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Judaism, Zionism, Israel, Anti-Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism

Melanie Phillips, "By any normal moral standard, whatever   the Palestinian   may ever have had must be considered forfe...

Melanie Phillips, "By any normal moral standard, whatever the Palestinian may ever have had must be considered forfeit many times over as a result of their century-old war of extermination.

"So why are the Israeli so benign towards these enemies?"

Israeli police clash with Palestinian worshippers on the compound known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple …

Before bashing Trump, European leaders need a history lesson

To hear the London demonstrators and some foolish British politicians, Trump is the biggest problem in the world. If it weren’t for him, the lion and the lamb could lay down together.

President Trump will take part in ceremonies in England and then in Normandy, France, where the German bunkers, bomb craters and the vast American cemetery stand in silent testament to the great al…

Canada’s updated trade agreement with Israel violates international law

The missing Lynk? Canada's trade agreement w/ Israel violates "International Law," says Michael Lynk, UN Special Rapporteur. Only, Israel is not occupying any foreign sovereign’s land. Jordan was never a sovereign over the "West Bank." "International Law"?😴 Not so sure.

This article was originally published on The Conversation, an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts. Disclosure information is available on the ori…

LEVY: Arab Israeli goes toe-to-toe with BDS supporters

If Israel is an “apartheid” state as the BDSers repeatedly contend, he asked, then why are more than 10 members of the Israeli parliament Arabs, why is the captain of the national soccer team a Muslim and why are there Arab judges, doctors and lawyers in Israel?

Yoseph Haddad was one month from completing his service with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) when a rocket landed on him and severed his right foot.The Christian-Arab Israeli, who was born in Nazar…

Can European Jews and the far Right get along? -

"There is a contradiction when those same parties and governments taking a pro-Israel stance but stay silent in the face of antisemitic incidents that take place in their countries."

Last week, the Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Ministry were keeping close tabs on the European Parliament elections. Israel views EU institutions as hostile, but the increasing strength of the right-wing, ultra-conservative, nationalist and populist parties who do not hide their support f...

Israel’s not-so-subtle message to Iran that it is watching and poised to strike |

Hundreds of Israeli airstrikes in the past few years alone have put a major dent in Iran’s plans, destroying missile bases, weapons production sites, military bases and weapons’ transfer stations.

Recently release satellite photographs of Iranian construction along Iraqi-Syrian border indicate Israel is closely watching Iran’s efforts to build a land bridge from Tehran to the Mediterranean.

Australian billionaire Sir Frank Lowy makes aliyah

Plagued his entire life by not knowing the fate of his father, Lowy was stunned when 45 years after his disappearance a stranger approached his son, Peter, who was living in California in 1991, and told him, “I was with your grandfather in Budapest” when the two were arrested by the N***s and sent to Auschwitz.

Peter told his father the news, and Frank Lowy took the next flight to California to talk to the man, discovering that his father had been shot and killed upon arriving at Auschwitz after repeatedly refusing to give up his prayer shawl and tefillin.

“He could not live without his tallit and tefillin,” a tearful Lowy said.

Holocaust survivor who fought as part of the Hagana paramilitary group in 1948 sells real estate empire and returns to Israel

A Socialism Success Story

Gun violence is down, thanks in large part to Maduro's pro-inflation economic policies. Fi****ms have become prohibitively expensive. The cost of bullets has soared to $1 a piece. "If you empty your clip, you're shooting off $15," said El Negrito, a street gangster from Caracas, in an interview with the Associated Press. "You lose your pistol or the police take it and you're throwing away $800."

Socialism is succeeding in delivering progressive gains to Venezuela.

Intel launches new processors that bring AI to the PC, sired by Haifa team

The processors have accelerated AI performance, twice the graphic performance & almost three times faster wireless speeds than the previous generation of processors created by Intel. Dust off your Commodore 64s, BDS.

Code named Ice Lake, the processors have accelerated AI performance, 2x the graphic performance and almost 3x faster wireless speeds than previous generation of Intel processors

'He didn't destroy me. We carry on. He lost': survivors of terror attacks look back

"They stopped the train in the tunnel where the bomb had gone off, & I thought: 'He got blown to 1,000 pieces, so there are still bits of him down there as rat food. And I’m going to go & live my life.'” D. Biddle, survivor London Underground attack, 2005

From London to Nice, Berlin to Oslo, 11 people caught up in attacks across Europe reflect on the horror, the hope – and the kindness of strangers. Portraits by Mathias Braschler and Monika Fischer

Palestine - Invention of a Nation

When and how did "Palestine" become a nation? To what purpose? Were Muslims the majority in this region throughout the 19th century? What are the real causes of the Israeli-Arab conflict? What is the level of corruption of Palestinian leaders? Is there a real apartheid in the region? From what side? What is the connection between N***sm and the birth of a "Palestinian" identity. And much much more. The film destroys through facts every single Muslim-Arab mythology about a People invented in 1964.

