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Can Kamala Harris beat Trump?Will the Dems pick her at the convention, or squeeze in someone with a stronger history of ...

Can Kamala Harris beat Trump?
Will the Dems pick her at the convention, or squeeze in someone with a stronger history of governing and fewer negatives? (For example, her job as VP was border czar.)
If they actually do pick her, who will be her running mate? (There’s been mention of NC Gov. Roy Cooper, but he’s too smart for that political death wish. He should, however, be the Dems pick for president.)
Biden stepping down has been a given since the media started barking about his brain five months ago, when his classified documents case ended with that unfit to prosecute insinuation.
The assassination attempt of Trump has also been a given for months, if not years, considering the absolute hatred and fear of him from so many camps, foreign and domestic.
The way both of these things - the prevention of the assassination attempt and Biden’s withdrawal - were so badly handled it borders on slapstick and shouts weakness.
And the world is watching.
Right now I’m seeing some swagger from the GOP.
And Dems in disarray, if not desperation.
This is not over. It’s likely just beginning.
The script will flip around like an injured snake in coming months.
These are very interesting and very scary times, given the state of our divided union and our barely leading place in an itchy world.
This behind-the-scenes intrigue will continue.
My fear is, so will the bullets.
Everyone should have their heads on a swivel. That could include the targeting (as Jen Psaki said) of media figures, given their pivotal roles in much of the intrigue and division.
It will include information/disinformation attacks from inside and outside our borders. New technology will be weaponized.
We could have cyber and terrorst attacks.
It is within the realm of possibilities that we won’t even have elections on November 5.
That’s how twisted things could get.
Our division, anger, distrust and corruption have made us weak.
And vulnerable.
We need a hero.
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

I believe this is the cat capital of the United States.I’m discovering the feline-dominated Steubenville, Ohio, while re...

I believe this is the cat capital of the United States.
I’m discovering the feline-dominated Steubenville, Ohio, while rehabbing a fantastic 1928 house for my older brother on a really cool bluff overlooking downtown and the mighty Ohio River.
I’ve been up here a lot. Sooo much work to do. Major plumbing and wiring done. Adding a second full bathroom now. (Some before and after photos in comments below.)
Steubenville is a somewhat depressed old steel town. You can buy one heck of a house for $50k or less.
This gem was $42k.
It wasn’t for sale. Found it while looking at other listings, fell in love with it, tracked down the owner in Fredericksburg, Va. through tax records and made a deal on it.
Steubenville is becoming an epicenter of the new wave of hard-core Catholicism sweeping the country, which is why my brother is here.
Lots of young families coming to be a part of it.
We’re talking people who immerse themselves in old Catholicism. The history, all the saints. Services in Latin and other languages.
This is not casual faith. It’s a life force.
They’re networking with fellow believers. Buying up the mostly ghostly old downtown. They have their own trade school.
There’s a major Catholic university here.
Old monasteries from the 1700s.
And cats!
I have traveled this country fairly extensively and never have I seen so many.
It’s like they own the city.
They’re not bold loafers, flopped down in yards and gutters.
They are on the move. Walking the streets, sidewalks, alleys, yards and parks.
Just at the new place alone there are four different cats who visit regularly. They’re not begging or skulking.
They’re just checking things out. It’s like they’re on patrol.
I call to them - tell them to say hello to Mr. Cat (time and distance mean nothing to them) - but they just turn briefly and carry on.
Indifferent, these cats. I might say haughty but I think the right description is they are confident they own this river city.
They are not scrawny, furtive, feral-type cats.
Nor are they overweight lap cats.
They visit and network with their fellow felines, as these two are doing down the street from the Bluff House. (Do you see the second cat?)
I’ve spent about a month here - off and on - and have enjoyed exploring the city while scavenging materials, finding the city pool, places to eat, yard sales, riverfront hangouts and hardware stores.
Despite seeing hundreds of roving cats, I’ve yet to see one run over in the road.
One of the curiosities of Steubenville is despite its depressed economic state, there is very little crime in this crowded city where people sit on their porches. children play in the sidewalks and ride their bikes in the streets.
There something strange going on here.
I can’t put my finger on what that could be but I have a distinct feeling the feline community knows all about it.
I’ve been wondering if it could have something to do with the town being a key Catholicism magnet (despite Pope Gregory IX, whose claim that cats were the spawn of Satan led to their wholesale slaughter in the early 1200s).
I’ll discuss it with Mr. Cat when I see him this coming week.
He’ll know.

