
crush+lab crush+lab is a full service hybrid creative agency and production company. dedicated to the creation


BODY • Brand New Video for • With This Video We wanted to create a visual narrative that challenges the status quo with a message about all body’s being beautiful. We are here to remind everyone everywhere that all people, of all shapes, sizes, colors, gender(s), beliefs, and anything else that one identifies with -is/are perfect. YOU ARE PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL AND I/WE LOVE YOU 🙌🏽❤️🙏🏽
An Production
directed by
executive producer
production hero’s

we went hard for this one • brand new 🔥 vídeo w my brother, the one and only  directed by the brilliant  DOP  Producer /...

we went hard for this one • brand new 🔥 vídeo w my brother, the one and only
directed by the brilliant
Producer / EP
Prod Co

Self Haircut • Quarantine Diaries👽🍄❤️

Self Haircut • Quarantine Diaries



It’s Hot AF outside. What are you doing to embrace your desires. As the sun comes out the clothes come off. Spring and s...

It’s Hot AF outside. What are you doing to embrace your desires. As the sun comes out the clothes come off. Spring and summer are so sexy. I read a jarring article that said the majority of humans (70+% of global pop) will never pursue their dreams, and an even greater percentage of people will spend their lives in therapy and or sneaking around due to unfulfilled desires. Isn’t that a bummer?

I mean we were all gifted these wonderful mind’s, imaginations, senses and energy’s that merge like chemistry. And so often we choose closing down, shutting off, not speaking up, not receiving. And that’s what we get. Which isn’t fun, or necessary.

The most important thing I’ve learned around sexuality is that whatever your thing is, is totally awesome and perfect. That’s your unique spin on things, inthe co creation game w God. That doesn’t mean everyone else will agree it just means our desires for pleasure are healthy. It’s literally what makes life.

Allowing inner calm and quiet regularly allows the feelings of Truth, Authenticity, Alignment to be present. In this space is where I am best able to determine what is really true.

It’s also the perfect time and space to pour love, light and acceptance into whatever desires do arise.

S*x is Life. Life is love. Love is you. You are God. God is in you.

🦁❤️🙏🏽 @ Lyra

Lightcodes • Recharging Mitochondria, Boosting Collagen, Hormone Balancing, (and many other good things) -all while  rec...

Lightcodes • Recharging Mitochondria, Boosting Collagen, Hormone Balancing, (and many other good things) -all while recharging light bodies too.

We are light. Our physical and light bodies crave good quality light rays for stimulation, growth and optimal function. They do literal miracles for our cells, organs, brains, hormones, skin, sleep, mood balancing.

There’s a reason why we hear so much about light in reverence; “And God Said, Let The Be Light”, Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the light.” ‘Lightcodes’ Lightbodies. Light workers. Of the Light. The Light Path.

In esoteric, occult, spiritual, religious and secret societies alike, the Light is all revered.

Egypt worshipped the Sun, as did many others.

We are drawn to the light because we are of the light.

That said, our shadows are such a massive part of who we are. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. We get to let go of guilt and shame around our shadows. Embrace them, honoring them along with our light selves as the totality of the Human Experience we each signed up for. And loving it.

This is the Fully Integrated experience our soul’s crave, and deserve.

Love our Angel’s and Dance with our Devil’s. In their merging lives the essence of the God Self.

Light by my friends -we rock the double large panels, facing each other for a front & back simul blast. ❤️🙏🏽

This divine feminine being sprinkles magic everywhere she goes. I invite everyone help me celebrate you and your birthda...

This divine feminine being sprinkles magic everywhere she goes. I invite everyone help me celebrate you and your birthday with some birthday love! 🙌🏽❤️😘
Thank you for showing up and sharing your vision, beauty, love, talent, power and grace with us. You are magic!! @ Santa Monica Pier

Life is a legacy. What story are you telling? When looking back at your life will it play like a Hero’s Journey with adv...

Life is a legacy. What story are you telling? When looking back at your life will it play like a Hero’s Journey with adventure, courage, love, heart break, passion, giving more than taking -or will it be like a bad hollywood movie with little direction, no real meaning and just a handful of special fx moments (drugs/booze) to try and make it all worth while.

