Hey, Heroes! It's time again for our weekly D&D Campaign, Flight of the Beguiling Couatl. We'll be holding our 30th session today (08/22/2021) at 2:00 PM PST/AZT, 3:00 PM MST, 4:00 PM CST, and 5:00 PM EST @ https://www.twitch.tv/vizorion
Feel like you're simply too far behind to hop in? Don't worry! Our party still has many adventures ahead of them, so it's never too late to start watching! Eventually, we will be making previous sessions available to watch on Youtube, as well, so you can catch up on what you've missed, but there's some housekeeping to do before the channel is created, so for now, enjoy the ride week-to-week, and we will continue to do occasional recaps for those who have joined us further along in our story, or missed a few sessions.
Our group hangs in a moment of suspense as one group of enemies is dispatched, and the secondary party of strange Sahuagin stare them down, wary of their intentions. Is it a chance for parley, or merely the breath between one fight and another? Will the unintentional alliance against the snake-like monstrosities hold, or has its convenience concluded? Beyond the confrontation before them, what will our group of adventurers learn about the strange ritual that lead them into these subterranean depths? Do the fish people have answers, or are they but another obstacle barring the path to understanding what is brewing in this blighted land?
Streamer, Let's PLayer, Cosplayer, Voice Artist, and much more. A renaissance man fond of puns. A jack-of-all-trades with a desire to entertain. Good times made are good times had.