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Trammart News "To inform and engage the citizens of Independence, Oregon, by reporting with fairness and accuracy."

Trammart News is an independent news service in Oregon that reports on developing issues in Oregon, with a focus on the Willamette Valley and the City of Independence. Trammart's goal is to provide reliable coverage of city issues and regional developments that impact or affect the small town of Independence, Oregon. Mission statement: "To inform and engage the citizens of Independence, Oregon, by reporting with fairness and accuracy news and events that impact the public."

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. Aug 16, 2024. Link to 3 new articles--all part of the COMMUNICATIONS edition. 1) Comm...

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. Aug 16, 2024. Link to 3 new articles--all part of the COMMUNICATIONS edition. 1) Communication over & about the school bond & the city levy; 2) Communication tangles impact the Independence City Council over city levy; 3) Polk County Board of Commissioners demonstrate value of communication. Below & unrelated: Elena Pena (photo), force in this weekend's Fiesta! Starts tonight, emceed by son, Vidal. See you there. New articles here:

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. August 15, 2024. A man about town in so many ways: Billy Whisenant. He is comma...

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. August 15, 2024. A man about town in so many ways: Billy Whisenant. He is commander of American Legion Post 33 in Independence and an active supporter of the Heritage Museum. Last Saturday he helped preside over a Veteran of the Month ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial, at the corner of C and Main Street in Riverview Park. Tuesday night he gave public testimony in favor of a city levy that would include funding for the museum.


MID-WEEK MEMO Independence, Ore. August 14, 2024. Three new articles this Friday with a link to them right here. IT’S THE COMMUNICATIONS ISSUE, a look at how information is discussed and disseminated: 1) The school bond & the city levy; 2) Polk County Board of Commissioners ask for clarity & timeliness when requests are made to the board; 3) Clashes at Independence City Council meeting. If you missed last week’s stories, go here:

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. August 13, 2024. A 4-H or FFA floral display that looks good enough to eat. That'...

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. August 13, 2024. A 4-H or FFA floral display that looks good enough to eat. That's because there were cookies by the flower arrangement that seemed to match it, at the Polk County Fair on the last day this weekend. Congratulations for a great presentation. ANNOUNCEMENT: The school bond meeting was canceled last night and will be held tomorrow night, Wednesday. Check the CSD 13J website.

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. Aug. 12, 2024. It was the last WIM brunch of summer, with a special place to celebrat...

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. Aug. 12, 2024. It was the last WIM brunch of summer, with a special place to celebrate it--a coastal restaurant. From left, Dawn, Lacey, Meg, Norma. Lacey, organizer of the outings, announced the next one: Sept, 15, 10:30, Indy's own Gilgamesh. In right photo, are two stalwarts of AL Post 33, Steve R (L) & Marshall D (R), getting ready for last Saturday's Veteran of the Month, Army Lt. Leo Rice (MIA/KIA, inset). See more on this here Thursday.

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. August 11, 2024. Salem bicyclists are full of complimentary reasons about why they ma...

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. August 11, 2024. Salem bicyclists are full of complimentary reasons about why they make the trip across the Willamette to bike around town--they like the small-town feel and the panoramic view. Two-wheeled enthusiasts regularly travel from Oregon's capital city to start rides in Indy. Here a group of Salemites get ready to pedal from the parking lot In Riverview Park this past week.

FURRY, FEATHERED and FINNED FILE on Sunday Morning Independence, Ore. Aug 11, 2024. Beating the heat at the Polk County ...

FURRY, FEATHERED and FINNED FILE on Sunday Morning Independence, Ore. Aug 11, 2024. Beating the heat at the Polk County Fair yesterday, three pigs seemed to be in hog heaven ... sleeping and snoring. This fair is believed to be one of the most successful ever--the figures should be in soon, and Trammart News will keep you posted.

SATURDAY STROLL Independence, Ore. August 10, 2024. So what the heck are these orange cones doing all the way down Main ...

SATURDAY STROLL Independence, Ore. August 10, 2024. So what the heck are these orange cones doing all the way down Main Street from the north edge of Riverview Park to the turn-off for the dog park? They are marking off the detour for taking the river path from the park to the boat ramp. The city closed the path just past the Ash Creek Bridge for reconstruction and provided the cones, thanks to regular walker Mark W, who told the city council he thought they would be a good idea. They are!

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. Aug 9, 2024. A link to 3 new articles below. TOP: 1) Owners of 170-year-old farm sold...

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. Aug 9, 2024. A link to 3 new articles below. TOP: 1) Owners of 170-year-old farm sold the property rather than have a slice of it taken by the city's eminent domain effort (Pictured is co-owner Pat Henderson, who expressed sadness over the sale); 2) Central School District got some good news on a survey about a school bond; 3) Polk County Clerk Kim Williams' analysis of voter rolls quashes criticism of the process. Articles are here:

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. Aug. 8, 2024. Call him Chief aka "Batman." Sgt. Tino Banuelos was named to the ...

