Montage Pictures

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  • Montage Pictures

Montage Pictures Montage Pictures is an independant film company based out of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Formed by Jordan Keith, Janin Palahicky, Rebecca Strom and Koichi Izumi in the spring of 2009, Montage Pictures has since produced several short films. Filmography:

Darkest Before Dawn (short) (2010)
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear...Say Goodnight (2010)
Missing Link (2010)
Rayne in the Mexican Mud (2011)

Projects in Pre-Production:

Wisest Wizard (webseries)
Darkest Before Dawn (Feature)
The Untold Stor

y of Coyle Boyle


Audience Choice Award (Darkest Before Dawn), Unlock the Vault Film Festival, 2009
Audience Choice Award (Missing Link), Unlock the Vault Film Festival, 2010
OFFICIAL SELECTION: Whistler Film Festival 2010 (Missing Link)


Been a long time since I wrote anything for the web, but tonight I happened to be drinking… shocker. And I came across the open letter from Jennifer Lawrence, complaining about the wage gap between Male and Female actors… I am going to preface this tirade by saying that Jennifer Lawrence may in fact be my favourite actor. And yes I chose favourite actor, to simultaneously show my allegiance to the queens English, rather than its bastardized American version: and also to placate the pathetic denotation of sexism in the film industry that devolved from the separation of Actor and Actress. Ms. Lawrence, you have chosen a career in which EVERY individual is minimalized to their worth as a commercial product, and then complain as if it is the industries fault that you are not more marketable than your male counterpart. By merely making that statement, you are inadvertently setting the feminist movement back. You are questioning equality, while simultaneously demanding a bias. Just take a moment to eliminate YOUR sexist assumptions on the issue. And simplify yourself to the Coke and Pepsi conundrum. Why has Pepsi been unable to outsell Coke in OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS of competition?!?!?! Because the consumers prefer Coke. Again, you have made yourself a consumer product, make a dress out of your millions of dollars and suck it the f**k up. Ask the question, why does a young boy in the slums of Baltimore get beaten while his twin sister gets both beaten and r***d, and yes I will probably side with you in your outrage on the equality of sexes. But you are asking me to care why you can on your current “modest” budget only afford a Maserati GranTurismo whilst your male equal can strut himself about town in a Lamborghini Gallardo. Here’s an idea… Go f**k yourself!!! You have CHOSEN an industry that demeans you to a consumer product, and then had the nerve to allege offense against the value society places upon that product. If it is that big of concern to you, make like Pepsi. Diversify. Make yourself a better all-around product than your male competition. And stop playing upon societies hot buttons. Sorry you weren’t able to install the gold steps in your pool this month… guess you’ll have to wait until next month. I sat down with a young girl yesterday that had really think hard to decide between internet and life insurance as her absolute last expense… Stop being such a self-indulgent as***le, and remember what it’s like to be in the real world for a second.

