Calling All Angels Radio Show

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  • Calling All Angels Radio Show

Calling All Angels Radio Show Calling All Angels Radio Show is a live call in show on the Law of Attraction Radio Network on Saturdays @ 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific time.


The Calling All Angels Radio Show is being discontinued. It has been our pleasure to bring you this show.

We wish you a joyous holiday season and a fantastic 2018.



The Card of the Week for December 2nd through December 8th, from the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards, is Your Inner Guidance Is Real and Trustworthy.

When your guts are screaming out to you to take a different path, follow your guts. When something doesn't feel right, it isn't. When something feels better, it is.

You will have more and better intuitive hits this coming week. Louder. More frequent. Easier to understand.

Your job is to listen.

Kelly Hampton

Happy Friday, Angels,

Janine and I are Celebrating Our First Anniversary of the Calling All Angels Radio Show!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️😇👼

Have you had as much fun as we have?????????????????

Join us tomorrow (Saturday), as we welcome Kelly Hampton to the show to discuss 2018 Prophesies!

Here's her bio:

Kelly Hampton is a second-wave Pleiadian and spiritual Alchemist here to anchor the Christ grid of Ascension. She is also a renowned author, channel, a gifted medium, animal communicator and energy healer. Since 2010, she is also the founder of multiple 5thD ground-breaking healing systems given to her by Archangel Michael including STAR HEALING INTERGALACTIC ENERGY™, Star Healing Equine™, Star Healing for Small Animals which some are calling THE most powerful healing systems on the planet. These systems are responsible for releasing a huge range of physical and emotional ailments including all types of pain, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, addictions, allergies and much more. The Christed intergalactics channel light language during every Star Healing Intergalactic Energy TM session, remove implants, etheric fears and much much more. She is also the founder of Ascended Spaces™ from Archangel Michael—the angel’s answer to feng shui--for creating abundance in our New Earth. She certifies practitioners in all of these modalities worldwide with practitioners currently in six countries.

She has appeared alongside many of the world’s most accomplished speakers, healers, psychics and authors including Gregg Braden, Lisa Williams, Marianne Williamson. She is also the founder of DOMINION, the new astrology-astronomy system for the New Millennium from Archangel Michael since 2015. She is the author of INTO THE WHITE LIGHT: THE REVELATIONS OF ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, 2012 AND BEYOND: THE TRUTH FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, and her latest release THE BOOK OF ANIMALS: Healing Wisdom from Archangel Michael. She also leads spiritual retreats and training workshops in the U.S. and soon in Toyko. You may follow Kelly on social media including subscribing to her utube channel:

Join us @ 11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific. Callers always welcome. Web conferencing link . US call in numbers 408-638-0968 or 646-558-8656, Meeting Code 187-641-621. International call-in numbers on website

I was 21 when I realized I could communicate with my mom, who had passed some seven years earlier. That set me on a quest to understand the unseen, to learn ...

Calling All Angels - The Gratitude Show

Due to technical difficulties that the LOA Radio Network is now addressing, last Saturday's show, The Gratitude Show, is not yet available on the LOA Radio Network, iTunes or Stitcher. However, here is a venue that was unaffected by the technical snafu, and we are grateful that at least this venue was not affected. .

We are grateful for your patience, and hope you'll agree that this was worth waiting for.

In the meantime, let's call in ALL ANGELS for the LOA Radio Network so that technical issues are resolved in the best way for all involved.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!😇😇❤️❤️

In the wake of Thanksgiving and Black Friday, Janine and Michael discuss gratitude as an integral part of the Law of Attraction and of all mystical practices. Plus, everything that they are thankful for, including failing televisions! Enjoy their unique brand of humor & insight -- you'll be grateful...


The Card of the Week for November 25 - December 1st is, from the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards, Innocence 👶.

This card reminds us to neither feel guilty this week nor to judge others. Instead, remember that when we look past the illusions that we have created, we are all one and we are all God. Innocent and perfect spiritual emanations of the One.


The Card of the Week for November 11, 2017 through November 17th, from the Messages From Your Angels Oracle Card, is Bridgette.