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. Aug. 8, 2024. Call him Chief aka "Batman." Sgt. Tino Banuelos was named to the top job, beginning 2025, when Chief Bob Mason retires. Banuelos has received recognition for community outreach. But it's his "Batman" rescue that earned fame a few years ago--capturing a home-invading bat with a bath towel for safe re-release. Underneath the top part of his uniform, which he had loosened, the sergeant was wearing a Batman tee shirt. (Photo: Indy & ODFW)


MID-WEEK MEMO Independence, Ore. Aug. 7, 2024. NOTE & FYI about Trammart News: TN's founder, Anne Scheck, worked at 5 newspapers & two wire services in LA--favorite reporting job? This one NOW! Three new articles to be posted Friday: 1) City's eminent domain effort for new water treatment plant hits a hitch; 2) Favorable data on a school bond--will it be placed on the November ballot?; 3) Report on Polk County election procedures. For last week's stories go to:

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. Aug. 6, 2024. When a reader asks, Trammart News listens! (OK, make that...tries t...

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. Aug. 6, 2024. When a reader asks, Trammart News listens! (OK, make that...tries to listen.) A viewer wanted an example of art by Sue Mason, whose recent profile by Lance Masterson (see link at end) was, well, masterful! What better way to show the weekly feature on bouquets than with this pottery by Ms. Mason, whose imaginative work is what TN calls practical magic. You can read about her at the link if you missed it Friday:

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. August 5, 2024. How lucky can one town get? Meet Jordan Perez (left) the new executiv...

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. August 5, 2024. How lucky can one town get? Meet Jordan Perez (left) the new executive director of the Luckiamute Watershed Council. He takes the helm at LWC after years of outdoor experience & managing projects in another state. Teacher Nathan Muti (right) taught an engaging introductory physics program this summer at Independence Elementary School. Look for articles on both local scientific contributors soon, in stories by Trammart News.

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. August 4, 2024. Some have called them semi-permanent fixtures on Gun Club Road, but t...

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. August 4, 2024. Some have called them semi-permanent fixtures on Gun Club Road, but they will be gone eventually. Refurbishment and new traffic installations are part of the upgrades planned for the street and intersection with Hoffman Road. Signage is plentiful on the street.


FURRY, FEATHERED and FINNED FILE on Sunday Morning Independence, Ore. Aug 4, 2024. Years ago, a scientific discovery that crows use tools got major attention. We in the Mid-Willamette Valley knew it along, right? Ask anyone who has deep roots in Indy, from those with Native American ancestry to homestead settlers, & they will tell the historic tales of crow know-how--like using sticks to pry into pies cooling on window sills to get bigger chunks than a beak can provide. Here is one washing food.

SATURDAY STROLL Independence, Ore. August 3, 2024. Picking up the latest issue of The Independent, sipping a cup of coff...

SATURDAY STROLL Independence, Ore. August 3, 2024. Picking up the latest issue of The Independent, sipping a cup of coffee, discussing news and events ... thank you, Paul S. for helping Trammart News to announce the summer edition is being distributed. It's already there at the Ovenbird Bakery and Brew & Tap on Main Street, it will be at Jubilee, Melting Pot Candy, San Antonio's Restaurant (foyer), and Starduster Cafe by this afternoon.

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. Aug 2, 2024. A link to 3 new articles on the website--see link at end: 1) Two Indepen...

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. Aug 2, 2024. A link to 3 new articles on the website--see link at end: 1) Two Independence women--Rachael Ojeda (L) & Amber Covarrubias (R)--step forward as change agents after the recent tragic river death; 2) Independence city manager draws concern with her rewriting of proposed council policy; 3) Artist Sue Mason explains how she created her captivating work. Articles are here:

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. August 1, 2024. River Gallery concluded its "Wild Women" show this week, and th...

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. August 1, 2024. River Gallery concluded its "Wild Women" show this week, and there may be no one with work that's been exhibited more often there than Sue Mason, whose ceramics always draw admirers and never fail to delight. Look for a feature article on this one-of-a-kind artist tomorrow, with a link to the story right here on this page (Photo by Lance Masterson).


MID-WEEK MEMO Independence, Ore. July 31, 2024. A link to 3 new articles will be posted right here, Friday. Top Story: 1)Two remarkable residents are working to take water safety awareness to the next level in the wake of a recent tragedy; 2) A look at the reasons the Independence city manager is drawing some criticism over proposed city council changes; 3) An artist who has been contributing her talent here for decades. Did you see last week's stories? Go to:

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. July 30, 2024. What an inspirational flower. Coreopsis is perhaps the strongest t...

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. July 30, 2024. What an inspirational flower. Coreopsis is perhaps the strongest trouper in the floral brigade that grows in town. It tolerates heat waves and keeps on blooming and, as this daisy-like plant on a city street shows, it is quite capable of growing straight and tall out of a crack in concrete. We should all have the luck to be so resilient ...