When and how did "Palestine" become a nation? To what purpose? Were Muslims the majority in this region throughought the 19th century? What are the real…


Ilhan Omar & the Muslim world are mostly silent about China's treatment of Uighurs but go apesh!t over Jews in Israel⁉️
China 500 Jews=0.00003% of the population.
Israel 6,702,352 Jews=74.2% of the pop.
More Jews + more Jews per capita + more Jews per sq. meter.
As they say, Choose your battles wisely.

No, Israel isn’t a country of privileged and powerful white Europeans

Israel is a place where an indigenous people have reclaimed their land and revived their ancient language, despite being surrounded by hostile neighbors and hounded by radicalized Arab nationalists who cannot tolerate any political entity in the region other than their own.

Framing the Mideast conflict in terms of racial and colonial oppression erases the story of my family, who emigrated to Israel from Iraq and Tunisia.

Why is Twitter helping Al-Jazeera hide evidence of Holocaust denial video

The use of claims of copyright to disappear embarrassing video produced by a network is a convenient way to now remove evidence of antisemitism online. Instead of confronting the antisemitism and the Holocaust denial, Al Jazeera appears to have decided to resort to making sure the content is not available anywhere.

(MEMRI) tweeted a version of the video with sub-titles. “Holocaust denial on Al-Jazeera Network: Israel is biggest winner from Holocaust, it uses the same justification to annihilate Palestinians"

Is there a common theme in the outbreak of antisemitism in the West?

Common theme? An easy target to blame for their lives of quiet desperation has the haters hanging out at the same watering hole. Sure it's pisswater, but they'll swear it's as intoxicating as Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout.

A sense that “democracies don’t control” their own countries has contributed to the rise of antisemitism.

The Fake Threat of Jewish Communism

Trying to discredit powerful political myths with mere facts, as we know all too well today, is a frustrating endeavor.

One of the great merits of Paul Hanebrink’s A Specter Haunting Europe is its demonstration of how Europe’s most pervasive and powerful twentieth-century manifestation of anti-Semitic thought—the myth of Judeo-Bolshevism—emerged before the rise of National Socialism and has continued to have ...

Naomi Klein on Twitter

Global treasure? Fools gold. Alexander, unable to substantiate "this grave injustice of our time" couldn't post even 1 quote against Zionism. King loved the Jewish State & understood that those who single it out for reproach are antisemites. Vietnam? Deceitful, disingenuous.

“"Time to Break the Silence on Palestine" - Michelle Alexander is a global treasure.”

"I have a dream" for peace in the Middle East / King's special bond with Israel

During an appearance at Harvard University shortly before his death, a student stood up and asked King to address himself to the issue of Zionism. The question was clearly hostile. King responded, "When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism."

Long before the plight of the Jews in the Soviet Union was on the front pages, he raised his voice. During his lifetime King witnessed the birth of Israel and the continuing struggle to build a nation. On March 25, 1968, less than two weeks before his tragic death, he spoke out with clarity and dire...

Opinion | Ilhan Omar and the Myth of Jewish Hypnosis

That Israel continues to retain support in the United States among mainstream Democrats and Republicans is because — contrary to Ms. Omar’s tweet — the Jewish state is not engaged in “evil doings,” but defending itself against the enemies pressing on all of its borders, including Hamas, which has genocide of the Jews, and a belief in Jewish manipulative power, at the heart of its ideology. The original Hamas charter from 1988, only recently revised, claimed that the Jews orchestrated the French and Russian revolutions and both world wars.

A conspiracy theory with ancient roots and a bloody history.

Malaysia has ‘right’ to ban Israelis, says PM, rejecting anti-Semitism charge

PM Mohamad said not only was it Malaysia's “right” to deny entry to money-grubbing, hooked-nosed k***s, but that it was “unfair to label him as Antisemitic” since "Arabs are all Semitic people.” Rights: Defame, dehumanize, in order to destroy.

In speech to Oxford Union, Mahathir Mohamad defends bigoted remarks about Jews, says 'powerful' Israeli government 'committing war crimes all the time'

New York Times Orders Readers to ‘Celebrate’ Election of BDS Supporter

One of the worst features of the contemporary New York Times is that it has gone beyond merely reporting the news and ventured, instead, into the more treacherous territory of instructing readers which emotions they should have about the news.

One of the worst features of the contemporary New York Times is that it has gone beyond merely reporting the...

Smearing Israel: The New York Times Suggests an Israeli War Crime

As a reader, I want the Times to report on what happened, not on what “possibly” happened. Otherwise, there’d be no end to speculative Times articles. If ten Times journalists can’t find a genuine war crime, just “possibly” a war crime, possibly they should find something else to write about.

