The DODcast

The DODcast DODcast features a wide range of interesting guests from every walk of life. It previews the stories of ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things

Light hearted interview with guests who share their life stories and what the future holds


You know what time it is. It’s time to talk about the birds and the bees.....

We all remember that car journey we got trapped in while our parents began to explain what happens when a man loves a woman. We all remember finding out that the lovely story about an overgrown stork dropping a baby, gracefully into your mothers arms was untrue. We all remember how we came to learn where babies come from and being absolutely horrified and disgusted.

In my case, I do not. I suppressed the memory of the conversation so deep into the recesses of my brain that it seemingly never happened. That was until I asked my kind mother and she wasn’t long jogging my memory.

I wondered why I like many others were so adverse to having the conversation? Was it the case I felt it was a disguising unnatural human act or was society telling us this?

Humans have been on the planet for over 300,000 years now. The soul reason we are still around today is due to s*x. It’s essential for our survival and the most natural human instinct. In this podcast, I attempt to explore the reason why over the past 100 years, s*x has been linked to negative connotations like shame, discomfort and embarrassment.

My guest, Dr Kate Dawson is a s*x expert and p**n researcher from NUI, Galway. Her study primarily focuses on s*xual health promotion and educating the youth on key areas like consent, communication, and intimacy.

In this weeks podcast, we talk about the most common questions asked in a primary and secondary school settings, relating to s*x. We explore the reason why it has been seen as shameful for women to want s*x and why men have been afforded more s*xual freedom in the past. We discuss the reasons why kids may feel uncomfortable talking to their parents about s*x and some useful approaches that can be taken.

This is Episode 30 - S*x Education.




Paediatric oncologist and past guest of the show, Dr. Trish Scanlan on Radio 1 this morning talking about her efforts in...

Paediatric oncologist and past guest of the show, Dr. Trish Scanlan on Radio 1 this morning talking about her efforts in the midst of this pandemic

Listen to live and catch-up radio, and browse RTÉ Radio schedules and podcast catalogue

Intermission.                   Taking a quick break from podcasting due to other commitments this year.                ...


Taking a quick break from podcasting due to other commitments this year.

Eternally grateful for your continued support. Will be back again soon.

The DODcast x

Established the first Paediatric Oncology Unit in Tanzania.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Brought survival rates of children with cancer from 5%...

Established the first Paediatric Oncology Unit in Tanzania.
Brought survival rates of children with cancer from 5% to 65% within 10 years.

Set up the children’s charity to look after those who could not afford their medical care and provide them with a place to stay during their treatment.

Survived cancer, twice.

Trust me. This is a story you want to hear.

Imagine a world where everything is the opposite to what you know. Left is right. Happy is sad. Right is wrong.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀...

Imagine a world where everything is the opposite to what you know. Left is right. Happy is sad. Right is wrong.
Imagine the quiet discontent you must live with for years knowing deep down in your heart of hearts that this is not the way it should be. But you still abide by cultural norms, in fear of being socially outcasted.
Imagine one day you decide to take a stand. You say enough is enough and go against the so called status quo. You start to live by what you feel is truly right and ignore those that tell you otherwise.
But these voices get louder and louder. It makes it difficult to think or hear anything else. They deafen out every other sound and you are left feeling isolated and alone, with nowhere else to turn.
This is where my guest was left at one stage in his life. The only difference is that he had something to turn to. And that something was music.
Frankie bravely uses his music as a platform to express his deepest thoughts, interests and s*xual desires which unfortunately go against the cultural thinking of his beloved country. It allows him to break down societal barriers and unify people in the same harmony.
In this weeks episode we speak to a person who is spearheading the movement of love and equality in his home country. We talk about where the anti LGBTQ sentiments stemmed from and its deep rooted connection with religion. We touch upon the fear of the unknown and why many often respond negatively to it. And finally, we listen to this beautiful voice sing from the heart with absolute passion.
This is an episode for everyone. If you are looking for the courage to be who you truly want to be in this life, I urge you to listen to this episode.
~ You know what time it is ~
Episode available on iTunes, Soundcloud and Spotify. Please make sure to press the subscribe button to stay up to date. All the links are in my bio.
Enjoy x

It’s Summer 2012. You’re on a lads holiday to Portugal. It’s 28 degrees and the sun is literally splitting the rocks. No...