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. July 29, 2024. Kudos to Norma Soffa for a successful effort at canine adoption recent...

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. July 29, 2024. Kudos to Norma Soffa for a successful effort at canine adoption recently at Parallel 45. Thanks to the brewery, too. Three dogs were adopted at the "Pints for Pups" event. Soffa, pictured with her own endearing adoptee Bellz, volunteers for the nonprofit, 4 All Muttkind. And good luck to the crew & owners of Cherry City Wings, offering their special dishes in the food truck near the Post Office. Pictured is the Toth family: Mike, Bethany, Emma.

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. July 28, 2024. Goodbye to retired Judge Bill Horner, who has died. He made a big diff...

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. July 28, 2024. Goodbye to retired Judge Bill Horner, who has died. He made a big difference here. The longtime Polk County judge & former Monmouth mayor founded the crime-reducing Polk County Drug Court, which recognized criminal defendants need more than probation & treatment--they were closely monitored, supported & held accountable through the program. Horner "believed deeply" in individuals' capacity to change, noted Polk County Presiding Judge Norm Hill.

FURRY, FEATHERED and FINNED FILE on Sunday Morning Independence, Ore. July 28, 2024. This is the largest bird in North A...

FURRY, FEATHERED and FINNED FILE on Sunday Morning Independence, Ore. July 28, 2024. This is the largest bird in North America and they're local residents here, too. Many thanks to the reader who sent in this photo of a Great Blue Heron. One of the birds was sitting by a drainage ditch this past week on the side of Hoffman Road. Perhaps checking out the construction work there? For another bird sighting, go to Animal Watch Indy:

SATURDAY STROLL Independence, Ore. July 27, 2024. Still suitable for trekking! As this photo taken yesterday shows, the ...

SATURDAY STROLL Independence, Ore. July 27, 2024. Still suitable for trekking! As this photo taken yesterday shows, the paved trail that was announced by the city as being closed for re-construction during the 2nd week of July is still wide open. You have resident Mark Winningham to thank for this piece of news. He took that finding to the last city council & was advised the closure has been postponed till sometime in August. Happy trails to walkers, who now know the whole path is stroll-able.

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. July 26, 2024. Three new articles are on the website--link is at end: 1)  A probable ...

FRIDAY WEB POST Independence, Ore. July 26, 2024. Three new articles are on the website--link is at end: 1) A probable school bond, a likely city levy & questions at the Indy City Council on whether the two will out-compete one another; 2) Meet Aaron! Local teen is reaching his dream of making free chess widely available; 3) Environmentalist Michael Cairns (photo) to be remembered in a special place where his efforts increased public visibility. Articles are here:

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. July 25, 2024. Independence residents Amber Covarrubias (foreground) and Rachae...

THURSDAY TOWN TRIPPER Independence, Ore. July 25, 2024. Independence residents Amber Covarrubias (foreground) and Rachael Ojeda (L) announced at the last city council meeting that they are spearheading an effort to lower risk of drowning in the local Willamette River. In the wake of recent tragedy, they are advocating for better signage, including Spanish translations, and the two are raising funds for access to more life jackets. Trammart News is donating & will cover their efforts next week.


MID-WEEK MEMO Independence, Ore. July 24, 2024. A link to 3 new articles on the website will be posted here, Friday. Coming up: 1) A city council meeting with issues from the coming levy to some tough public feedback on current city management from residents; 2) A youth who is a chess champion in many ways, making the game available to others; 3) Remembering Michael Cairns, environmentalist, with plans for a new landmark. Did you miss last week's stories? Go to:

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. July 23, 2024. A closer look at a few of the hand-crafted paper flowers that cove...

TUESDAY BOUQUET DAY Independence, Ore. July 23, 2024. A closer look at a few of the hand-crafted paper flowers that covered the WIM (Women of Independence/Monmouth) float in the recent Fourth of July Parade. Nestled in a creekside setting, under a morning sun, they look like the work of art that they truly are.

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. July 22, 2024. Setting up for an adult art program last week at Ash Creek Arts Center...

MONDAY MUST-SEE Independence, Ore. July 22, 2024. Setting up for an adult art program last week at Ash Creek Arts Center: Program coordinator Sarah Wolfer (L) with artist-teacher Julie Jeanseau. The center's classes range from adults to young children. At right, Gail Oberst proposed a kiosk at the wetland area near the sports fields to the Park Board--her late husband, Michael Cairns, worked tirelessly to promote environmental awareness. Trammart News has pledged a donation in his memory.

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. July 21, 2024. Friday night Jennifer Batten and Fullsteam performed in Riverview Park...

SUNDAY SEND-OFF Independence, Ore. July 21, 2024. Friday night Jennifer Batten and Fullsteam performed in Riverview Park to a crowd that danced and clapped to the band's rhythms. Emcee Vidal Pena was there, too, providing what is now a familiar role: master of ceremonies. (Photo by Lance Masterson)



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