JAAG Solutions-journalism stories about people we do not talk about. One creative season at a time.


🇩🇰 COPENHAGEN | Season 2

🔊EP.19 with Camilla Ibsen, national events coordinator for The Human Library Menneskebiblioteket in Denmark 👥📚🇩🇰

👀 The Human Library or « Menneskebiblioteket » is an international organization and movement created in Copenhagen in 2000 by Ronni Abergel and his brother Dany and colleagues Asma Mouna and Christoffer Erichsen. This concept is about offering people as books, a sort of human books. Books have titles that aim to represent a stigmatized or stereotyped group of people in the community. As Camilla Ibsen, the national events coordinator in Denmark for the Human Library told me, adults, students can chat, during private or public events, for the first time with people they would never have met in their daily lives.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/50GTgrkVNB8WJlDIU5fCTM?si=G_5lwzVkQ8-3MjxUiFxrWQ

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332459

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/MzY1ZWM1N2ItNzJmOS00NDQ5LWFkYTctZDY3NjAwODFjOGIz?sa=X&ved=0CC4QzsICahcKEwjg6I2S6crrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Camilla-Ibsen---Fighting-stereotypes-with-The-Human-Library-eg35tv


🇩🇰 COPENHAGEN | Season 2

🔊 EP.18 with Peter Just, CEO of Hubbster, On-demand games and activities that connect people in public spaces 🏓🎾🏀

👀 In Copenhagen, i met Peter Just, the founder and CEO of Hubbster, in his offices near Christiana. With his team and his partners in the world, he wants to tackle the problem of the "connected loneliness", it means that people can be physically isolated due to the spread of digital technology. As a solution, Hubbster tries to connect people of all ages, and develop their creativity, in public spaces thanks to connected little boxes or "hubs" full of 20 different games (like Petanque, Ping Pong, Beach Volley, Street Basketball, Football, Pole Tennis, Kubb, or Möllky). Our talk was really inspiring, we talked about the real problem here to solve, how does Hubbster work in detail but also how did they overcome the difficulties, how will they adapt their concept elsewhere and even the impact of Bryant Park, in NYC, as an inspiration.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/3GiIhxhbE71RpUWZ8ul4op?si=-GXAQeu8Q8Gn_tZZBqYLJg

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332454

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/ZGMxMTk3MmMtMDQ1NC00Mjc2LTllMWEtNDU2OThlNzFhM2I0?sa=X&ved=0CCwQzsICahcKEwjg9rqOqsjrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Peter-Just--Hubbster---Connecting-people-in-public-spaces-through-games-eg35r2


🇩🇪 BERLIN | Season 2

🔊 EP.17 with Luise and Anny, the founders of the Mindful Movement ✨

👀 Luise and Anny are two inspiring and passionate young womens. With their movement, the Mindful Movement, they’re trying to help people finding out their true potential and creating meaningful lives and work through mindfulness, self-discovery and social entrepreneurship education.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/09ivPKxqgCrpeMxlu70MND?si=UGr_PfaXRvukHhUbRIq-QQ

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332445

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/Y2QzOTgyNWEtOTlhYS00OWMzLTgzNjAtNGYyMzM1Yzk4NzFl?sa=X&ved=0CCoQzsICahcKEwiQ0Ija08XrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Luise-and-Anny---They-help-people-finding-out-their-true-potential-with-the-Mindful-Movement-eg35q1


🇩🇪 BERLIN | Season 2

🔊EP.16 House of One Berlin An Interreligious project founded by Christians, Muslims and Jewish.