Does one errant IDF bullet warrant moral equivalence with Hamas terror tunnels?

Palestinian Arab Bethlehem is at war with Christians and Jews

What does the story of Bethlehem tell us today? Two things.

Under the control of Israel (1967-1995), the Christian population of Bethlehem grew by 57 percent. When Israel delivered the city of Jesus to the Palestinian Authority in 1995, Bethlehem had an 80 percent Christian population. Now it is just 20 percent.

When Bethlehem was turned over to the Palestinian Authority, the number of Christians soon plummeted from being 80 percent of the population in 1995. Now it is just 20 percent. What happened?

When Is a Journalist Not a Reliable Eyewitness?

When media outlets deny their readers transparency about their sources, news consumers are right to be wary of the credibility of journalists cited as eyewitnesses. – Despite the recent erosion of public confidence in the media, many readers probably consider journalists trustworthy eyewitnesses. Journalists are duty...

Amy Mek on Twitter


• Tolerate those who cannot tolerate their intolerance.
• Effectively argue their cause. (Their CEO was wholly ineffective spreading the gospel before employing the sword).

• R**e & death has always been a favorite pastime.

“Women who SPEAK about Islam in France are threatened with R**e & Death! Do Americans understand this is happening here in the USA too? Not only do Jihadists threaten my life for criticizing Islam BUT Leftist media libels me & helps Terrorists locate me and my loved ones - WHY? https://t.c...

The Left Lends Cover to Anti-Semitism | National Review

Alice Walker should be just as toxic for her anti-Semitism as David Duke is for his. After all, they push the same message when it comes to Jews. Failing to acknowledge as much lends credence to the anti-Semitic idea that Jews have somehow earned their hatred from certain groups.

Ignoring anti-Semitic actions or comments depending on the perpetrator’s ethnicity or background allows hatred of Jews to spread.

Palestine PLO-NAD on Twitter

Favorite Islamofascist ploy: play Christian against Jew. Even Santa's thrown into the act w/ Molotov & gas mask. Media out in full force: damn the Jew. As for Christian Bethlehem? No more. When the lights are soon out on Manger Square, Christians again will suffer in silence, or, run away.

“Despite closures/ continued Israeli aggression by its occupying forces/settlers against the Palestinian people, the Palestinian village of today celebrated Saint Barbara's Day. Learn more about Aboud/ Denied Potential of Palestinian Heritage: 🇵🇸

The New York Times Just Published An Unqualified Recommendation For An Insanely Anti-Semitic Book

Clearly, Einstein did not anticipate the likes of YouTube-educated Talmud scholars like Alice Walker.

The book, by conspiracy theorist David Icke, was recommended by author Alice Walker. It repeatedly cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, dubs the Talmud “among the most appallingly racist documents on the planet,” and says the Jews funded the Holocaust and control the K*K.

MEMRI on Twitter

Strife? Poverty? Bad breath? Crotch rot? According to the Koran, the central religious text of Islam that good Muslims believe to be a revelation from Allah: Jews are behind every ill in this world. No wonder the good Sheikh's railing against them.

“Khartoum Friday Sermon by Sheikh Muhammad Tannoun: The Jews Are Behind Every War and Can Only Survive In Corruption and Strife”

Deconstructing Anti Semitism, Feminism, and Intersectionality (Chloe Valdary Interview)

“Caricaturing and conspiracy theories: you put that together, you’ll get antisemitism. And, Intersectionality is a bit of a conspiracy theory, and it also caricatures people. And it caricatures communities. And it caricatures societies. And once you buy into that, you will see Israel as this white colonialist oppressor & the Palestinians as this brown oppressed."

Chloe Valdary (writer and political activist) joins Dave to discuss growing up “Jewish” as a person of color, how to disassemble anti semitism, her criticism...

An ignorant ‘New York Times’ trashes the Maccabees

The Hasmonean revolt was not a fundamentalist- religious movement sworn to the destruction of liberal Western ideologies. It was, instead, a popular campaign to safeguard the freedom of a people to freely practice their faith and traditions regardless of the whims of an emperor. Unlike fundamentalist terrorist groups, which are born from intolerance of other faiths, the Maccabees fought to end the Greek intolerance of theirs.

The Hasmonean revolt was not a fundamentalist- religious movement sworn to the destruction of liberal Western ideologies.

Column One: Europe beats Iran’s war drums

The purpose of the US economic sanctions is to achieve the goal of blocking Iran’s nuclear efforts without war. If the Iranian economy collapses, or if the regime is overthrown, or both, Iran will likely abandon its nuclear weapons program without war. If Europe is successful in scuttling US sanctions, the likelihood of a major war will rise tremendously.

Last Saturday, Iran’s “moderate” President Hassan Rouhani called Israel “a cancerous tumor” in a speech at the regime’s annual Islamic Unity Conference.




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