Cassidy's Origin

***WARNING*** There will be spoilers held within…

I met a girl recently that told me she loves to learn, and hence, reads more than most. Breezing over how sexy it is and should always be to have a thirst for knowledge. I felt a little diminutive because I don’t read all that much. I have a certain affinity for impromptu, Internet research. But for the most part I am generally ‘watching’ far more than I am reading. And that comes with a certain stigma. There are studies showing that people who watch more than 6 hours of tv a day could shorten your life by around 5 years. But for me, and I would assume many others that watching television and movies is an incredibly visceral and mind expanding experience. And, I don’t ALWAYS watch the pinnacle of the medium, but as an aspiring writer I do tend to have a predilection to the more intelligent examples of cinematic art. The way The Wire created universe devoted to its main character, the city of Baltimore, and did not shy away from displaying both the admirable and deplorable characteristics of all parts of their main character. Or, how South Park has elevated the stature of dick and fart humour to the level of motivating and even influential, have irreversibly altered the trajectory of my ‘career’ and writing aspirations. I watch shows and films like these seeking the secrets to raise my own work. Over the years, maybe no one has influenced me more than Aaron Sorkin. The way he uses dialogue as the main motivator for his stories. His primary tool to sculpt his universe, to turn his characters into family members and to entice you into their world. I took a break today from editing to binge watch the final season of The Newsroom… I have had quite a bit of difficulty with the editing of this film actually. It is many years since I wrote it and I have separated myself from the personal aspects of the script. But editing it forces me face to face with the demons that I have buried within my characters, so I was craving a retreat to that safety of someone else’s universe. The problem is that I find that I often engulf myself so deeply in these shows I love that their ending affects me far more than is probably forgivable to most. It did not help that the end of newsroom revolves around the death of the shows father figure. But, in one of the final episodes two characters have a rather candid conversation about r**e and it brought me right back to Interspecies and the world I was hoping for a break from.
Interspecies first began as a whisper inside a short stage play I wrote in 2002 called Date R**e and The Morning-After Pill, and a fascination that I have, even now, yet to be able to shake. And fascination may sound like an inappropriate choice of word, or a hint to something sinister within me. But in truth that is honestly where this whole thing started, a fascination with Date R**e. Fascinating because it is something that, no matter how much I try, I cannot comprehend it. The impulse to r**e makes sense to me when viewed as a sickness or a disorder, a need for power over another person due to an innate feeling of helplessness. The compulsion for date r**e however is often carried out by those who in other facets would not be considered deviant to our society. The fact that so many ‘normal’ people are capable of harbouring within them the ability to rob someone’s daughter, or son come to that, of their innocence simply due to a control of lust and an ignorance to their own malice makes no sense to me no matter what angle I choose to look from. And, it terrifies me for the millions of innocents victimized by this horrific threat that we as a society, literally, have no hope of eliminating. If get my wish, I will one day have a daughter. Which, sadly also means that I will have to one day look at her and know that she should secretly be afraid of every man she ever meets, because no one has yet to be able to tell us what could possibly alter a boy so horribly to be come a man capable of destroying another human being. If the tabula rasa perspective holds any weight, there is something within a life, a defining moment that can turn a man from good to evil. And our children will walk blindly through this labyrinth of menace without any indication of might me a hero and who a villain.
As I created the story and character of Cassidy my aim was to investigate that idea, what could drive a boy so far that he would be willing to steal a little girl’s innocence so that he might reclaim some of his own?! And, in reality, I think I may have cheated myself in the creation of his world, in that I have given him some really dark and influential aspects to his life that may paint him a little bit of a deviant. I do hope and believe though, that Cameron’s depiction of him has developed a vulnerability and fragility that it would be hard for most not to empathize with on an honest level.

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) THE SECOND COMING Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall…

Eva Upload

One of our bestie, Eva Montgomery, is in town for the holidays. So we thought we would use the excuse to release at tiny ROUGH glimpse at her contribution to our upcoming feature release, Interspecies Dating. Eva flew out to Van to reprise her role from our gritty short, Rayne in the Mexican Mud for this scene.
Some initial complications to the editing process are now well behind us, so expect some more glimpses updates on progress as our excitement builds while we we push towards a release.
The scene also features the talented Joey Coleman, one of our amazing leads Sean Marshall Jr and the makeup work of Shelly Vickers. Hope you enjoy it, let us know what you think.

This is "Eva Upload" by Montage Pictures on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Mark Fossen - This Minute Hand

Today is Mark Fossen's birthday!!!! What better reason to repost the music video we mad with an amazing musician, and man,

This is "Mark Fossen - This Minute Hand" by Montage Pictures on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Charlie - Shane Koyczan & The Short Story Long

You can blame this on those people of late who have been asking me when I would write more on the website… well, it’s down so this is the best I can do for now. As usual, it is written while heavily influenced by alcohol and in one sitting, so I hope there is some judgment reserved on any awkwardness and/or grammatical errors, and your attention on the underlying notions contained here within. Kind of an open letter to my father on one of my annual days of self destruction and repair.