👀 A new place of worship called House Of One in Berlin will allow people of different faith to pray side by side in about 4 years. This interreligious project founded by Christians, Muslims and Jewish aims to build a building that will be at the same time a synagogue, a church and a mosquee. I had the chance to talk with representatives of the 3 communities involved in this unique project : Frithjof Timm, for the Christian Community, Esther Hirsch, for the Jewish Community and Osman Örs for the Muslim Community. They told me about their wish to bring people together into dialogue.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/6x2g3bcbhaaFRAGfKssJTh?si=kXE1_VtCSxWi8WhpgAe-sQ

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332447

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/MjM2YWJmOTAtOWViMi00YWViLTljMmUtZGY3MWY1ZDA0Zjlh?sa=X&ved=0CCgQzsICahcKEwjQkqrGlLnrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/House-of-One---A-synagogue--a-church-and-a-mosquee-in-the-same-building-in-Berlin-eg35ok


🇩🇪 BERLIN | Season 2

🔊 EP.15 with Simon Thies from Green City Solutions about the City Tree 🌳

👀 In Berlin, i met Simon Thies. He is part of the management team of Green City Solutions, the initiators of the City Tree. We talked for one hour about his story and this innovation that cleans air in urban cities in combination of engineering, irrigation, moss and IOT.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/2qgUgFQUCo37RKAdEpueB4?si=ldayE5ukQVG7luZr4OhXMw

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332443

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/ZTZlMDYwMzktNDI5YS00NWM5LTg0ZWQtMjFmOWMxMGU5ZWY3?sa=X&ved=0CCYQzsICahcKEwjwjKbNvrHrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Simon-Thies---Cleaning-air-in-urban-cities-with-the-City-Tree-eg35na


🇩🇪 BERLIN | Season 2

🔊EP.14 with Luise Beier, Co-Founder of the Breakout Café in Berlin

👀 Luise Beier is the co-founder of the Breakout Café, it’s a social café trying to have an impact on its local community in Kreuzberg, in Berlin. It offers a first job opportunity for young people and refugees. But more than that, it tries to give them confidence, a passion, a reason to grow in their daily life.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/4vRxhuVtI0URM52F938ani?si=R708wuKtSBWiM4-upvRIVA

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332458

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/NzUyNzFhY2UtYzI3ZS00YjVjLThhNmMtOTBhOWZiMjQ0ZWNk?sa=X&ved=0CCQQzsICahcKEwiggoSe9aLrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Luise-Beier---A-first-job-opportunity-for-young-people-and-refugees-in-the-Breakout-Cafe-in-Berlin-eg35m9


🇩🇪 BERLIN | Season 2

🔊EP.13 with Kolja Kugler, the creator of the One Love Machine Band, a robot band made entirely from scrap metals 🤖🎸

👀 Kolja Kugler is the kind of artist you don’t often meet in your life. With its robot band, the One love Machine Band, made entirely from his own hands using scrap metals found in scrapyard, he performs music shows all over the world and proves to us how imagination and creativity is an endless world that can really help as well the planet. Meeting him on the Wild Waste Gallery site, a super creative alternative place in Prenzlauer Berg, where he is working with other groups of artists, opened my eyes to a parallel and magical world where imagination reigns, like a feeling of coming back to childhood.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/74tH78acj6SgFWt35mUhDd?si=ong-9t2xTtC2Sw7ip34Bew

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332448

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/ODNjNDAyNjctOTU3OC00Zjc4LThhNDgtZTBiODkwYzgyZTA4

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Kolja-Kugler---Creator-of-a-robot-band-made-entirely-from-scrap-metals-eg35la

Shout out to Great Big Story and their video about him, it motivated me to make a stop in Berlin during my Changemaker Tour to meet this incredible artist.


🇳🇱 AMSTERDAM | Season 2

🔊EP.12 with Rajiv Raj Jagasia, Co-Founder of Klothberg 👕🔊

👀 Rajiv Raj Jagasia is a real changemaker with great values trying to tackle the problem of textile pollution. He took 3 years to think about his concept : KLOTHBERG. With his wife by his side as co-founder, they’re working with ethical factories in India to make happen the ideas of their community of fashion ethical designers and bring conscious and ecological friendly products to wholesale business platform.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/4QqpzMLMpeIFzFb6qf92rn?si=kgfiBo1XReGQVjNXh-vM0w

Apple podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332462

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/YjgyMGE0YWMtYWEzOC00ZmZlLWI1M2YtZDY0MzQ4ODExZWJm?sa=X&ved=0CCAQzsICahcKEwjgjMT-m57rAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Rajiv-Raj-Jagasia---Fighting-textile-pollution-with-Klothberg-eg35kf


