Setting the Record Straight

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Setting the Record Straight On this show various guest pastors help us dissect and understand many of the theological issues with


Conservatism: use of governor to force people to be free.
Liberalism: use of “freedom” to trick people into serving government.
Get off the merry go round


Modernity: Climate change ends the world? Buy carbon offset and rent a jet of choice. Medieval Catholicism: soul going to hell? Buy an indulgence. Nothing changes.


“the Christian gods”? To speak this way assumes the very Trinity whose nose is thought to be tweaked in the phrase.

At some point the nose tweaker will have to explain how unity and diversity in creation are not an analogical reflection of the creator as a person not a force or principle.

The Christian can affirm unity in diversity and diversity in unity as fundamental to any coherent reality. This is not polytheism, polytheism is nominal diversity and it it is not monism, which is undifferentiated oneness.

Any response you make to deny the Trinity will assume the Trinity you deny.

To speak understandably/coherently you must assume that the particular words and concepts are tied together by the unified meaning they embody; and that unified thought can be expressed in particular words.

Both clearly exist but to deny the Trinity’s reflection in creation is to deny the Person of the Creator to have this reality embodied in His Being though you cannot even speak without assuming Him as such a Being.

Any coherent thought or speech assumes this sort of C. reator


Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God?
Obedience to God is Obedience to God.
Rebellion and Tyrants are both irrelevant.


When worldviews win the mind of a generation, they cap their triumph by using civil law to force everyone to act as if it’s true and thereby lose the next generation .


Gold — a shiny object a greater fool will pay you more to buy.


what makes a government pagan is not that pagans run it.
It does not become Christian if Christians run it.
It is not Mosaic if the Law of Moses is its law.
Or ethical if the law of God is made it’s standard.

It’s very structure must overcome the limits placed on it by the fall and curse of sin in each heart.

The law of Moses specifically forbids certain forms of government “that he walks in My law and does not exalt himself over his brethren” it forbids a gov of people authorized to be over, exalted, authorized above the rest. Foolish, impossible. Yes.

But Jesus puts flesh on Moses’ bones when he forbids the great ones to exalt themselves by exercise of authority.

“Pagan” government is misnamed.

“Pagan” insultingly refers to the only government God allows covenant breakers to form. It was laid on us by our fall into sin. It describes the limit of justice and commerce to executing others on our behalf whether criminals or wives or citizens employees or trading partners. It empowers rulers, bishops, husbands employers to use force to control. It is the only workable solution for a fallen people.

It can only be escaped by our redemption and the regeneration of an increasingly sanctified and growing community that overcomes the curse of sin in the heart generationally. The sword in authorized hands is the best it can do. It’s highest cannot reach high enough to touch God’s lowest hem.

The Cross.

The cross defines both communities, the fallen and the reborn/resurrected.

In the fallen community the cross is used like a sword to punish the evil doer and in social and economic settings to describe how we put as many to our service as possible. The great ones subject many. The not as great subject fewer. The least among us are subjected subjecting no one. That is the curse of sin and the fall rooted in our heart. Jesus said “it is not to be so among you.” “The greatest shall serve the least”. Serve, not control and direct. The great ones crucify others for their benefit. In a fallen world it is the only option.

The name for this abuse of the cross in all social relationships is Master-slave. It’s name in politics is executive and legislative government. It’s name in Scripture is “he shall rule over her and she shall love him”. And “the covenant breaking kings exercise authority” (“covenant breaking” is the meaning of gentile)

In the resurrected reborn community, the cross is how God describes what to do with our original, defining calling: “be fruitful, fill the earth, rule over it.” We take that which we understand of how creation works, our expertise, and put it to the service of others who have a need our expertise fulfills. It’s the cross because dominion of creation requires each of us to sacrifice our time and effort to produce something that meets another’s needs and more sacrifice to apply it to their need.

Redemption, new birth, new family, new body, new heart, new mind, new community bringing forth a new creation.