It’s Summer 2012. You’re on a lads holiday to Portugal. It’s 28 degrees and the sun is literally splitting the rocks. Not a breeze in sight. The sea is calling you. You grab your towel and head straight for the beach. There’s no time to waste. The sand is so hot you have no choice but to run straight for the water. The moment you’ve been waiting for all year. Here it is. Big dive..... Now still. Only silence
was 20 years old when he broke his neck on the first day of his summer holidays. This left him paralyzed from the neck down with less than 15% global muscle function. For many others, this would end future hopes, dreams and aspirations. For Jack, they were only about to begin.
In this week’s episode we speak about body image issues and the destructive role its playing in young people’s lives. We talk about the importance of using a constructive and positive internal voice when speaking to yourself and how valuable some self-compassion can be in times of stress. We delve into the issue of how society perceive abilities and disabilities, restricting you from being your true authentic self. We touch upon the new era of medicine and tapping into the mind. And finally the importance of gratitude and it ability to completely shift your mental framework.
I am extremely lucky to call this guy my friend. I had the absolute privilege to sit down and speak to him again on the podcast.
The DODcast description reads like this; ‘We preview the stories of ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things in an effort to allow the listener to recognise their own true potential in life’. Jack allowed me to recognise my potential. I hope in this episode, he does the same for you.
~ you know what time it is ~
Episode available on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. Please make sure to subscribe to stay up to date.
Enjoy 🕺🏾

A nice piece from a previous guest on the podcast. Check out the episode with him below where we talk about the mental g...

A nice piece from a previous guest on the podcast. Check out the episode with him below where we talk about the mental game required for summiting Mt. Everest

Climbing The Howling Ridge, Carrauntoohil's hidden gem

Imagine for a second that you are on your honeymoon in Mauritius. You’re newly married to your childhood sweetheart, you...

Imagine for a second that you are on your honeymoon in Mauritius. You’re newly married to your childhood sweetheart, you own a successful business and are an accomplished semi-professional footballer.
Now imagine yourself being chronically ill. You’re bedridden with the neurological condition known as Multiple Sclerosis. Your marriage has broken down and you have two young kids to look after alone.
Now, can you imagine that these two event happened to .devine within the space of a year. Trust me, I couldn’t either and you’ll hear it in this.
You commonly hear people say that it’s not the event that’s important but how you respond to it. Conor responded by becoming a best selling author, establishing a new business, completing 7 Ironman and single handedly raising two gorgeous kids at the same time as battling MS.
In todays podcast, we cover a wide array of interesting topics circulating around chronic illness and ways to overcome it. We talk about how Conor keeps his condition at bay without any medication and strictly adhering to a plant based diet. We speak about engaging your passion, becoming self-reliant and the importance of finding a mentor.
If you’ve woken up today thinking that your life couldn’t get any worse, I urge you to listen to this. I’ve learned how to shift my mindset completely after speaking to this elusive man.
~ You know what time it is ~
Episode on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify. out and let me know what you think.

Brilliant to see these two boys leading the charge in the Health & Wellbeing industry. Have a listen to the interview we...

Brilliant to see these two boys leading the charge in the Health & Wellbeing industry.

Have a listen to the interview we recorded talking about their BIG plans for the future.

You know what time it is...

Having racked up chef, and hospitality and catering experience respectively, pair set about changing people’s diets

An amazing achievement from a great man! Brian Keane Fitness recently completed a gruelling 230km through the Arctic Cir...

An amazing achievement from a great man! Brian Keane Fitness recently completed a gruelling 230km through the Arctic Circle with a ruptured achilles tendon!