The greatest story ever told lives inside you and is begging to be brought to life.

You’ve got greatness inside of you. Let it out, now is your time. ❤️

You are Beautiful!! 🦁❤️😘

You are Beautiful!! 🦁❤️😘

It’s such an exciting time! All things are impermanent. Change is the constant. Reversal is the rule of cosmic education...

It’s such an exciting time! All things are impermanent. Change is the constant. Reversal is the rule of cosmic education and irony.

I have been meditating and reflecting on the attachments that cause suffering.

For me a deeper examining of career, associations, relationships, how I show up, what I compromise and why.

I don’t share this to sound smart, or preach ;) I share because this really works (for me) to relieve any suffering, disturbance, fear, heart ache 🤕

I meditate on the impermanence of life and all things. I reflect on where my attachment is and why. (Career, status, mate, value - if I don’t have it I’ll be nobody and die alone ;) And then I make peace with dying alone -as long as I have the dharma, God, breath, water, food, freedom and such -would I be okay even if I didn’t have societies approval? Yes, I would and am. When I breath into it all I realize, yes it’s scary, and yes it will all still be okay.

It’s a slowing down of the breath, easing into the emotions, making friends with the resistance and fear, understanding why it’s there -to protect me/you -thank you fear 🙏🏽

And gently, now I let go of fear. Fear can take a break, a little nap while courage, willingness, trust, open mindedness take over. I am willing to let go of those things that cause me pain or discomfort, even if it’s what has identified me or attracted people to me so far, with love and gratitude. In letting go I take another step closer to the light, the one, the source of all creation, the zero point. My nervous system relaxes. My soul system engages and remembers the actual mission. Like dirt cleared from the eyes I can see again and am so grateful to realize those things that fry and frustrate my nervous system are not simply signs that they’re not in flow with my purpose. I get to revisit those signs again and again until I am complete with this lesson and move on -school for the soul 🙃 Thank you ‘enemies’ and people who frustrate me for being my teachers 🙏🏽

The illusion of material suffering is simply an illusion. It doesn’t mean give up everything and be homeless, simply means allowing opportunity to acknowledge what doesn’t align and choose what does ❤

Future Self. Digital Cobwebs. A Modern Fairytale by  and I. Short film dop  colored by

Future Self. Digital Cobwebs. A Modern Fairytale by and I. Short film
colored by

 is Prepared Yoga’dCenter’dPod casted’d Motivate’dLow Vibration New’s Cancel’dGoddess align’d Divine Feminine Connect’d ...

is Prepared
Pod casted’d
Low Vibration New’s Cancel’d
Goddess align’d
Divine Feminine Connect’d
Magic dust & potions prepare’d
Warrior, Beauty, Goddess fashion’d

A myriad of blessings celebrating all the beauty you so awesomely show up with everyday, for truly you are the living re...

A myriad of blessings celebrating all the beauty you so awesomely show up with everyday, for truly you are the living resurrection and the life.

Today’s Meditation, from the I Am Discourses; I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE.
Sit quietly, and still. Whisper, in the mind or aloud every so often, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. Feeling the feelings. Breath into the interconnectedness of all sentient beings. See the light in all, and all in the light. Like galactic mycelium freely exchanging abundant life-force energy. Allow yourself to receive all the healing, all the recharging, all the wisdom and understanding necessary to better use all the gifts you were born with. Relaxing into the knowing, remembering that You are a Child of God. Divinely ordained, of the highest order. Star Dust pumps in your heart. Remember now how special, how chosen, how important, how gifted, how magical, powerful, divine you are.
See yourself already enlightened and fully realized in exactly the way you want to look and feel. That is your timeless self. In the quantum bit is already realized.

Love you magical beings 🙌🏽❤️🌟👑

Yesterday I saw two people praying at this church. It touched my heart. There was a brief connection. One man lived in t...