These and many derivatives of those words are the familiar words associated with salvation. They have direct social and political application repudiating and rendering obsolete the fallen social and political real-politik of executive/ruler-master vs citizen-slave; executive pastor/bishop/elder-master vs congregant-slave; executive administrative husband-master vs wife-slave; executive owner-master vs employee worker-slave; hierarch pecking order-master vs lowerarch apparatchik-slave; dominator controller vs dominated submissive-slave. S vs M. Both are fruit and twisted droppings of the fall and it’s curse.

If you have read this far and think “Utopia” impossible in this life. Or, “Utopia” we can lead a revolution and our leaders can force it on others … you are thinking like a pagan.

The executive and legislative tools of the fall are inadequate to build God’s kingdom — to plant it in any heart. “Otherwise my servants would fight.” Instead they will “make disciples” the polar opposite of executive rule established by fighting.

It’s cross vs sword.

This curse at the fall cannot be undone by revolution or finding the right or regenerate great ones to rule as masters — master-kings, master-bishops, master-husbands, master-employers. The sort of love in the curse is as pale a shadow of one flesh as is the master controlling that lover. “From the beginning it was not so but became your limit because of the hardness of your hearts”

Rebirth is what makes “master-slave” obsolete, an old cloak ready to be rolled up and burned with fire.

The curse and it’s governance is only undone as The King establishes His Kingdom in the heart generationally growing his kingdom so self-government by God’s character formed as our character makes unnecessary the crucifixion of others to meet our needs whether in exchange of gifts or ex*****on of justice. But rather our voluntary crucifixion to meet their needs.

“If any man would be my disciple let him take up his cross and follow me”

This is not merely the post fall solution to sin, hard hearts and community and governance,

This is the structure of social order in creation.

He is the lamb slain before the foundation of the world.


Executive Government: a hierarchy based on their special authority to harm those who do not obey.


Malachi foreseeing the long term cultural/economic effect of God’s influence on humanity, foresaw it in terms of mass migration 10-1, to where this impact has changed the world for good. Saying — “10 gentiles will grab hold of the cloak of 1 Jew and say, ‘Take us with you, for God is with you.’”

Try to avoid the Malthusian evil self-absorbed pessimism of the religious leaders at Jesus’ trial — “we must kill him lest the Romans come and take away our place.”

Migration is only a threat to losers with a zero sum game, not to people with vision.

Which are you?

Which is why God’s post is central: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul minds and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.“

Do you love your neighbors coming to your land?
Do you believe the Gospel can give them the same vision you think you have?

The Matthew 25 question Malachi and Jesus pose is not,
“Are those coming across our borders to grasp hold of your cloak sheep or goats?”
“Are you a sheep or a goat? Is your cloak worth grasping”

Are they “coming to take our place?”
Are they begging “take us with you?”

What salt is your gospel if all it motivates you to do is hire a politician to build a wall?

That’s dung pile salt.


the KJV Bible was the NWO translation of its day. Unlike modern versions, though, it was directly commanded by the state to curb the rebellion of Protestants reading their Bibles.

This is why it’s called “Authorized” it’s State authorized all other translations verboten under penalty of law.

You’ve been in the NWO for the last 400 years.

Perhaps it’s most deadly 3 contributions:

1-it cut Scripture off from the actual existing texts freezing it into whatever Erasmus put together in 14 or 15something
2-it translated “assembly” as “centrally controlled organization”.
3-it created a cult of “State authorized Bible only” fanatics.


BRICS the federation of Brazil, Russia, India, China, S. Africa, will replace the $$ with a new world reserve?

Regardless of what happens to the $USD the replacement must have the Following prerequisites:

1-must have a military 2nd to none on land sea and air.
2-must have a currency that can replace $USD adopted and in use.
3-must have ability to keep from inflating to solve fiscal problems of the country controlling the replacement.
4-Must be a trusted government.