Listen the episode I recently completed with him which gives an insight into the sort of mental preparation that needs to be completed before something like this.

You know what time it is.....


This is a one take ‘press record and talk’ episode about my experience running 230km through the Arctic circle.

I talk a little about my preparation for the challenge and this episode is heavy on the mindset side of things and focuses heavily on the mental tools I used to get to the finish line after tearing my Achilles 86km from the end.

This was physically the hardest thing I’ve done in my entire life and sounds crazy listening back but I hope you enjoy it 😃🥶

Feel free to TAG anyone you think would enjoy this episode👇 =d791e0ae35be4afcb2964227a04899b3

From a little start-up that began above a butcher shop in the west of Ireland to a multi million dollar company treating...

From a little start-up that began above a butcher shop in the west of Ireland to a multi million dollar company treating over 6 million patients globally, this is a story you certainly want to hear.
John Power left school at age 16 to train as a draughtsman. Working his way up in various engineering type sectors, he is now Chief Executive and Managing Director of the award winning international medical device company Aerogen
A serial entrepreneur, John has invested in various novel sectors which include artificial intelligence, aerospace engineering and biopharmaceuticals. He was even commissioned once to build sewerage tanks for the Libyan dictator, Colonel Gaddafi.
In this weeks episode, we speak to a man who is responsible for saving the lives of millions of premature babies thanks to his unique nebuliser device. He is just an ordinary man with an extraordinarily story to tell and will help you as the listener recognise your full potential in life. Aerogen was one of the primary reasons I began to start believing in myself when applying to Med school again.
As John says in this episode, ‘how many chances in your life do you get to make such an impact?’. Back yourself, take those chances and believe what your are doing will impact millions positively.
You know what time it’s is....
Episode on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud and stitcher. Link below. Enjoy 😊

Love is in the air....

Love is in the air....

Ever wonder what all the fuss is about on the 14th of February? Do we still get excited over the expression of love & affection? What drives people to be together? This episode is the deconstruction o

From suffering frightening panic attacks to best selling author,  certainly has a story to tell. I was extremely lucky t...

From suffering frightening panic attacks to best selling author, certainly has a story to tell. I was extremely lucky to get the chance to sit down with this lady and chat about her life to date.
In this weeks episode, we preview the life of a person who has struggled to deal with anxiety in the past. We talk about the tummy aches she use to get as a child and the initial early signs which weren’t picked up at the time.
She details searching for a non existent ‘quick fix’ to cure her from these problems and how this just made things even worse.
She brings us through the horrific experience of suffering a panic attack but more importantly, useful ways you can keep this at bay.
Her goal is to normalise mental health problems and lessen the stigma attached to it. As she says herself, everyone suffers psychologically at some point in their life. It’s just a matter of recognising the signs and being very practical when dealing with them.
Like the title of her first book, this truly is the bu****it free guide to dealing with anxiety!
Episode on SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify & Stitcher. Link is in my bio 🕺🏾
~ You Know What Time It Is ~



Some great truths in this.

Merry Christmas to all our listeners. Thank you for your time and supporting the podcast. Best wishes to you and the rest of your loved ones during this special time


This video is in and around the same vein as the last few episodes. Every person has the internal capacity to pick themselves up off the ground. Tyson Fury lost 150lb, sought professional help and turned his life around in 2 years after being suicidal and the verge of oblivion. As he says himself, he did this for all those who may possibly be in the same position

Losing anyone to su***de at any stage of your life is a horrific thought to have. How about loosing your mother to su***...

Losing anyone to su***de at any stage of your life is a horrific thought to have. How about loosing your mother to su***de at 11 years of age being an only child and attempting to answer why she has left you.

Seamus Hennessy was in a few years ahead of me during my school days. He was the guy I always looked up to and only wished to be as big and as talented as him. He captained hurling and rugby teams, winning everything in sight and picking up major sporting accolades along the way. Representing in Minor, U21 and Senior hurling All Ireland finals, he had won it all at the age of 20.

