In the fictional town of Scarecrow, California, tweens keep discovering mysterious and sometimes magical objects at the Vintage Rose Antique Shop. When they take these objects home, strange things begin to happen. Does the family who inherited the store have an active imagination? Or is the store really haunted? Each story is a tale about a specific relic found at the store. Stories will appeal to the most reluctant reader who enjoys the mysterious and somewhat creepy.
Collect them all now @saddlebackeducational!
In the fictional town of Scarecrow, California, tweens keep discovering mysterious and sometimes magical objects at the Vintage Rose Antique Shop. When they take these objects home, strange things begin to happen. Does the family who inherited the store have an active imagination? Or is the store really haunted? Each story is a tale about a specific relic found at the store. Stories will appeal to the most reluctant reader who enjoys the mysterious and somewhat creepy.
Collect them all now @saddlebackeducational!
More VINTAGE ROSE MYSTERIES coming from @saddlebackeducational! 🌹 In the fictional town of Scarecrow, California, tweens keep discovering mysterious and sometimes magical objects at the Vintage Rose Antique Shop. When they take these objects home, strange things begin to happen. Does the family who inherited the store have an active imagination? Or is the store really haunted? Each story is a tale about a specific relic found at the store. Stories will appeal to the most reluctant reader who enjoys the mysterious and somewhat creepy.#vintagerosemysteries #saddlebackeducationalpublishing #ronnisbooks