This angel advises us that, in a major situation that we may be facing this week, to act with caution. Things may not be as we see them, and we need to look further and use both our Intuitive and analytical mind before acting.


Calling All Angels Radio Show's cover photo


The Card of the Week for November 4th through November 10th is, from the Archangel Michael Oracle Cards, Self Respect. This week, make a point of seeing yourself with great love and respect. Remember who you are, a beloved and indispensable part of our Creator. Do not disparage yourself or take seriously any attempt by others to do so. Without being someone's doormat, turn the other cheek and know your own worth -- which is immeasurable.


The Card of the Week for October 28th through November 3, 2017, from the Mary, Mother of Angels Oracle Cards, is Blessings.

The message on the card says it all.


The Card of the Week for October 14th - October 20th is the Three of Summer. The equivalent card in a traditional or Rider Waite tarot deck is the Three of Cups.

This is a card of celebration. Some joyous event, like a birth, an engagement, a wedding, or the like is "in the cards" for this week. And you and your friends will be in a celebratory spirit as a result.

A joyous card for a joyous week.


The Card of the Week for October 7th through October 13th is, from the Fairy Tarot Cards, the Nine of Summer. The equivalent card in a traditional or Rider Waite tarot deck is the Nine of Cups.

This card is one of happiness and abundance. Magical things happen to and for you, as the world conspires to surprise and delight you this week.

Enjoy this time as your fairies, angels and guides shower you with love.


The Card of the Week for September 23rd through September 30th is, from the Fairy Tarot Cards, the Seven of Autumn. The equivalent card in a traditional or Rider Waite tarot deck is the Seven of Pentacles.

This card counsels us that we may be impatient or not feeling satisfied with our work. However, efforts will pay off with a little time, patience and prudence. Don't take any precipitous actions. Instead, plan calmly and carefully, and know that your efforts will pay off.

Your Multiple Souls - How They Direct Your Creativity, Genius, Complexity, and Moods

Happy day, Angels,

On this Saturday's Calling All Angels Radio Show (September 23rd), Janine and Michael will welcome back Ruth Rendely ( to the show to discuss how humans can have multiple souls! Check out her book Your Multiple Souls.

11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain, 8AM Pacific.

If you'd like to listen to the show live or ask Ruth questions, the easiest way to do so is by web conferencing:

Otherwise, you can call in from the US (408) 638 0968 or +(646) 558 8656
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

Often when some breakthrough in science or technology occurs, several individuals, unbeknownst to each other, simultaneously arrive at the same conclusions. For the past twenty-five years Ruth Rendely has been waiting to see if someone else would come forward with the revolutionary discoveries ab...


The Cards of the Week for September 16th through September 22nd, from the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards, are Athena and Merlina. These angels are telling us as a joint message that we have been, or run the risk of being, indecisive 🤷‍♀️. We need to understand our power and exercise it in loving ways, and to do so, and to overcome our indecision about doing so, we need to do more research about how and what actions we need to take.

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Happy Saturday, Angels,

In less than 3 hours, the show will be recorded live and you can take part! Janine is vacationing in Morocco so Michael and Jim Bencie will lead a discussion From the Heart. Among the topics to be discussed will be heartbreak, feeling attacked, and A Course in Miracles. Call in or participate by web conferencing to talk about these subjects or any other spiritual or metaphysical ones -- or ask for a reading.

11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific.

Easiest way to take part: click on

By telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

Zoom makes video and web conferencing frictionless. Founded in 2011, Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with a secure, easy platform for video and audio conferencing, messaging, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-base...


The Card of the Week for September 9th through September 15th is, from the Fairy Tarot Cards, the King of Autumn. The equivalent card in a traditional or Rider Waite tarot deck is the King of Pentacles.

This is a week where your charisma, gifts and compassion rule. Things will break your way this week as long as you choose to be bold and assertive. You are a powerful force for good, so don't yield. Instead, show off your gifts and charm, and lead the world with positivity, courage and love.


Happy Friday, Angels! As Janine is away (flying to Morocco), Michael will play. Tomorrow's show will be something of a potpourri, with the opportunity for more of our listeners and web participants to discuss whatever spiritual and metaphysical topics they wish.

You, the listeners, will be in charge.

11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain and 8am Pacific.