Inviolable rule:

people and nations will trade in whatever in their estimation holds value best, trades the easiest, and is least liable to confiscation, weaponization and manipulation by governments.

Always have, always will.

People adopt what they think will, hold value, resist seizure, be easily transported and exchanged. The $USD may lose this status but to be replaced or to regain it, these characteristics are required.

No BRICS challenges nothing.
The rot is from within.


Breaking: Wall Street Journal, top fold; Pic of war ruins and haggard old lady.

Caption: Russia fails to retake city. Putin meets with Kim jun Un of N Korea.

Quote: “amid fears that Russia will be buying munitions from N Korea.”

Seriously? This is what conservatives have sunk to? Fear that something is “a great and terrifying world power” if it is reduced to bartering for munitions from N Korea because it can’t overwhelm another third world country that is merely being supplied by western equipment? This is the fearsome “R” in BRICS? The entire Russian Army, Airforce, Navy can’t overwhelm Ukraine and just capture or blow up those western supplies?

BTW China will never invade Taiwan for the same reason Russia is bartering for N Korean munitions, it can’t. Long befor US intervenes , Taiwan will put China’s WWI class navy under the waves.


most thinking about social issues is not done in a Christian framework but assumes even the cross cannot overcome the curse of sin. Assumes even regeneration cannot in time change history and governance itself.


The Dog: You feed me you care for me You must be God.
The Cat: You Feed me you care for me I must be God.


US Women’s Soccer ashamed of the people they represent.
Just another manifestation of the sickness of our time.


To be a Christian political thinker is to be a Social Trinitarian. Not a Monist or a Dualist.
An Ethical Trinitarian.


Free social media can only exist where the intimate details of your life are sold to support it.


here is a brief compendium I could find of what Jesus said about the sword and some ways he inspired Moses to set up His teaching on it:

My issue and I think Jesus and Moses’ issue was not with private armament of the mature.

Jesus said:
-Buy a sword (Luke 22:36)
-Don’t use it to defend the King even of the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 26:52-56)
-Don’t use it to exalt one of your own to king like the gentiles גומי έθνη. (Deut 17:18-20; John 18:36; 1 Sam 8:6; Mt 20:25)
-war? muster the men, send home whomever doesn’t want to fight. (Deut 20)
-don’t use it to tax — no authority is given to break the 6th commandment in order to break the 8th commandment.

My issue is with the institutionalized violence of the state. Moses seems to think under inspiration that the king does not need it even where we most think it needed: war against an invading state, police and courts. (The Roman’s had lictors, an officer attending the consul or other magistrate, bearing the fasces, (bundles of rods in the eagles claw US seal of state) and executing sentences on offenders Mussolini named his system of government after them) we have sheriffs, Moses and God felt that each member of His covenant people should be sufficiently armed to take care of business.

It’s worth repeating:

Buy a sword (Luke 22-36)
Don’t use it to defend the King even of the Kingdom of God. (Matthew 26:52-56)
Don’t use it to exalt one of your own to king. (Deut 17:18-20; John 18:36)
War? muster the men, send home whomever doesn’t want to fight. (Deut 20)
Tax? don’t use it to tax — no authority is given anywhere to break the 6th commandment in order to break the 8th commandment.

Again, the issue is the executive state, Gentile kings, kings like the nations, Melek hagoyim. Lk 22:25-27.

You might ask, what is so bad about a Godly state representative of God?

If God does not intend the Grace of the Cross, New Birth and regeneration to transform the foundations of social order, by all means vote Republican and vote for Neo Cons who want to spread our dominion.

But if the Cross is God’s Last word then notice where the use of force to control others came from:

Genesis 3:16 dominion or rule over others is a curse resulting from sin, not a blessing of the social order of creation. (Genesis 2:24.)

