If you enjoy these videos, please be sure to thank our demo dancers whenever you see them and attend their events whenever you can. But don't forget that none of this would be possible without floor time. We are indebted to the San Diego Round Dance Festival, Palm Springs Roundup, USA West, and Curt and Tammy Worlock's Stardust Dance for giving us access to their dance floors to record these videos. Please support these events. Not all event managers are so generous. One event has forbidden us to record anything except showcases of the dances actually taught there. Another has attached strings that we feel would undermine our efforts. So, please thank and support our event hosts and demo dancers, without whom we could not do what we do. Merry Christmas from DanceDemos!
Back from Boot Camp. It was awesome! An added bonus - they spent quite some time on the very combinations that our 4/5 workshop group has been working on - Overspin Turn or Outside Spin to a Right Turning Lock. Now we need to go practice all the things we learned.
Another bonus. For those who haven't been to Stardust Dance in a while, there is now a huge Publix Market a couple of blocks away that has an enormous selection of ready-to-eat foods and an upstairs indoor/outdoor seating area. Very handy.