Two years ago today this life stole from me something more precious than anything I have ever known. Something that taught, molded and teased me. Something that taught me to stand, to fall and laugh, to stand again. It has been Seven hundred-thirty days since the inevitable conclusion of thirteen years of being forced to watch a cruel disease take hold of a man that taught me everything I know of strength and humility and pick him apart, piece-by-piece. And still, the last time I saw him, twelve years after being given a year to live he asked me for forgiveness for not being a better father, for not being able to beat it. And I suppose, that’s where it all comes from, your constant refusal in the face of insurmountable odds, and your statistically significant success against them; my favourite saying, and honest belief that we are Keith’s and we do not lose. It has been 1,047,900 minutes (give or take) since you were taken from me, and it seems so foolish to count such a thin in minutes, but that number still seems puny for the amount of time I have lost to it. Be it a song or memory that sends me into a brief fit of tears, or a day torn apart waking from nightmares, it seems I am always in some state of repair these days. It would be fraudulent for me to pretend that I do not harbour some depressive tendencies, and to anyone who has read any of my writing, that should not seem any surprise. Though, I usually strive to illuminate the beauty hidden within those darkest of moments. I thin the problem for me now is that I get caught up in the darkness of this whole thing. But, you always taught me to control darkness, to harness and feed from it. I just don’t think you have ever actually shown me to channel something this formidable. The only lessons I have are fragments of stories that you were brave enough to share with me in those last years. You once confided in me how, after the loss of mom, you ran yourself to exhaustion and had to drive out of town on your lunch hours and pass out, just so that you had the energy to come home to me and Jess each night. And, I hope I don’t betray you by sharing your secrets, but I think there is an immense power in it, that you inadvertently withheld from others. And also is the reason, that I think you above all might understand my technique for dealing with this type of thing. I have carried in my wallet, for many years now, the first hand accounts of those who have survived some of the most gruesome punishment and demeaning circumstance, along with the words “worse things have happened to better people.” And whenever I start to feel sorry for myself, I look on it and it reminds me just how blessed I have been. But for the longest time, this internal battle has just been too much for me to forgive on the words of people unknown. But, in the last few months I have begun to take refuge in what might be your final lesson… or maybe your first if I had ever taken the time to pay attention. At the end of your life, you apologized. Your biggest concern was my brother, and me as it always was. I cannot fathom the strength it took you, in 1985, a world with no cellphones, to make it two hundred yards to the house with two screaming toddlers and the love of your life lying shattered on the ground. But you did, and you carried on. You gave us everything that we could have ever needed or wanted, and still at the end you felt ashamed for the brief moments lost to an infantile life to allow you some semblance of weakness. For me what I have found works is what I think has been best described as controlled detonation. Grandma once wrote a poem about me called Chameleon because she noticed an ability to adapt to any situation, and display outwardly whatever was needed even when I was falling apart inside. You had to drive out of town just to pass out every day, so I think you can probably understand the extreme energy required to be outwardly happy constantly, especially at times like these when I feel like I am being held together with loosely wrapped duct tape. For me, I store it for long periods of time and it really doesn’t bother me. I let it out in little bits when I am writing. But some things have proven just too big to bury. You and Geoffrey mostly. I suppose I should feel blessed for having to deal with is loss, he was like a brother and it proved a stepping-stone to losing you. And the way my silly brain works, I think I am one step closer to understanding what it might have been like for his parents and Krissy to have to let him go. We were just kids, and he was taken from me. So on your anniversaries, when it seems to build up into something that I cannot restrain, I let it out. I drink, and I write for you. Sometimes it is beautiful. Sometimes it is just s**t. Sometimes I can’t bring myself to look at it a second time. I remember stumbling down near the oceanfront on a February 22nd in Vancouver amidst my ritual for Geoffrey. The way the light and steam reflected of the frosting windshields near the beach. So I wrote him a poem, and I have looked at it several times since. I bet, if I wanted to, I could even decipher the ragged, drunken scrawl in my book. But, on some level I am happy to covet that as one of the final moments I have with him that I never have to share. And these moments of weakness, when I let you two tear me apart affords me the strength I take from you memories the rest of the time. Over time Geoffrey has turned into an almost constant source of strength, I am not ashamed to say that I have not yet learned to shape our own past into