Yesterday I saw two people praying at this church. It touched my heart. There was a brief connection. One man lived in the neighborhood, the other was the janitor who’s unemployed now but was coming by to clean up any way -just because it’s his job, whether he’s paid or not. The janitor asked to not be in the photo, worried, he didn’t want to cause any trouble being seen in prayer. I felt that. Like a silent agreement to connect -with each other, with God, with higher consciousness, with something bigger than ourselves without upsetting anyone else’s beliefs. The other man cont’d praying. What came through in this moment was a reminder it doesn’t matter who or what we call God. The thing is most of us believe there is something bigger, wiser, better than us and that this bigger, better, wiser being/energy/consciousness has the ability to transcend the trappings of our wars, disputes, politics, personality feuds, agendas, consumption, division.
I think we can only believe or have thoughts like this if there is something inherently true to the notion. Humans fundamentally desire peace, and harmony.
We’re also weird, selfish, free creatures seeking individuality within the group.
The more and sooner we enlighten the masses to view worship and religion more like energy the better we’ll all understand each other and get along. Like, we never fight over which electric company one uses. Just a means to receive power to light ones house. God is the power to illuminate our soul with clear direction for perfect fulfillment of our souls and purpose.
Every temple I enter is a place of worship. I sit with God in deep reverence under every name. I bow and sing praises to Krishna, Yeshua, Abraham, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, Zoroaster, Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Solomon, Isis, Magdalen, Shiva, Lakshmi, Tara, Allah, Elohim, Ein Sof, Yehova, the name that cant be named, the name of all names, the name that remains the same no matter which name. The angels watch us in envy while we waste our time with separation, selfishness and hate. But that day is over. History is behind us. Today we honor and allow worship in whatever way feels good -because we can


With all the changes and material constructs shifting, so too is shifting how we partner, what we find attractive, and what we find valuable.

We can’t date our cars, pay checks or homes, and with so much of even that up in the air I am exploring what we really value, desire and find attractive.

What do you find sexy?

The light + shadow live together. The new sexy is full integration, love and acceptance of both. A complete human at hom...

The light + shadow live together. The new sexy is full integration, love and acceptance of both. A complete human at home and in love with their highest light and naughtiest shadow (or how ever your shadow shows up for you.)
One of the most elevated, spiritual actions we can take is to embrace our shadow by letting go of guilt, shame, or fear of these parts of ourselves.
Do me a favor, imagine yourself as a baby. Do you see anything inherently wrong with this baby? Of course not. You are this baby in grown-up form.
We get to bring integrity and principles into how we operate with our shadow self, and we get to roar, run wild, enjoy pleasure, rebel against constructs, delight in connection, enjoy bliss, rage like a bull -it’s all good. We can sit with these feelings and if we ask them what they really want for us, long enough, we’ll discover all parts of us, light and shadow only want to help us experience more love, joy, fulfillment, pleasure, abundance, security, safety, enlightenment, harmony, beauty and belonging.

How’s this land with you? If you get quiet for a minute, go within, you can call all your parts forward and then ask them, what do they want for you -listen. And you’ll hear for yourself how much all of you is here to support you. What did you hear from your parts? What’s your experience with this?

I’ll be putting together a workshop around all this soon for those who feel called 🦁✨💫

We’ve been working towards this for a long time. Now we are better aligning.Relax, be nicer to yourself and trust that t...

We’ve been working towards this for a long time. Now we are better aligning.

Relax, be nicer to yourself and trust that this is a time of rapid up-leveling. The nervous system wants calm to heal and bring new clarity.

Your bills will be paid. You will have good food and shelter. Your heart knows this, sometimes your mind forgets. It’s okay to remember.

Now is the time to go within and listen to the higher self that is always giving those ‘gut feelings.’

Do not be distracted by the lesser vibrations.

You have prepared lifetimes to be here now. You know exactly what to do, and are doing it.

What is your dream vision for elevating society?

Your starseed families are watching with such love and pride, cheering you on!

Photo by walking around Silverlake


Natural Mystic ✨ Light Workers, Mystics, Soul Warriors, Dharma walkers, Conscious Entrepreneurs, Magicians, Visionaries naturally rise to the call of Pachamama, Mother Earth, Nature.

When asked what the meaning of life and enlightenment was the Buddha held up a flower in his hand, saying nothing. Allowing the gesture and phenomenon of nature itself do all the explaining -if one would meditate upon it. One student understood and cried with deep gratitude, love and awe. Not for the Buddha, but for Mother Nature. Her infinite love. Nourishment. Wisdom. Beauty. And perfect design, that has purpose and meaning for us all.

