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How Coca-Cola Became Successful.

Coca-Cola is the World’s most valuable soft drink brand. It is worth an estimated $74 billion: more than Budweiser, Pepsi, Starbucks, and Red Bull combined. It has a product portfolio of more than 3,500 beverages (and 500 brands)- which include sodas, water, coffee, teas, juices, kombuchas, etc. Its most popular brands are Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, and Dasani. It’s present in more than 200 countries.

Coca-Cola uses a franchising model in its production and distribution. It produces concentrates and syrups, which are then distributed to the bottling partners around the world. The companies then combine the concentrates with sparkling water, and sweeteners, depending on the product, then package, sell and distribute to retailers. Nonetheless, the company owns 900 bottling plants and has 225 bottling partners worldwide.
Coca-Cola is entirely responsible for all consumer brand marketing initiatives.

Coca-Cola History
In the early 80s, although Coca-Cola was still the world’s best-selling soft drink, its rival Pepsi-Cola was gaining market share at a very fast speed, thanks in part to its aggressive “Pepsi Challenge” campaign. On April 23, 1985, Coca-cola took a very bold risk- the boldest single move in the history of the packaged-goods: It announced that it was changing the formula of the world’s most popular soft drink! It was called “new Coke.” The Company wanted to revamp the formula and the whole soft drinks segment, and they did just that!

Within weeks of the announcement, the company was fielding 5,000 angry phone calls a day. By June, that number grew to 8,000 calls a day. Angry consumers staged protests all over. Some even poured the contents of New Coke bottles into sewer drains. One Seattle consumer even filed suit against the company to force it to provide the old drink.
The outrage caught Company executives by surprise. They had hurriedly made a decision unsupported by data; They had underestimated loyal drinkers’ emotional attachments to the brand.

79 days after their initial announcement, the company executives once again held a press conference on July 11, 1985—this time to announce the return of the original formula, under the label Coca-Cola Classic. “Our boss is the consumer; we want them to know we’re very sorry.” Said the CEO. The news was so momentous that television networks broke into normal programming with special reports. As time passed by, the new coke was wiped out and the “old Coke” occupied the shelves. Big Lesson there.

Coke became the first soft drink to be consumed in outer space when astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger sipped from the Coca-Cola Space Can on July 12, 1985.

Coca-Cola Target Audience:
For your marketing campaign to bear fruits, it’s important to segment your market; divide it into logical groups, each of which might respond to a different approach. Creating an approach for each segment of your target audience will make it easy to pass a message.
Coca-Cola has segmented its market into:
1. Demographic.
Age is one of the most important segments of Coca-Cola.
Each of its products targets a certain age group. And the marketing campaigns are done with the target group in mind. For instance:
Coca-Cola- Targets a young customer base aged between 10-and 35. They often use well-known pop stars to promote their product. Also, the company targets universities, schools, Colleges, etc.
Coca-Cola diet Targets an elderly segment. It puts into consideration people with diabetes who are often 40 plus.

Coca-Cola light for example targets girls and women, whereas Coke Zero and Thums up have a stronger taste and target men.
All the marketing focuses on each group. Also from their branding, Coke Zero is in black and red and looks more masculine than Cola Light. The message in the advertising also differs.

2. Geographical Segmentation
The company sells its products in more than 200 countries. However, they pursue a different strategy depending on the region, because the needs of potential customers differ from each other due to climate, income, culture, or custom. Some products are available in other Countries but unavailable here, depending on customer needs. Ie Thums Up is available in India and China, but unavailable here.

Coca-Cola Positioning.
Coca-Cola does not sell a drink in a bottle, it sells happiness. In its marketing and advertising, they never talk about the ingredients or the content in their drinks. The company has positioned its products as thirst-quenching and refreshing. The products they offer are said to bring happiness and joy to its target market. The drinks and other products from Coca-Cola are also associated with having a great time with family and friends while enjoying daily life. All its marketing and advertising are based on that positioning. What comes to your mind when you hear the name Coca-Cola?
Me, happiness. I am already thirsty. Best brands don’t sell products/services. They sell emotions.

