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Tuesday, 26. January 2021Author: Mike Smith The world’s social media giants have, at last, to the fact that they are not just platforms but publishers. They are responsible for the content they allow or do not allow, supplied by us the public as authors. Hence, for instance, their decision to ban...


People who read comments on Facebook posts by news outlets are more likely to use toxic language when making comments themselves, researchers have claimed

You can tour a museum at 9, take a mixology class at 11, and swoop over Machu Picchu at 3, but do these online versions ...

You can tour a museum at 9, take a mixology class at 11, and swoop over Machu Picchu at 3, but do these online versions of “doing stuff” really scratch the itch?

You can tour a museum at 9, take a mixology class at 11, and swoop over Machu Picchu at 3, but do these online versions of "doing stuff" really scratch the itch?


Damian Bradfield explores data misuse and whether we can ever regain trust in the internet in his new book


The CEO of HackerOne, which features a community of over 600,000 people working remotely, offers tips for the best ways to set up remote workers to succeed.


Dig into the psychology of political partisanship, how to recognize it and what strategies can be used to combat it. -- Can someone’s political identity actu...


BeYoutiful Mind

How close are we to uploading our minds? - Michael S.A. Graziano

Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world.

Investigate the possibility of scanning the human brain and uploading our minds and consciousness to a digital world. -- Imagine a future where nobody dies— ...

Octave Uzanne’s “The End of Books” (1894)

Over a century before the invention of the e-reader and the meteoric rise of the audiobook and podcast, a French bibliophile imagines how advances in phonographic technology might spell the end of all printed text.

Over a century before the invention of the e-reader, a French bibliophile imagines how advances in phonographic technology might spell the end of all printed text.



Maybe they were trying to spread a paw-sitive image of the KP government?


Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

Young Muslims and non-Muslims from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK took part in the Learning to be a Peacemaker course at the Caux Palace in July.
"Muslims are part of Europe, and Europe’s destiny is directly intertwined with European Muslims. There is no conflict in being European and Muslim, and Muslims who live in Europe have a duty to contribute to its wellbeing. The focus of the course is to help young Muslims embrace this reality and make this paradigm shift." (Imam Ajmal Masroor)

Caux Forum

Caux Forum

Relive some of the marking moments of the 2018 AEUB Project: Tools for Changemakers. It was an inspiring event! Initiatives of Change Switzerland Initiatives of Change International Video by Keerthigan Sivakumar


Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

training track ‘Non-violent communication as a dialogue approach’ will focus on exploring Non-Violent Communication as a dialogue approach, addressing two major challenges:
• how to understand another human being
• how to be understood in a way I want to be understood
It will be an interactive process where experiential learning is key, and where participants will explore the method together through practice in groups and real-life examples. By the end of the track, you will be familiar with the simple and applicable NVC model of communication that consists of 4 steps and you will have experienced how this model can contribute to your life.

Olena Kashkarova got involved in dialogue work at first through the personal experience of a conflict over different historical narratives. Later, this led to her involvement in conducting dialogues for people with different views on Ukrainian past, initiating dialogues between people of different political opinions during Euromaidan revolution and becoming a co-founder of the Network of Dialogue Facilitators. She worked for UN Programme for Development as a Specialist on Reconciliation, now she serves as a member of IofC International Council and continues her work in Ukraine as a dialogue facilitator, expert on social cohesion and a trainer. Her major interests lie in learning and practicing Non-Violent Communication and exploring embodiment practices to develop an integral approach to dialogue.

Angela Starovoitova is passionate about building connections between people and communities. Her expertise is in non-formal education and participatory methods using an individual approach to creating a safe and trusting environment to inspire personal transformation and change of relationships. Angela has 18 years of international experience organizing and running workshops/conferences/long-term programs on ethical leadership, critical thinking, conflict resolution, trust- and peace-building. Angela is one of the founders of an International NGO 'Foundations for Freedom/Initiatives of Change'' having worked in Ukraine, UK, Switzerland, Germany, etc. Currently involved mainly with the 'Network of dialogue facilitators' in running dialogues, forums and other events on conflict-resolution, peace-building and social cohesion as an invited expert in some projects with UNDP, IOM, and OSCE in Ukraine.

Read more: %20violent%20comm

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Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

One week to go! Can’t wait to welcome our participants, speakers, facilitators, and team in next week for ! Check the weather, pack business cards & get ready to learn, engage & mobilize for social cohesion in !


Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

'Philosophical Counseling: New approaches to social inclusion' offers a set of innovative tools for working with vulnerable groups, especially migrants, asylum-seekers, women and minors, and building bridges between such groups and the local communities.

During the past six years, Cristina Bignardi and her team have worked with migrants in Italy and developed a new methodology by combining several techniques: self-help groups, café philo, research communities and philosophical counseling.

This lead to a technique of listening and sharing the narrative dimension of one’s life and circumstances, using as pretext conventional wisdom and relevant quotes from philosophers and writers.

The innovative aspect in using philosophical counseling with vulnerable people is to try to give them a new way of thinking, a new contextualization about life. This is done through group discussion, starting from a proverb or a philosophical consideration. The participants have the opportunity to engage with and think critically about taken for granted aspects of their own cultural background and compare it with those of the other participants. This activity allows to solicit a more creative and assertive way of thinking, helping the person to overcome the negative experience and regain the capacity to hope and plan for a better future.

Participants at this workshop will:
• learn how to frame migration issues, based on the example of the Italian context;
• learn how to make a relevant analysis on the field, using Medical Anthropology approach;
• understand how this inovative methodology helps asylum seekers to better understand the European Culture;
• develop a new perspective in thinking about one’s life through these philosophical tools.

Cristina Bignardi, a graduate in History of Arts and Philosophy, is a trained Philosophical Counselor and has been working with migrants since 2001, through several projects focusing on multicultural dialogue. She has worked in the Psychiatric Department of Bologna University, first on Early Prevention of Psychosis and later as facilitator of a self-help group for asylum seekers and refugees. Cristina’s interests have been also focusing on women's rights and victims of war-rapes, food sovereignty, farming and sustainable development. Since 2012 she has been the coordinator of "Prevention has no color 2.0", a health programme for foreign women in Italy implemented by Pace Adesso - Peace Now. Currently she is an active worker on social inclusion. %20counc

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Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

‘Heart-centred approaches to the refugee crisis’ training draws on the experiences of two initiatives arising in response to the recent humanitarian crisis. They have sought to bring fresh perspectives and find new ways to welcome, support and create connection between emerging communities of locals and their neighbours who were displaced from their homelands.
The sessions will be experiential, engaging hearts and minds and invite participation as we dig deep into what community means and ask what might be your own unique contribution to this most pressing of issues. The training is open to both experienced volunteers and those wanting to know what they can do.
Sessions will explore:
• Models of initiatives that connect and create community among and between people
• Values underpinning a heart-centred approach
• Awareness and practices of deep hospitality
• The role of faith and faith communities
• Understanding and tools to co-ordinate volunteering as a dynamic social witness practice
• Leadership skills and qualities in the face of seemingly insurmountable issues
• The shadow side of volunteering and humanitarian work
Jo Winsloe Slater is Project Manager of People of the Earth, a programme of St Ethelburga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, London. During the winter of 2015/16 she and other members of St Ethelburga’s staff took the independent initiative to volunteer on the Greek island of Le**os, a hotspot for refugees seeking sanctuary in Europe. The programme emerged from this heart-opening experience and comprises leadership skills for young adults, interfaith action and community building. Over the last two years the programme has developed a dynamic social witness model of short-term volunteering to support organisations working with displaced people in Europe, and created vibrant social events for London locals and newcomers to meet beyond labels and in a space of shared humanity. Jo has been co-ordinating projects in the fields of interfaith, social justice and social care in the non-governmental sector for over twenty years. She is a current trustee of The Forgiveness Project.
Bruna Kadletz is an Associate of St. Ethelburga´s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace. She is a facilitator and the co-founder of Circles of Hospitality, a Brazilian organization whose focus lies on reclaiming a culture of peace and deep hospitality in times of polarization and intolerance against the other. In 2009, Bruna left a promising career in dentistry to seek purpose and meaning in life. Since then, her attention has turned to humanitarian crises, taking her to South Africa, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Greece, the Balkans and other places. She has a Masters in Sociology and Global Change from the University of Edinburgh, with emphasis on forced displacement and climate.
Read more about it here:
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Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