Obviously, something went horribly wrong with the Secret Service if Trump rally goers could photograph the shooter on th...

Obviously, something went horribly wrong with the Secret Service if Trump rally goers could photograph the shooter on the only high roof nearby, alert police, have a cop get up on the there and reportedly retreat when the kid aimed his rifle at him.
All without even a “mayday” radio call or effective “rooftop shooter” warning to the main stage.
Craziness, man.
But here’s where I’m gonna sound like a conspiracy nut.
If you had to pick someone to assassinate a former President/presidential candidate who is extremely unpopular with key folks in the government, including the FBI, you’d pick someone like this kid.
Practically zero footprints in life. Little or no social media profile. Brainiac. No arrests, fingerprints. Barely employed. Few friends. Hardly a photograph of him. No note or motive.
He’s a ghost!
Or at least as close as you can come in this era where everything is seen, photographed, tracked, spread on the net.
One inch to the right, Trump’s dead.
The kid’s dead within seconds.
Who was he?
Another lone kook with a black rifle. Dead end.
Next story.
It’s the way Hollywood would write it.
Conspiracy theorizing aside, I believe with a high degree of confidence there more than a few people high in government and influential business positions who are damn sorry the kid missed.
Which also means they were pleased he had the opportunity.

A kind little story about a shared turtle for these days of uncertainty:So Facebook reminds me this morning that it was ...

A kind little story about a shared turtle for these days of uncertainty:
So Facebook reminds me this morning that it was two years ago that we turned The Barn’s old hog-rendering fire pit into a water garden overlooking our eastern Tennessee mountains.
We used river rocks washed into a neighboring farmer’s field during a recent flood, a rubber liner left over from waterproofing The Barn’s foundation, a donated skylight for an upper bog and water plants and sandy soil mostly from nearby creeks, ditches and rivers.
It’s been flourishing for these two years. The bog keeps the water fresh and clear.
Croaky the bullfrog marks the movement of the sun and the moon.
Recently, we trekked to the high-mountain Beach Nursery in Vilas, NC, for their big June sale. New roads!
It was a beautiful spring drive. The nursery sits atop the twisty Dogskin Road, which ranks pretty high in terms of country road names.
Just down the street we discover a giant, sloping yard filled with handmade sculptures (photos below).
Lady Je is in hog heaven at the nursery, loading up her bounty (the prices were sooo good) and I’m wandering around.
Behind the main greenhouse I see cool metal-sculptured turtles on a shelf.
Hand-painted. Aged. Nice patina. They had a zen feel and I wanted one for the water garden.
“How much for your turtles?”
“Not for sale,” co-owner Pamela Beach said bluntly. Her husband made them for her and she loves them.
I ask her about their sweet vintage shovelhead Harley-Davidson motorcycles I spotted in one of their greenhouses.
She had built one of them herself. Not an easy thing to do. You gotta be a motorhead.
So we’re taking Harleys, riding mountain roads, crashes. She had been in a bad one. Me, too.
The brother and sisterhood of motorcycling.
So we’re getting ready to leave and Pamela stops me and says, “pick out one of the turtles.”
Really! How much?
She shakes her head. “Take whichever one that speaks to you.”
So I did.
It sits proudly at the head of our water garden. Above Croaky’s troll-like position.
Signifying all is well and easy, like turtles somehow seem to do.
And serving as a silent reminder that the best things in life aren’t for sale.