Coca-Cola pricing strategy.
From 1886 to 1959, a bottle of Coke cost just five cents.
Just like tech startups of today begin, by offering a service for free and then charging a higher price to consumers and/or advertisers once they've become hooked. Before utilizing networking effects became standard practice, Coca-Cola used a similar approach to scale across the US and then throughout the world.
It charges different prices for products depending on segment and market share.

Coca–Cola’s Marketing and advertising Strategies.
Coca-Cola spends more money on advertising than Microsoft and Apple combined
Coca-Cola’s advertising history dates back. The company has held many successful marketing campaigns from the 1971 hit song “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke”, to the Share a Coke campaign of the modern-day, to countless commercials, campaigns, etc.

These are some marketing strategies it employs:
1. Sports sponsorship.
Coca-Cola has a long history of sports sponsorships. It was the first commercial sponsor of the Olympic Games, at the 1928 games in Amsterdam, and has been an Olympics sponsor ever since. Since 1978, Coca-Cola has sponsored the FIFA World Cup, and other competitions organized by FIFA.
2. In mass marketing.
The company has prominently featured in many films and television programs, such as “The Coca-Cola Kid”. In music, such as the song, "Come Together", the lyrics say, "He shoot Coca-Cola”, etc.
3. Acquisitions.
The Coca-Cola company has a long list and history of acquisitions. The first company Coca-Cola acquired was Minute Maid in 1960. In India, the company first took over Parle Foods and acquired local brands like Thumps Up, Limca, Mazaa, etc. The combination of Indian and Western brands enabled it to extend its global branding.
4. Great Marketing Campaigns.
Coca-cola is known for creating insanely great campaigns. Do you remember the “Share a Coke campaign?” Where Coke bottles had consumer names.
The campaign first launched in 2011 in Australia and New Zealand, using 250 of the most common millennial names to market its products to individual consumers. Through this campaign, the company encouraged its consumers to share a coke with a friend of that name. The aim was to create a more personal relationship with consumers and inspire shared moments of happiness. This campaign blew off on social media as everyone started to post pictures of it. The campaign soon spread to 70 countries and was successful everywhere. The campaign increased Coke consumption from 1.7 to 1.9 billion servings per day and made a number one global trending topic on social media.
5. Social Media.
Coca-Cola is known for creating insanely great social media campaigns.
It ran an organic social campaign during world Kindness Day 2019, called .

The brand partnered with artists on Instagram to create original Coke-inspired images, all responding to kindness. Share a Coke campaign, which involved Coca-Cola replacing the logo on the bottles of its Coke products with popular names, was also started on social media. The campaign was a social media success and within six months of its launch, Coca-Cola reported 330 million impressions on Twitter, with nearly 170,000 tweets from 160,000 fans.
6. Digital focus
Coca-Cola now has a digital infrastructure in place for accepting orders online or via a mobile app, using same-day delivery services. It is also using digital technology to create new consumer experiences via innovative programs like sip & scan, which lets consumers unlock experiences and prizes by scanning icons on Coke packages with their mobile phones.

There once was a little boy who had a very bad temper. His father decided to hand him a bag of nails and said that every...

There once was a little boy who had a very bad temper. His father decided to hand him a bag of nails and said that every time the boy lost his temper, he had to hammer a nail into the fence.

On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails into that fence.

The boy gradually began to control his temper over the next few weeks, and the number of nails he was hammering into the fence slowly decreased. He discovered it was easier to control his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.

Finally, the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father the news and the father suggested that the boy should now pull out a nail every day he kept his temper under control.

The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.

‘You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say I’m sorry, the wound is still there.

Ever since i started the journey of    i presented the idea to you and you embraced it even when you din't know exactly ...

Ever since i started the journey of i presented the idea to you and you embraced it even when you din't know exactly what we were building.