I am reminded of this teaching during this time. Getting even quieter, more calm and focussed within the storm. Listening to the inner wise teacher. Connecting with higher self. Cutting away attachments, and programs that no longer serve the highest.

Choosing not to be fooled or distracted by the illusions of the moment. Choosing to follow the path. Ground deeper in the Dharma and refuge 🙏🏽 Committed to relieving suffering, awakening and inspiring more. Walking the path together. I see you. I feel you. The veil is thin, trust your draw time the light and move towards that direction. Simplify everything, honor your purpose now and move further towards the light, in every way you’ve been thinking about. Now is the time. You got this ❤️

Remember, the soft overcomes the hard. Be gentle and encouraging with yourself.

Spend some time in nature. Give yourself the gift of recharging, grounding, cleaning your energy, healing... It’s always the right time for nature 💚💜


All You Need Is Love ❤️
Hollywood 🙌🏽❤️
Vid by my brother aka Lil Jim Carey on Kidding show my boy some ❤️

Together We Rise ❤️

Together We Rise ❤️


What Would You Like?
-A great question posed to me by my wise brother .agent
-Because it’s all really a choice, isn’t it?

Wish so much going on, my post is simple and direct today. I ask you two questions, and encourage you to ask your friends, loved ones, and community the same:
WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE (for yourself, your life, your experience, your intimate relationship, all your relationships, money, health, wellness, peace of mind, nervous system, clothes, where you live - all of it. What do you choose?

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE + WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE? Share below and tag a friend!

Love you 🦁❤️😘

Psilocybin is My Friend -Ram DassPsilocybin, filled with numerous healing qualities might just be one of nature’s greate...

Psilocybin is My Friend -Ram Dass

Psilocybin, filled with numerous healing qualities might just be one of nature’s greatest gifts to humanity. Science is starting to share profound benefits; emotional, psychological, spiritual and psychical.

It’s important we remember to engage with integrity, respect, and pure intention. Usually best to work in a ceremonial setting with a proper guide for deep change & healing work. However, Microdosing has also been shown to have radically inspiring benefits for the brain from more calm, clear and balanced decision making to seeing the bigger picture/plan at work or in career, to aligning better with ones purpose.

Some of the Scientifically Established + Accepted Benefits
-Stimulates Growth of New Brain Cells
-Soothes Anxiety
-Reduces Social Rejection Pain -Increases Joy
-Lowers Depression
-Long Term Medical Benefits
-Long Term Spiritual Benefits
-Gut Micro Biome Benefits
-Improves Presence (being present, not distracted) -Reduces OCD
-Improves multi-lobe / hemisphere brain communication
-Connecting the Brain in New Ways (Not only Growing New Brain Cells, Psilocybin also wires different parts of the brain together, facilitating a much smoother communication between its various parts and improved thinking with fuller more integrated thoughts. (GAME CHANGER FOR CEO’s, EXEC’s, ARTISTS -EVERYONE REALLY)

There’s wisdom, and heart expanding magic contained in these tiny teacher friends. Some say they’re spores from outer space that contain starseed energy ✨

Maybe now is a good time to allow yourself to go within and connect with your own voice, your own wise teacher. Asking for greater clarity, greater wisdom and understanding to use the gifts already given at birth, and how best to do so in a way that aligns perfectly with life purpose.

Blessings as the journey unfolds 🙏🏽🍄✨❤️🦁 @ Los Angeles, California


Magic ✨

I see God, Magic, Beauty, and Opportunity everywhere. Most especially in each other. I was walking down town LA the othe...