Shooter is 20, police say.
It’s early yet, but there’s no apparent social media profile (!!!!). Nerdy, not some high-profile political activist.
No arrests. Father not talking for now. No mention of a job.
Likely another headcase trying to make a splash, like most mass shooters.
He certainly made one.
I’ve got a few Facebook friends saying they’re sorry he missed (uh, about that collateral damage . . . ), others saying it was staged, more saying Trump is going to play it like a violin, many saying he handled it like a champ and angels are watching over him.
Mostly I see sorrow and anger.
Yes, it will be twisted every which-a-way.
One thing is certain, however:
There is going to be a hard look at how a kid with a rifle could bear crawl on the roof of the only elevated building nearby without being noticed (and stopped) by the Secret Service, police or Barney Fife fumbling with a whistle.
And you can bet this is not the last crazy thing that’s going to happen before the election.

Dang!Not surprising, given all the sound and fury.One inch to the right and he’d be dead.The shooter - apparently a snip...

Not surprising, given all the sound and fury.
One inch to the right and he’d be dead.
The shooter - apparently a sniper on a distant rooftop - and a rally attendee downrange were reportedly killed. Two other rally visitors were also critically wounded.
It appears this was an assassination attempt. First one with injury since Ronald Reagan, 43 years ago.
Shoooter is 20, police say.

Ahhh, the media’s faux rage that Biden’s press peeps and senior aids kept his declining mental acuity a secret!They hid ...

Ahhh, the media’s faux rage that Biden’s press peeps and senior aids kept his declining mental acuity a secret!
They hid the truth from them!
Anyone with ears and eyes could see his verbal and mental lapses five years ago.
After decades of bold blustering and off-the cuff press conferences, Biden suddenly has a stutter, the press told us during the run-up to 2020!?
It’s all good he campaigned and governed largely in hiding, right?
Cabinet meetings and open-access press conferences? Who needs those?
We all get the “anybody but Trump” thing.
Biden could be in a coma if he was ahead in the polls. But he’s lagging, so now his foxhole buddies in the press are fragging him.
Just blowing him right up! (BTW, only Trump called out George Clooney for being a “backstabber.”)
Friends, you know nearly all the major daily newspaper and networks hated Trump with a passion that qualifies as derangement.
They infected you with it just as surely as they lockstepped shutdowns during Covid.
They’ll keep you safe from the virus, and Trump!
You hate Orange Man Bad for his lying, his bluster, his boorishness.
But Biden has also been all those things. He’s a marathon liar (it derailed his 2008 presidential run) to Trump’s sprinting.
Any tiny apparent slip from Trump is proof-positive he’s a racist when the evidence against Biden is monumental, including leading the charge against school integration and being bigtime pals with many of our leading last-generation racists. Just the crazy racial stuff that has come out of his mouth since being elected would’ve doomed anyone else.
Yup. Trump is a POS, just the kind of bully that Putin, Hamas and Kim Jong-un understand.
While Biden poses as the savior of NATO, it was Trump who told them to step the f-up now or else we’d slash our bankrolling of it.
Yup, as***le.
But that’s not why he makes our media froth at the mouth.
It’s because he doesn’t care what they think or do. He MOCKS them.
He’s an outside-the beltway juggernaut tilting the country rightward (where half the country lives like outcasts) AND THEY CAN’T CONTROL HIM OR STOP HIM.
He’s telling the left-leaning established order that has been lecturing the rest of the country for a full generation to F-off!
It’s why so many of you hate him.
And why many of you love him, despite his glaring flaws.
If any of you actually think the press doesn’t hate Trump with a blind passion, consider the way they’ve treated his wife.
Melania is dogcrap on their shoes.
Despite being arguably the most beautiful First Lady ever, there have been no magazine covers or profiles. Just disdain.
Oh wait, she did make the cover of Vanity Fair - in Mexico!
How many scores of covers and profiles for Michelle Obama? For Hillary?
If Michelle Obama decided to run in Joe’s place most of the media would immediately wet themselves!
This really isn’t about whether or not Trump or Biden is the worse candidate.
It’s about the media that created both of them, intentionally or totally by accident.
It’s why we’re going to see what could well be the strangest and most volatile election ever.
Lord have mercy.


