The Peoples Voice

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The Peoples Voice For a number of years, the People’s Voice laid dormant… till now.

Founded in late 1980s in Akwesasne, the original People’s Voice Newspaper began out of a desire to relay information and provide alternative views from news that exclusively or partially promoted the agendas of band councils, tribal councils or any other settler colonial institutions. In the present day, there is still a necessity for free and independent media in our communities. As of 2023, we r

evitalized the People’s Voice to promote transparency and bring awareness to present day social, political and environmental issues across Rotinonshonni Territory. We are dedicated to providing reliable, truthful and fact-based information to allow individuals to come to their own understanding and empower critical decision making.



Eight individuals who were arrested at Niionenhiasekowa:ne (Barnhart Island) on May 21st 2024 arrived at Massena Town Court on Tuesday expecting arraignment on charges. Approximately 120 individuals appeared in support of the eight. The court could not process/arraign seven of the eight arrested due to missing paperwork. The Massena Town Justice proceeded to split up the arraignments despite protest from certain arrestees. The following court dates have been set:

- June 25th at 1:30 pm (Marina Johnson-Zafiris)
- July 9th at 1:30 pm (Donald Delormier Jr., Gabe Oaks, Brent Maracle)
- July 23rd at 1:30 pm (Kimmy Terrance, Dana Leigh Thompson)
- August 13th at 1:30 pm (Isaac White)
- August 27th at 1:30 pm (Larry Thomspon)

Video by Steven Thompson - Kentsienóron

Rights are Exercised, Not Given - Barnhart Encounter (05-22-24)There is a long history of Onkwehonwe relations to Niione...

Rights are Exercised, Not Given - Barnhart Encounter (05-22-24)

There is a long history of Onkwehonwe relations to Niionenhiasekowá:ne (Barnhart Island) - from the Dish With One Spoon Agreement, to Onkwehonwe families living on the island, and continue today through Kanienkehaka assertion of hunting, fishing, tree tapping, and medicine gathering liberties. The Akwesasne Mohawk Land Claim Settlement agreement seeks to sever and suffocate Onkwehonwe relations to Niionenhiasekowá:ne, formally ceding the island’s title to New York State and subjecting our hunting and gathering rights to a foreign government. The Onkwehonwe that began construction at Niionenhiasekowá:ne acted in assertion of their inherent and original rights. The state and federal government can not and will not ostracize us from our lands and waters.


The U.S. has ratified more than 370 treaties with American Indian nations. Yet many Americans know little about the treaties that shaped, and continue to impact, the country today.

"They're not rights given to native nations, they're native nations by and large giving rights to the United States." Hear seven perspectives on why they matter.

Tribe receives funding for police “state of the art” surveillance technology including surveillance cameras, license pla...

Tribe receives funding for police “state of the art” surveillance technology including surveillance cameras, license plate readers and advanced software solutions. Read more from The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe press release.

The funds will be used to purchase state-of-the-art technology and equipment, inclusive of but not limited to: License plate readers Mobile and fixed surveillance cameras Computer-aided dispatch systems Advanced software solutions Unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) Gunshot detection devices Smart…

MEDIA RELEASE - Barnhart Encounter (05-22-24)Yesterday (May 21st 2024) at 10:30 am, individuals went to Niionenhiasekowá...

MEDIA RELEASE - Barnhart Encounter (05-22-24)

Yesterday (May 21st 2024) at 10:30 am, individuals went to Niionenhiasekowá:ne (Barnhart Island) to begin construction for a residence in a grass clearing on Beach Marina Rd. The three Kanien'kehá:ka men that were on site were unmolested for three hours until five state troopers, six NYPA security, and one St. Lawrence County Sheriff appeared. The encounter was described as amiable. The troopers asked the purpose of their activities to which one man responded, “We are here to build housing for our community… This is Onkwehonwe land.” The troopers, and Sheriff, then simply notified the men to be careful of specific lines, indicating where they were. The gas, water and electric lines were all far from where the men were scraping the dirt. No warning, notice or injunction was provided and the men continued their work.

Later, six additional Kanien'kehá:ka people came to the area, one of them with the press. Within 15 minutes of their arrival at 8:00 pm, approximately 35 personnel (including law enforcement, troopers, US Border Patrol, Homeland Security) armed with automatic rifles surrounded them at the site- issuing a brief warning stating that the individuals were trespassing and to move away from the premises. The individuals refused to move. The troopers proceeded to arrest all who were present, including a minor (who was later released).