🇳🇱 AMSTERDAM | Season 2

🔊EP.11 with Marjan De Blok, Co-Founder of Schoonschip the most sustainable floating village in Europe 🔊

👀 I wanted so bad to see this sustainable floating village called Schoonschip (105 inhabitants, 46 houseolds, 30 floating plots, 500 solar panels...) from my own eyes. Meeting for 2 hours in the North of Amsterdam its co-founder Marjan De Blok who has worked on this project for 12 years of her life in partnership especially with the inhabitants was incredible. I even had the chance to visit her floating house. As a television producer, Marjan De Blok started from scratch in 2008 when she first started to work on what will become the most sustainable floating village in Europe twelve years later, in January 2020. She shows us how we can accomplish huge things with passion and dedication.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/02ENoJYyrW7Vr5MuvTrBB7?si=93e-C8YkSQu6FkxfTVkZRA

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332449

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/OTIyZWQwYmEtZWY2Zi00YTM4LTgxZWQtYzg1NWNmM2QzNWNh?sa=X&ved=0CB4QzsICahcKEwjgovn2k4LrAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Marjan-De-Blok--Schoonschip---The-most-sustainable-floating-village-in-Europe-eg35ii


🇳🇱 AMSTERDAM | Season 2

🔊EP.10 with Niek Oldenburg, Co-founder of We Future 🌱.

👀 In Amsterdam, I talked with Niek Oldenburg, the co-founder of We Future, a team of dedicated change-makers from all over the world. They are developing a sustainable digital platform that will promote, educate and connect people in order to provide assistance to the conservation and protection of the earth and all living organisms.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/2nuAfUOBdk7euxWqhX3Sdu?si=X7kraGSEQ0KiY6T78hvtyw

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332455

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/MTljZDFiNTQtMGZlNy00ZDc5LWE3NzgtZjJjNmUyMDZhM2E5?sa=X&ved=0CBwQzsICahcKEwiIl7bfnf3qAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Niek-Oldenburg--WeFuture---Protecting-the-earth-through-a-sustainable-digital-platform-eg35he


🇳🇱 AMSTERDAM | Season 2

🔊EP.9 with Annabella Rijksen, a sustainable young leader in Holland

👀 She’s only 22 and she’s already a sustainable young leader in Holland. Annabella Rijksen was running Block-E, with its team in 2018-2019, as an experimentation in the field of Clean Energy. Block-E is a little powerbank, that looks like as a wallet and that can be charged while cycling. From there, energy can be transferred via a Dock: a payment system which allows us make transactions with the green currency generated.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/57ULm2tfvLZNwcrxMIH6p7?si=76ZD3bnoTtylUg2ScY_xJw

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332457

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/YmY2YzRhMTUtNjI3Yi00OGNkLTg4NmYtNGNkYTVmOTAzOTFm?sa=X&ved=0CBoQzsICahcKEwjQrpiO8vXqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Annabella-Rijksen--Block-E---Pay-your-coffee-with-clean-energy-eg35gh


🇳🇱 AMSTERDAM | Season 2

🔊EP.8 with Kim Zuiver, aka Mama Kim, leader of a Repair Café in Amsterdam.

👀 I made a visit to the Repair Cafe De Meevaart located in the North-East part of Amsterdam. Inside, on the first three Wednesdays of the month and the last Saturday of the month, volunteers of all ages and all nationalities organize repair sessions for objects such as vacuum cleaners and maaany coffee machines. This, in order to avoid people buying them back unnecessarily and save tons of waste. I had a very interesting discussion on many different points with Kim, the leader of the place, the mother as she is called here. Martine Postma who created the very first Repair Cafe in Amsterdam in 2009, regularly visits the team, between 2 trips abroad, because her concept is present now all over the world.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/3KAyslPvm8EdYfMvx0zph3?si=DaPGd_ouS0iC788_6gep9w

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332451

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/NDY0ZWE4ODgtOTE1OC00ZDEwLThkMjAtOTM1YWFiZTE2NTYz?sa=X&ved=0CBgQzsICahcKEwjgsvuD3PDqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Kim-Zuiver---The-Repair-Cafe-save-tons-of-waste-eg35bo


🇳🇱 AMSTERDAM | Season 2

🔊EP.7 (In French) with Marie Dobenesque, Corporate Changemaker 💪

👀 Marie Dobenesque is a corporate changemaker, she tries to tackle the obsolete codes of hierarchical leadership in her enterprise with a group of 10 volunteers. Beside, she has started a side project called Corporate Game Changers (CGC) to help others to become corporate changemakers as well !


