
Shout-Africa The news hub carries relevant pan-African news published in African countries and abroad,

Shout-Africa is an African news hub featuring latest news on the continent, her people, the diaspora, the arts and culture, sports, business, religion and more.

Opinion article by Dr Sunday Paul C. Onwuegbuchulam, Centre for Gender and Africa Studies, University of the Free State[...

Opinion article by Dr Sunday Paul C. Onwuegbuchulam, Centre for Gender and Africa Studies, University of the Free State[i]

Nigeria, Africa most populous country has, since the first week of October 2020, seen series of protests to end perceived police brutality under the banner . In this opinion piece, I argue that these protests reflect the general frustration among Nigerians concerning the sorry state of affairs in the country’s socioeconomic and political space in recent times.

The protests called for drastic police reform in the country and specifically the disbandment of a police unit called Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS). SARS was formed in 1992 amidst concern for increasing incidences of armed robberies and other organised crimes in the country. The unit was equipped and mandated to respond to these crimes; they have what could be termed as a licence to kill.

Abuse of power

In recent times, however, SARS morphed into a menace to the people it was supposed to protect, especially the youth. There have been series of reported human rights violations in the form of torture, harassments, extrajudicial killings, extortion and downright corruption. Eventually, SARS became synonymous with abuse of power by the police with a concomitant toxic climate of fear and brutality. Amid heightened concern for the safety of citizens vis-à-vis SARS, some activists took to social media in 2017 and hence the birth of the movement. Since the movement started the activists have succeeded in getting the government to commit to several police reforms. However, the impunity by the SARS continued and things came to a head on 3 October 2020, when a viral video allegedly shows SARS officers shooting an unarmed victim in Delta State. It seems this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and the youth took to the streets to say enough is enough.

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Nigeria, Africa most populous country has, since the first week of October 2020, seen series of protests to end perceived police brutality under the ba.....

By: Dr.Darius Mukiza, Dar es Salaam - The African Arguments newsletter on 27th April, 2020 published an article titled a...

By: Dr.Darius Mukiza, Dar es Salaam - The African Arguments newsletter on 27th April, 2020 published an article titled as “President Magufuli; We Need Leadership and not Prayers.”

The article written by one Deogratius Munishi is, among other things, an aborted attempt to condemn President John Magufuli of Tanzania by insinuating that he is not taking serious measures in combating Covid-19 in the East Africa’s fastest growing economy.

Specifically, the author, openly advocating for Western leadership styles, is an ardent supporter of the locking downing of the Dar es Salaam city, a Port that is a gateway not only to Tanzania’s hinterland, but also adoorway serving goods for more than 6 land locked African countries.

Journalism is a profession that sometimes flabbergasts me; much as it embodies aspects of ones freedom of expression, the reality is, no one is supposed to express matters, to an extent of accusing a President, without attention to facts and details. Freedom to speak is not freedom to lie, Plato once argued.

Contrary to the authors’ insinuations, the government of Tanzania under Magufuli has imposed over 40 measures to curb COVID- 19. These measures include indefinitely closing of all public schools, tertiary and other higher learning institutions; quarantining all incoming citizens and non-citizens; prohibition of all sports, artistic and music concerts and suspension of incoming and outgoing international flights including grounding its own Boeing and Airbus planes that were rocking the skies of East, Central Africa to the Far East regions of India and with plans to China.

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The African Arguments newsletter on 27th April, 2020 published an article titled as “President Magufuli; We Need Leadership and not Prayers.”

In April 1994, the heinous apartheid regime in my country, South Africa, came to an end as its citizens celebrated its f...

In April 1994, the heinous apartheid regime in my country, South Africa, came to an end as its citizens celebrated its first democratic elections. April 1994 was also the beginning of the Rwandan genocide with almost a million Tutsis killed – a stark reminder of the dangers of ethnocentric nationalism.

The demise of apartheid South Africa, more than anything else, was a demonstration of global solidarity in action. Anti-apartheid movements existed across the globe and put pressure on their respective governments, which in turn sanctioned the apartheid pariah. At one point, 90% of all South African exports were under some sanction or other, compelling the National Party into negotiations with its arch-rival, the African National Congress. This then paved the way for a democratic dispensation to come into being. There was no similar attention or international solidarity with Rwanda as the massacres unfolded. Indeed, the United Nations responses were woefully inadequate – a fact acknowledged by Kofi Annan himself. But it is unfair to place the blame on the UN itself. The UN is held hostage by the national interests of its member states, and these national interests do not always accord with the global interest.