One individual was charged with a felony and all were charged with trespassing violations and conspiracy misdemeanors. The court date appearance has been set for June 11th, 2024, 1:30 pm at Massena Town Court. The individuals encourage people to witness the hearing and attend in support.

Tune into a must-hear episode of Sage Against The Machine, a podcast dedicated to fostering a robust Akwesasne media lan...

Tune into a must-hear episode of Sage Against The Machine, a podcast dedicated to fostering a robust Akwesasne media landscape. Join Isaac White, Akwesasne journalist, and Josh Sargent of Aboriginal Outlaws fame as they host Ron LaFrance, the incumbent St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Council member seeking re-election. This intense discussion traverses critical issues facing our community:

• A frank discussion on the community contested land claim settlement, with pushback on the current council's approval, highlighting uncertainty in Akwesasne about the settlement.
• An intriguing exploration of the roles and impacts of both Longhouses.
• Challenging questions about the St. Regis Mohawk Council’s appearance to seek validation from outside governments.

This episode offers unique insights into the political pressures and internal dynamics at Akwesasne. Sage Against The Machine is dedicated to fostering a robust Akwesasne media landscape, just the same as The People’s Voice. Join The People’s Voice—watch, listen, share, like, and comment!

Check it out here:

Sage Against the MachineDecolonization, Assimilation, Acculturation, AdulterationNative people. Indigenous. Onkweonwe, the original people of this continent....

GANIENKEH calls for all Mohawks to condemn the proposed land settlement with New York and the The United States

GANIENKEH calls for all Mohawks to condemn the proposed land settlement with New York and the The United States

In the 1970’s, Maclean’s magazine described Cornwall Island, an island “Unfit for Man or Beast”. In Akwesasne, many stud...

In the 1970’s, Maclean’s magazine described Cornwall Island, an island “Unfit for Man or Beast”. In Akwesasne, many studies have linked this pollution to serious health problems amongst our people. Past health studies expose repeated disease rate patterns- high rates of cancers, autoimmune, liver, endocrine, diabetes, mental, neurological development disorders and other health issues... problems we are still facing today. Recent studies have shown that the PCBs remaining at the GM superfund site have morphed and volatilized into more harmful and neurotoxic congener variation.

As the May 8th deadline approaches for the Mohawk Land Claim settlement, we are left asking if this is an effective solution in the face of our present day contamination? Are we destroying any chance of ever pursuing lands that are evidently ours outside of Akwesasne? Are we subjecting those who have already worked to re-occupy our lands to NYS and Federal Authority harm?

("We" being any Tribal, Band or Nation Member that is directly implicated by the actions of our "Leadership")

Photo/Slide CREDIT: Dr. Ojistoh Kahnawahere Horn, “Exploring the intersection of the Indigenous Voice, Climate Change, and Health”

The People’s Voice is honored to share an impressive and principled stance taken by our brothers and sisters in Ganienke...

The People’s Voice is honored to share an impressive and principled stance taken by our brothers and sisters in Ganienkeh. In a resolute statement, Ganienkeh has clearly rejected the illegitimate land claim settlements negotiated by entities with no authority to make unilateral decisions in our names.

Ganienkeh reminds us that our lands are not bargaining chips on a negotiation table. Their stance resonates with us, underscoring that our land's worth is beyond any financial measure, especially in dealings with governments that have historically disregarded our rights.

The People's Voice stands in solidarity with Ganienkeh’s courageous stance against fraudulent land claims settlement negotiations. This is a rallying cry for consensus, a call to action for all Kanien'kehá:ka to unify and defend our inherent rights.

We applaud Ganienkeh for their clarity and strength in stating that our lands are not for sale. It's time for us to unite, collectively raise our voices, and assert that the only acceptable outcome is our sovereignty's full recognition and respect and the return of our lands.

Let’s spread this message far and wide. Ganienkeh's stance boldly states what so many Akwesasronon know, that the entities engaging in these negotiations lack the legitimacy to represent Akwesasne. Instead, they are perpetuating a legacy of betrayal and intrusion. Akwesasne unity is needed, to ensure our community's voice guides any conversation about our land, standing resolute against those who have wronged us.

