You may not want to hear this but the reason you’re not seeing real change happening is because somewhere there’s a “roadblock”.
This could look like a handful of things. But I’m willing to bet at the root of it, this “roadblock” is you.
Let me ask you a question. What’s that one thing you’re holding onto because you think it gives you control?
Close your eyes and think about it, then come back.
Do you have it? Good. Now let it go!
That thing making you feel like you have all the control? It’s lying to you. It’s creating a false sense of control. Don’t give it the power to rule your life.
This false sense of control lures you into thinking you have to do it all or you’re not worth it. You’re not cut out for business. You’re going to fail.
STOP. You have to stop trying to learn it all, juggle it all, sacrifice it all.
You may not want to hear this but you need to.
When you stop trying to be the one doing it all and start prioritizing growth it will all come easier.
I stopped trying to do it all and started to prioritize growth personally and in business.
Do you know where it got me?
I’m more confident in what I say and share.
I’m comfortable enough to know I can show up when I’m in a good place, and step back when I’m tired.
I made investments, not just in my business but in me as a person. Because ultimately my business is a reflection of me.
Share this post if you know somebody who needs to hear this.
If that person is you, save it for when you might need it again. Better yet, send me a DM so we can get you out of feeling like you have to do it all, and into prioritizing YOUR growth.