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In April 1994, the heinous apartheid regime in my country, South Africa, came to an end as its citizens celebrated its first democratic elections. April 1994 was also the beginning of the Rwandan genocide with almost a million Tutsis killed – a stark reminder of the dangers of ethnocentric nationa...

Ghana's President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has announced a two weeks further extension on the ban on public and soc...

Ghana's President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has announced a two weeks further extension on the ban on public and social gathering, as part of measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease.

This comes as Ghana’s case count jumped to 1,550 with 11 deaths and 155 recoveries as of Sunday, April 26.

The President, speaking during his 8th COVID-19 address to the Nation said the Executive Instrument (EI) 64, of March 15, 2020 has been extended and will accordingly come to effect from Monday, April, 27.

President Akufo-Addo revealed that 32,000 more persons have undergone testing for COVID-19 and are awaiting results. More on -

Ghana's President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has announced a two weeks further extension on the ban on public and social gathering, as part of measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).This comes as Ghana’s case count jumped to 1,550 with 11 deaths and 155 recoveries as ...

Ghana's President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has announced that Ghana’s COVID-19 cases has shot up to 1042 cases repres...

Ghana's President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has announced that Ghana’s COVID-19 cases has shot up to 1042 cases representing 1.5 per cent of total test results.
He made this announcement during his address to the nation on April 19, 2020.

He said 86,000 contacts have been traced so far with 68,591 tested. He added that 18,000 results are yet to be received.

He said sixty seven thousand, five hundred and forty-nine (67,549), representing 98.5 per cent, tested negative; ninety-nine (99) persons have recovered and have been discharged; and nine hundred and thirty (930) persons, who have been isolated, are responding to treatment either in their homes or in treatment facilities.

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Ghana's President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has announced that Ghana’s COVID-19 cases has shot up to 1042 cases representing 1.5 per cent of total test results. He made this announcement during his address to the nation on April 19, 2020.

In this year's edition of "UnAfrican Leaders Series," I won't rank them like last year, instead, a few great African Pre...

In this year's edition of "UnAfrican Leaders Series," I won't rank them like last year, instead, a few great African Presidents are given the space to showcase their greatness.

Dr, John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania (PhD in Chemistry) is indubitably one of Africa's top 5 "UnAfrican" Presidents due to the unique way he transforms his own country; building the case for other countries to emulate. We present 10 things of his Greatness as among our top 3 Transformative UnAfrican Leaders of 2019.

#1. Sustaining Peace

No doubt, despite tense politics especially in the Isles of Zanzibar, Tanzania, in the four years of President Magufuli has sustained its peaceful stature.

The 2018 Global Peace Index Report (GPI) released by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) this year has ranked Tanzania as the 51st peaceful country world wide (from 58th in 2015), the 9th in Africa and the 1st in East Africa Community (EAC). More on .......

In this year's edition of "UnAfrican Leaders Series," I won't rank them like last year, instead, a few great African Presidents are given the space to showcase their greatness. Dr, John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania (PhD in Chemistry) is indubitably one of Africa's top 5 "UnAfrican" Presidents due to t...

The story of the Telegraph newspaper on Tanzania’s Rufiji Hydro Power Project in Tanzania, written by one Adrian Blomfie...

The story of the Telegraph newspaper on Tanzania’s Rufiji Hydro Power Project in Tanzania, written by one Adrian Blomfield fits, exactly in what Kierkegaard tells. It is fooling.

Needless to say, the Telegraph, has seriously negated journalism professionalism and used their newspaper as a racist tool to fool Africans, is a clear manifestation of a serious problem in European journalism.

Politely, the newspaper should realize the dynamics of the times. Africa is no longer the same. Being on the threshold of change, the movement is irreversible. You will never fool us at all times. You had your time, now kindly bask in the history of your hegemony.........
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The story of the Telegraph newspaper on Tanzania’s Rufiji Hydro Power Project in Tanzania, written by one Adrian Blomfield fits, exactly in what Kierkegaard tells. It is fooling. Needless to say, the Telegraph, has seriously negated journalism professionalism and used their newspaper as a racist t...

HOME GROWN economic models implemented by Tanzania’s President Magufuli on his reforms agenda further validate managemen...

HOME GROWN economic models implemented by Tanzania’s President Magufuli on his reforms agenda further validate management efficiency derived from local content perspective for sustainable development. Transformation to strict management efficiencies and hard work were key pillars in reducing poverty and build a strong economy deserved of a developed nation. Perhaps cultural differences had not made foreign economic models impotent and unable to deliver the most expected results or African countries were unable to comprehend principles of effective economic management. This time again, Tanzania’s President Dr John Pombe Magufuli showcases his magic model which smoothen a highway to Africa’s world-class economic development. More on -

HOME GROWN economic models implemented by Tanzania’s President Magufuli on his reforms agenda further validate management efficiency derived from local content perspective for sustainable development. Transformation to strict management efficiencies and hard work were key pillars in reducing pover...

