Pro Israel

Pro Israel A pro Israeli group A pro Israeli group. Please note that this group has no formal political stand whatsoever, but only a group that in general is pro-Israeli.

We welcome every opinion\political standing as long as it is pro Israeli and non-racist. We would just like to clarify a few points about posting comments, photos, statements and so on:

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So the  Clown of Canada announce, that they won't send weapons to Israel. Funny, because Canada didn't anyway. Instead h...

So the Clown of Canada announce, that they won't send weapons to Israel. Funny, because Canada didn't anyway. Instead he forgot to mention, that it is the other way around ;)

But anyway, how stupid is the West? All that Canada should have said was: We won't send anything to Gaza! Instead Israel has to pay the price for the massacre of the Hamas. Sick left wing logic!

The minister's announcement forgot to mention that in the last decade, the Canadian Defense Ministry purchased Israeli weapon systems worth more than a billion dollars.

Photo: brainwashed Arab (Palestinian) children The red triangle in the so called Palestinian flag is nothing but a symbo...

Photo: brainwashed Arab (Palestinian) children

The red triangle in the so called Palestinian flag is nothing but a symbol of r**e, violence and terror. It's a horrible warning ⚠️ sign to the world.
Whereever you see that red triangle you immediately feel unsafe, you'll hear those with that flag screaming and looting.
This red triangle destroys the lives of their own children. They get brainwashed with barbaric hatred.

By the way, it's ironic but Hamas doesn't fight for a Palestinian state. The ideology of Islam is to create a worldwide Kaliphate, where Islam is the dominant religion.

Watch this moving testimony of one hostage from October 7th

Watch this moving testimony of one hostage from October 7th

Israeli mom Yarden Roman-Gat saved her child from Hamas captivity, but spent 54 days in Gaza after the Oct. 7 massacre. Her mother-in-law was killed in the a...


Iran keeps the nuclear deal as serious as it respects the rights of women.


תנועת אם תרצו

תנועת אם תרצו

"ילדים בארץ ישראל של העתיד ילמדו אודותינו, ואנו נהיה להם מופת לאומץ לב".
בבוקר ה-19 באפריל 1943 פסח תש"ג, נכנסו כוחות אס אס וחיל רגלים אל הגטו. הם נתקלו באש שנפתחה עליהם מעמדות שונות. טנק שהוכנס לגטו הוצת וחסם את התנועה.
מוביל הכוחות ומפקד כוח האס-אס דיווח כי כוחותיו נסוגים וכי הוא סובל מפצועים והרוגים. האחראי על מבצע חיסול הגטו, גנרל יורגן שטרופ, שחרר אותו מתפקידו ותפס את הפיקוד על המבצע לדיכוי המרד. עם כוח גדול שארגן מחדש נכנס שטרופ אל כיכר מוראנובסקה. שם הופתע להיתקל באש כה עזה, עד שנאלץ להביא כוחות תגבור נוספים לאזור.
ברחוב מוראנובסקה שכנה מפקדת הארגון הצבאי היהודי אצ"י שמנה כמאתיים לוחמים תחת פיקודם של פאבל פרנקל וליאון רודאל שנפלו בקרב, נפלו לא ניספו.
רגע לפני צאתם לקרב נאם מפקד האצ"י פאבל פרנקל בפני לוחמיו :
"מלחמתנו כאשר תבוא, ולא משנה כמה קצרה תהא, לא תישכח!
אנו נחיה בדפי ההיסטוריה היהודית! ילדים בארץ ישראל של העתיד ילמדו אודותינו ואנו נהיה להם מופת לאומץ לב... רובנו ניפול בקרב אך אנו נחיה, בחייהם ובלבם של הדורות הבאים...".
הגנרל הנאצי יורגן שטרופ שדיכא באכזריות חולנית את המרד בוורשה רואיין בסיום המלחמה לפני הוצאתו להורג ואמר את הדברים הבאים: " כיכר מוראנובסקה הייתה מקום בו התגוננו לוחמי הגטו בעקשנות הגדולה ביותר...".
(מתוך ספרו של משה ארנס שני דגלים מעל לגטו)
לחימה זו מתוארת הזה בקטע הקצר הזה מתוך הסרט התקוממות.

קרדיט לAmichai Chikli,


17 rockets launched from Gaza, IAF bombed targets, 1 IDF officer killed another one injured, 7 terrorists dead.

Eretz Yisrael

Eretz Yisrael

With the U.S. gone, it's up to UN Watch alone to call out the dictators. Allotted only 90 seconds, Hillel Neuer asked:
"Why is...
🇸🇾 Syria now Chair of UN Disarmament?
🇮🇷 Iran on UN Women?
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia on 3 different women's rights bodies?
🇹🇷 Turkey on the UN Committee on NGOs?
🇱🇾 Qaddafi Prize founder Jean Ziegler on the UN Human Rights Council?"

Credit: UN Watch


Orit Arfa - אורית ארפא

I need to publicly thank a wonderful man who made my speech possible. Boldt Andreas has stood by my side whenever I needed to publish or say something of note in German. While I (tried) to write it in German, he spent significant time with me over Skype (in between a full time job and family) to fix/edit/translate in words that are authentic to me. He is one of Israel's best friends, and mine too. He is the definition of friendship and a righteous among the nations. Please support him by liking his Freundschaft Deutschland-Israel page. Together we are stronger. (Pictured at the memorial for the victims of Islamic terror at the 2016 Berlin Christmas market).

You can watch/read the speech here:

No Palestine on Turkish Map of Middle East

The Ottoman empire was occupying what’s today Israel for about 400 years until WWI.