Be part of the show!


The Card of the Week for September 2nd through September 8th is, from the Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards, Archangel Gabrielle.

The Archangel tells us that we have important missions to fulfill in communications and the arts. Indeed, life purposes involving communications and the arts, and that we should call on whenever we are feeling insecure about it.

This is not just a life purpose, but is our heightened focus this week.

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Greetings, Angels. On tomorrow's Calling All Angels Radio Show, Janine and Michael welcome claircognizant artist Kathy Schipper ( to discuss her Soul Essence paintings, which can be her interpretation of anything from someone's Higher Self to their Soul Family to their Totem Spirit Animals. She'll talk about how she channels these beautiful works from the heart and spirit.

As usual, the show is on Saturday at 11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific. Take part live by webconference:

Or dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

And if you can't join the live show, listen later on iTunes ( or other podcast sources, or listen wherever the Law of Attraction Radio Network broadcasts.

Come join the fun!

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Happy Friday, Angels. Join Janine and Michael on tomorrow's show as they discuss Love and Michael does readings for listeners and some lucky people who request them in a chosen Facebook group.

11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific.

Easiest way to join is by web conferencing --
just click

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

If you can't make it during the live recording, listen later on iTunes or other podcast sources at your convenience.

But the real fun is joining the show live!

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.

Calling All Angels Radio Show

Join Janine and Michael tomorrow (August 26th) as they discuss Love and Michael does readings for callers and some other lucky people! 11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain, and 8AM Eastern. Web conferencing and call in info below.

Join the fun!

Greetings, Angels!

Here's the call in or video in information for all of our shows through December 9th! (8am Pacific, 11am Eastern, GMT - 5:00)

CAA Instructions for connecting to the show: Smartphones and tablets (iOS, Android):

Prior to the start, please download the free Zoom App by searching for “Zoom Cloud Meetings” in the app store.
iOS - a few minutes before the show starts tap the Private Meeting URL below. (If this method doesn't work follow the directions for Android)
Android - a few minutes before the show starts tap the icon to open the Zoom app, select Join Meeting, then enter the Private Meeting ID listed below.
CAA Instructions for connecting to the show: Computers (Mac, Windows, Linux):

Prior to the start, please download the free “Zoom Client for Meetings” plug-in. Please click this link to download.
A few minutes before the show starts click the Private Meeting URL below; you will automatically join the session.
New ID 187-641-621
This will be good until December 9th

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,252779966 # or +16465588656,252779966 #

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:

And if for some reason you can't listen or take part live, simply subscribe to the Calling All Angels Radio Show on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio and other outlets, or listen on demand the Show's page on the Law of Attraction Radio Network:

About Mona Rain – Chacaruna Healing, Shamanic Teachings & Journeys; Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teacher & Lineage Carrier

Happy Friday, Angels! Join Janine and as she welcomes back to the show one of her spiritual mentors, Mona Rain and Mona's mentor, Don Pepe, as they discuss Shamainc Healing.

Mona is a healer, teacher, and curandera for over 25 years who brodges ancient shamanic traditions. Her life and work embody assisting others in discovering vital bridges both within and outside themselves, creating opportunities for healing the body, mind, heart, and Spirit. Her work allows her clients to safely access their deep recesses of self-empowerment for the creation of personal transformations.

Mona is a Sanctioned Teacher & lineage carrier in Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Cross-Cultural Shamanic Arts for personal and planetary renewal, originated by don Oscar Miro-Quesada.
Shamanic vision quests, pilgrimages & initiations, ceremonies upon the lands of Turtle Island (North America) and Heart Island (South America), practices of indigenous medicine people, and the wisdom of sacred medicine plants inform her shamanic practice today.

Mona maintains a private shamanic healing practice in Boynton Beach, Florida & in Cuzco, Peru. She offers Pachakuti Mesa Tradition one-day workshops, as well as the 5-Part PMT Apprenticeship Series. Additional offerings include individual mentoring & coaching, exploration of the divine feminine, drumming circles, ceremony, and Ecuadorian fire cleansings. When in Peru, Mona offers Spiritual Vision Quests and tours, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Trainings and Paqowachu’s, communion with sacred plant allies, shamanic healing, and distance healings for those who are unable to visit Heart Island, but are called to receive the medicine of the sacred lands with her Peruvian shaman, don Pepe.

