See what happens when you no call no show to the @detentionwithnurds #podcast you get roasted… or complimented??? If you’re not tuning in to our live shows your definitely missing out on a lot exclusive content.. like this lil bit we did on our after show #thebearback so make sure you join us every Monday on #twitch at 8pm MST.
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #podcaster #podcasting #denverpodcast #denverinfluencer #denver #colorado #nurd #nerd #nurdcon #marvel #anime #gaming #nintendo #denvermusic
When the intern forgets about you… so you let @garyquintana1986 roast him.
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasting #podcaster #denverpodcast #denverinfluencer #nurd #nerd #fanexpodenver #marvel #anime #gaming #nintendo
Aunt Rita like to pretend like she ain’t with the #f**kgary movement but we all know that she’ll be the first to get down to a f**k Gary chant cause we all know it’s f**k Gary so on the count of 3 I need everyone to type f**k Gary out in the #comments
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #podcaster #denverpodcast #denverinfluencer #denver #colorado #fanexpodenver #nurd #nerd #marvel #anime #videogames #pokemon #nintendo #xbox #playstation
If you missed last weeks episode make sure you go back and check it out! Find out why our sound guy started cramping up during the show! Make sure you tune in this week for a special 2 part episode of #detentionwithnurds
#denverpodcast #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasting #podcastlife #denver #colorado #denverinfluencer #nurd #nerd #fanexpodenver #marvel #anime #pokemon #tcg #pokemontcg #influencer
We got a little saying that we like to say around here at nurds worldwide and it goes a little something like…..
Make sure you tune in tonight to the @nurdswrldwide @detentionwithnurds podcast live on #twitch at 8pm mst.
You don’t wanna miss this one we got a special guest for y’all tonight!
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #podcaster #denverpodcast #denverinfluencer #nurd #nurdcon #nurdcon2022 #nurdsworldwide #anime #gaming #kardashian #kimkardashian
My sure you check out this weeks episode of the #numberone #podcast in all the #multiverse to find out the exciting conclusion to @detentionwithnurds . @truelifeimmako @tronnimbus
#podcastlife #podcastersofinstagram #denverpodcasts #denver #colorado #nurd #nurdcon #denvercommunity #anime #movies #marvel #dccomics #gaming #denverinfluencer
We have this guy on our podcast we call him the marvel expert but you can call him On this weeks episode of the podcast you can hear his #nonspoilerreview of #marvelstudios newest movie #drstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness make sure you tune in this Friday to see his full review :)
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #podcaster #denverpodcast #denver #colorado #nurd #nurdcon #nurdsworldwide #detentionwithnurds #comics #movies #moviereview #nerd #dccomics
If you didn’t know we do a live show every Monday at 8pm mst on #twitch just search Nurd Worldwide and you’ll find us :p and if you show up early… or late you might be able to catch gems like this. @truelifeimmako @tronnimbus
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlife #denverpopculturecon #denver #denverpodcast #colorado #denvercolorado #nurds #nurdsworldwide #detentionwithnurds #nurdcon #comics #comiccon #pokemon #anime
Guess what everyone… we finally got invited on to our first podcast! After nearly 4 years in the game we final made it! We were lucky enough to get invited on to @level7games podcast on #maythe4thbewithyou and I’m sure you know we talked about #starwars :p make sure you check this episode out and give ‘em a follow!
#denverstores #denverpodcast #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasting #podcastlife #denver #colorado #gaming #nurd #nurdcon #retro #retrogaming #playstation #xbox #nintendo
Is the moon singing your song?
@truelifeimmako @tronnimbus
#nurdcon #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasting #denver #colorado #denverpodcast #nurd #convention #kidcudi #sonic #sonicmovie2
Remember the time the guys from @weareyoungcreatives gave some advice to @tronnimbus about how to let someone youre getting to know, know your a huge ass #NURD. Haha make sure you check out their stuff and give em a follow @juansfilm @riley.mobz
#podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasters #podcasting #denverpodcast #denver #colorado #creatives #film #musician #photographer #photographer
What’s do yall think the #avengers think about JC, according from the @nurdcave Captain America is Christian and his big bad is Mephisto ;p
#marvel #captanamerica #mcu #mephisto #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasters #denver #colorado #denverpodcast #comics #comiccon #fanexpodenver #marvelcomics #dc #pokemon