If you had the best political pundits and comedy writers working together for a week they couldn’t come up with a bigger, crazier screw-up for Biden than introducing Ukraine’s Zelensky as “President Putin” in front of our NATO allies, as he did earlier today.
Where are we going to end up?
You know the behind-the-scenes intrigue is off the charts.
That said, it seemed his press conference went pretty well, despite calling Kamala Trump and a whole bunch of anyhows and more than few misstatements.
He sounded knowledgeable, cogent.
Do you think it will turn the tide?
Is history going to happen in the next few days?
What say you?

Kudos to George Stephanopoulos on his interview with President Biden.That was tough stuff. Hard hitting questions, with ...

Kudos to George Stephanopoulos on his interview with President Biden.
That was tough stuff. Hard hitting questions, with the latest concerns from big Democrat allies.
I couldn’t imagine sitting in either of those chairs tonight.
The leader of the free world being asked point-blank, again and again, are you falling apart?
Are you losing your mind?
Can you admit you’re unfit to carry on?
The ABC panelists afterwards were brutal.
The whole situation is surreal. The impact on us.
Kamala as backup?! Trump in the wings . . .
The whole world watching.
Is it just me, or does it seem to you that there are unseen players and currents swirling about us?

Standby for memes of President Biden in female blackface.He made international news yesterday for confusing his s*x and ...

Standby for memes of President Biden in female blackface.
He made international news yesterday for confusing his s*x and race during an interview with radio hosts on the black WURD station in Philadelphia.
“I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice-president, first Black woman… to serve with a Black president.”
The New York Times and Newsweek are among numerous big media outlets now in attack mode, highlighting the President’s post-debate gaffes and pressing the Oval Office ejector seat button.
It’s wild to me because they were the ones who animated and sustained the Biden Frankenstein.
They ignored or downplayed Biden’s history of lying and plagiarism (which derailed his first Presidential run in ‘08), his close association with several prominent racists, his track record of bungling, him campaigning and running the nation largely in hiding and his countless verbal pratfalls that were apparent - and they excused - five years ago.
Now they’re chanting and carrying pitchforks?
As Tammy sang, stand by your man.

The president delivered brief remarks at an Independence Day event and attended a fireworks display. But as he seeks to project strength amid fallout from his debate performance, his verbal fumbles and gaffes are drawing heightened attention.

Celebrating this Independence Day by sharing the fact that no other country has what we have in terms of freedom and opp...

Celebrating this Independence Day by sharing the fact that no other country has what we have in terms of freedom and opportunity.
It’s why we’re - by far - the number one destination for immigrants, triple that for the next most-popular country, Germany (DE for Deutschland in these charts. You also see oil-rich countries like Saudi Arabia and Arab Emirates high on the list. And look at Russia!)
We’ve been the destination country for generations, but especially the last two.
Our immigrant population has quadrupled since 1970.
I, for one, welcome those who come here legally (like my grandparents) and especially asylum seekers.
This country is strong and faithful becaue of them.
(There is no reason why we can’t have orderly, legal immigration, even for those without ID or other documentation.
Just like every other first-world nation.)
Not only do we have so much, no other nation gives so much.
The U.S. sends out four times the amount of humanitarian aid as the next most generous entity, the European Commission.
Where there’s disaster in the world, we are there like none other.
There are those among us who say the United States is evil, unfair, selfish, wasteful, superficial and spoiled.
And yes, we are divided, although that’s always been the case to varying degrees.
There’s no doubt there’s room for improvement. And there are certainly much smaller counties with higher citizen-satisfaction ratings, like in Scandinavia.
But they are also the most homogeneous nations, with citizens much more likely to comply with governments that provide for the needs of all. (Don’t even think about waltzing into those countries.)
We’re wildly diverse and still fiercely independent. We can and do speak our minds and don’t take much s**t off anyone.
Our strength is that most everyone here - or their ancestors - uprooted themselves to find a better life, helped make it that way for themselves and others and will fight - even amongst ourselves - to keep it.
Happy Fourth!