On maps in that time there is no „Palestine“ and we don’t find a „Palestinian“ nation in any book of that time. It all was invented after as a tool to demonize the indigenous people in Israel: the Jews.

The Ottoman empire was occupying what’s today Israel for about 400 years until WWI. On maps in that time there is no „Palestine“ and we don’t find a „Palestinian& #8220…


If you want to support Palestine, buy goods made in Palestine.


Israel - Historical Photos & Information

Pan Temple in Banias then and now.
In the upper picture immediately after the entry of IDF forces in 1967.
One of the most prominent things everywhere is the development of vegetation ...

מקדש פאן בבניאס אז והיום.
בתמונה העליונה מיד אחרי כניסת כוחות צה"ל בשנת 1967.
אחד הדברים הבולטים בכל מקום אליו הגענו הוא התפתחות הצמחיה...

I said Israel should be ashamed – now I am the one who is ashamed

I failed to acknowledge that, either way, Israel would be giving Hamas what it wanted. Shoot at those charging at you and Hamas would have its martyrs. Fail to shoot and Hamas would break through the barrier and bring suffering and death – its stated aim - to Israelis living only a few hundred metres away from that barrier. The march may have originally been, as it was declared to be, about Palestinians returning to the homes they had to leave 70 years before. But Hamas’s aim was far more straightforward - “We will take down the border and we will tear out their hearts from their bodies.”

On Tuesday Daniel Sugarman wrote an article on the clashes at the Gaza border. Today he acknowledges that he was wrong.


The Mossad revealed that Iran lied about it's intentions regarding it's nuclear plans.
Regardless, Europe today believes that the Iranian intentions today are different. 😂
Europe doesn't get it: They trusted Hi**er in the Munich Deal. They trust the Iranian Jews haters in the nuclear deal.
Do you see the pattern?


The German and the Jew 🇩🇪🇮🇱
Foto: David Ha'Ivri and me in Samaria. The company we are standing in front of employs about 120 people. About 50% of them are Arabs, or as they are called since 1967: Palestinians.
If the BDS movement would succeed to force that company to remove from the "Westbank", about 60 Palestinians would loose their jobs. At the same time they wouldn't get any job offer from the PA. Except to become a terrorist and get a monthly payment for murdering Jews.
Which option sounds more like COEXISTENCE?
Thanks David Ha'ivri for this tour and all you taught us!


In Muslim countries they can't kill Jews bec. the Jews have left, so they kill Christians in the Arab world, and Jews in France!


Israel Defense Forces

These are the F-16Is, F-15Is, and the pilots that attacked the Syrian nuclear facility in 2007

Almost Jewish

Almost Jewish

I wanna talk about that Arab guy...


Where is the Intifada?
Do you remember how the western media went crazy when Trump announced to move the embassy to Jerusalem?
They already saw the next Intifada coming. Peace would be impossible and the hell would be on earth.
Now, the Arabs refused peace with Israel for 70 years, I don't see how that could now be related to Trumps announcement.
And the Intifada? Well, the Arab threw some stones, made a terror attack here and there. But didn't we see that since even before the state of Israel was declared independent? Yea, we did.
The Intifada simplify didn't come.
The Arabs understand only a message full of strength and self confidence. Appeasing makes them strong, encourages violence.
Together we are stronger 🇮🇱🇩🇪


The UN didn't give the Jews a state. The UN simply agreed after 2000 years to finally accept the natural Jewish right to live in Israel.


The '67 borders
the UN and most of the international communities repeatedly demand, that Israel should go back to the '67 borders.
What does that mean?
Untill 1967 Jordan controlled Judea and Samaria. And Gaza was part of Egypt.
Gaza and the so called "West Bank" were not united and there was no single attemp to unite it or to establish a state of Palestine. Simply because there was no people that identified themselves as Palestinians.
Going back to the 67 borders means actually, to connect Gaza with Egypt and the "West Bank" to Jordan. That's how it was till '67. There was no Palestine ever in history. No one wanted it.
Greetings from Germany :*


Israel - Historical Photos & Information

הר תבור מכיוון נצרת. איור מאמצע המאה ה 19 (ממאגר הספרים של ספריית ניו יורק) ותמונה מ 2012 (באדיבות ג'יימי שפירו מכפר תבור)

Mount Tavor. A mid 19th-century drawing (NYC library) and a photo from 2012 taken by Jamie Shapiro from Kfar Tavor.


Mr Abbas, why is there such a huge wall surrounding your villa?
What do you fear? Your own people, because you know they hate you since you are so corrupt?
Isn’t this an apartheid wall?
Why do all those pro “Palestine” activists condemn the security wall that Israel built against Palestinian terror, ignore the wall that Abbas built around his villa to protect his stolen money?



In 1899, even the Arabs in the region recognized as absolute truth the ties of Jews to Jerusalem. Today, UNESCO votes on "whether" Jews have ties to Jewish holy sites.

An absurd and pathetic initiative from the Arab states in order to rewrite history. Utterly shameful that UNESCO would even entertain such a motion. Once again the UN is proving how useless and corrupt they really are.

What next? Saudi Arabia on the UN Human Rights Council? ...Oh wait, that already happened.


Orit Arfa - אורית ארפא

Orit Arfa - אורית ארפא

This Tel Aviv-Berlin music video is sure to get a lot of panties in a bunch. In fact, it already has. Some have already condemned the display of German-Israel PDAs at the Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, but what greater testament to a new era in German-Israel relations!
Read my novel, Underskin, for the full story about this Berlin-Tel Aviv romance.
Watch the YouTube version here:
Get Underskin here:



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