I have experienced a lot of positive feedback from people engaging on platforms online. You have continued to believe in us even when we do little efforts towards the dream.

Today we have more than 35 online businesses with over 50,000 followers across all the wachica pages. We have continued to deliver goods and services to our clients across the globe at affordable prices.
We offer free consultancy on how to take your business online through .

As the founder of and C.E.O of Wachica Group of Companies , We are fully committed as a team to work towards realizing this dream.
Join in this journey as we make the world a better place to grow, work and live in.

—⭐ Frederick W. Smith: Rules For Success ⭐—Frederick Wallace Smith is the founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx.Fred Smith...

—⭐ Frederick W. Smith: Rules For Success ⭐—

Frederick Wallace Smith is the founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx.

Fred Smith is the entrepreneur who scored a ‘C’ on a school paper where he first drafted the idea of an overnight shipment delivery system. His professor thought that “The concept is interesting and well-formed, but in order to earn better than a ‘C’, the idea must be feasible”.

So how did Mr. Smith transform his idea into a super-successful, multi-million dollar business?

Today FedEx is one of the leading global courier delivery corporations, delivering more than 3.6 million packages to nearly 220 countries and territories every business working day. Fred Smith succeeded enormously despite the apparent “unfeasibility” of his idea.

Now let's straight jump into the top 5 rules for success shared by the FedEx Founder.

★ Don’t Be Afraid Of Criticism

In Fred’s own words, “Criticism doesn’t bother me. What we’ve tried to do inside FedEx is to say that criticism is a real opportunity to improve. When we do something wrong for a customer, that’s when we really have a chance to learn how to do things better.”

★ Enjoy What You Are Doing, Take It Easy, And Never Give Up

Enjoy what you are doing and don’t let bad experiences derail you from the road to success.

Quoting Smith: “I’ve had all kinds of adversity, but I think you have to put those things in perspective.”

“I’ve enjoyed every bit of putting the company together. Even the bad parts I learned from. I’ve enjoyed it immensely, and I enjoy what I’m doing today. I enjoy running the company.”

“You’ve got to enjoy what you’re doing, have some fun, and be able to laugh at yourself a bit.”

★ Adapt To The Changing Needs Of The Time

Adapt to the market changes and do what’s necessary to keep your business pushing ahead. In 1994 during the rise of the Internet, Fred introduced a service that allowed customers to coordinate their domestic deliveries via internet-linked computer software and a marketing service that provided businesses with an online catalog of their goods directly linked to FedEx. When the economy went rough, he reduced his own salary and cut down advertisement costs.

“As time changed and markets changed and peoples’ expectations changed, we changed with them,” says Smith.

★ Put People First

One of the driving forces of Smith’s success was fostering a corporate culture where the workers are treated fairly, believing that it instills company loyalty and workers’ commitment.

“You can’t make people do what’s right. You can lead them, and you can empower them to make the right decision, but if you don’t produce a culture that allows them to do that, then all the rest is just bumping your gums as one of my old business partners used to say” _ Fred remarked in one of his interviews.

He further said, “Our People, Service, Profit” philosophy insists that our people be treated fairly. If we give good service and we come up with a reasonable profit, we make that a good deal for our employees, with profit sharing, promotions, and complaint procedures. If you spend any time looking at the culture of FedEx you’ll find that PSP (People, Service, Profit) philosophy is the foundation of everything else.” And this leads us to the final point.

★ Be A Good Boss!

Fred worked hard at being accessible to his employees and acknowledging their efforts. He often visited the FedEx headquarter site late at night, greeting many of the employees by name. He once published full-page newspaper ads to thank the employees for their hard work when they had to process 800,000 additional packages after workers from a competing firm went on strike.

⯬🢚⯮ Final Words ⯬🢚⯮

Fred Smith changed the way the world does business when he was told it couldn’t be done. His reaction was simple, “I didn’t know I couldn’t do this”.

The rise of Internet commerce and the growth of the global economy contributed to the growth and success of FedEx. FedEx capitalized on these trends, with proprietary software for Internet catalog service, and the completion of facilities in the Philippines, Taiwan, France, and China.