One of my favorite photos ever, taken a year ago at The Barn retirement project while we were sitting outside about 20 f...

One of my favorite photos ever, taken a year ago at The Barn retirement project while we were sitting outside about 20 feet away, watching the sunset.
The bear’s pose defines the word “insouciance.”
He knew we were watching him raid our birdfeeder. We told him so. Several times.
He couldn’t have cared less.
He sure shuffled on, however, when I sprayed him with the garden hose.
It wasn’t just the water, but the sudden shushing sound.
He must have a fear of librarians.

Black Dog, RVA’s legendary King of Strays, died 15 years ago today.He was struck and killed by an unknown vehicle after ...

Black Dog, RVA’s legendary King of Strays, died 15 years ago today.
He was struck and killed by an unknown vehicle after mysteriously roaming Richmond’s tony West End for some 20 years or more.
Perhaps no other story (or series of stories) I wrote during my career at the Times-Dispatch resonated with so many people.
He had his own sizeable bank account (used to help fellow creatures), signature T-shirts, an animal control senior officer who lovingly played Wiley E. Coyote to Black Dog’s Roadrunner, legions of fans of all ages and a legit rep as a crime-fighter and protector of children.
Traps, drugs, even a direct hit with a tranquilizer
gun meant nothing to him.
Many, including myself, felt a sort of spiritual kinship with the untamed Rasputin, who was heard to speak aloud only once but communicated so clearly to those of us who hunger to live life on our own terms, indomitable, with a little magic, romance and, yes, mystery!
Here is the first story of Black Dog for the Richmond Times-Dispatch, published 22 years ago, and the famous photo by P. Kevin Morley.
BTW, since Black Dog’s death all these years ago (I can testify: I handled his body and sort of officiated at his well-attended funeral), I have occasionally received messages from those who are certain he eluded death as surely as he escaped the dogcatcher’s clutches, saying they have just seen the King of Strays, still wandering the West End.
Such is the legend of Black Dog.

RT-D June 16, 2002

The legend of Black Dog has grown so large over the years, he's no longer just the King of Strays in a matted coat of black.

"It's a crazy thing," marvels Alvin Jones, Richmond's senior animal control officer and the latest dogcatcher stymied by the West End Drifter.

Black Dog's many admirers see him as a benevolent spirit, a living good omen of sorts who watches over some of the city's most stylish neighborhoods, from Windsor Farms to Grove Avenue and beyond.

"He's sort of the Protector," said Sarah Murray of the 4300 block of Stuart Avenue.

Even some of the few who want him gone can understand why so many want him to stay.

"There's something noble about this independent spirit," said Julie Weissend, who called animal control about this dreadlocked chow a year ago, with the usual frustrating result.

When it comes to Black Dog, "things have really gotten abstract," Weissend adds. "People have really been emotional."

For perhaps as long as 10 years, Black Dog has warmed West End hearts with his seemingly supernatural intelligence and inscrutable aloofness. He brings a touch of the wild to these otherwise well-tamed neighborhoods of manicured lawns and playing children.

No one is sure where he came from, although there are plenty of legends. For example, "a Chinese woman dropped him off," Murray said. "Or there's a story that someone threw him out on Westham Parkway."

He's seen hanging around Mary Munford Elementary School. Or waiting for the green light at Grove and Hamilton. Scanning for a break in traffic on Cary for his jaunts into Windsor Farms. Following mothers pushing their young children in strollers. Walking shadowlike behind youngsters at play.

There was the alarming time when he was seen being hit by a car on Cary Street. He hobbled into some bushes, ignoring those who tried to lure him out so they could take him to the vet.

"For a week he sat in the bushes, licking his wounds," Murray said. "He's been fine ever since."