I see God, Magic, Beauty, and Opportunity everywhere. Most especially in each other.
I was walking down town LA the other day and the ghost-town-like feeling allowed me to see the magic in all the buildings and structures. The vision we so easily give birth to, because we believe we can.
These structures steadfast in their presence reminded me of the option to see beauty in breakdown, form in chaos, and steadfastness and calm when everything feels scary.
This steadfastness and calm really resonate with me. Like an Oak Tree rooted deeply in the Earth while a storm roars with winds and water. Still the Oak Tree remains offering shelter and nourishment. When the storm ends the tree is still there steadfast and calm, allowing the winds, rains, birds, furry animals and bee’s all equal opportunity to flow and swirl about.
I Am an Oak Tree rooted deep into Mother Earth. Holding the calm, steadfast, clear vision. The actions we take now with this thin veil are magnified. As a community can we organize ourselves? Can we heal ourselves and each other? Can we remain loving, clear and calm when finances and structures wane? Of course we can. There is an inner master in all of us that KNOWS the next right thought, action, way of being.
We have been gifted unprecedented opportunity to go within, become quiet and still, listen to our inner voices that are here to guide us on our path with integrity, authenticity, compassion, wisdom, joy, love and pleasure. And then go outside and PLAY!
Look up at how clean the air is?! (When we don’t drive so much). Remember and embrace that inner awesome child -go play. Feet in the dirt, grass, sand, hike, giggle, laugh, cry, cuddle -let it flow.
PS, your inner knowingness is both a master and sexy af. Wanna earn more money, slow down and listen to your inner master to align with your perfect purpose. Wanna have a better relationship, intimate life? Listen to your inner master who will guide you gently into your perfect flow, discover your true desires and pleasures and what exactly you would like with your partner, relationship, career, self, experience.
So I leave you to meditate upon, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?

Enjoying every moment to the fullest. Sending everyone love and wishes for highest health and safety. Don’t forget to ha...

Enjoying every moment to the fullest. Sending everyone love and wishes for highest health and safety. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the chaos. It’s all going to be ok ❤️💜
Meditation, Yoga, Prayer, Nature, and getting quiet to tune within are all tools of great value right now. You’ve done the Ori and know exactly what to do. Don’t let the lower vibrations get their hooks in you and terrify you into submission, ie; engaging with the soap opera of fear. Yes it’s good to be aware, and chose the higher frequency/principles to place attention on and work with.
The last few days I’ve felt odd because I’m feeling so good and so many friends really scared. My heart is filled with compassion, love and I see this as an opportunity to be here for each other. To be light houses that remind each other to practice and trust. From there we can have conscious dialogue without fear and begun to organize and make functional holistic plans for how exactly we’d like to harness and actualize this transformation, especially once it subsides.
PS, let’s not take our eyes off the ball. In the world of strategy one of the greatest moves is to win a war without a war and a great tactic for that is distraction. Let’s ask ourselves, what is happening while we are distracted with CV? Putin is stealing the presidency in Russia -for life. Attention taken away from Bernie therefore essentially guaranteeing Trump the presidency. I’m not into sharing politics too much, as I respect everyone’s right to chose. Biden just has zero chance of beating Trump in any debates, too soft and too middle of the road -luke warm. And those of you who read Bible, Torah or any other spiritual book know about Luke Warm. Gets spit out. This virus has distracted us from many important issues. I don’t want to point them all out, just a reminder to meditate (gently, and steadfast) upon this notion and see what you discover.

the mind achieve anything it conceive and believe -napoleon hill.

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO ACHIEVE? Especially with the opportunities during and after this time?

Love you 🦁❤️

I Am Loving Awareness This song, + mantra that plays in my heartby Baba Ram DassI’ve been meditating with this mantra be...

I Am Loving Awareness

This song, + mantra that plays in my heart

by Baba Ram Dass

I’ve been meditating with this mantra before sunrise during sadhana and throughout the day the last couple weeks.

My heart has been blasted wide open

Expanding the parameters of what else I can include in my container of loving awareness

There’s room for everyone and everything. Even things and people that appear to be enemies. Truth -the only enemy that exists is in my mind. A mind that has done such a good job showing up, fighting the illusion and trying to keep me safe from danger or death. I love my mind, even when it turns on me and tells me how weird, and unworthy I am. I see it as a angry furry cat, soaking wet with water. Thinking it’s so grand -if only everyone else would listen and just follow along 😂 This awesome super computer think tank that can sometimes go down a crazy rabbit hole -and other times dive right into the gold - I love this mind of mine. It’s so smart, kind, caring and wise.