FedEx is now a world-class company with unmatched air route authorities and transportation infrastructure, combined with leading-edge information technologies, providing fast and reliable services for more than 3.6 million shipments each business day.

And, at its core, is all about people. Throughout its long history, FedEx has been recognized for its globally renowned employee relations, strategy, and motivation. They encourage their team members to grow within the company and provide them with the necessary tools to develop their careers and managerial skills set within the business. The success of a business depends upon the employees with profit sharing, promotions, and commitments.

Running a business is not always a walk in the park. You need to be highly committed to your work, your people, and your customer. If you're willing to work hard and you're willing to give your total commitment, you're probably going to be successful.

Do you have any success tips or similar stories to share?
We’d like to hear about it. Feel free to share it in the comments.

—⭐ Guy Kawasaki: Tips To Master The Art Of Innovation ⭐—If you’re in the marketing sector, you’ve surely heard of Guy Ka...

—⭐ Guy Kawasaki: Tips To Master The Art Of Innovation ⭐—

If you’re in the marketing sector, you’ve surely heard of Guy Kawasaki. For many tech marketers, Kawasaki has revolutionized the approach to marketing, even coining the word ‘evangelism marketing’.

Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon-Valley based author, speaker, entrepreneur, and evangelist. Guy Kawasaki is well-known for his work at Apple, marketing its Macintosh computer line in 1984. Later, he went on to invest in and add his marketing magic to companies like Canva.

From March 2015 until December 2016, Kawasaki sat on the Wikimedia Foundation board of trustees, the non-profit operating entity of Wikipedia.

As founder of Garage Technology Ventures, he has tested and proven his ideas with dozens of startup companies. He is the author of over half a dozen business books, including Rules for Revolutionaries, The Art of the Start Selling the Dream and How to Drive Your Competition Crazy.

As a thought leader and a people leader in the startup space, Guy provides practical advice from being a more effective evangelist to helping entrepreneurs. Here's some pointer advice that can help you improve your slide decks and pitch your ideas more effectively.

★ Make Meaning

Focus on making meaning, not money. If your vision for your company is to grow it just to flip it to a large company or to take it public and cash out, "you're doomed".

Great innovation is motivated by the desire to make meaning and to change the world. Companies that are successful started because they want to make the world a better place. If you are just trying to make money, then you attract the wrong kind of people.

Kawasaki says that great companies are built around one of three kinds of meaning:
• Increase the quality of life. Make people more productive or their lives easier or more enjoyable.
• Right a wrong. A variant on the above. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
• Prevent the end of something good. Preserve something classic or historical. Save the whales.

★ Make A Mantra

Kawasaki recommends coming up with a simple mantra, preferably three words or less, that succinctly describes your core values.

Some examples he gave:
• Nike — Authentic athletic performance
• FedEx — Peace of mind

"Take some time out and create a mantra for your organization. The test for a mantra is that every employee can recite it.”
— Guy Kawasaki

★ Jump To The Next Curve

Most companies start on a curve and die on a curve, according to Kawasaki. There are certainly a large number of companies that became irrelevant due to their failure to see the next curve. The problem with most businesses is that they define innovation as what they do in their business. Define yourself not as what you do, but as the benefit you provide. Great innovation begins in jumping or creating the next curve.

“When you think about your company, don’t define yourself in terms of what you already do. Think about the benefits that you provide.”
— Guy Kawasaki

★ Roll The DICEE

Don’t be afraid to take a chance and put out something unique to your market. Kawasaki recommended using “DICEE” when making decisions.

DICEE refers to:
• Deep
• Intelligent
• Complete
• Empowering
• Elegant

Kawasaki noted using DICEE regularly can help one provide value to its customers and stay ahead of its rivals.

