El ciclo Flamenco is Time no son solamente los conciertos y las clases magistrales, está el igualmente importante programa de sensibilización cultural que se centra en la exposición de Lucía Yela y de Jorge Orte. Lucía Yela, artista multidisciplinar, transmitirá la esencia del ciclo a través de sus pinturas, y Jorge Orte, fotógrafo y documentalista, exhibirá sus fotografías de los artistas presentes en el ciclo, y varios rincones del mundo flamenco que ha ido documentando a lo largo de estos últimos meses. La exposición tendrá lugar en el Auditorium de Palma del 19 de Julio al 1 de Agosto, la inauguración es este viernes a las 19h.
The Flamenco is Time series is much more than the concerts and the master classes, there’s also the equally important cultural awareness program, comprised by an exhibition by Lucía Yela and Jorge Orte. Lucía Yela, a multidisciplinary artist, is going to transmit the essence of this series through her paintings, and Jorge Orte, photographer and documentalist, is going to exhibit his photographs of the artists that are going to be part of the series, and several nooks of the world of flamenco that he has documented throughout these last months. The exhibition is going to be at the Auditorium of Palma from July 19th until August 1st , the inauguration is going to be this Friday at 7pm.
Exposición de Lucía Yela & Jorge Orte.
Exhibition by Lucía Yela & Jorge Orte.