The teachings of Sky Woman and our Creation Story support the Right of all beings to carry out their Original Instructio...

The teachings of Sky Woman and our Creation Story support the Right of all beings to carry out their Original Instructions…
These delineate the Roles and Responsibilities of the Chiefs, Clan Mothers, and guides the People to live in such a way, through ceremony, acknowledgement, and reciprocity, as to maintain balanced relationships between individuals, their families, their extended families, community, nation, environment, the ancestors, and the faces of those yet unborn.

CREDIT: Dr. Ojistoh Kahnawahere Horn, “Exploring the intersection of the Indigenous Voice, Climate Change, and Health”.

Power your knowledge. Know the environment.

Power your knowledge. Know the environment.

This is not about triumphs over nature, but about change forced upon the people and the environment in which they lived from time immemorial.

PRESS RELEASE- Onkwehonwe Gather at Syracuse Courthouse to Oppose Mohawk Land Claim SettlementEnníska (February) 29, 202...

PRESS RELEASE- Onkwehonwe Gather at Syracuse Courthouse to Oppose Mohawk Land Claim Settlement

Enníska (February) 29, 2024

Syracuse, NY — On February 26th 2024, approximately 150 Kanien’kehá:ka and other Rotinonhsión:ni supporters converged at the James M. Hanley Federal Building and Courthouse in Syracuse to voice their discontent over the closed negotiations surrounding a land settlement process linked to a longstanding 1982 lawsuit and their contest to the use of the 1796 Treaty with The Seven Nations as a foundation for the suit, expressing doubts about the legitimacy of the signatories' authority.

The protesters, wielded signs reading “New York State land stealers” and “Howard Thompson does not decide for us” and donned in t-shirts proclaiming "Relevant Decision Maker" with an illustration of the Two Row Wampum belt, passionately emphasized their demand for fair representation and the fundamental importance of authority derived from the people, as dictated by the Kaienarekowa.

Inside the court were representatives and lawyers from each entity who is party to the case; the public was not permitted to enter the court. The purpose of the proceedings was to allow each party to report any progress and reconcile any lingering concerns impeding the settlement. Among the court recognized “relevant decision-makers” approved as attendees to the proceeding were representatives of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and one member of the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs (MNCC), who was present with the MNCC lawyers to advance the proposed settlement agreement. The lawyer for the MNCC intentionally omitted certain members of the MNCC council and from participating in the proceedings, barring them from raising concerns such as the internal agreement's use and occupancy deed provisions, the good faith clause, and the resolution of land title issues within the New York State and New York Power Authority Memorandum of Understanding.

At 10:00 am, a declaration was submitted to the court clerk, by the MNCC, stating “Legal counsel was asked several times to include all condoled leadership as attendees to this hearing, but Alexandra Page (Esq.) outright denied their request to be present.” Promptly following the submission of the MNCC declaration, there was a recitation of the Two Row wampum and multiple speeches given by Kanien’kehá:ka individuals. The federal mediator, John Bickerman, also spoke to the demonstrators resulting in escalating tensions as he was accused of talking down to the demonstrators. The Onkwehonwe asserted that the process lacked significant and true relevant decision-makers, The People.

Ojistoh Horn, a speaker and Mohawk physician, decried the exclusion of many Mohawk people from discussions, rendering any decisions or deals made by the Tri-Council invalid. Horn emphasized, “Despite trying to make it known through traditional and legal processes that the Tri-council does not have the authority to sign away our land, we’ve been ignored.”

Later, during the Standing Quiver Dance, the mediator returned, extending an invitation to a selective delegation to enter the courtroom as silent observers. This delegation included four Condoled Titleholders of the Mohawk Nation Longhouse (Tehana’karí:ne Bear Clan Chief Curtis Nelson, Tehana’karí:ne Bear Clanmother Louise Herne; Sharenhó:wane Wolf Clan Chief Ernest David, and Sharenhó:wane Wolf Clanmother Angela Elijah), along with Lenny Oakes (Turtle Clan).