★ Don’t Worry, Be Crappy

Failure happens but you should embrace and own your mistakes. Waiting for perfection to happen ultimately can do more harm than good. It's OK if your 5.0 release is a little rough around the edges, so long as it still creates value for customers. If you wait until it is perfect you may miss your opportunity.

“If you wait for this perfect world where all the software and tools are there, you will never ship, and the world will pass you by.”
— Guy Kawasaki

★ Let A Hundred Flowers Blossom

Kawasaki pointed out a company that releases a product or service could have a target audience, but customers may find new ways to use this business’s offering. Your best customers may not be who you expect them to be, and no matter how good you are, no matter how much market research you do, you can't perfectly predict what will happen in the real world.

Don't be surprised when the people who are buying your product aren't your intended target market. Instead, find out why they're buying it and capitalize on your newfound good fortune.

★ Polarize People

Great innovation polarizes people, it is one of the consequences.
You can't please everyone. It's better to have a small, fiercely loyal customer base than to create a mediocre product that fades quickly into obscurity.

“Great products polarize people. Some people will love it, some people will despise it, and that’s ok. What you need to worry about is if people don’t care.”
— Guy Kawasaki

★ Churn Baby, Churn

Innovation requires customer feedback, according to Kawasaki.
This is the hardest thing about innovation, you need to be in denial and refuse to listen to naysayers.

★ Niche Thyself

Ideally, you create something that is both of high value to customers and that few others are doing. You should determine if your offerings are unique and provide value to your customers. By doing so, you can fulfil your customers’ needs.

If you are designing a new product then you need to make sure that what you are doing is both unique and valuable. Find your niche. Be the best in it.

★ Perfect Your Pitch

Customize your introduction to show that you know where you are and find out information about who you are talking to.

Developing a perfect pitch with an explanation of why your offerings are unique and valuable.

“Great innovators have to be able to convince people with pitches, speeches and presentations.”
— Guy Kawasaki

⯬🢚⯮ Final Words ⯬🢚⯮

How does a business gain that sort of confidence?
By building something that has meaning and is innovative.

If you believe that you are somehow limited to a certain level of accomplishment or a certain capability, then you will absolutely be limited to that. But if you have a growth mindset where you can get better and you can do other things, then that is a much better mindset that will enable you to accomplish more.

Have a growth mindset. Know that you can teach yourself. Know that your capabilities are only limited by your willingness to work hard at them. It’s all up to you to figure out what to harvest and calendarize.

And there you have it! 😊
Do you have any stories or experiences to share?
We’d like to hear about it. Feel free to share it in the comments.

—• Mukesh Ambani – Success Mantra To Be Successful •—Mukesh Ambani, considered as an extreme innovator and believer in g...

—• Mukesh Ambani – Success Mantra To Be Successful •—

Mukesh Ambani, considered as an extreme innovator and believer in game-changing businesses of the future, is the chairman, managing director of $88 billion (revenue) oil and gas giant Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), a Fortune Global 500 company and India's most valuable company by its market value.

Ambani, 64, is the richest Indian and ranks 10th on Forbes World's Billionaire list with a wealth of $75 billion. He also revolutionised the telecom sector by launching Reliance Jio in 2016. RIL sparked a price war in India's hyper-competitive telecom market with the launch of the 4G phone service Jio.

Today, Reliance is not only the leader but also a massive employer with nearly 195 thousand employees and 3 million stakeholders who share the success of the company.

In just four decades, Reliance has grown from a small startup to one of the largest and most admired companies in the world!

Here are Mukesh Ambani's 10 success mantra to be successful

—•Dream Big And Focus On Goals•—

Dream big and focus on goals that would help "overcome obstacles." Remember there's no substitute for hard work. Have confidence and believe in yourself!

—•Find And Solve Problems•—

The second piece that you can learn as an entrepreneur is that it's very important to find a problem that you want to solve. Before you start building a company, determine the problem you're solving.

If you really want to obtain success, the first thing you need to do is find the problem to solve. The problem serves as the foundation for your company.

