It's been some time now since we had any activity of note. OK, so here's the deal:
1. Staff, reading series and magazine updates have been on hiatus due to personal reasons. It might be contagious, but probably not, so don't worry.
2. Both reading series and magazine updates will return (before the end of the year) with a vengeance!
3. Issue 2 is still for sale. Go to our website. It will be BACK in stock shortly in stores near you. And by "near you" I mean New York City, and if that is not near you, well, I don't want to end my life drowning on an island either (water levels rising, etc, that's what the joke is about, not really funny though because I do in fact live on said island). It has some awesome poets in it. You can just go ahead and take my word for it or you can send us your monies and find out for yourself.
4. DEATH HUMS is not a movie about a deep-voiced oil tycoon. It is a literary magazine. I double-checked this.
5. Issue 3 WILL BE COMING in 2014 AS EXPECTED. Keep your noses to the air, or whatever appendages or senses you care to put to good use, fling around, throw from a plane, etc.
6. MOST IMPORTANTLY (I will post this as a separate situation later this week), DEATH HUMS is seeking an ONLINE EDITOR. What does an ONLINE EDITOR do? An ONLINE EDITOR is responsible for maintaining our website and possibly teaching me how to use wordpress. These are important things. Send resume/cover letter to [email protected].
Lovely, lovely, lovely, you are all lovelies,
David Weisberg
[email protected]