The House of Representatives has mandated its Committees on Agricultural Production and Services and Customs and Excise ...

The House of Representatives has mandated its Committees on Agricultural Production and Services and Customs and Excise to investigate the Federal Ministry of Agriculture regarding exportation of yam tubers. The House alleged that the ministry disregarded the law prohibiting exportation of yam tubers. Others expected to be probed alongside the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development were Comptroller-General of Customs and the Executive Director, Nigerian Export Promotion Council, Director-General, the Standards Organisation of Nigeria, Head, Nigerian Quarantine Service and heads of all other relevant agencies. More on

The House of Representatives has mandated its Committees on Agricultural Production and Services and Customs and Excise to investigate the Federal Ministry of Agriculture regarding exportation of yam tubers. The House alleged that the ministry disregarded the law prohibiting exportation of yam tuber...

Zambia’s ruling Patriotic Front (PF) read a riot act to the country’s political opposition community cautioning them to ...

Zambia’s ruling Patriotic Front (PF) read a riot act to the country’s political opposition community cautioning them to avert from a culture of lies, and plea of sympathy from international community charging that the country needs constructive criticism and politics of issues.

PF has been, focusing its energies towards infrastructural development in various sectors comprising of health, transport, and communication, energy generation, education and promotion of small to medium enterprises to enhance domestic and regional trade for the country among other critical openings amid efforts of substantial local currency again. More on

Zambia’s ruling Patriotic Front (PF) read a riot act to the country’s political opposition community cautioning them to avert from a culture of lies, and plea of sympathy from international community charging that the country needs constructive criticism and politics of issues. PF has been, focusing...

Only 24% of my journalism class at college is female. Looking at that statistics it’s quite easy for an observer to assu...

Only 24% of my journalism class at college is female. Looking at that statistics it’s quite easy for an observer to assume that women in Zimbabwe are not interested in journalism as a career choice. Are the demands of the profession too demanding that only a few women are capable of meeting them? The obvious answer to that question is Zimbabwean women in this field are equally capable as their male counterparts. I see that in my fellow female students, their passion is relentless. The quality of their work is astounding yet there are fewer of them in my class. How can this sad situation be allowed to exist in a country that has signed up to achieving gender equality under the UN’s Sustainable development goals (SDGs)?
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Only 24% of my journalism class at college is female. Looking at that statistics it’s quite easy for an observer to assume that women in Zimbabwe are not interested in journalism as a career choice. Are the demands of the profession too demanding that only a few women are capable of meeting them? Th...

African customers are now able to enjoy tougher digital security standards when they communicate online, but the battle ...

African customers are now able to enjoy tougher digital security standards when they communicate online, but the battle for personal privacy isn’t over yet.

Digital encryption protocols are the security perimeter that makes it possible for communications companies in Africa to offer their customers the highest level of digital security possible. Without proper encryption, vital information such as bank account numbers, application log-ins and user data becomes vulnerable. Encryption protects the digital information that is most important to us, but recent controversies involving international companies such as WhatsApp and Apple have increasingly called the validity of that protection into question.

African customers are now able to enjoy tougher digital security standards when they communicate online, but the battle for personal privacy isn’t over yet. Digital encryption protocols are the security perimeter that makes it possible for communications companies in Africa to offer their customers…

Several debates are going one about the best economic model for Africa, as to whether the public sector can thrive in a ...

Several debates are going one about the best economic model for Africa, as to whether the public sector can thrive in a modern world stiff competition in the business sector.

In Tanzania the First President Julius Nyerere had almost copied the Chinese model but claimed that the philosophy of Ujamaa na Kujitegemea simply socialism and self-reliance were not imported but rather emanated from within from the African communitarian lifestyle.

But with the advent of multiparty politics in early 90s, many African countries abandoned their systems and accommodated big elements of the free market economy which they propagated to bring economic miracles, but this has not worked out favourably and one just wonders why this is happening. More on

Several debates are going one about the best economic model for Africa, as to whether the public sector can thrive in a modern world stiff competition in the business sector. In Tanzania the First President Julius Nyerere had almost copied the Chinese model but claimed that the philosophy of Ujamaa…

Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, the Sierra Leonean award-winning journalist, author, chair of the African Socialist Movement of Si...

Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, the Sierra Leonean award-winning journalist, author, chair of the African Socialist Movement of Sierra Leone and human rights advocate arrived in New York City late Wednesday to begin a two-month book tour in the United States of America.

Mr. Bah said the tour promoting his latest title “The Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Corporate Gangsters, Multinationals & Rogue Politricksters” kicks-off on Thursday, April 7 with a speaking engagement at Boston’s Wellesley College Africana Studies Department in Massachusetts.

“I am hoping to build world opinion in favor of an independent investigation into the real causes of the outbreak and how we lost thousands of families and friends,” Mr. Bah said in a statement via social media responding to a request seeking comment.

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Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, the Sierra Leonean award-winning journalist, author, chair of the African Socialist Movement of Sierra Leone and human rights advocate arrived in New York City late Wednesday to begin a two-month book tour in the United States of America. Mr. Bah said the tour promoting his lat…

Internet safety and freedom of expression is something easily taken for granted; if an individual lives in a country whe...

Internet safety and freedom of expression is something easily taken for granted; if an individual lives in a country wherein access to the web is comparatively open and protected it’s easy to forget that 75% (2.1 billion) of all internet users in the world (2.8 billion) live in the top 20 countries. The other 178 countries – each representing less than 1% of total users – are steadily increasing their web presence, but there are often questions of adequate online protection and security. More on

Internet safety and freedom of expression is something easily taken for granted; if an individual lives in a country wherein access to the web is comparatively open and protected it’s easy to forget that 75% (2.1 billion) of all internet users in the world (2.8 billion) live in the top 20 countries.

On the 23rd of November 2015 the East African Community (EAC), Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS) and ForumCC jointly convene...

On the 23rd of November 2015 the East African Community (EAC), Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS) and ForumCC jointly convened representatives from the East African Community’s Member States to a one-day conference at the Mount Hotel in Arusha.

Speaking to was Ms. Stefanie Brinkel coordinator for Climate Change at the KAS; she said the main theme of discussion was on “Climate Change, Renewable Energies and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in East Africa – The Role of Climate Finance”. The discussions of more than 20 experts were in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing, which may be drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing. This is fundamental to address climate change and vital for a broad implementation of mitigation as well as adaptation measures. More on

On the 23rd of November 2015 the East African Community (EAC), Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS) and ForumCC jointly convened representatives from the East African Community’s Member States to a one-day conference at the Mount Hotel in Arusha.

Agony and despair are written all over 42-year-old Tsitsi Mhandu’s face as she narrates the tale of her life when she sp...

Agony and despair are written all over 42-year-old Tsitsi Mhandu’s face as she narrates the tale of her life when she spent two years in prison after being found in possession of stolen goods.

“It is almost five years since I was released from prison but the memories of my horrible stay in the cells still linger in my mind,” Mhandu recalled.

Mhandu was not aware that she was two months pregnant when she was jailed because of her erratic menstrual cycle. It was only when she fell sick from what seemed like malaria and was taken to the prison clinic that she was tested and found to be pregnant.

Agony and despair are written all over 42-year-old Tsitsi Mhandu’s face as she narrates the tale of her life when she spent two years in prison after being found in possession of stolen goods. “It is almost five years since I was released from prison but the memories of my horrible stay in the cells…

Zambia’s leading independent mobile money transfer Zoona has emulated world leading technology companies namely Google a...

Zambia’s leading independent mobile money transfer Zoona has emulated world leading technology companies namely Google and Facebook by launching what has become the country first ever employee share option plan (ESOP).

Through ESOP, Zoona has reserved at least 13.7percent of the company share for its employees. The reserved shares are worth at least $8million with prospects of appreciating in value as the company continues expands into new markets. Zoona launched in 2009 by Zambian born brothers, Brad and Brett Magrath, as a start up.

To this day, Zoona employees 120 employees. The fast growing regional company is present in home country Zambia, Malawi and South Africa. More on

Zambia's leading independent mobile money transfer Zoona has emulated world leading technology companies namely Google and Facebook by launching what has become the country first ever employee share option plan (ESOP).

Sinikiwe Mqadi - On Thursday, October 15, 2015, a cloudless Johannesburg day, students and supporters gathered at the ga...

Sinikiwe Mqadi - On Thursday, October 15, 2015, a cloudless Johannesburg day, students and supporters gathered at the gates of Wits to protest the impending increase in fees. At the gate next to the Origins Centre, we sang, with passion, asiyifuni iagenda yamacapitalist (We don't want the capitalists' agenda). My voice was hoarse from the singing and chanting, but I was proud to be a Witsie, and gratified to be gathered with other young people, taking action on the issues that profoundly affect our lives.

