A água é um desafio constante nas áreas áridas e semi-áridas do , e o acesso a este recurso precioso é um pouco mais complicado do que a maioria das pessoas pensa.
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• Fuel and maintenance of generators
Diesel-powered pumps require diesel and oil on a weekly basis. Generators require new air and oil filters for every 250 hours of operations. If contaminated fuel is used, diesel filters will last for only 1,000 hours, or less. To function, diesel-run pumping systems require fuel, oil and expertise on maintenance and repairs; and the funds to purchase and transport those requirements to the isolated areas the boreholes are often located. Such requirements are not easy to fulfil in remote regions with limited funds.
• Solar-powered pumps
Most of the solar-powered boreholes in Kajiado are no longer operating due to thefts, and youngsters throwing stones at the panels, despite the presence of guards. Although solar panels do not require fuel, it becomes difficult to convince the water users to pay for the cost of guarding the pump-houses, maintenance and repairs.
Furthermore, it has become clear that solar-powered pumps cannot supply the quantities of water needed for livestock within the available time. This increases the waiting time at the boreholes and very little time is left for herds to graze in far-off locations.
• Wind-powered pumps
Wind pumps require a lot of maintenance due to their moving parts. Maintenance is costly and time-consuming. The
so-called “overflow” is another disadvantage. During windy nights, so much water is pumped into the tank that it overflows and creates muddy gullies that are difficult for herders and livestock to walk over in the morning.
• Shifting aquifers and over-pumping
Due to underground cracks in Kajiado, some water streams redirect themselves and the water yield in the affected boreholes could be reduced drastically. The quality of water also varies. In specific regions, water is too salty for use. Sometimes, this is caused by overpumping over many hours in small aquifers.
• Socio-economic problems
The introduction of boreholes into the Maasai community has been top-down. The local communities have hardly been involved in the choice of location for boreholes. Herders hardly understand the installation, repairs or maintenance of these “new” technologies that are powered by diesel, solar and wind.
This has strengthened the impression that the new technology does not belong to the users but to the donor. As a result, feelings of responsibility are not only weak but also sometimes missing altogether among the water users. In addition, the local council needs to pay its borehole attendants on time, to foster responsibility.
• Other options for provision of water
Kajiado people mostly use water pans, and particularly shallow wells, for water. Boreholes provide only two per cent of the total demand for water.
Questions to ask ourselves
It is difficult to understand why billions of Kenyan shillings and millions of US dollars are still being spent on drilling unsuccessful boreholes and installing unused pumping facilities. It is also very strange that the surveys carried out by experts do not eliminate most of the failures, considering that the following documents are required for drilling boreholes in Kenya:
• A drilling licence from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.
• An environmental impact assessment (EIA) by a consultant licensed by the National Environment Monitoring Authority (NEMA), and approved by the same.
• A hydrogeologic al survey report produced by a registered geologist.
• Authorisation from the Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA).
These well thought out but apparently ineffective procedures cost some Ksh 300,000, before the drilling of a borehole even takes place. The drilling itself, of say a 150-metre deep borehole, costs at least Ksh 1 million. Thus, drilling one borehole costs about Ksh 1.5 million, all for an uncertain result. The money is well spent if the borehole supplies water, but is a waste if it does not.
Why do we not learn from our mistakes? It would be better to assist rural people to harvest rainwater into tanks, various types of dams and water pans, or even into the sand of seasonal watercourses and hand-dug wells in shallow groundwater.