeping the teeth separated and masseters relaxed. It was discussed that if she chose to pursue orthodontic treatment, she would have to discontinue her maxillary night splint until orthodontic treatment concluded, which she accepted. We discussed fabricating a new maxillary flat-plane splint after her restorative work was complete.”
👉 Read the article: https://ow.ly/35yU50SLxGJ