Post-courthouse, the delegation provided a brief report of what occurred and the Onondaga women invited the present Onkwehonwe to the Onondaga Cookhouse. The five observers reported on what they witnessed during the negotiation process. They reported that the conversations occurring in court avoided the present issue of mal-representation and rather delved into other “outstanding settlement issues” such as boat launch accessibility and potential hunting and fishing license requirements. Based on what they witnessed, the delegation decided a meeting with Federal Magistrate Dancks would be more productive. At the request of the delegation, a private hour and a half meeting was held between the five delegates, the Magistrate and one US Marshal. The delegation had the opportunity to vocalize their formal objection to the proposed settlement agreement and declare their desire to remove the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs from the land claim process. Additionally, it was shared that the lawyer representing MNCC has violated her legal obligation to consult and receive direction from the entirety of the full Mohawk Nation Council.

Wampum was later delivered to Sid Hill (current Tadodaho), calling for a Grand Council of the Confederacy to address the conflict amongst the Mohawk Nation Council and the alleged misrepresentation by attorney Alex Page. Tadodaho, the Onondaga Chiefs and present MNCC Chiefs deliberated amongst themselves. It was then announced, to the approximately 50 people present in the Onondaga Longhouse, that a Death Feast is to be called in Akwesasne, to “call to the past Chiefs” and to “unite Titleholders from across the Confederacy.” The wampum regarding the Grand Council was left shelved until after the Chief's Death Feast.

“Mohawk Land Claim Settlement” Update1/16/24: The Magistrate Judge set an in person conference for 2/26/24 in which  “al...

“Mohawk Land Claim Settlement” Update

1/16/24: The Magistrate Judge set an in person conference for 2/26/24 in which “all attorneys and the relevant decision makers from each party who have final authority to resolve the outstanding issues MUST be present at the conference.”

2/22/24: a new minute order was filed stating “All other parties are ordered to file a status report by 10am on Friday, February 23, 2024, identifying exactly who will be present at the conference and their titles, including attorneys and party representatives. Because this is a settlement conference, only those individuals identified will be permitted to attend.”

Despite multiple requests to list the entirety of Mohawk Nation Council, Alex Page refused and only listed “Chief Howard Thompson of MNCC” and “Joyce King, Assistant to Howard Thompson, MNCC” as representatives.

The proceeding itself has been closed to the public after requests for the people (and the real “relevant” decision makers) to attend.

Note the highlight in NYS report- “There is no single decisionmaker who has unilateral, unlimited settlement authority on behalf of the state”… yet our continued efforts to educate them on this concept as it applies to us is ignored.

Calling upon all Onkwehonwe to attend a gathering outside the Federal Court (9:30am Monday Feb. 26, 2024) to make it evident and clear that there has been a misrepresentation of the people of Akwesasne, especially the People of the Longhouse.


Whenever there is an especially important matter ...
the Chiefs of the League must submit the matter to the decision of
their people and the Chiefs will carry the decision of the people. - Kaienerakowa - Wampum 93


It is known that people cannot think clearly
when they are in psychological pain,
or have feelings of rage, or lose hope.
The consensual decision making process must bring people from despair to hope. Every person has a responsibility to develop their minds.
To think is to create a sane world for the present and future generations, a world safe from the emotional,
irrational behaviour of people controlled by fear, hatred,
greed, jealousy, suspicion and conflict.
The main obstacle to our survival is fear. - Kahentinetha

“People of the Longhouse” have documents to support that our land rights have never been taken. Any NYS land agreements ...

“People of the Longhouse” have documents to support that our land rights have never been taken. Any NYS land agreements were with individuals that didn’t have the authority or approval of the Onkwehonwe according to Kaianerekowa- The Great Law of Peace. Any past organizations, negotiations, or promises that were made during a time of warfare being inflicted upon our people, were made UNDER DURESS, and is easily distinguishable as genocide.

Calling all people and the real “Relevant Decision Makers” when it comes to our lands for a peaceful gathering in opposi...

Calling all people and the real “Relevant Decision Makers” when it comes to our lands for a peaceful gathering in opposition of the Mohawk Land Claims Settlement.

Monday February 26, 2024
Federal Court Building
100 S Clinton St. Syracuse, NY

A 40 passenger bus will be leaving Noonies lot near rocket ronnies in Akwesasne at 6am sharp for those who’d like to join.

The bus will return back to Akwesasne with an approximate arrival time of 5pm.



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