such emotional nourishment. I lost a solid year when you left us. Last September I celebrated a 40oz 30th birthday. Partly because it was my thirtieth birthday, and why the hell not, but mostly because I was had been spending much of my life at the time at the bottom of a bottle, so why not take the excuse to push it to excess. Soon after, I began to plan my return back to Calgary, not a retreat, just a reclaiming of a city once ours. And it has proven to be well worth it, to re-immerse myself within the love and familiarity that I had to extricate myself from when I went to Vancouver. This year has been quite a bit better. Filmed my first feature, made a difficult move for a job with merit, started sober September. You always taught me to identify my weaknesses and take actions to belie them. My birthday has become a big one, all it really brings to mind these days are goofy and now sad memories. Every year you got me a chocolate cake, and every year, as if part of the festivities you remembered that I hated chocolate cake and just wanted ice cream. Not to mention that most of my birthdays were celebrated early or late because Labour Day just happened to be the best time for salmon fishing. And, I don’t mean that as if to complain it’s just one of those goofy memories that reminds me of you, besides if the cost of me having you was the insignificant sacrifice of few birthdays, then it is my honour to bare it. And, as Shakespeare put it, “there’s the rub”, and there always is one. Because I know I am losing memories of you with every moment, but at the same time the most innocuous things can bring back the most vivid and forgotten recollection. Today I told the story of when we were in as Texan diner and the owner looked at us and said, “Canadians, I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before.” The door has been sticking on my apartment, and it popped open after I shut it. I thought of the porch door at the acreage house, and how it used to pop open. You used to give us s**t about it, and one day it popped open when you closed it and I made some snide comment, as teenagers do. You grabbed me by my collar, lifted me, spun me, and slammed me against the side of the Explorer. I can remember it vividly, but I don’t remember ever being afraid of you hurting me, I knew you never would. I remember even then, being in awe of the power you harboured and the times I might have inspired it’s wrath, but this was the closest I had ever come. The closest you had ever come to losing control. I fell down a few times this year, pops. Especially these last few weeks. I have been trying to curb it. When I have been feeling low, I have been forcing myself to go to the gym. After all, it was there that I learned to turn Geoffrey’s memory from fear and panic to bridled rage. Still, some days when there is nothing to get in the way of, I would rather just drink and sink into it. But that is how I have always accessed the release that is my writing anyway, Charlie Chaplin said, “to truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it.” For me, I spend so much my life ignoring and suppressing the negative that I have to allow myself these moments of uncontested weakness, to take my pain and ‘play with it’, to create something from it, something beautiful and hopefully worthwhile. I know you would have hated him but, amidst the drivel that falls from his face, Eminem can sometimes be quite eloquent really. “My honesty’s brutal, but it’s honestly futile if I don’t utilize what I do for good at least once in a while, so I wanna make sure somewhere in this chicken scratch I scribble and doodle enough rhymes to maybe try to help get some people through tough times.” I don’t think I have ever written anything with the intention of helping or even inspiring someone else, but it is not as if I don’t hope that beautifying this life’s ugliest moments might be able to help someone else find their way in the dark. I suppose that is what this is about. More than an apology, though that’s kinda what we do in this family, apologize any and every time we don’t succeed. And, I’m not saying how I choose to handle this sort of thing is necessarily healthy, but I have seen it take down others because they don’t seem to have a proper vent for the pressure that builds up. And I think that is probably the best way to describe it. As I get nearer to the days of detonation, the weight builds. The last couple weeks I could feel it like a firm hand and strong push on my chest which bubbles to seconds of shutters and tears. But I can hold it back knowing that a release is coming. Then today, a day worth mourning, I let it all out. I dive into drink, and I write for you everything that may want to come out. Much of it not worth s**t, but some of it (hopefully) worth sharing with the world. And I can already feel the pressure easing, like an open steam valve when there is no one and nothing to be harmed by it. And true, it may be just that I know my day of release is coming that subconsciously allows me to feel the build up, but I think you, above all, will understand how exhausting it can be to simply be happy some times. Yet, we managed to do it almost exclusively in exchange for these brief moments of resolute despair. Thank you, so much for everything you taught me. For fighting so hard and becoming my best friend before the end. For teaching me so many things worth knowing. And for loving me, unconditionally and at cost to yourself. If more people had fathers like you, this world would be an infinitely better place.