In the fallen world, God both pronounces the curse on government that rejects Him, AND works with His people under that curse. 1 Sam 8:6.
BUT, when the executive is incarnate in the flesh, He calls us back to the reborn, regenerated maturity (Eph 4:12) that makes the Gen 2:24 unity in diversity possible.

If you think the master/slave model of unity is the Creation order, notice that Jesus explicitly disagrees with you. He climaxes his final teaching on government by taking on Eve’s description as helpmeet: “the master reclines at the table but I am with you a servant.”

The sword — one person exalted above his brethren with special authority to kill — is no longer the symbol establishing social power and order.

The cross is the power that establishes God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 16:24)


The poor are fed & housed by the state.
Solzhenitsyn was fed & housed by the state.
Feeding & housing do not justify the state.


Think of any theological distinctive your church holds. How would a stranger walking in know y’all are different because of it?


If climate change isn’t a problem now, it will be deadly soon if government tries to fix it.


Climate change a problem? Best way to destroy the earth is let government try to solve it.


Commando Baptism.

You’ve heard of credo baptism and paedo baptism. Both base baptism and the Lord’s Table on the person baptized and eating not on the Lord who defines membership.

Baptize and eat at His Table based on what Jesus’ commands.
Don’t interpret Paul in a way that reverses Jesus’ command.

Command #1– “Let the children come to me.” What is baptism if not coming to Jesus for His blessing. What is communion if not coming to Christ presented in the elements, “if you do not eat my body and drink my blood. You have no part in me.” Jesus commanded that you not hold them back whatever your theory of the bread and wine, it is in some form Him. Do not hinder them.

Command #2– “Of such is the kingdom of heaven” the children, not the adults, are in the kingdom of heaven. You join them, they don’t join you. Is Jesus’ declaration sufficient for you?

Command #3– “Unless you come as a child”. The child’s faith is THE example of kingdom faith, not the faith of the adult. Do you believe Jesus or not?

Command #4– “You shall not SEE the kingdom of heaven.” you are so far out of the kingdom you can’t even see where or what it is with your adult faith. You can see and enter only with the child’s faith. Jesus declares them in. To be in you must believe like them not demand they believe like you. If they believed like you they like you would never see the kingdom of heaven. You prefer to say say Paul contradicted Jesus?

Command #5– “Out of the mouths of babes you have perfected praise,” Jesus says there, in the cry of a baby, is faithful praise. You say it means nothing until the baby grows up to have a faith like yours that cannot even see the kingdom of God. Are you deaf to what God says He hears?

Command #6– “You have perfected praise for the defeat of your enemies.” Jesus commands us to hear and see the defeat of the gates of Hell in the cries of children. You don’t?

So as an adult, how do you join them in baptism and at the Lord’s Table?
Have their faith.

But what of Paul saying, “Believe and be baptized?” And “Let a man examine himself”?

That is what an adult must do to join the child. But even so, if his self examination and faith are not on a par with the child’s he eats and drinks damnation on himself.


“Drain the swamp” does not mean “replace their Snakes & Alligators with Our Snakes & Alligators.”


Why didn’t they assassinate Trump? He is no threat to liberal or conservative machines.
RFK? Threatens both.


People warn us that other nations are banding together and will use a different currency from the dollar.

Uniting by removing borrder tariffs taxes and legalizing movement is one of the most powerful freedom fighters against government control there is. If you hate Marxism as much as you claim, then fight for uniting states and ending border control for taxes and movement.


People warn us that the dollar will lose its status as a world currency.

This is bad news for thieves, politicians and Americans who have benefited from our nation’s treachery breaking trust with the world by inflating that world reserve dollar. theft, which is to say all of us.

This is good news if you think God’s law is true and nations should not steal.


This basic concept of creative ownership sets limits to the social world in respect to others. An organization is a delicate balance of people ideals, ideas and purpose led by its creators and caretakers, executed by each member. Financed by their collective ability to meet the needs of others.