—•Risks Give The Greatest Lessons•—

There is a fundamental difference between adventure-seeker and gambler. Both set out to make memorable experiences. But, both choose different ways to do so. Mukesh is more of an adventure seeker than a gambler. He knows his goals and will chase them to their logical end.

—•Work Hard•—

Put on your running shoes, but remember that personal and professional success is not a sprint but a marathon. We are lucky to be living in a dynamic world where anything is possible but it is important to remember there are no overnight successes you will need to be dedicated, single-minded and there is no substitute for hard work.

Also, remember that in this marathon of life, it is important to achieve our goals but not at any cost.

—•Serve A Higher Purpose•—

Mukesh Ambani said that his father (Dhirubhai Ambani) started RIL with $100. When he joined RIL in 1980, the market value of the company was around $40 million and in 30 years, the opportunities had enabled them to create wealth for India.

RIL raised all its money from capital markets and individual small shareholders to create a million millionaires just by investing in RIL out of ordinary Indians of creating wealth for the country.

Once you create opportunity wealth comes. Any business that has the sole purpose of making money is not worth doing, it must serve a larger societal purpose.

—•Accept Failure And Always Have A Positive Attitude•—

Failures are normal. So never get disheartened by failures, learn from your mistakes and never give up. There will be difficult days, hard times and stressful periods. Although it’s not easy to spot the silver linings, having a positive attitude can help you push through rough patches.

In life, movement and growth are essential, which optimism helps us achieve.

—•Work To Be A Brand•—

Many companies are running in this business world. But, try to be different from others. This can only happen if you are a brand. Thus, work towards being a brand that people will have on their mind all the time. Of course, brand building is a huge task but nothing is impossible if you try. So, give your best shot and see yourself as the owner of a brand.

—•Build Team-Morale•—

Be there for your team. Trust the professionals. Learn, learn and learn. It’s never too late for that. When you build trustworthy teams, every moment you spend with them contributes directly to the revenue of the company.

—•Stay Alert, On-Guard•—

It always pays well to understand your surroundings. You may have created a niche product. But if there is a better product in the market that’s going to outdo yours, you better pull up your socks and sit down to improve your skills. A product is not sacrosanct. Competition always yields better deal to the customer.

—•Credibility Carries A High Premium•—

Whether your team needs you, or your competition – be there on both occasions to give your fullest. Understand, innovate and prepare for the future. Credibility is something that needs to be safeguarded beyond your cash inflow and outflow.

No doubt Mukhesh got the business as a dynast. But, taking the business ahead and expanding it in such a wonderful way is not an easy task. With his hard work, determination, and business acumen, India's richest man Mukesh Ambani has inspired many!

The better you understand your business ecology, your efforts are sure to meet success. 😊

—• Stephen Hawking – Valuable Lessons for Entrepreneurs • —Stephen Hawking was an iconic man and inspirational to all. T...

—• Stephen Hawking – Valuable Lessons for Entrepreneurs • —

Stephen Hawking was an iconic man and inspirational to all. The famed theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author died of progressive neurodegenerative disease at the age of 76.

What struck the most about Hawking was his ability to provide such powerful insights into the meaning of life and work, even when his physical body didn't allow him to do much. Having a purpose in your career is often understated how important it is.

In his lifetime, Hawking spoke about striving for success and happiness. Here are a few of his most powerful quotes.

—•"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet."• —
Thinking big and looking up at the stars once in a while will allow you to reflect on your life's accomplishments. A good reminder to keep moving forward and to have a bigger life vision.

Yes, it's okay to put your head down and work, but don't sacrifice your bigger vision. Look at the stars and visualize what your future may hold.

You might think that you don't have enough time to reflect, but your schedule is up to you. Use it wisely. Don't get caught looking at your feet all day.

—•"Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it."• —

If you're lucky enough to have work that you enjoy and gives you purpose, keep going. If you don't know what your meaning and purpose is, then it's time to start looking up at the stars.

Work can be frustrating at times, but don't let it discourage you. It's the path to real meaning in your life.

