Sexbruise? is a satirical pop band from Charleston, SC that combines elements of improvisation, electronic music, poppy hooks, and audience participation to create an unforgettable live experience. Combining elements of funk, rock, funky rock, and rock-funk, they write funky melodies and soulful melodies.
Sexbruise? has been featured at Hulaween, Summer Camp, Sweetwater 420 Fest, Rooster Walk Music and Arts Festival, Not at Coachella, Floyd Fest, and Resonance Fest, and will be announcing other sehk festies soon. They have also toured extensively on the highly sought-after Wild Wings Circuit, playing places such as Wild Wing North Myrtle SC, Wild Wings Cafe Macon GA, Wild Wings Spartanburg SC, and many many more.
A Sexbruise? show can be described as a giant party and they even have wacky waving inflatable tube men on stage that say P-A-R-T-Y to prove it. The tunes are memorable no matter how hard you try to forget them. The band's stage presence is ridiculous and the are antics unpredictable. Plus there are snacks thrown from the stage. The band has prepared pancakes, smoothies, grilled cheese, and pizza on stage, brought out dancers in various costumes, hired fake demonstrators to protest their shows, and many more other cool things. Get bruised by Sexbruise?