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/0DNNqeJ0iSnpMGuMQV1EPA?si=3gWU7W_1SBO5XkFYsW9Wlw

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332442

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/ODQ4YWU4NjctYWE2Yy00ZjVlLTgwODMtNTgxNDZlY2E1OTJm?sa=X&ved=0CBYQzsICahcKEwigpe3X2OvqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/In-French-Marie-Dobenesque---Corporate-Changemaker-eg35a7


🇬🇧 LONDON | Season 2

🔊EP.6 with Kay, Leader Artist for The Agency Project UK

👀 The Agency in UK supports and empowers young people to make positive change in their communities through social enterprises. For my very first interview of this Changemaker Tour, I made a visit to The Agency offices in London, located in the Battersea Arts Centre, and i asked questions to the young people, producer and leaders part of this organization.

➡️ In this episode, you’ll listen the story of Kay Rufai with the Agency in Battersea. Kay is a leader artist and supports the young people in their projects.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/6lSUTMQ8h7ijZvR8fmkFbe?si=X27lSFkRR1Kb6oTjichAZQ

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332444

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/YjFhMWU2OWQtNjk3NC00NTJiLWIxZmQtYWFlNjAxODI3YjU5?sa=X&ved=0CBQQzsICahcKEwjImsrWhOnqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Kay-Rufai---Leader-artist-for-The-Agency-in-the-Battersea-Arts-Centre-London-eg358j


🇬🇧 LONDON | Season 2

🔊EP.5 with Sydney from The Agency Project UK

👀 The Agency in UK supports and empowers young people to make positive change in their communities through social enterprises. For my very first interview of this Changemaker Tour, I made a visit to The Agency offices in London, located in the Battersea Arts Centre, and i asked questions to the young people, producer and leaders part of this organization.

➡️ In this episode, you’ll listen the story of Sydney, she did The Agency six years ago and her project was “Sydney natural” which was a skin care line that uses only natural ingredients. She’s now a mentor for the project of Dulcie (EP.2).


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/0Pg5P6mjb3FUcIiuBrvlWF?si=raaSp270Rqa1ib4WEnvGog

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332450

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/MzcyNDk2ODYtNzg5YS00YWYyLTlhYzQtMTExYjg0NWZjZGUy?sa=X&ved=0CBIQzsICahcKEwiYpITkuubqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Sydney---She-created-a-skin-care-line-that-uses-only-natural-ingredients-with-The-Agency-eg356s


🇬🇧 LONDON | Season 2

🔊EP.4 with Mikhi from The Agency Project UK

👀 The Agency in UK supports and empowers young people to make positive change in their communities through social enterprises. For my very first interview of this Changemaker Tour, I made a visit to The Agency offices in London, located in the Battersea Arts Centre, and i asked questions to the young people, producer and leaders part of this organization.

➡️ In this episode, i met Mikhi, he’s 16 and he joined The Agency this year. He received a micro-grant to pursue his passion for photography and be a documenter for the different projects.


Spotify ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/episode/1mcN5n0unqRL4MVeIaN3Vr?si=Tbg4f6q-SaSmzDn4X4PMkg

Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332461

Google Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/YzEyYzQxZGUtMTE2Zi00OWY4LThkMDAtZDZjZmY3YWM2YmU2?sa=X&ved=0CBAQzsICahcKEwiIq6ibleTqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Mikhi---Hes-16-and-he-received-a-micro-grant-from-The-Agency-to-pursue-his-passion-for-photography-eg3551


🇬🇧 LONDON | Season 2

🔊 EP.3 with Prince from The Agency Project UK

👀 The Agency in UK supports and empowers young people to make positive change in their communities through social enterprises. For my very first interview of this Changemaker Tour, I made a visit to The Agency offices in London, located in the Battersea Arts Centre, and i asked questions to the young people, producer and leaders part of this organization.