Then a cloud appeared. Not in the sky. Rather it was in the form of a coup from within the protest.

A group of African National Congress (ANC) comrades, in their party t-shirts driving BMWs and AUDIs, arrived to deliver pizzas and drinks for student protesters. Many students screamed and chanted, “Welcome, fellow comrades!”

On Thursday, October 15, 2015, a cloudless Johannesburg day, students and supporters gathered at the gates of Wits to protest the impending increase in fees. At the gate next to the Origins Centre, we sang, with passion, asiyifuni iagenda yamacapitalist (We don't want the capitalists' agenda). My vo…

Robert Gordon University (RGU) will host a series of energy and engineering focused seminars in Ghana and Nigeria for pr...

Robert Gordon University (RGU) will host a series of energy and engineering focused seminars in Ghana and Nigeria for prospective students keen to develop their careers or make a start in the oil and gas industry.

The free sessions, which will be held in October and November, will feature presentations from four of the university’s lecturers and focus on the breadth of energy related courses on offer at RGU, and the career opportunities they can lead to.

Ibiye Iyalla, course leader for MSc Subsea Engineering at the School of Engineering and Dr David Lonie, course leader for MSc IT for the Oil and Gas Industry at the School of Computing Science and Digital Media will both give presentations.

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Robert Gordon University (RGU) will host a series of energy and engineering focused seminars in Ghana and Nigeria for prospective students keen to develop their careers or make a start in the oil and gas industry. The free sessions, which will be held in October and November, will feature presentati…

Some of the four thousand, one hundred and forty seven beneficiaries of Oxfam Ebola Recovery Program in Grand Gedeh Coun...

Some of the four thousand, one hundred and forty seven beneficiaries of Oxfam Ebola Recovery Program in Grand Gedeh County have extolled the entity for initiating such Project in their County, following the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak.

The Program by Oxfam in Grand Gedeh County is focusing on the restoration of livelihood and building resilience of vulnerable communities after the outbreak of the Ebola virus which affected all sectors of the Country.

Grand Gedeh, Nimba and River Gee Counties are currently benefiting from Oxfam Ebola Recovery Program.

Several of the beneficiaries who spoke to WASH Reporters in the ten communities in two Districts in Grand Gedeh, said the Program by Oxfam had imparted their lives tremendously, looking at their current status in the post Ebola period in Liberia. More on

Some of the four thousand, one hundred and forty seven beneficiaries of Oxfam Ebola Recovery Program in Grand Gedeh County have extolled the entity for initiating such Project in their County, following the aftermath of the Ebola outbreak. The Program by Oxfam in Grand Gedeh County is focusing on th…

One main challenge for politicians in Tanzania as the country is approaching General Elections in October 25th next mont...

One main challenge for politicians in Tanzania as the country is approaching General Elections in October 25th next month is the predetermined place for the youngsters. registered itself in two separate activities by students in tertiary institutions of education and there were the same demands; social transformation.

On August 29th at the Ubungo Plaza there was a workshop for the youngsters to deliberate on their fate in the wake of the forthcoming General Elections. The debate could depict one element that the happenings were reflecting their election manifesto and that there is a real demand for tangible commitment of politicians and their plans in dealing with the demands of the day.

Speaking during the opening of the workshop was Ms. Margaret Mliwa, Country Manager, of an NGO, Restless Development who said that youngsters must claim for their space in the dispensation of democracy in Tanzania.
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One main challenge for politicians in Tanzania as the country is approaching General Elections in October 25th next month is the predetermined place for the youngsters. registered itself in two separate activities by students in tertiary institutions of education and there were the…

“How can we focus on the economy when the skulls of Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi are displayed in a British museum? T...

“How can we focus on the economy when the skulls of Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi are displayed in a British museum? These barbarians have been displaying the skulls of our First Chimurenga heroes and heroines in their libraries!” – Prof Jonathan Moyo.

Communism has been long known for its rhetoric, that’s why some citizens will follow it thinking it’s the truth and the light even when being led blindly. In this day and age of social media being a phenomenon that passes information on the go like lighting, it remains to be seen how long communist thinking will last. What the British government did by taking the remains of freedom fighters from its colonies back to London was plain and simply wrong. In as much as it was such a wrong decision from the British authorities; should it be used a smoke screen for a failing economy? A failing government? A continuously corrupt institution that keeps blaming others for its own inadequacy. More on

"How can we focus on the economy when the skulls of Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi are displayed in a British museum? These barbarians have been displaying the skulls of our First Chimurenga heroes and heroines in their libraries!” - Prof Jonathan Moyo.



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