All during this time, Seamus had to deal with what cards his past had dealt him. He was confronted with a moment which has broken many gone before him who were much older and seemingly wiser. Seamus decided it would not break him.

He attributes this to the child counselling services that were provided to him at the time which gave him a mental framework for thinking and being able to talk to others when things became too much. This is what he continues to do today.

On the 13th December, Seamus Hennessy is attempting to run the Great Antarctic Marathon to raise funds and awareness for su***de prevention in this country. He has set the goal of raising €200,000 in an effort to help all those who are affected by mental health, self harm or su***de. I urge you to please donate to this worthy cause. As he says himself in this podcast episode, is to prevent the devastation that happened to him, happening to another family.

Episode 23 - The Strength of Vulnerability.

On iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify.

- Love. - Money. - Parenthood. - Mental Health. - The Meaning of life. This ones got it all. Episode 22 with Brian Keane...

- Love.
- Money.
- Parenthood.
- Mental Health.
- The Meaning of life.

This ones got it all.

Episode 22 with Brian Keane Fitness


You know what time it is...

Eternal optimism. Infectious positivity. Charismatic charm. This feel good production will not stop you from chuckling to yourself. Denis has been described as a flamboyant, gregarious, unconventional

This wasn’t an easy one to record by any stretch of the imagination. I really dug deep in an effort to understand why a ...

This wasn’t an easy one to record by any stretch of the imagination. I really dug deep in an effort to understand why a year ago I felt so strongly about starting a podcast. Was it out of narcissism? Was it in an effort to remain constantly relevant. Was it to bring value to myself and others alike?

Things aren’t always as they seem. I became disenfranchised with social media over the past couple of month, sickened by myself constantly trying to portray an uber-cool eternally positive over-confident self image. Was this the true me? Not a f**king hope.

The reality is, I like a lot of others have insecurities and these have been silently masked by this image I try so desperately hard to maintain on social media. This desperation left me feeling hollow inside. Why was I letting a digital world control my emotions and the way I felt?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The way I have revealed myself in this episode is in an effort for others alike to feel as though they can do the same. There is huge strength in being true to yourself, recognising that human beings were made flawed and that nobody is perfect. There is huge strength in acknowledging that we all have weaknesses and communicating this with others leads to enlightenment.

In this episode, I talk about perception vs. reality, giving up alcohol for 30 days, my invaluable learnings over the past year and understanding that every person at some stage in their life will need help - so never be afraid to accept it.

Episode on SoundCloud, iTunes and Stitcher. Enjoy x

In preparation for the Papal visit, give the episode I recorded with Fr. Gerard Magee a listen. We talk about real moder...

In preparation for the Papal visit, give the episode I recorded with Fr. Gerard Magee a listen. We talk about real modern issues the Catholic church has been battling with over the past number of years and what the future holds for a 2,000 year old organisation.

You know what time it is.....

Is it OK to question what you have always been thought to believe? Faith is defined as having complete trust in someone or something. Be it faith in yourself, in your family or maybe even in God, Fr.

A fella who knew nothing but work. A guy who struggled with his weight and what others though. A son who lost his father...

A fella who knew nothing but work. A guy who struggled with his weight and what others though. A son who lost his father and began to question what everything stood for. A man who summited Mount Everest, overcoming his greatest fears.

In this weeks episode, I speak to a proud Clare man and a soon to be father. He details his 10 year long journey which lead him to the top of the world. The mental resolve this man showed through it all was something I was struck by. I’m sure after listening, you will too.

You know what time it is.... Episode available on iTunes, stitcher & SoundCloud




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Our Story

The DODcast features a wide range of interesting guests from every walk of life. It previews the stories of ordinary people who have done extra-ordinary things in an effort to allow the listener to recognise their own true potential in life.

Major themes include: - Health Promotion - Personal Development - Human Endeavour - Optimistic Realism.

You know what time it is...

Its time for ~The DODcast~