'Telling a New Story – Questioning Identities' training offers the opportunity to explore the relationship between personal, community and global narratives. What are the historic narratives that inform communal relationships? What are the stories that shape identities? Is my personal story stuck or growing?
In an increasingly fragile and divided world stories can heal, stories can harm. We will explore an invitation to take responsibility for the stories we tell and to transform them for the future benefit of our communities and in the cause of peace. What might it mean to be an advocate for a new story’– the story of our shared humanity?
Over the course of the sessions, each participant will have the chance to investigate their own sense of identity, and to prepare and tell an aspect of their own story as a tool for peace advocacy.
The areas of learning are:
1. The potential of each individual in becoming an ‘advocate for a new story’
2. Skills in listening deeply to ourselves and others as a means for healing
3. The role of storysharing as a tool for deepening connections and advocating for peace
4. Exploration of the contexts in which the stories we each carry might be transformative
5. Understanding issues of identity
6. Experiencing a shared humanity
The training will help develop a new methodology and theme for the work of Creators of Peace (CoP)

Jean Brown is one of the elders for Creators of Peace and has been involved with CoP since 1994. Jean is the designer of the Creators of Peace Circles which have spread to 50 countries over the last fifteen years. She authored the CoP facilitation and training manuals and most recently was the convenor for CoP's 25th anniversary conference. Jean has worked full-time with Initiatives of Change for 50+ years, including for many years in India and the USA, pioneering projects such as 'Action for Life', a leadership programme for young people, and supporting reconciliation initiatives in South Sudan. She lives in Australia where, together with her family, she is actively involved with community initiatives and regularly mentors women around the world.
Amina Dikedi-Ajakaiye has been actively involved in the work of the Initiatives of Change (IofC) since 1982. Originally a teacher, Amina decided to change her profession and run a fashion business in Lagos. While involved in her profession, Amina remained involved with IofC volunteer work. In 2000, as a member of the IofC International Coordination Group, Amina and others ran international pan-African ethical leadership programmes across Africa. In 2013, Amina was contracted as Project Leader to support the South Sudan Initiative for Peace and National Reconciliation. From 1994 to 2013 Amina served as International Coordinator to the Creators of Peace (CoP). She has been a Board member of IofC Nigeria since 2012 and a member of the IofC African Coordination Group (ACG) 2007 – 2010. From March 2014 to 2017 she served as convenor of the ACG. Amina is currently the President of Creators of Peace International. Through her work and her caring approach, Amina has earned the respect, trust and friendship of a large network of individuals throughout Africa and many countries beyond, from Presidents, and politicians, senior civil servants, traditional leaders, educators, business people and ordinary citizens. She has an ongoing involvement through these friendships in many countries, including the Great Lakes Region, Sierra Leone, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. She worked with the programme Agenda for Reconciliation for over 10 years. Amina is married and lives in UK.

To learn about all training tracks at :

To register for Addressing Europe's Unfinished Business

22 Tech Gadgets Our Grandchildren May Be Using in the Future

22 Tech Gadgets Our Grandchildren May Be Using in the Future

According to statistics, an average adult in the U.S. spends about $1,200 on electronic gizmos a year. Apparently, this type of expense will only increase over time since we invent more and more gadgets that make our life easier and more enjoyable every single day.


Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

Mindfulness through Playfulness:
“Using teamwork as the lens, we look at the concept of INTERBEING – an understanding that all and everybody co-exist, inter-are”. Txema Pérez and Lana Biba of 2theatre address the common themes of humanity underneath any cultural difference, aiming to create theatre that touches people all around the world.
Through the “Mindfulness through Playfulness” training participants will learn to work assertively and devise creative material with an international team.

Read more: %20lana
Register for Addressing Europe's Unfinished Business:


Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

On July 23rd, Andrew Stallybrass will tell the story of Caux Palace as you never heard it before. Don't miss it! Register today for Addressing Europe's Unfinished Business!


Tools for Changemakers: Europe in Dialogue

Addressing Europe's Unfinished Business is a training conference about social cohesion in Europe, featuring a wide panel of experts, 9 in-depth trainings on trustbuilding, dialogue, refugees, democracy, peacebuilding, identity, NVC, 14 communities, 2 youth programmes (Young Ambassadors Programme and Learning to be a Peace-Maker) and participants of all ages and backgrounds. Join us July 23-27!

AEUB Tools for Changemakers

AEUB Tools for Changemakers

Young Ambassadors Programme (YAP) 2018 at : Call for Applications. Deadline: April 15!



"It's going to be possible for our digital personas to continue to interact in the real world long after we're gone."

Tech Insider

Tech Insider

A robot that once said it would 'destroy humans' just became the first robot citizen.


Connektivism: social media with a heart

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