➡️ In this episode, you’ll listen the story of Prince, he’s 24 years old and he’s part of the Cycle 2 of The Agency. His project ? He’s leading ViZION, a community album created with young talent from across Wandsworth, in the south of London.


Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/episode/52AbYtn6YWk5Kc4XI0sP04?si=-uJfmYP_RCWkNzaFkIiaGg

Apple Podcasts : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332453

Google Podcasts : https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/MGRmYmFlMTktZmU2Mi00ZWI4LWJmOGYtMzYxYTk0MWUxNWE2?sa=X&ved=0CA4QzsICahcKEwjAvqajyuHqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor : https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Prince---With-The-Agency--hes-leading-a-community-album-created-with-young-talent-eg353i


🇬🇧 LONDON | Season 2

🔊EP.2 with Dulcie Usher from The Agency Project UK

👀 The Agency in UK supports and empowers young people to make positive change in their communities through social enterprises. For my very first interview of this Changemaker Tour, I made a visit to The Agency offices in London, located in the Battersea Arts Centre, and i asked questions to the young people, producer and leaders part of this organization.

➡️ In this episode, you’ll listen the story of Dulcie Usher, she’s 22 years old and she’s part of the Cycle 2 of The Agency. Her project ? She’s leading Horizon Retreats, a programme taking young women at risk on retreats to broaden their horizons.


Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/episode/09kampetO0H8rP7RiZ2Ys7?si=tfSrm_4dSpuFKHVslli-AQ

Apple Podcasts : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332441

Google Podcasts : https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/N2JjNjUwMGUtNmE5Ny00YmIwLWI4MzUtZDk4NTk4MDBkMjY3?ved=0CAwQzsICahcKEwjY7MWDg9rqAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAw

Anchor : https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Dulcie-Usher---With-the-Agency--shes-taking-young-women-at-risk-on-retreats-eg34oe


🇬🇧 LONDON | Season 2

🔊 EP.1 with Catherine Nicholson from The Agency Project UK 🔊

The Agency in UK supports and empowers young people to make positive change in their communities through social enterprises. For my very first interview of this Changemaker Tour, I made a visit to The Agency offices in London, located in the Battersea Arts Centre, and i asked questions to the young people, producer and leaders part of this organization. In this episode, Catherine Nicholson, the producer of The Agency in Battersea, told me the story of this organization and how it works in detail.


Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/episode/5F6tYrybqmpwixpbO9KHWO?si=Bezox70fR5m4ymB2ma34Cg

Apple Podcasts : https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935?i=1000480332456

Google Podcasts : https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/ODNjNDAyNjctOTU3OC00Zjc4LThhNDgtZTBiODkwYzgyZTA4

Anchor : https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc/episodes/Catherine-Nicholson--The-Agency---Support-young-people-to-make-positive-change-in-their-communities-eg30vi

TRES TRES BONNE NOUVELLE !Mon podcast retraçant mon périple de 5 semaines en Europe du Nord, de Londres à Stockholm, à l...


Mon podcast retraçant mon périple de 5 semaines en Europe du Nord, de Londres à Stockholm, à la rencontre de porteurs de solutions qu'ils soient étudiants, artistes, citoyens lambdas, entrepreneurs, responsables d'une organisation...VIENT DE SORTIR SUR SPOTIFY, APPLE PODCASTS, GOOGLE PODCASTS ET ANCHOR.

Envie d'écouter l'histoire d'une organisation à Londres qui aide les jeunes de quartiers défavorisés à développer un projet pour aider leur communauté ? D'une étudiante à Amsterdam qui a développé un concept avec des amis pour payer son café grâce à de l'énergie verte ? D'une femme extraordinaire qui est partie de rien pour créer, en l'espace de 12 ans, le quartier flottant le plus durable d'Europe ? Ou encore l'histoire d'un créateur d'entreprise à Copenhague qui recrée du lien entre les gens dans l'espace public grâce à des coffres à jeux connectés ?