The age old central control to maintain that balance through force has steadily lost its grip as the people controlled have grown in their ability to act with creative responsibility on the one hand,while those in charge have increasingly found ways to give greater stake in the ownership and direction of the organization lower and lower down in the ranks.

As this happens “rank(s)” becomes a degraded, degrading and ultimately false description of a helpmeet who I s the purpose of organization itself.

This historical movement is the the creative fruit of the generational diffusion of the Law God gave through Moses meeting the Grace God gave through the healing work of Jesus Christ writing that law on the hearts He created from the beginning to be transformed by what He writes on them. It is grace that transforms as it writes. It is law that makes our Union gracious.

You may remember what happened the first time. The law depends on that personal walk with Him which was successfully transferred to another.

But He didn’t stop writing. And the best hearts could do was after replacing that relationship with Him, was to seek a dominion over each other. A poor substitute, idolatry actually, but reject God as king? You will just choose another to be king or try to be that king yourself.

But God didn’t quit writing.

As generationally that writing becomes clearer and clearer;
and the heart more capable of independent sound judgment;
and leaders more successful when they give members a greater greater and greater stake-benefit-control in the purpose of the larger organization;

As this common purpose and vision grows, each part becomes increasingly free bound by the simplest of ethical ideas from the heart;
which require less and less control from the top;
and produce more and more good things;
with greater satisfaction to both those who meet the needs and to those whose needs are met.

God is moving His world to make dominion over each other less and less necessary as each heart becomes capable of the weight of glory. He designed Ephesians 4 maturity into the system. He calls you friend, not servant. He said He himself is the helpmeet.

He is moving us back to pure fruitful productivity where dominion is not over people but creation.


For Jim Wood:
"This is God's universe and He runs things His way. You might [think you] have a better way, but you don't have a universe." -- J. Vernon McGee


The Egalitarian makes a lie out of the uniqueness of each person in God’s image, therefore it is a cartoon of Kingdom citizenship at best, a Procrustean lie at worst.

The Pacifist is the coward who flees from those threatening his well-being to a community where someone else will do his killing for him to protect his personal peace.

The incarnation is our pattern imitating Jesus Christ to take up our cross, leave our suburbs and carry it into the dark to bring its light to those who live by the sword.


The dominion of redemption beats swords to plowshares.

The sword based dominion of this world lasts in proportion to the success of the discipleship of the cross has made the Cross earths only glory and dominion over creation not each other.


Redeemed dominion is nott dominion over image bearers but over creation put to the service of others who have a need because they have not taken dominion in that area of creation.

Dominion not expressed through taking authority over each other

“The gentiles kings exercise authority … let it not be so among you … the master sits at meat, but I am among you a servant” (should refute 6,000 years of unredeemed perspective on “help meet” from a master/slave fallen curse). Lk 22:25-27; Mt 20:25; Mk 10:42; 1 Pt 3:1-3.
“If any man would be my disciple let him take up his cross and follow me” Mt 16:24
“Have in you the mind that was in Christ Jesus who though equal with God … took on the form of a servant” Phil 2
“If I your Lord and Master wash your feet so should you wash each others.” John 13.
“put away your sword Peter, what lives by the sword dies by it”
“My kingdom is not of this world otherwise my people would fight.”

The Christian dominionist is not looking for a Christian version of Caesar’s dominion through the power of the sword.

Dominion is always, was always, will be always through the power of the Cross.

The lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. This defines all human in*******se as one with dominion in one area putting it to the service to helpmeet the need of another who does not have dominion in that area.


🎉 Reconstructionist Radio is about to submit the official Version 1.0 of their app to app store (both iOS and Android 🤌) Who's ready? 🔥


Tonight's discussion is based on John 15:18-16:15.


It's one thing to know where truth comes from, but how are you connected to the truth?


Tonight we are discussing John 14. Join us!!!


This evening's discussion will continue to discuss the foundation of the 7th Commandment as we discuss the purpose of women and the abuses and misuses.



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