What do you love that sometimes goes unnoticed or labeled as bad/enemy/danger, but with more loving awareness turns from bad to good, dark to light, weird to totally normal, demon into angel?

Today’s photo is from my impromptu work station in my kitchen at home. Writing script, writing new projects in development, writing new ideas and architecting the structure for new business containers, and reading some awesome books for support!

I Am Surrounded by so many Blessings. So much Love and Opportunity. Makes me realize; We are Nature, we are the clouds, ...

I Am Surrounded by so many Blessings. So much Love and Opportunity. Makes me realize; We are Nature, we are the clouds, the trees, animals and we are the water.

We are each other tangled in a beautiful dance. Will we chose to alchemize this experience?

We are all connected.

We are the collective.

These transitions are temporary adjustments to allow the higher greater vision you’ve been holding to come through. The veil is thin right now. Hold the vision.

Increase the love, compassion, patience, understanding and commitment to raising consciousness.

Not everything will make sense right now, and that’s okay. When things don’t make sense there’s a feeling of emptiness. This emptiness is the gift of creation. The Zero Point.

From this place we have the opportunity to birth a new reality, a new paradigm of higher consciousness, more unity, redefining the status quo, more harmony, more trust, redefinition of success + prosperity, reclaiming of our sacred masculine and divine feminine, no more separation. For in the end there’s a connectedness of all things, even you and me.

I love you, and see every breath and every moment as an opportunity. Remember, As the shadow rises so does the light.

What do you love? What about this transition do you see as an opportunity?

Dance family, dance. It’ll feel good knowing you were on the celebration train early ❤️✨

Science affirms, We have 3 brains. I Am Consciously Choosing to maximize my experience and conscious approach to life by...

Science affirms, We have 3 brains.

I Am Consciously Choosing to maximize my experience and conscious approach to life by engaging My Heart and Gut Brain to be a part of the conversation, and decision making.

I Engage My Heart and Gut Brain by;
-Tuning-In to Higher Self w Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo 3 x’s early morning before sunrise)
-Kundalini Sadhana (Kriya, Breath Work, Mantra Chanting)
-Meditation (mostly Tibetan practice but so many good ones out there)
-Reading material that engages my head brain with a higher conscious frequency so my Heart and Gut are involved (adding value to others, being of service, opening mind, willingness to go extra mile, conscious biz strategy, communication, leadership based on principles, integrity, vulnerability, truth, wisdom, compassion, innovation, redefining success and prosperity)
-Prayer (2 parts to prayer; Petition & Performance. Hit me if you’d like clarity or more on this)
-Play (all the things that brings joy :)
-Nature, this is one of my favorites. Barefoot in the sand, ocean, forest, hot springs, park, anything wild and raw -I’m there.

Engaging the Heart and Gut Brain leads to living more On-Purpose, Authenticity, True Fulfillment, Inner Peace and Inner Fortitude, Clarity, Discernment, More Aligned Partnering (Personal & Professional), Inner Calm, Joy, and Knowing.

The results are profound. This is the fundamental work that leads to abundance attraction, partner attraction, opportunities, healing, growth, making better decisions, breaking unhealthy patterns, all the good things, and so simple to include in our daily routines. Slowing down even for just a few minutes each day to give love and gratitude to Our Hearts and Gut for their Endless Support, Wisdom and Guidance.

How’s this land with you? Do you like the idea of engaging Your Heart and Gut Brain? Does this sound weird and woo woo ;) ? How do you get into your Heart and or Gut Brain, and what Benefits or Challenges to you Experience?

So much love ❤️🔥

I Am Blessed ❤️ If the people in my life are a reflection of who I am and how I’m showing up, I Am the Richest Man in th...

I Am Blessed ❤️

If the people in my life are a reflection of who I am and how I’m showing up, I Am the Richest Man in the World.

These times can feel scary, like the ground has been pulled out. I honor that, and I also would like to honor our collective gratitude, wisdom, discernment and and trust.

Isn’t it fun all the excitement? Let’s be real, we get a little charge out of the drama.