Don Pepe (Pepe Arancibia), a native of Cuzco, Peru is an accomplished & highly experienced shaman-curandero & spiritual tour guide. For nearly 30 years Pepe has trekked the lands of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and the Amazon. don Pepe speaks Spanish, English and Quechua (ancient language of the Inca) fluently. At the young age of 11, he taught himself English and began guiding the tourists throughout the streets of Cuzco, working for tips.

Throughout his career, he has worked alongside anthropologists and archeologists with many well known sites – Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, Choquequiro, and in the Sacred Valley, Killa-Rumiyok, and many more.. He has traveled extensively and led groups into well traveled – and not so traveled – tourists paths throughout all Peru.

During his years as a guide, Don Pepe has developed intimate connections with the campesinos and indigenous populations, including the remote villages of the Q’ero peoples, and the Amazon. He is often called upon as a liaison to promote and foster harmony within the providences and governing principals, including several jungle areas, Manu Park and the Shipibo of the Amazon rainforests.

Having the gift of vision and other realities beyond our waking world from the early age of 5 years old, it is no surprise that don Pepe has an exemplary connection with the spirits of the land, Pachamama and the Apus, the sacred coca leaf, and the plant medicines of the highlands and the rainforests. He is able to masterfully navigate others’ experiences while working with the wisdom of the plant medicines in ceremony and healings through the seen and unseen realities with stunning clarity.

Don Pepe is well respected and loved by all for his gentle, highly intuitive and caring personality, and his sharing of his wisdom and prayers with the lands of Peru and beyond. Don Pepe is truly a spiritually dedicated earth steward serving Pachamama and all of Her beings in this auspicious epoch of Gaia.

This show is not to be missed!

11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Central.

Easiest way to join: Click

Or dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

As a healer, teacher, and curandera for over 25 years, shamanic practitioner Mona Rain is gifted in bridging ancient shamanic traditions and holistic healing practices. Her life and work emb…

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Happy Friday, Angels. Janine and Guest Host Jim Bencie will be welcoming Life Skills Coach, Kris Wright, of VIBEWright Solutions, on Saturday, August 12th to discuss aligning with and tapping into your higher self. They will explore the potential that lies within you and discuss taking inspired action to live your best life!

11AM Eastern, 10AM Mountain, 9AM Central and 8AM Pacific. Best way to take part is to click here and join by webconferencing:

Otherwise, take part by telephone: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

And next week, Mona Rain returns to the show with her mentor, Don Pepe! More details to come.

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.


The Card of the Week for August 5th through August 11th is, from the Angel Tarot Cards, the Three of Water. The equivalent card in a traditional or Rider Waite tarot deck is the Three of Cups.

This signifies a week of delight. Of celebration. Of good times. Forget the winter of our discontent -- now is the time for laughter, dance and song. Don't be of good cheer -- be of great cheer. And include friends and loved ones in this party week. 🍾😎🎉

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Happy Friday, Angels. For tomorrow's Calling All Angels Radio Show, Janine and Michael will discuss Archangel Haniel, and Michael will do readings. 11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific.
New ID 187-641-621

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:…

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.


The Card of the Week for July 29th to August 4th, from the Messages From Your Angels Oracle Cards, is Arielle.

This angel tells of new psychic and spiritual experiences that are going to rock our worlds. These experiences are going to be so profound that they will change the way we look at everything. Just be open to them -- and take time to study, pray and meditate to allow these truths to permeate your soul.

Calling All Angels Radio Show

Happy Friday, Angels. For tomorrow's Calling All Angels Radio Show, Michael and Guest Host Jim Bencie will welcome Dr. Jenn Royster to the show. Brief description below:

Dr Jenn is an internationally known Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer and Host of The Jenn Royster Show, a popular international radio show since 2010, syndicated throughout 135 countries to millions of listeners.
Jenn is well known for her innovative style in Intuitive Readings, Angel Guidance, Energy Healing, and Intuitive Painting.
Her education includes Doctor of Divinity, Ordained Spiritual Minister, Metaphysics, and Reiki Master.