Kelly Berling, one of the few to have heard Black Dog speak, recalls coming home late one night after her nursing shift and seeing a man crouched down between cars across the street on Stuart Avenue.

Black Dog appeared suddenly out of the shadows and barked. The crouching man "took off running," Berling said.

The importance of being kind to Black Dog is such that when Nick and Deborah Orsi sold their home on Dover Road in Windsor Farms, the buyers had to agree to feed Black Dog.

"That was part of the deal," said Nick Orsi.

He said he and his wife tried for three years to make Black Dog their own.

"He just wouldn't cooperate," Deborah Orsi said. They even built him his own dog house, but he preferred sleeping in the bushes or on mulch piles, even on the coldest, snowbound days, which he seems to prefer.

"He's got so many home bases," said Virginia Bailey, a woman on Stuart Avenue who is among untold numbers of West Enders who save their choice bones for Black Dog. "Here he is now, bless his heart," she said as he drifted into view.

* * *

Black Dog treats humans as if they were fire, getting close enough for warmth - even occasionally licking the feet of children - but never allowing himself to be touched.

Nick Orsi said you could feed him scraps out of your hand, "but only if you held it behind your back, and if you're real patient."

Once he cornered Black Dog in his fenced-in backyard and tried to catch him. "He looked at me and climbed over the fence like he was pussycat. I've never seen anything like it."

Richmond animal control officers have nabbed 4,500 stray dogs in the past year-and-a-half, but not Black Dog.

"This guy is an artist," Jones said. "We've been trying everything," from coyote traps to drugged goodies.

"Methods we normally use haven't worked. The dog knows us when we arrive on the scene. He looks up, `Oh, here's animal control. Let me leave.' He's real funny. He'll run about a half a block and stop and turn and look and see if you're still following. I believe he has spent his whole life on the lam."

Jones said he doesn't call him Black Dog. "I just call him, `That Dog Again.' "

It's turning in to a "Road Runner" saga, with animal control playing the hapless role of Wile E. Coyote, complete with Acme-like traps that only seem to catch neighborhood cats.

All of which has made this outlaw teddy bear with a tangled lion's mane even more precious to the Friends of Black Dog, as they call themselves.

"He's tough stuff," Sarah Murray said proudly.

Ten-year-old Edward Custer has posted a "Save Black Dog" poster on the front door of his Stuart Avenue home and has raised $7 to help the scruffy wanderer who "protects us pretty much."

Edward's mom, Laura Custer, said her son brainstorms up in his room, hatching "elaborate plans on how to evade animal control."

Jones said Black Dog is the slipperiest stray in town because of all of his human accomplices. He's so well-fed, it's impossible to tempt him with baited traps or drugged food.

* * *

So, armed with an ordinance that says anyone who feeds a stray three times or more is responsible for it, Jones issued Sarah Murray a summons for "failing to control a dog that is a nuisance."

He said he started with Murray because Black Dog frequently snoozes on her porch. But he's considering issuing the same summons to anyone else feeding him regularly, even if it means arresting half of the West End.

Even Murray and the other FOBD understand that he must be caught so, at the least, he can get his rabies shots. Last week she spiked some treats for Black Dog with some sedatives given to her by Jones. Black Dog ate the food, but somehow spit out the pills.

"It's a matter of doing something for the dog," said Julie Weissend, noting he could be hit by a car or felled by a preventable illness.

"It's also a matter of the unpredictability of it," she adds.

Chows are known for being one-owner dogs. They're also known for occasionally being unpredictable.

"If we were all adults, that would be fine," Weissend said. "But on just one block of Hanover, there are 33 children. I think we need to do what is good for the community, and hopefully, what is good for Black Dog."

* * *

There are those who watch Black Dog following their strollers and children and see a shaggy question mark instead of a protective spirit.

That's why Jones is preparing to fire upon Black Dog with a tranquilizer gun if his next Acme-like animal trap fails.

"We'll continue until we bring him in," vowed Jones, a nice guy who can see both sides of the Black Dog saga.