To balance this I’ve been catching up on a lot of cleaning, organizing home projects and all the things that benefit from organization I’ve not tended to, and especially Gratitude lists. Lately my gratitude lists have included check-ins with fear. So I write what I’m Grateful for, and what if anything am I afraid of. Putting both of these in paper is such a powerful exercise. We get to see so clearly how blessed we are as well as what exactly we’re afraid of. Once we get clear on these, the boogie man fears remove their mask and turn into vulnerable little weeds we can appreciate and pluck from the thought-garden.

Isn’t it funny how our fears can turn into such menacing giants? And how our blessings we should be so grateful for shrink into tiny unnoticeable rubbish? We can laugh at this and give ourselves a rebalancing opportunity, and healing. The power of this is almost unexplainable. Body gets lighter, worries lessen and sometimes totally dissolve, communication improves, outlook improves, love trust and joy radiate, abundance is attracted, direction is received, sleep is (massively) improves, more laughs and smiles... lots of good things.

What are you fearing? And what are you Grateful for? Please share and share your process too -if that feels good.

So much love ❤️

Breathing In. I see the element Earth in me, the element Air in me. I see Clouds, Snow, Rain and Rivers in me. I see the...

Breathing In. I see the element Earth in me, the element Air in me. I see Clouds, Snow, Rain and Rivers in me. I see the Atmosphere, Wind and Forests in me, the Mountains and Oceans in me. I see the Earth in me.

Breathing Out, I smile to the Earth in me. I Am One with Mother Earth, the most beautiful planet in our Solar System. ❤️🙏🏽
-Thich Nhat Hanh

How do you breath? What are you grateful for right now?


impromptu camera test -hanging out with my better half, scouting locations a couple weeks ago, having fun 🤓

having fun has been good medicine to introduce into my daily experience. like a conscious multi vitamin.

letting go of self judgement, feelings of image guilt or shame. inviting & welcoming in self love, self respect, self approval and FUN.

I’m sure in many ways this sounds small and yet feels like such a major shift (for me) on the inside. this shift is shaking up so many aspects of my entire life; career, how i show up in collaboration, relationships, presence, outlook and inner joy & self respect. also, this little shift has created more awareness around flow, feeling into what feels right for me -so less time indoors in sterile office settings and more time working remotely, in inspiring settings and in nature. also more time with the men and friends that I love and actually recharge me in so many ways.

what shifts are you making that your feeling good about?

Honor of the Ancient KingIngonyama is Zulu for ‘Lion’.  However the meaning of the word goes much deeper than simple nam...

Honor of the Ancient King
Ingonyama is Zulu for ‘Lion’. However the meaning of the word goes much deeper than simple name. It also refers to a natural position of power of kingly power and leadership. To those of us in the modern culture Ingonyama represents the original Lion King. He is the spirit of the Divine Masculine who appears to actively right the wrongs of the world.

In addition to protecting and defending the Divine Feminine Ingonyama comes through us to help conquer procrastination hesitation doubt fear and inertia. He uses his mental sword of discernment integrity and strength to defend what is worthy. He does not come to dominate and oppress the world. Instead he moves powerfully through the world from a place of inner spiritual connection with the Sacred Feminine, who is always revealing the way.

The awakening, healing and strengthening of the Divine Masculine energy within us all is at hand. It is critical to heal the masculine within so that we may dynamically outwardly express integrity, purpose, protection and justice in the world.

Use your voice, courage and wisdom to shine your light into the world to uplift and inspire others. This is not a time to diminish our light or ‘play small’. Now is the time to stand in our truth and know what it means to be truly empowered.

If you have been doubting yourself or are feeling unworthy of the boldness of your visions connect with the spirit Ingonyama and Roar! Allow this connection to awaken your boldness and courage so that you can firmly but gently stand your ground and take your power back!

Lions can rest for up to 20 hours a day to conserve energy so that it may be used effectively when the time is right. If you associate leadership with hard work sacrificing your needs to fulfill the needs of others Ingonyama appears to let us know that it is time to do away with that!

We serve ourselves and others best when we are in a place of well being. When we take time to fill our own cup through rest, mediation and fun we return to our duties with a clear mind and renewed vitality. From this position we are able to accomplish our tasks with ease + efficiency.

How’s this sit with you?




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