Episode Topic: Manifesting and Miracles with Archangel Raziel

Jenn Royster shares insights and her personal experiences of working with archangel Raziel, and how you can work with this angel too.
Raziel’s name means: “secrets of God”. An interesting, yet mysterious angel to work with that knows how to attract miracles into your life. By tapping into the magic of manifesting, we discover the best parts of ourselves.
The place where true happiness lives within us.

Link for FREE GIFT:

About free Gift:
Energy healing focuses on restoring the energy behind what manifests physically, mentally, and emotionally in our lives.

This FREE Gift includes 5 lessons and an mp3 audio guided meditation on how to clear and heal your own energy field.

11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Central. The easiest way to join us is to click this link:

Or By Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 187-641-621
International numbers available:

Join us!

Calling All Angels Radio Show is a live call in show on the Law of Attraction Radio Network on Saturdays @ 11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific time.


The Card of the Week for July 22nd through July 28th, from the Messages From Your Angels Oracle Cards, is Omega.

This angel tells us that this week our desires come to fruition. Something you have been working towards and longing for for ages finally comes to pass.

Rejoice, and then roll with this momentum towards more and more of what you desire.

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Happy Friday, Angels,

On tomorrow's Calling All Angels Radio Show, Janine & Michael will discuss Love and Grace, and Michael will do readings for listeners.

Join in the fun! 11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific. The easiest way is to simply click

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 397-487-644

International numbers available:…

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.


The Card of the Week for July 15th through July 21st, from the Fairy Tarot Cards, is The High Priestess.

This powerful major arcana card let's us know that this week will be focused on the inner world. This is all about intuition, the spiritual, and the esoteric.

We need to take time this week and look deeply within. Listen and learn as we tune out external noise. Study ancient secrets and thirst for truth.

In the quiet are the answers ...

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Happy Friday, Angels,

Tomorrow's show will feature guest Darrell Fusaro, a cartoonist, speaker, author and co-host of Funniest Thing with Darrell and Ed.

The topic for the show is Abundance In Its Many Forms.

11am Eastern, 10am Central, 9am Mountain and 8am Pacific. Other time zones available on the FB page.

Easiest way to join: click on

And if you can't join us, catch the podcast later on iTunes, Player FM and other sources of quality podcasts.


Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.


The Card of the Week for July 8th through July 14th, from the Angel Tarot Cards, is Justice. This card, with Archangel Raguel, is telling us that we must focus this week on doing what is right, fair and just.

We can always make excuses for our conduct. We can always rationalize. This card is telling us not to do that. When others go low, we go high. We do not concern ourselves with what others may do. We are to better than the lowest common denominator. We must be fair to all, be honest in our dealings, and true to ourselves.

No name calling. No blame. No excuses. This card is not instructing us to be judgmental. Rather, it is telling us to be better versions of ourselves. The best that we can possibly be. It is our task to make sure that we keep the scales of justice balanced.

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting now

Greetings, Angels. The remarkable Julie Ryan (, the host of the Ask Julie Ryan show on the Law of Attraction Radio Network, will join Janine and Michael tomorrow, Saturday July 8th, to discuss her new book, Angelic Attendants. Your view of death and dying will never be the same after listening to Julie!

11AM Eastern, 10AM Central, 9AM Mountain and 8AM Pacific.

The best way to join us is to click on this link:
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 397-487-644
International numbers available:…

Otherwise, you can listen to the podcast of the show later on iTunes and other sources.

Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, and cross platform group chat into one easy-to-use platform. Our solution offers the best video, audio, and screen-sharing experience across Zoom Rooms, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and H.323/SIP room systems.


The Cards of the Week for July 1st through July 7th are, from the Angel Tarot Cards, The Hermit and The High Priestess. These are the two most powerfully contemplative cards in the tarot, and they came out together.

In a week that features Canada Day and in the United States, Independence Day, these cards focus not on the raucous celebrations and firework, but instead on deep introspection and intuition. These are cards telling us about stepping back from the crowd, meditating and listening.

As both male and female arose from the deck, it also speaks of merging and blending the male and female elements in all of us. Remember, you are not male. You are not female. You are God. The complete and total I AM.



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