The plan is to catch him, clean him up, give him his shots and perhaps turn him over to a chow rescue group or an interested family in Powhatan County.

Jones admits it might be determined that Black Dog isn't a candidate for adoption - that he's too old to learn a new trick. In that case, he would be destroyed.

But if you look into Black Dog's eyes and watch the way he moves, you can sense an almost otherworldly quality about him.

You get the distinct impression you could catch him, parachute him into Afghanistan, and he'd be back within a week.

Killing him might not even work.

Such is the legend of Black Dog.

Tonight’s sundown from the front porch of The Barn.It rained probably at least two inches since the wee hours this morni...

Tonight’s sundown from the front porch of The Barn.
It rained probably at least two inches since the wee hours this morning after long, hot, dry weeks here in the Tennessee mountains.
That semi-drought gave farmers plenty of time to cut, rake and bale one of the best spring crops they’ve seen in a long time. The grass ran wild after a wet winter and spring.
Today’s rain was sweet relief.
Mid-60s here right now.
Like a pot of gold.

I hear a fair number of older people bitch about “young people today;” how they’re weak, unadventurous, not good at chan...

I hear a fair number of older people bitch about “young people today;” how they’re weak, unadventurous, not good at changing tires and fixing other stuff. Too busy playing video games in their parents’ basements.
Not me. I think they’re cool.
Case in point:
“The Snake” is a famous East Tennessee mountain thrill-ride road over the Iron Mountains not far from The Barn project.
Motorcyclists and sports car enthusiasts from all over come to test the banked hairpins and swooping curves.
It’s similar to “The Dragon,” “Tail of the Dragon,” and one of many high-mountain roads near here with great views, cooler temperatures and all the excitement you can handle.
Went over it today in my pickup to get some rough lumber from my favorite country sawmill in Shady Valley.
There’s a country store/souvenir shop there at the base of The Snake where you usually see lots of Harleys, Indians, BMUglys and sport-bikes, with a cool blend of tatted and chained bikers, black-clad adventure riders and leather-suited crotch-rocketeers all gathered, swapping stories.
And there, surprisingly, was a gang of young riders on vintage Italian scooters.
Antique scooters with itty bitty tires, taking on the Snake and connecting roads that are just as twisty and dangerous.
Many of their machines likely 10 years older than they are.
There were Lambrettas, kissing cousins to the famous Vespas, first made in the outskirts of Milan a century ago by a big scaffold manufacturer.
Cool machines all, with those sweeping lines and little under-the-seat engines that’ll whip along just fine at 60 mph and twist out at 80 if you’ve got the guts.
Right now, all over the world, they’re way more hip and often more valuable than a badass Harley.
One of the younguns I talked with was from Boston. He said it was a national meet and they’d come from all over the country.
I’m thinking it’s takes plenty of skill, courage and mechanical know-how to pull this off. (BTW, respect to anyone who rides on two wheels, no matter what kind.)
He didn’t have time to chat because they were meeting more of the crew a couple mountains over.
Off they went like hornets.
One of the girls riding with him (the one in the orange jacket) had a “patch” on her jacket like the ones motorcycle gang members wear.
It said, “The Stragglers.”
How cool is that?


Repeating my love-not-divide manifesto as we begin - I hope and pray - the summer of love.
And adding an agree-to-disagree postscript as we prep for another bizarre, cartoon-like and potentially world-changing election.
We can and should disagree about the course of our nation and our “leaders.”
But we must agree that we should not and cannot use violent or abusive language on those with whom we disagree.
I will no longer tolerate it on my social media pages and I encourage you to do the same.

My love-not-divide manifesto:

As long as you're a decent, honest human being of any race, s*x, ethnicity or orientation, I vow to honor you and defend you against discrimination, unfair attacks and bullying.
But if YOU'RE the bully, if you're dishonest, violent, out-of-control, wantonly disrespectful, turning your status into a freak show or trying to use it for profit, division or intimidation - well, you're on your own.




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