Track 12 from "Remembrance Year" (2012) I do not own the rights to this music. All music and artwork belong to their respective artists.


Soo..... Last night, I got to call "That's a wrap." on the final shot of our first feature. The preliminary footage looks AMAZING. So excited and blessed to have worked with such talented and wonderful people. I am going to flood the internet with updates and buzz as I continue down the path of post production. Just want to thank everyone involved. I head home in 4 days, and will be busy opening a new bar in Calgary but will make sure to keep updates and begin by introducing you to all the characters and cast starting ASAP.

Thanks so much everyone for all the help, support and love.


Interspecies Dating

We are incredibly excited to begin auditions this Sunday for the lead roles in our first feature. Please follow the link below for more information and submission instructions.

The original free resource for the Vancouver acting community. Since 1998, we have been providing the community with the tools to adopt a proactive approach towards their career.


Happy New Year from all of us at Montage Pictures!


Our musician pal Mark Fossen will be back in Vancouver playing a show in August. We highly recommend you check him out--he lives in Ottawa now, so there are fewer opportunities to see this talented man performing live onstage.

Pre-buy your tickets here--we will see you there!

The 30 Harshest Filmmaker-on-Filmmaker Insults in History

The 30 Harshest Filmmaker-on-Filmmaker Insults in History

[Editor's note: While your Flavorwire editors take a much-needed holiday break, we're revisiting some of our most popular features of the year. This post was originally published August 10, 2011.] ...

Strong Bad E-mail: Montage

Ever wonder where the inspiration for the name Montage Pictures came from? Here is one of the many reasons our company is named what it is.

Strong Bad E-mail

Han Solo in Carbonite With a Force-Filled Er****on Light Switch Plate

The renovations around our production studio are endless. Becca has decided she wants this lightswitch for the editing suite.

"The Force is hard with this one." Valrico, Florida-based WickedStudio hand-sculpted a custom Star Wars light switch plate featuring Han Solo in carbonite with a force-filled er****on. The plate is...


This weeked marks our final shooting day on "Bite"! Huge thanks to the amazing cast and crew for all of their hard work thusfar. We are very excited about this film!


Has your child ever wanted to be an actor? Check out our friends over at The Stage New Westminster for classes in the performing arts!

Montage Pictures

So.... I did the second installment of my blogging on the montage site. This one is a bit dark, but it is the mood I am in today.., Check it out. And, I thought I said this last time but I definitely am now and it should stand as an open invitation for any time I get around to doing this. Let me know what you think, right here in the comments on this. Good, bad. question, comment. I would love to hear from you. At the core of all my writing, I am doing it for you. If for nothing more than to just entertain you...

- Jordie

I guess it has been long enough since I have done a ‘regular’ blog. And as I promised, I am going to try to give each one a theme that has something to do with Montage, or film in general.I guess if this one had to have a title it would be “Depression: Just a [...]


Can't sleep tonight, pretty anxious. Submitted a script for coverage for the first time tonight. Not sure what to expect, but by next Friday, I should have received my notes and rating of Pass, Consider, or Recommend. Next step is Querying agents like mad... Pretty nerve wracking .

- Jordie


It's Oscars night! What is your pick for Best Picture of 2013?


Hey all,
I kept my obligation to my other montages today and blogged on our website. Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments here. Thanks to every one who takes the looking moment to read it. It may be about me, but I did it for you. I promise.
- Jordie


Thanks so much to everyone who voted and supported The Iron Giant in 60 seconds. We unfortunately didn't have enough votes to make the top 25, but we can't thank you all enough for your support. Special thanks to everyone involved in the project too!


Thank you so much to everyone who shared and voted The Iron Giant in 60 Seconds! Round one of voting closed today at noon. We will find out if we proceed to round two tomorrow. Thank you to all of you lovely people for your support!

Iron Giant in 60 Seconds - Virgin Radio's Fake Film Festival 2013

If you haven't seen our entry in the Virgin Radio Fake Film Festival, check it out below! And vote for The Iron Giant in 60 seconds and help us at a shot of winning $10,000!

Thanks so much to everyone who has already voted. Your support means the world!

A condensed retelling of the children's classic The Iron Giant. Starring: Nathan PiaseckiDustin FreelandNat OlssonAnd Rebecca StromDirected


Please help support your friendly neighborhood Montage! Our entry in the Virgin Radio Fake Film Festival is finally online. Check out the link below and please click 'Like' on the Virgin page to vote and help us through to the next round to win $10,000!


Color correction is happening! Our amazing composer is working hard on the score. The Iron Giant in 60 seconds will be ready for your viewing pleasure this Tuesday!


Unfortunately, we didn't happen to be listening at the time, but we are told that our project The Iron Giant in 60 seconds was talked about on Virgin Radio this morning. Very exciting stuff. We will be posting the finished film on the 12th!


Ending the day after a 12 1/2 hour stint of editing and painting for the Iron Giant, minus an hour for ADR... And this concludes our broadcast day *CLICK*


A new project in the works...this one is very ambitious...


We are very excited to be doing another small shoot with our friend Mark Fossen tomorrow. He is in Vancouver for only one day before heading back to his new hometown in Ottawa. Looking forward to the opportunity to film this talented musician (and all around nice guy) once more!




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