21 INTERVIEWS INSPIR-ANTES, PASSIONN-ANTES, CONSTRUCTIVES débarquent dans tes oreilles ! De quoi bien occuper ton été 😉

Ca se passe ici :

SPOTIFY (Vous pouvez aussi écrire dans la barre recherche "My Changemaker Tour in Northern Europe")

APPLE PODCASTS ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/my-changemaker-tour-in-northern-europe-season-2-mediajaag/id1521476935

ANCHOR ➡️ https://anchor.fm/julien-toublanc

GOOGLE PODCASTS ➡️ https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xZGMwMjcyOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==

3 mois de préparation, 5 semaines sur le terrain, 1 mois et 10 jours pour la post-production ... 21 interviews inspirant...

3 mois de préparation, 5 semaines sur le terrain, 1 mois et 10 jours pour la post-production ... 21 interviews inspirantes d’acteurs du changement, captées de Londres à Stockholm (avant le confinement) débarquent sur les plateformes de podcast le 30 juin ❤️🎙.

Saison 2 ✅

   - 🚩STOCKHOLM.    THANK YOU 🙏 ❤️.Coming back in Stockholm, one of my fav cities in Europe, for the last 3 days of my j...



Coming back in Stockholm, one of my fav cities in Europe, for the last 3 days of my journey just to take time to think about what i did during these 5 weeks, what I learnt, who i want to be now was really worth it. I get the feeling that I opened the door of something unique, precious, rare...called “my true potential”. When I was in the plane towards London the first day, i was like “ok now you can’t go back, you created this crazy project during 3 hard months, it’s your time now and even if it don’t work out, you have to try cause it’s now or never, no excuses, not in 10 years.” Some days before to start this journey, Kobe Bryant passed away, like millions of people it affected me a lot cause i grew up with him playing basketball for 10 years of my life. But it also made me realized that life is too short, FOR REAL, and more than never uncertain today so we should not be afraid, be filled with doubts anymore to take action, we should trust the fire inside us, the fire of our ideas, dreams and go for them with confidence.

Now, i’m in quarantine in Paris due to the Coronavirus but you can’t imagine how many others ideas, dreams i have to draw once again on this beautiful blank page. Cause yes, we’re the artist, the painter of our own life, we can actually do something about it, for real. Why not ?.

I can’t wait to release a video about this Changemaker Tour. Stay Tuned.

Thanks to :







   - 🚩OSLO.    THANK YOU OSLO 🇳🇴.Going in Oslo was an opportunity to slow down the pace of the interviews and take a lit...

- 🚩OSLO.


Going in Oslo was an opportunity to slow down the pace of the interviews and take a little more time for me ❄️.

Thanks and ! It was a real pleasure to meet you and know your stories 👊.

I talked a lot with projects whether in Copenhagen or Oslo that are trying to connect people of all ages and from different background so they can grow, be inspired together. It's crazy to see, from a city to another, how the same mission grow inside different creative minds, with different ideas and reasons, triggers to take action.


   - 🚩OSLO.    Elin Fjellvang (on this picture) is part of a gardening project in Oslo called « Voksenenga Nærmiljøhage ...

- 🚩OSLO.

Elin Fjellvang (on this picture) is part of a gardening project in Oslo called « Voksenenga Nærmiljøhage ». It’s a community garden that focuses on growing organic vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits and berries. During the spring, summer and fall, young and old come together, as part of workshops and social activities, to learn, build and share in the community spirit. Find out the pitch of Elin about Voksenenga Nærmiljøhage in our Instagram Story.

   - 🚩OSLO.    oslo soup is a micro-funding foodie experience. The Oslo Soup team : Tara, Nikkie, Margot, Lucy and Leean...

- 🚩OSLO.

oslo soup is a micro-funding foodie experience. The Oslo Soup team : Tara, Nikkie, Margot, Lucy and Leeanne (from left to right) organize 3 events a year for which they try to reach local community projects in Oslo and help to fund them in small ways that can make their community idea really happen. People coming at these events make a donation (Oslo Soup recommend 50 Nok), listen to 4 people pitch their community idea and can vote for the project they would like to support, they also get soup, bread, cake...At the end of the evening, the project with the most votes gets the collected donations. Find out the pitch of Tara about Oslo Soup in our Instagram Story 🍲.




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