It's tempting to give up especially when things aren't going well for your business. Startups aren't easy, and it can be really stressful. Take some time off if you have too, but don't give up on work. You started something for a reason, so it's important you see it through.

—•"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change."• —
His inability to speak did not stop him at any point in his life. He used technology not only to overcome barriers but achieve great, great things!

Intelligence is not the intellect you were born with, it is how hard you are willing to work, and have the awareness and astuteness to know things are changing.

Adapting to the environment around you, and using it to reach your goal is the sign of intelligence. Minor hiccups at work should not stop you from moving ahead on your path. Adapt to the change around you, reroute and move towards your ultimate destination.

—•"Concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well and don’t regret the things it interferes with."• —
After he had been diagnosed with just a few years of life, he made a family and threw himself into his research and work.

Let nothing stop you from doing what you can do. Obstacles are inevitable and uncontrollable. What you can control is your ability to use your strengths to the optimum, without focusing too much on the hurdles. This is an important tip to keep going as an entrepreneur. A few wrong decisions, some backfires, and a roadblock should not keep you from wanting to achieve something great.

—•"It is no good getting furious if you get stuck. What I do is keep thinking about the problem but work on something else."• —
Roadblocks and mental blocks are very common for an entrepreneur. Sometimes, the solution is pretty simple and straightforward, while other times finding that solution could be challenging and time-taking. The key in such cases is to never stop doing what you are already doing. Keep working on something, while you figure out a solution for your roadblock. Never, ever stop doing what you are doing.

—•"I have so much that I want to do. I hate wasting time."• —
In Hawking’s research about time, he remarked that it is impossible to turn back the clock. Money comes and goes, whereas, time is something that never comes back. You must use it wisely.

Never waste your time doing things that do not take you forward. Never waste your time doing things that do not help you grow. As important as it is to make your business grow, it is equally important to make yourself grow. If you grow as a person, you will grow as an entrepreneur too.

—•"I hope I have helped to raise the profile of science and to show that physics is not a mystery but can be understood by ordinary people."• —
Hawking was a firm believer in sharing knowledge. He made his knowledge and theories on artificial intelligence and astrophysics accessible for everyone out there. He believed, that if you do not share your knowledge by communicating effectively, you are losing out on a golden opportunity.

You must not underestimate the power that give-and-take of knowledge holds in our lives. Exchanging know-how, ideas, insights, and beliefs, is one of the lesser-known but very effective ingredients to help an enterprise grow. As an entrepreneur, you should always be ready to teach and learn something new, not just from your partners, but your resources, your clients, and everyone who works around you.

Networking is of utmost importance for growth, and working out of a coworking space presents you with the opportunity to mingle and collaborate, without any extra effort on your end.

—•"The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities."• —
Stephen Hawking never took a day in his life, whether good or bad, for granted. He embraced life as it was and moved ahead, every single day. He advocated the mantra of “living in the now” and “embracing the uncertainty”.

Not all your days are going to be good, and not all of them are going to be bad. All you need to do is embrace the indefiniteness and uncertainty of things and keep doing what you can to do justice to the present with all you have, and hope for the best tomorrow.

—•"People who boast about their IQs are losers."• —
When you are the smartest in the crowd and do not go around smothering yourself and people with the fact, that is when you start to move in the direction of achieving something extraordinary.

Always keep your eye on expanding your knowledge, growing, and using that knowledge to get somewhere. This is how you will be able to achieve your goals and reach your destination.

—•"We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful."• —
Hawking never took anything for granted, and never felt the fate of his own life or of our universe was anyone's responsibility but his own, and mankind's, and felt grateful for his life, and the opportunities he had to study the cosmos.

Stephen Hawking was more than just a theoretical physicist. His contribution to the world of science, and to those looking for life lessons, has been incredible. He personified “Achieving the impossible”. An inspiration that he will always be, to say that the life and work of Stephen Hawking was a success, would be a gross understatement.

What have you admired most about Stephen Hawking? Let us know in the comments. 😊



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