Information Session on M128 Caste Motion
There is a motion to add Caste to the Human Rights Act in Canada.
CoHHE fought the addition of Caste policy at TDSB and now we are prepared to fight it at the federal level.
Please join this session to learn from Richa Gautam, founder, CasteFiles and build an international perspective on this problem. Also learn about key takeaways from her interview with MP Don Davies who authored M128.
For more information contact CoHHE or Castefiles at [email protected] and [email protected]
#CasteMotion #CasteDiscrimination #CasteFiles #CoHHE #SocialJustice #CasteAwareness #CastePolicy #castefilesmagazine #HumanRights #M128 Richa Gautam
#Castefiles Founder Richa Gautam discussed the #2024Elections in a 5 minute short snippet here .👇👇👇
The US universities participated in the Dismantling Global Hindutva conference #DGHC2021 and the conference was one of the events that played a role in defining the election strategies in India
Detailed discussion on how the 2019 election has broken the caste based voting blocs became important in building the divisive caste based strategy for 2024 👇👇👇
Census is a socio political exercise and anyone advocating a #Caste census in modern independent India is attempting the same colonial divide and rule policies as practiced by the extremely racist supremacist Risley.
Nicholas Dirks has systematically critiqued the colonial imposition of caste on the Indian population and in his book “castes of mind” he unfolds how the concept was ingrained into the identity politics and the mental landscape of Indians
Rahul Gandhi has used the caste Dalit and Adivasi card to build voter blocs for Indian congress and use similar fissures and fault lines as the colonialists created in India 🇮🇳
#indiaelection2024 #2024indiaelectiion #India #Bharat #castefilesmagazine #castefiles Richa Gautam
BULLETIN | Hindu human rights activist exposes Hindumisia at US Congressional Briefing:
There is a disinformation campaign in America about the Hindu-American community which leverages caste as a weapon, but is cloaked in the finely crafted garb of social justice, explains Caste Files founder, Richa Gautam.
Follow Us For Daily Content | CasteFiles Richa Gautam
#WhatsWrongWithIndians #Caste #castefilesmagazine #castefiles
Celebrations begin and media interviews CaresGlobal Director Dimple Varindani
Celebrations begin and media interviews CaresGlobal Director Dimple Varindani
Watch this space for more as we launch our major celebration with our adopted basti on Thursday
#castefilesmagazine #castefiles Richa Gautam
On our sister site our team has recorded the facts of the Cisco caste discrimination case - the unconstitutionality and lack of due process in the #CRDs complaint and statements in the court documents
We encourage everyone to listen to this important interview to understand the weaponization of caste against Hindu Americans like the prime accused Sundar Iyer in the Cisco Case.
Iyer was fully exonerated when the California Civil Rights Department or CRD dismissed the complaint against him and Ramana Kompella - why? mainly because their bluff would have been penalized for perjury if they didn’t withdraw.
A brave and engaging interview that needs a full listen to understand how the state came after two Indian Managers with fake charges.
#castefilesmagazine #castefiles Richa Gautam
The Caste Discrimination Story in USA relies on a SINGLE swallow making Summer. That is why #SB403 failed
Here is the SINGLE swallow that represents #afrodalit aka
Dr. Suraj Yengde 👇👇👇
Then we have the SINGLE swallow representing Dalit oppression aka Dalit Diva
Single Corporate caste case #Cisco case - now dismissed and full of holes as discussed at our sister website
Single case against a Temple - BAPS caste case which reeks of coercion and has fallen apart as discussed on #castefiles
And the most hate felt in USA is against #brahmin - who are facing fabricated charges, targeting due to their last name.
Hence Dr. Suraj Yengde prefers a monologue at #harvardindiacon because he knows he is on shaky grounds if he tries to debate
Rajiv Malhotra
Because SINGLE swallows do not make summer. 👇👇👇
#saynotocastediscrimimation #stopbrahminhate
#castefilesmagazine Richa Gautam
2023 ends on a horrifying note for #CanadianHindus with an attack on Kitchener's Ram Dham Temple on Dec 22. The vandal desecrated the temple's holy altar and hurled profanities at Hindu gods.
#castefilesmagazine #castefiles Richa Gautam
Indian Americans went from being a model minority to a 'discriminatory community' via not only fake surveys & cases, but also very real policy changes, explains noted anti-caste activist & Caste Files founder, Richa Gautam | Watch:
👉🏼 Follow Us | CasteFiles #SB403 #CasteFiles #Caste #EndRacism #HinduAmericans #IndianAmericans #NRI #Minority #Reel #Reels #castefilesmagazine Richa Gautam